Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

I dunno. You're not that far off on that pic. Amber is not what you're looking for for your brother (unless CBN is part of the mix), cloudy is peak THC. And I'm not seeing a lot of completely clear trichomes there. You're going to be doing a lot of checking with that new contraption if you want to do a staggered harvest on each of those huge colas on each plant.
I think you're right, Shed. His condition requires the more energetic effects of THC over CBN. What trichomes I could see aren't all crystalline and shiney like they once were, and I don't want to wait too long and end up turning a sativa into couchlock meds. And isn't it true that the trichomes continue to degrade to CBN during the dry? I don't know. With my movements and plant movement it was a bitch trying to get clear photos with a 25X loupe taped to my phone! I was laughing at my stubborn refusal to turn off the fans to make it easier cuz... I got this! I didn't though so most of my photos were a blurry mess. I'll mount the scope to a boom microphone stand and turn off the fans when I get in there tomorrow.
I like the 5 MP on that scope. I think mines 3. I find mine a little touchy to focus but for the price point these get the job done just fine. But a Zeiss they aren't.
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

I think you're right, Shed. His condition requires the more energetic effects of THC over CBN. What trichomes I could see aren't all crystalline and shiney like they once were, and I don't want to wait too long and end up turning a sativa into couchlock meds. And isn't it true that the trichomes continue to degrade to CBN during the dry?

I think THC eventually degrades to CBN over time, but a shitty cure will make it happen faster. I don't think a good dry and cure will produce CBN in amounts that matter.
I was lusting for the top of the line Dino-Lite AM7915MZT USB scope but $1300 is a bit much for even a pro grower's needs. But imagine how cool it'd be to have EDOF that would take several images at different focus depths and stack them automatically within a click. Never an out of focus trichome!
I was lusting for the top of the line Dino-Lite AM7915MZT USB scope but $1300 is a bit much for even a pro grower's needs. But imagine how cool it'd be to have EDOF that would take several images at different focus depths and stack them automatically within a click. Never an out of focus trichome!

That's taking trichome pr0n to an extreme! If you're making science or art, great, but if you want to know when to harvest, $9.50 :).
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

I think you're right, Shed. His condition requires the more energetic effects of THC over CBN. What trichomes I could see aren't all crystalline and shiney like they once were, and I don't want to wait too long and end up turning a sativa into couchlock meds. And isn't it true that the trichomes continue to degrade to CBN during the dry? I don't know. With my movements and plant movement it was a bitch trying to get clear photos with a 25X loupe taped to my phone! I was laughing at my stubborn refusal to turn off the fans to make it easier cuz... I got this! I didn't though so most of my photos were a blurry mess. I'll mount the scope to a boom microphone stand and turn off the fans when I get in there tomorrow.
Microphone stand, good idea. I have a tripod and a shifter lever to get it over the canopy. Very high tech.
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Microphone stand, good idea. I have a tripod and a shifter lever to get it over the canopy. Very high tech.
We just make do with what we have, right? MacGyver gots nuthin' on us!
Lost an under-canopy branch to weight issues. Went in and it was just hanging there from a broken stem. Fortunately it was just popcorn and not a big cola. Went and bought more locking yo-yos.


That's taking trichome pr0n to an extreme! If you're making science or art, great, but if you want to know when to harvest, $9.50 :).

Right there with you! Screw that usb scope. I don't have the patience. I'll stick with my loupes.
Nice popcorn bud Rider. Wow don't come over to check out my journal. That's a healthy bud in my tent

LOL, it was deadpan humor. I crack myself up.
I just set up the scope on my desk and plug it into the laptop then cut 3 small pieces off of 3 different calyxes and do my looking. I also have a loupe for my phone for the quick looks.
I just set up the scope on my desk and plug it into the laptop then cut 3 small pieces off of 3 different calyxes and do my looking. I also have a loupe for my phone for the quick looks.
Scrogdawg, you're some kind of genius.
Get a scope you feel comfy with and run with it. The cheap one may not do some of the killer pictures I see on here, but I can't get medicated from a picture.
After Scrogdawg's words of wisdom I'm going to give the scope another chance. I like being able to scan over the buds with a loupe but I won't miss the sticky nose.
Here's what I use, it's great.
Carson MicroBrite Plus 60x-120x Power LED Lighted Pocket Microscope (MM-300): CARSON


Under extreme magnification I saw this...


Peace, Hyena
Geeze...you guys and your fancy-schmancy gear...just to look at trichomes? I do it the old fashioned way...I lick the buds.

Hey, you guys wanna come over for a sesh? :tokin:

LOL! Nice buds Rider. Fantastic work man. Really well done brother. Let me know if you need help on the oil front.
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