Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow Using Remo Nutrients By Tokin Roll

Glad it went well Tokin! :)
Thank you for stopping by @InTheShed @Ke0ncp and @Grand Daddy Black

Things are moving right along with the Purple Ghost Candies. The smaller of the two in the 2x4 tent is going to be harvest possible this weekend or early next week. The funny thing is they were both started the same time, and one still manager to get ahead on harvest time frame. The trichomes are mostly cloudy by now with a few ambers thrown in.

My guess on yield would be around a little over 1/4 pound. The reason I say this is because the nug's are solid with some weight.

Here are some current images.

Now the larger of the two in the 3x3 tent. She has been busy fattening up and I would say she has about two weeks to go. Currently it is difficult getting a good images of her. She has so many cola's laying against the back of the tent. This plant is something else, and has been a real pleasure to grow. But, she will fool even an experienced grower with her stretch.

Next year this one will be going under the net. I enjoy growing one plant DWC, but I have grown some strain under the net that did not preform. So now I look at strains presciently for this type of grow and I believe that PGC has all the boxes checked for an excellent DWC grow.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Good Morning 420 Magazine

Everything is moving right along on both Purple Ghost Candy. The smaller of the two in the 2x4 tent is close but still not ready for harvest. I am just watering and standing by waiting for a little more development. It should not be much longer.

The Purple Ghost Candy in the 3x3 tent is still putting on weight and starting to get a serious sag on the cola's. Not that I am complaining just making note of it. She and the other PGC are very sticky but I still see no sign of purple buds. I guess it was not meant to be. Oh well.

On a side note I will be growing 4-5 gallon fabric bags for the 4x4 tent. I have not decided on the strain yet but will be selecting soon. Then I am going to grow something special in the 3x3 tent. Maybe Moon rocks or auto's or something else.

I will post images on my next update.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Both Purple Ghost Candies are still moving along fattening up and getting ready for harvest. Not a lot to say at this point just standing by waiting for the trichomes to fully develop. Maybe two weeks to go for these two.

At this point I start looking for foxtail-ling which normally occurs at the end of flowering stage.

Here are some current images over the last few days.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Both Purple Ghost Candies are still moving along fattening up and getting ready for harvest. Not a lot to say at this point just standing by waiting for the trichomes to fully develop. Maybe two weeks to go for these two.

At this point I start looking for foxtail-ling which normally occurs at the end of flowering stage.

Here are some current images over the last few days.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,

Sweet Mohamba Jahamba!!
The Purple Ghost Candy in my 2x4 tent and the smaller of the two was placed into a dark mode before harvest on Saturday or Sunday.
I placed this plant in a 48 hours dark period earlier this week to get the trichomes to develop more. Then I turned the light back on again and in about 72 hours she was ready for harvest with about 3% amber. She should have around 5% or so come this weekend.

another update: she is ready to chop. :theband:

Here are some of the last images of the smaller of the two Purple Ghost Candy in the 2x4 tent getting ready to chop.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Thank you for stopping by @JiggiLotus

Over the next week or so I will be harvest all of my garden. Next week will be Banana Jealousy and the larger PGC will be harvested shortly after that one.

I already notified my trim crew the time is coming. I get a couple of my sons friends to come help me and I pay them handsomely with product and they come when I call them. This is just for larger plants that will take me a couple days if I do it myself.

The one today is an easy harvest maybe a couple hours.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Happy snipping Toke! :Rasta:
Another one down, another one down, another one bites the dust.

Thank you for stopping by @KeithLemon @Grand Daddy Black and @StoneOtter

It only took a couple hours to chop her and place the buds in my drying net. I did take a sample last week and smoked one this morning. I like it. It got me up and going this morning, where coffee wasn't doing it. It was an early sample, but still enjoyable.

Here are some of the last images for the smaller of the two Purple Ghost Candy.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
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