Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I gotta say it man.....them just don't look ready to me. Can you get some trichome pictures of the buds on here to look at. I'm trying to keep in mind that what I see is on a monitor a several hundred miles away from the plants so I could be way off base.
Killer colas there rider! I thought they still had another month?
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Pretty sure if you get any more compliments about this grow you'll have to buy more yoyos to keep your own head up..

I actually feel sorry for the person who attempts to mull up that bud
Tunkers, you should already know I'm so full of myself that I've gotta wear heavy boots to keep my head out of the clouds. Hahaha.
I gotta say it man.....them just don't look ready to me. Can you get some trichome pictures of the buds on here to look at. I'm trying to keep in mind that what I see is on a monitor a several hundred miles away from the plants so I could be way off base.
I'll get some photos of the buds that i'm thinking are ready. The trichomes on them are cloudy, the sugar leaves are showing lots of amber, and about 75% of the pistils have turned brown. Thanks, SD, I could def use a more experienced set of eyes on things.

Killer colas there rider! I thought they still had another month?
The MamaThai ThaiStik has a long way to go, but these MamaThai Pineapple Chunks are on their end run I think. In just a couple of days I've seen some of the colas go from all white to a lot of brown pistils. I'll get more photos and let the experts weigh in. You might not remember but this will be only my second harvest. My first was three White Widow autos back when SD, Tunkers, and I were all on our first grows. Then I had to kill the big Gold Leafs and WW clone while they were in flower. (silent tears) I'm a babe in the woods compared to some of you guys with multiple grows under your belts. I'm just faking it 'til I make it!
It'd be awesome if one or two of you could check in on a grower that I've been hanging with. He's in India and is growing a landrace sativa bagseed and I'm excited for his success. So cool to see someone make the effort and see it to the end.
South Indian Sativa LED SOG Experiment
It'd be awesome if one or two of you could check in on a grower that I've been hanging with. He's in India and is growing a landrace sativa bagseed and I'm excited for his success. So cool to see someone make the effort and see it to the end.
[h=1]South Indian Sativa LED SOG Experiment[/h]
Haha was just starting to scroll back through that thread. There's more then 100 posts though... . So much reading... Lol
I gotta say it man.....them just don't look ready to me. Can you get some trichome pictures of the buds on here to look at.
Killer colas there rider! I thought they still had another month?

I'm with those two. I don't see 75% brown pistils on these at all and anyway, it's trichomes that make your brother's meds, not pistils. As long as you're gonna go in a get sticky, get a loupe on those because I'm going with way too early.

Haha was just starting to scroll back through that thread. There's more then 100 posts though... . So much reading... Lol

Skip to the end, Tunkers. Just sharing how well his plant turned out after a rocky start. Kinda reminds me of momma Sal. And everyone likes to have visitors and hear an "attaboy" from his/her peers. Hasnain is a good guy.

edit: Thanks SD and JM!
It'd be awesome if one or two of you could check in on a grower that I've been hanging with. He's in India and is growing a landrace sativa bagseed and I'm excited for his success. So cool to see someone make the effort and see it to the end.
South Indian Sativa LED SOG Experiment

Last post '03 lol what's happening here
Last post '03 lol what's happening here

I'm afraid, Rooster, that you may have encountered an anomaly in the space/time continuum. How are you feeling? How many fingers am I holding up? :)
Hahaha! You guys crack me the hell up!

Those buds are not ready. Wait it out. I’ll be surprised if trichs show any amber. Too much invested to take them early. Just my opinion naturally.

Edit: although, I think you could easily take one huge bud daily, until they are all ready, and still pull a metric butt-load of dankness. :tokin:
I'll apologize in advance for the photo deluge coming your way. I tried to get decent pics of the type of buds that I thought might be ready for harvest. The bigs ones still have a way to go but these? Maybe not yet?


They are getting so crazy fat!



And the buds way down under the canopy are pretty crazy too.


This is looking up from below. These buds are three feet below the canopy.


I'll apologize in advance for the photo deluge coming your way. I tried to get decent pics of the type of buds that I thought might be ready for harvest. The bigs ones still have a way to go but these? Maybe not yet?


They are getting so crazy fat!



And the buds way down under the canopy are pretty crazy too.


This is looking up from below. These buds are three feet below the canopy.


Fat is good and good lights help things down under. Your rocking it Rider
They use your place to test if a reactor can power a small city?
Given my electric bill I could use a pocket reactor plant, but then the water bill would kill me! The reactor creates the heat that turns the water to steam that turns the turbines that turn the generator. We are powered by both nuclear and hydroelectric plants here so I'm only paying $0.0644 per kWh but still...
Lmao. That bottom nug looks like my biggest one .. They are ripening nicely
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