Scrogdawg Does 3 Strains Under 800 Watts - Could Be A Trainwreck

Looks like this Mack is going to be a son of a bitch to the bitter end. I'm over 12 weeks into flower. Some of the smaller branches are ready to cut and some of the bigger ones still have 100% white pistils. I guess I'll harvest this one in stages as it ripens while I wait for the Strawberry Kush to mature. I'm going to keep track of the dry weights as I harvest the Mack and tally up at the end. I won't say its going to give me a pound dry but I think it could be close. I'll definetley grow the Mack again but I'll change the environment so it doesn't cause the same problems twice.

Heres some pictures of one of the smaller branches I cut and trimmed today. This was pretty near 100% red pistils and 90% cloudy trichimes and had 10% ambers.



Yes, thats a smaller one. There is one cola in there that is a big around as a pie plate at the top. I can't get at it to get a picture right now but will certainly take one later when I chop it.

Heres what I was saying about how this plant is finishing. Same plant, pictures both taken this morning.

Is that white area on the seed a tap root starting? That pic looks like the earlier one I don't see much change. Don't make this more complicated then it needs to be. I would get it in the soil and leave it and see how it goes. If its not going to make it there is not a lot that could be done to change it.

So since I e failed with the last seed I had I finally got a good sprout
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