Schnookie's Semi-Permanent Grow Meditations

LOL, is that what it's called? I had forgotten. It's in the veg tent on 24x7 to keep it warm enough in the basement. I'm gonna start the tobacco in here for a few weeks then hopefully it will be warm enough to go outside.
I plan on getting one for my 2x2. Would you recommend for autos from seed to harvest in a 2x2?
They were maybe purple the first week when the color started, but in direct sunlight I think they still look just about black.

Larf buds:

I quit smoking cigs 5 (6? 4?) years ago, maybe had halfa to a dozen since then. Smoked over 30 years between 1/2-full pack a day. Several years when I was still running (races too!) I would quit smoking for half the year to train for this 5 mile race I did with a bunch of friends, and we'd light up at the end with free beer from the sponsors. We weren't the only ones lol! Cigarrette smoking is SO GROSS! I'm allowed to say it!
Now, cigars ain't that much better IMHO as far as smell (third person) but I'm not inhaling so I don't think it's (nearly as) bad as cigs for my personal health. I shoulda done a little more research on the types tobacco to grow, but maybe these strains I got will get changed next year. I've got 7 different ones (and 2 more which I'm not starting probably). My thought was to grow a few plants and cure them and make cigars. No clue yet if that's gonna take years or what, but I got nothing but time...
Sounds fun!
Well I must say I'm pleasantly surprised!

Bagged up all of rest of the Tropicanna Poison buds from the rack and weighed it all with the previous jars. They had an extra couple of weeks to dry in the 55-65% humidity basement. 224g dried makes me very happy! With the amount I've already "tested" the last couple of weeks, that's a half pound in my books! My biggest one plant harvest to date! And an AUTO! Has a little creamy taste at the end and some spice. I tasted balsam the other day in this which was odd.



might enter into the nug o da month...

And I put RPCBD1 into bags too. 1 1/2 oz for this one is ok. Tried some out and I can't place the flavor. Not much yet. Hopefully will cure well.



And we're getting some interesting weather. I'm having fun recording this and comparing to the forecasts. AccuWeather is pretty good but it's about 2 to 4 degrees colder than my actual observations, pretty consistently most of the time.

Screenshot_20240414-200348_Govee Home.jpg
And apparently this strain, or the combination of the 3 I have in the tray, is making me a very sharing person tonight.

When I bought this house I got the opportunity to make some, well quite a few, changes since it was new construction and I got in before there was even wood nailed.

This is the first house since my very first 30 years ago that I'm living alone in my own home and I'm loving it!


I now can also decorate how I want without thinking about anyone else. This is a movie poster I bought on etsy last fall and put up in my bathroom next to my smoking den (I like to keep the fan going so the place doesn't always smell like it... but that's what the poster's for LOL.

And while I was writing this soliloquy I heard the airfryer ring to tell me it's stopped now for the second time after i took the overcooked onion rings from the first unmonitored session and my frozen chicken cordon Bleu is now a chicken brick I think.
And apparently this strain, or the combination of the 3 I have in the tray, is making me a very sharing person tonight.

When I bought this house I got the opportunity to make some, well quite a few, changes since it was new construction and I got in before there was even wood nailed.

This is the first house since my very first 30 years ago that I'm living alone in my own home and I'm loving it!


I now can also decorate how I want without thinking about anyone else. This is a movie poster I bought on etsy last fall and put up in my bathroom next to my smoking den (I like to keep the fan going so the place doesn't always smell like it... but that's what the poster's for LOL.

I guessing it's a GREAT combo! 👍
So is there a way to change the name of my journal to be my perpetual? I've started some new seeds today in the hopes of having some variety to sample going forward again. After my almost run-in with the law at my old apartment, I basically "burned" through all of my stash until I started growing again last fall (pun intended :D )

Today seeds from Seedsman and a WeedSeedsExpress went into cups of water for their initial soak.

CBG Citrus Nectar autoflower X 2 (CBGCN)

Witches Wedding (WW) x 1 & Orange Apricot Glue XL Auto (OAG)
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