CG has been chopped 1 day short of 15 weeks. Less, than 5% white pistils. Mostly brown pistils, and tricks are mostly white like SNOW!! Smell is the same as the last one I ran. This was my last fem CG seed. CG is definitely worth a grow. Its a beautiful plant and the smell is mild. CANT WAIT to try this baby!! I still have a little from my last CG grow (about 2 years ago), and its still some of my favorite in the vape and in a joint!!
The others (RED1, RED2, Zam, Tikal) all need at least 1-2 more weeks.....almost done...
I must admit that I have sampled the DFBM, Congo and the ZAM. The DFBM seems a bit early to tell , but it is a bit stoney for me. The Congo seems a bit early to tell, but it is also on the stoney end for me. Very calm relaxed kind of high. Not very energetic.....yet.
The Zamaldelica on the other hand. This one is worth the grow. It is definitely a different kind of buzz for me. Sort of spacey and kind of "out of body" kind of experience....I can see how this is not everyday weed. Not sure what it would do to your brain. However, it is definitely an experience. I felt like I was looking down on myself kind of...I;m sure it will be more interesting witha cure. Zam still has 1-2 more weeks to go. She is frosty!!