Schnookie's Semi-Permanent Grow Meditations

So, @InTheShed was correct! Thanks! I had dug around in the "headless" TP pot around the stem and though yesterday it was just stem, but tried a little harder just now and found the leaves under the soil not trying to push up so...I pulled the soil off and gave a little water to prevent drying and covered her back up with the cup.


I DID raise the light up a few inches and these guys are getting around 11-12k lux.

TP1 doing well

RP1 maybe getting a little untwisted with the light farther. RH% has been 64-69% mostly
20240124_150039 (1).jpg

And this from Royal Queen Seeds:

How Much Light Do Your Cannabis Plants Require?
Roughly, the lux ranges below are best suited to their corresponding stage of the growing cycle:

Clone and seedling stage: 5,000–7,000 lux
Vegetative stage: 15,000–50,000 lux
Flowering stage: 45,000–65,000 lux
Interesting. I'll raise the light some more then! ...and done.
But had to take out their little fiberboard stand and add a flatter one.
Now TP1 is getting just over 10k and each of the RP are getting 9k while the new one under the cup is getting under 8k since I stuck them in the corner. Might explain my lack of height on most of my grows...

And when they're a litle bigger in a couple weeks they'll be going into this growbox SIP type contraption. It will barely fit inside the little tent (it's 20"x24"X6.5" for soil (~13g) with ~1.5" of room for water =~3 gallons!), so it will be perfect to have when I harvest the CS and BBCBD in less than 3 weeks likely. Things are gonna start moving fast next week with both tents! These are autos so is there any reason to not up-pot them directly into here?

I'm not sure that late sprout is gonna make it. Losing it's color and hasn't lifted off the soil. It's still been under the cup so getting less light than the rest and most humidity...

And not a whole lotta change since yesterday. Not positive change anyway.

TP1 bucking the trend


Oops. Put the update in the wrong journal...

TP1 is gonna be a beast I predict. Stem getting thick and ready for heavy bud production.


I'm gonna put them into the growbox this weekend and chop down the flowers so these girls can use the big tent. I can turn off the HPS for now and the 2nd tent and save a few $ for the next few months.
Ok what happened to my updates? LOL I guess I was high.

These girls are gonna be movin' on up to the big time with more light and a better warm/cool cycle which will include a 4 hour night now. I'm ready to add some more of my failing house/deck-plants into the little tent so they survive this winter. A few of them I neglected and left outside which froze a good 90% of their bodies. :(



They're really starting to take off, so the SIP up-pot will hopefully give them a real kick in the pants and I get a nice huge harvest this time! :)
The little girls got migrated to the big tent today and got a huge upgrade in their growing medium. Tent is maintaining at 73 degrees and 60% RH while the tallest (TP) one is getting about 17k lux. As they grow up they will get more light and I will turn up the brightness as well in due time.




Nestled in their new bed.
Ok so it's been what, 5 days since my last update. Looking good, I like how easy this is lol.

Starting the stretch. Time for flowers and here they come.

Tropicanna Poison

junior size Red Pure CBD

Big Red Pure trying to catch up to Poison


I'm gonna put the flower nutes onto the top of the soil soon and some cal mag in the water with rosemary and neem oil
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