Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Geeze...you guys and your fancy-schmancy gear...just to look at trichomes? I do it the old fashioned way...I lick the buds.

Hey, you guys wanna come over for a sesh? :tokin:

LOL! Nice buds Rider. Fantastic work man. Really well done brother. Let me know if you need help on the oil front.
Well then I might need you to come over and lick my buds. hahahaha.
Thanks for the kudos! Means a lot coming from the undisputed King of Krystals, which also explains why I don't post any trichome porn. My buds are not worthy! And I may need your help figuring out the concentrates, and the best way to use the MB2 my bro sent. It's getting closer and closer!
It could happen sometime GT. Pretty sure if Rider and I left at the same time he'd get there about a half hour before me. I'll bring the steaks.

With that car we seen in the garage.... Who you think your shittin here.
I'm a lot closer and the build I did on the Harley's motor is radical. I even have clutchless race shifting. I'll beat him by two hours. Four if I call border patrol and tell them he is an Islamic sympathizer and bomb expert and to make sure to do a body cavity search for plastic explosives. .
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Email photos from phone to self. Download photos from email. Upload photos to 420. Yeah, cuz that's a brilliant waste of time. But I shall persevere against the slings and arrows of injustice and shall post posthaste. Dilly dilly!

***20 minutes later****

What a pain in the arse! I see pitchforks and burning torches in our future should this continue uncorrected.
So, without further prognostication...

I did a partial harvest of the undergrowth. These are buds that got very little light and had quit growing. Some were showing amber so it was their time to come down. The bulk of the flowers are still bulking and are a week to 10 days out.


O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum, wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Your lines are sagging son...get in there with a turnbuckle!

Nice pics :)

Got turnbuckles. Just gotta turn 'em! The pics were taken using your trick, Shedguyver. 15X loupe taped to the phone for the money shots. LOL
Looking good Rider. That drying tent needs to go xxl on ya for that harvest to fit.

Thanks, Derby! No one is more surprised than I am about the size of this grow. Wish I could share the wealth with others that need it.
Maybe a second tier of cables and clips in the drying tent? Don't think I'll need them though because I expect the MamaThai Pineapple Chunk will be dry and out of the tent before the MamaThai ThaiStik is ready to come down. That's the plan anyway. :)
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Email photos from phone to self. Download photos from email. Upload photos to 420. Yeah, cuz that's a brilliant waste of time. But I shall persevere against the slings and arrows of injustice and shall post posthaste. Dilly dilly!

***20 minutes later****

What a pain in the arse!

Try simply downloading the phone pics into a folder on your computer. Then just swipe them over onto the upload section. Two steps easy.

Or, do what I do and have a naked female slave do it for you.


Okay I don't really need her to do it but I like to watch her work...

Peace, Hyena
Damn you to my own circle of hell, Hyena. I got caught in a brain loop with that gif and were it not for the autonomous function of bringing coffee cup to lips imbuing my brain with caffeine I might still be catatonic.

The mods are trying to get the photo feature of the app running again. Godspeed, Noble Mods!
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