Schnookie's Semi-Permanent Grow Meditations

Had a couple days where the reservoir might had got dry this past week and the girls look like it. Added some more water and added a tiny amount of MC to get little green back, plus cal mag and low dose of bud explosion, but now realizing that it's time for the regular feed on top so will do that tomorrow with some plain water.


Edit: since these are supposed to be at their peak for harvest in a week, should I keep feeding anyway?
Hey Schnookie looking great! I don't know. I'm curious. My guess would be stay the same or cut a little, but I don't feed so don't go by me thinking out loud. How's their drinking? Maybe that can help decide?
They are using lots of water for sure. Temps in mid to high 70s and rh 40s 50s. But data doesn't lie so they got dry the past few days it looks like

Screenshot_20240312-160231_Govee Home.jpg
The thickening (someone said "Chunkening?") is on! I took a look down the center of TP and it's buds to the ground!

I think it's amazing how she basically set her own canopy with all the colas! No training done whatsoever. We are right at 8 weeks now from start so she should be ready to go. Will check trichs tomorrow, but she don't look ready by any means.


And RPCBD1 and 2 are looking like they'll be ripe soon too.
But the plants are happy enough it seems, if growing slower than they were in August.

I want to give my hand a try at outdoor growing this year too. Those hermie Amnesia Lemon seeds are gonna get soaked in a couple months and spread in the garden for nature to decide who gets to live. This is probably a third of what I'll have.

Yikes I totally forgot about all those where did I put them?

I currently have 3 baggies getting filled up with the Cement Shoes X (CS and BBCBD) and Bruce Banner CBD X (either CS or BBCBD...gotta go back check the journal). Probably over 100 of the CS and half that of the BBCBD so far (it grows as I smoke the bud, :ganjamon: )
Since I'm home bound until my covid test is negative I've decided to start harvest. In looking at the center cola on Tropicanna Poison, she called to me and said, "it's time."

176g like this

Trimmed a little and washed, ready for drying. Might have separate the buds out to get the air in there. These are dense!


Harvest? What harvest? Plenty left to go still...another day. I'm gonna let 2 or 3 of the most mature colas go another 3 days or more I think and take them down next.

It looks different of course since I also rotated the SIP 180 degrees.

I'll get better at these photos..I might need to tape the loop onto my phone so it stays still (and I need a stand so I'm not shaking the damn thing like Michael J Fox! (Sorry if I offend!)).

Not ready yet...still lots of clear. Can kinda see that...
I'll get better at these photos..I might need to tape the loop onto my phone so it stays still (and I need a stand so I'm not shaking the damn thing like Michael J Fox! (Sorry if I offend!)).

Not ready yet...still lots of clear. Can kinda see that...
Can you get a natural light pic of the buds? :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Can you get a natural light pic of the buds? :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not "real" natural light. These are in a 12 gallon SIP (albeit with wheels, there's a hump on the tent that will cause issues moving it) and it's pretty inconvenient to get to the door. The light in this photo is also from the little led on the loop.
Despite efforts to keep bugs at bay (the fungus gnats are out of control!) with systemic and sprays it seems there are some mites on the TP so the next largest colas have come down. I'll take a closer look again after but these are pretty nice. 106G and 99G respectively. First two photos are same branch.


The first which still has a few fan leaves on it is now dried down to 112g so it's lost a lot of water already. If these all dry 80% I'll have almost 2.5oz just from these 3 main branches and the rest is easily gonna be that much. Then I've got the 2 RPCBDs to take down soon too! Can see RPCBD2 main cola on the back right. Sorry the HPS is washing the color out.


Looking down the middle. That trunk at the bottom is almost an inch in diameter!!
Despite efforts to keep bugs at bay (the fungus gnats are out of control!) with systemic and sprays it seems there are some mites on the TP so the next largest colas have come down. I'll take a closer look again after but these are pretty nice. 106G and 99G respectively. First two photos are same branch.


The first which still has a few fan leaves on it is now dried down to 112g so it's lost a lot of water already. If these all dry 80% I'll have almost 2.5oz just from these 3 main branches and the rest is easily gonna be that much. Then I've got the 2 RPCBDs to take down soon too! Can see RPCBD2 main cola on the back right. Sorry the HPS is washing the color out.


Looking down the middle. That trunk at the bottom is almost an inch in diameter!!
When the light goes out-hps, use a flash.
They look incredible, but yellow. :Namaste:
Branch you chopped looks great.
Sorry about the bugs.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looking nice and frosty and fat!! Sticccckkkkyyyy!!! Happy Monday. Hope you get over the Rona soon my friend!! 😎✌️
They are sticky AF! Clipped off sticky fan leaves and there were bugs stuck to the leaves even! Just need to cross it with a venus fly trap and it would be crazy!

Covid is over according to the test and I feel about 90% now and ready to do stuff again. Planted a couple blueberry bushes in the back yard today in fact.

They'll be right next to the weed plants in a month or so when I get them in the ground.
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