They were maybe purple the first week when the color started, but in direct sunlight I think they still look just about black.
Larf buds:
I quit smoking cigs 5 (6? 4?) years ago, maybe had halfa to a dozen since then. Smoked over 30 years between 1/2-full pack a day. Several years when I was still running (races too!) I would quit smoking for half the year to train for this 5 mile race I did with a bunch of friends, and we'd light up at the end with free beer from the
sponsors. We weren't the only ones lol! Cigarrette smoking is SO GROSS! I'm allowed to say it!
Now, cigars ain't that much better IMHO as far as smell (third person) but I'm not inhaling so I don't think it's (nearly as) bad as cigs for my personal health. I shoulda done a little more research on the types tobacco to grow, but maybe these strains I got will get changed next year. I've got 7 different ones (and 2 more which I'm not starting probably). My thought was to grow a few plants and cure them and make cigars. No clue yet if that's gonna take years or what, but I got nothing but time...