Our Ongoing Grows

Jandre I did have the same. Took a minute to find them but,,


Just afew oddities. I remember now I did have a plant in veg do something close as shown. And my leaf buds were on a Vantage I was working with afew years back.
Kind of chilly CHH nothing bad, Washington got nailed abit back. Hope all's gardens are doing great Keepem Green
That Dela Haze is a sight to behold Woody...
good to hear it aint that bad I just see in the news about the arctic air coming down low to the south
and I figured your more north so
but good to know it isn't too cold for ya
hey Brotha I am on, the ringaling thing was in the other room, I heard the thing make noise but it was 2 minutes later lol
refresh im on awake and here :rofl:
Well been a minute since last post. Thanks all for stopping and taking a peek. Nothing new really go on here.
Oh BTW CHH we got missed by that cold front. I hear Washington really got nailed bad in some areas. Oh good talking with ya.
I do have a update and a pic for you BAR. That Dela-Haze looks impressive. Now I can't even count the plants I've seen that look SCREAMER and yet don't even rate a zig zag. Least to me. I can't even hardly get a buzz. I mean I get a buzz,,, but never truly stoned. And I've smoked enough with all else being stoned and here me,,,,,,,,,, oh well in life isn't it? But here's that Dela Haze;

and don't mind the pic didn't come out I hope. But This is my 60% of my flower room. Well most of it. A lot of the taller girls that are in the center are alittle more sativa influenced. They do love being in the center of the room with a 1500 watters going back and forth on in the Magmun hoods on either side. I do think a light rail is sweet. I think I get about if not better than 4 1000 waters, and plants get sun' from a lot more points than fixed lights with the changes. Here ya go;

Well all's good here and hope all's gardens are doing great out there. Keepem Green
Well that haze LOOKS real tasty!! :cheesygrinsmiley: I got a haze that has to go real long before she puts out the good stuff.

Man they ALL look great! 1500 watters :cheesygrinsmiley: yay
Green and juicy :tokin:
Wooo Wheeee...
Just doing a drive by Norcaliwood, "Honk Honk" looking great.
Conradino23 damn you sure you can't squeeze' in a 4X4 tent to help keep busy in the 'off' season?????????????? Isn't real Costy and they can be fun. I had a tent called a mother tent. Like 18" X 36" and under 5' tall. Thing use to sit in my walking closet and I didn't even have to take out the clothes pole to fit it in. Grew 2, 2 1/2' ers in it. Not sure but I think those pictures are in my 1st retired journal. I think I got 4 or 5 journals retired since starting here on 420. And I was elsewhere before 420 started up. What I'm saying is I have to keep a plant growing myself 24/7, 365................ But I do understand where your coming from.............................. And I'm looking forward to watching ya start your garden from scratch this year.
Thanks all for stopping in and commenting. Isn't anything really new here. Cept speaking of the 1500 waters, I think I have a bad bulb or possibly a ballast in my flower room. I was in there last night and one light shut down on me. Then 15 minutes later she started back up. I'm going to pull her tonight and throw in a back up 1000 watter for safety sake.. Temps were about a sable 82 degrees with the 2 1500's should drop it to about 80 now depending on ambient temp.
I know I'm way behind here but I do hope all are doing great out there in the gardening department. I'm holding my breath to see how many seed I still have. But it's looking up. A test bud found none of a Sugar Plum flowered out till day 53. %3 is a wrap for sugar plum. Yea I needed smoke anyways. I have a question if some might know????????????????????????
EZ CLONER,,,,,,,,,,, any take of the difference of hard inserts/soft inserts????????????????? Been using the soft ones and they do get sloppy after 5-6 uses. Guess I'm just try hard ones next time I order. Oh BTW cloning has been at 100% Since I started trying to 'fine tune' of should I say Wood's tuned'. Straight tap from here. Temps between 86 and 75 works for me. I have the closet going in my flower room. Maybe I should consider putting shelfs in there and makes tray of clones????? Seeing soon EVERYONE in Oregon will be legal to grow 4 plants. Damn I still remember a gram was a jail sentence. And could've been state time in a lot of states. Texas tried to give me 7 years for 13 seeds and a stem once. Hey, was scary times in a lot of states. They picked them off the floor out of frustration not being able to get me for anything else. Try to claim conspiring to cultivate. Was a time I dabbled in some 'shady' things and I don't think they liked the supporter decals that graced the back of my truck. Oh well years ago.............
Well I'm going to post this before it sits another night. Keepem Green
Man, I could probably pull off a 4 plant grow in my storage if I really wanted to, but first I'd have to invest money, drill the holes in the ceiling and whatnot while having to inspect them every day, and I actually enjoy taking my time off growing for few months, cause I'm not that into heavy work for 12 months a year. But thx for asking :)
To hang the lights I guess.
I just got high with my leftover hand rubbed hash (Trainwreck and Cotton Candy) and I been thinking about it, but with my love for sativas I'd go for 12-16 weeks strains, which is just unworthy to do indoor :) I' d take original Sour Diesel clone though, love it!!! But the more I smoke I appreciate fluffy, wispy budz more actually, so I'm not really turned on by bulky, resinous colas :) :hookah: I kinda don't like small plants either, I like have'm 10-12 feet tall. And I just found out this season that it's gonna be hard to top my natural outdoor soil with any professional or homemade mix. I don't know what soil you have in Oregon, Cali or Colorado, but Italian soil is as Hawaiian, so you can immagine :)
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