Schnookie's Semi-Permanent Grow Meditations

Oops. Missed a few updates to go with my photos. Growing along well but seeing some deep veining and lower old leaves yellowing. Normal for SIP autos? There's cal and mag and other good stuff mixed into the soil (Azomite). Do I need to augment the water too?

Here's 2 days ago:

Yesterday TP

Today. Heights are 13" (TP), 9" (RPCBD1), 4" (RPCBD2)

And RPCBD1 is starting to get some color on the bud leaves...very dark. Exciting! :cheer: :snowboating:
Oops. Missed a few updates to go with my photos. Growing along well but seeing some deep veining and lower old leaves yellowing. Normal for SIP autos? There's cal and mag and other good stuff mixed into the soil (Azomite). Do I need to augment the water too?

Here's 2 days ago:

Yesterday TP

Today. Heights are 13" (TP), 9" (RPCBD1), 4" (RPCBD2)

And RPCBD1 is starting to get some color on the bud leaves...very dark. Exciting! :cheer: :snowboating:
Good evening my friend.
The girls look hungry.
I don't think they are getting everything they need from your soil.
I'd try feeding some flowering nutrients next time instead of water.
Do you check your ph?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good evening my friend.
The girls look hungry.
I don't think they are getting everything they need from your soil.
I'd try feeding some flowering nutrients next time instead of water.
Do you check your ph?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Gave some calmag plus kelp yesterday in a half gallon of water. After the last fill up it seemed to drain several ounces quite a while after watering... still filled from the bottom.
I don't think I got photos yesterday since I went to visit my youngest son a couple hours away where he's a senior in college. It was really good to hang out with him and his girlfriend for a few hours and we went back to her apartment to meet her puppy and her friends were all chilling with their bong playing video games. Good times. 👍

RPCBD1 is really getting her color on. Can't wait to see what more she can do. I've been changing the light at the end of the day by turning off the 250w HPS along with the lowered wattage LED. Right now she's getting around 26k lumens at her top but at night the temps go down to around 70-72 from 80 during the day. It's not much brighter during the day just warmer.


And TP is cranking along. 17" tall now with over 40k lumens at her top, she seems to like it. As she keeps stretching I'll start moving the light up. Nice and frosty already too.
Moving right along now.



Today 2/22
RPCBD color keeps spreading. Almost black...hard to tell exact color.


TP is now over 20" tall, RPCBD1 is 13" and RPCBD2 is 10". These are barely 5 weeks at this point from soil pop.
It's always so cool to watch the purple start in the middle and spread out from there. Did you consider and reject topping them or was that never on the agenda?
I'm still gun shy on topping autos. I've never had huge expectations for them so my results are always awesome lol.
TP is starting to go beast mode. The side shoots have each grown like 2 inches in the last day and I might be seeing a fat 5 cola top once she fills in! RPCBD2 has caught up to her purple sister. She's looking more like TP which is weird. Pretty sure I didn't mix up the seeds but...Notice the stowaway in the corner too. Not sure what that is...found her under the cover when I fed the Geoflora yesterday.:eye-roll::eye-roll:😟


These 3 are supposed to have about a month left to finish. They're gonna be huge!

Moving right along. Got 3 tops on the Tropicanna Poison all at 22" and more reaching up still! It's trying to make it's own level canopy! Sooooo sticky too; just covered in frost. Both RPCBD are the same height at 15" now and #2 _might_ be starting to get some color. I've been adjusting the lights as I have an HPS and an LED now at the same height. I turn off the HPS at night and the LED up to 100% adjusted front-back to keep to tops of the buds at around 50k lumens.

Some closer shots of top buds showing both TP and RPCBD2 might be getting some color? Some pics online of TP I've seen are pretty cool purple with orange hairs...mebbe?

TP is covered in trichs head to toe

RPCBD2 Color coming in? Reddish? Definitely noticable on lower buds.

And the black/purple RPCBD1 still pushing out pistils. Time for the thickening. Next watering will have some bud explosion [tm] added allong with a little cal and mag.

And little Stowaway growing along too.
RPCBD2 definitely coloring up. She was a late bloomer, but I hope she thickens up. We are at between 6-7 weeks of life now (seed sprout from soil 1/18 ish). Supposedly only another 2 weeks to finish (yea right).

RPCBD1 inching along

TP1 getting thicker. 8 colas might make it fully growing all by themselves to the canopy next to the main cola. Might be getting a little pinkish there...


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