Schnookie's Semi-Permanent Grow Meditations

They are sticky AF! Clipped off sticky fan leaves and there were bugs stuck to the leaves even! Just need to cross it with a venus fly trap and it would be crazy!

Covid is over according to the test and I feel about 90% now and ready to do stuff again. Planted a couple blueberry bushes in the back yard today in fact.

They'll be right next to the weed plants in a month or so when I get them in the ground.
I'm cracking up over the bug thing!!! I do wash my buds. But who knows WTF I've smoked back in the 80s-90s. Brick weed until you found someone local who actually grew their own. It is amazing the shit that comes off in the wash/rinse. I remember being scared shitless the first time I tried washing my buds. Worried if I was gonna fuck em up after all the TLC! KnowhatImean!! Happy hump 🐪 day!! Smoke report later maybe? 😎✌️🎸
I'm cracking up over the bug thing!!! I do wash my buds. But who knows WTF I've smoked back in the 80s-90s. Brick weed until you found someone local who actually grew their own. It is amazing the shit that comes off in the wash/rinse. I remember being scared shitless the first time I tried washing my buds. Worried if I was gonna fuck em up after all the TLC! KnowhatImean!! Happy hump 🐪 day!! Smoke report later maybe? 😎✌️🎸
I feel like maybe I'm a little too rough with the washing. I've tried a recent thing just to ensure shit is DEAD...I've got the little fruit shaped squeeze bottles of lemon or lime juice and I spray the buds a good bit then dunk and spin for 20-30 seconds in the pot. I've got a 4 gal and a 5 gal ss pot that I used for brewing beer that are now the washing station. After the rinse in tap water in the 2nd pot I rinse them under the soft spray from the faucet. The last thing is cold water. It seems to keep the trichs intact better for me, at least what's left at that point. LOL
A little Red Pure CBD bud tip (RPCBD2). Not quite as dark as her older sister, and not sure if these two will be harvested this weekend maybe. Since it's CBD, I should just let them go until there's no clear trichs at all, and what, mostly amber too?




Most of TP will be coming down soon as well. From the way they all look, I can take the top 2/3 off and let them chunk up another week on the bottoms.
A little Red Pure CBD bud tip (RPCBD2). Not quite as dark as her older sister, and not sure if these two will be harvested this weekend maybe. Since it's CBD, I should just let them go until there's no clear trichs at all, and what, mostly amber too?




Most of TP will be coming down soon as well. From the way they all look, I can take the top 2/3 off and let them chunk up another week on the bottoms.
Garden looks great my friend.
I've never flowered a cbd plant, but from what I understand 50% milky trics at minimum is what your looking for.
I believe amber trics on cbd means it's degrading.
This is from talking to others who grow cbd, not my experience. :Namaste:
But I'm pretty sure you want most of the pistils to go amber first still.
Great work.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Two more down, 82g semi trimmed.


And the remaining which is still quite a bit given how much I've already gotten in my experience.


And I'll be taking down RPCBD1 tomorrow maybe. I'm actually going to see a man about a truck tomorrow and I wanna do some fence and yard work too but...
Took the main bud of TP, the first part of the harvest and saw it had dried to 42g, so I destemmed the buds and packed away 33g into a grove (type) bag.
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I also took down 2 more of the TP colas 57g, no pic), there's just a few short late ones now left and RPCBD2 which is foxtailing so have to make choices soon.

Took down the rest of TP today...just too many flies and bugs in the tent. If RPCBD2 was affected by bugs she'd be coming down too, but it seems they don't like RPCBD much...her sister was bug free too.

perfect time to edit!!


Baby got back! This sister has some thicccc trunk. At least an inch in diameter! Also, this was not a trained plant. Check out that auto quad!!

Seems RPCBD2 never got a lot of love and attention in this journal and she's the last one standing. Getting tired of the tent and the flies and want to think about what to do with the stowaway too. I'm starting some tobacco seeds for fun in the yard (it IS the south, so it's expected, right? ;-) ) so maybe I'll stick them into the tent on top of the grow tub and let them bask in the light. I gotta set up the heater again though so I can maintain a good temp. It's been cold this week at night so the basement has gotten down to 63...seeds aren't too happy with that.


Stowaway got a topping a couple of days ago to kep her from stretching too much. At this point she might be going in the garden in a few weeks too...


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She's not the prettiest thing, (if it is a she even) as the mites got in to her early. Got my SNS spray made up and added some 203 to the resovoir too. It's also fungus gnat heaven so there are litterly (as opposed to literally) black spots everywhere with dead gnats.
Took down RPCBD2 yesterday and got busy with putting the TP buds into the other drying rack and planting 10 more trees in my yard so forgot to post. The deer are a fucking nuisance here. I got a couple 17mm BB air pistols to keep their pestilence away! Was testing today again since my aim sucks and put a hole through my chicken shit bucket from 50 feet! Ok, not shooting deer with this!


Looks and feels like the real thing! AMURKA!


These buds will probably dry to about an ounce and a half. With similar from her sister, I've got a nice supply of CBD for a couple of months.

Are you still working with the ts600?
LOL, is that what it's called? I had forgotten. It's in the veg tent on 24x7 to keep it warm enough in the basement. I'm gonna start the tobacco in here for a few weeks then hopefully it will be warm enough to go outside.
Great and Purple harvesting Schnookie! I really enjoy sweet purple bud! Happy drying and cure!
Will you be using your tobacco for cigars or cigs?
They were maybe purple the first week when the color started, but in direct sunlight I think they still look just about black.

Larf buds:

I quit smoking cigs 5 (6? 4?) years ago, maybe had halfa to a dozen since then. Smoked over 30 years between 1/2-full pack a day. Several years when I was still running (races too!) I would quit smoking for half the year to train for this 5 mile race I did with a bunch of friends, and we'd light up at the end with free beer from the sponsors. We weren't the only ones lol! Cigarrette smoking is SO GROSS! I'm allowed to say it!
Now, cigars ain't that much better IMHO as far as smell (third person) but I'm not inhaling so I don't think it's (nearly as) bad as cigs for my personal health. I shoulda done a little more research on the types tobacco to grow, but maybe these strains I got will get changed next year. I've got 7 different ones (and 2 more which I'm not starting probably). My thought was to grow a few plants and cure them and make cigars. No clue yet if that's gonna take years or what, but I got nothing but time...
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