Our Ongoing Grows

Even from the same genes; clones or same batch of seeds? That's crazy...

Seeds are like people... the same, only different :cheesygrinsmiley:

as far as clones go, environment effects the end result greatly. So over a long time you will get varied results
sorry NC... sheesh :cheesygrinsmiley:
Lost me Buckshot. But then that easy to do nowadays.
What I had meant has to do with learning to grow the strain The first time you might over top, 'some plants don't top well', or over/ under feed or even water to much the second time you kind of figured it out.
As a 'rule' in the perfect world, seeds from the same mother should be real close to the same with the first crossing. And clone should grow the same as her mother and sisters, But like Buckshot said seeds can be like people. With any hybrid you have a possibility of different pheno every seed you plant, and you can mutate a clone. Cloning from a clone from a clone from a clone. I've had afew mutate on me. Come out totally different looking buds.
You really want to keep a strain pure it's best to have a mother that never flowers grown from a regular seed. Even take that first clone your taking for a mother from a plant before you start flowering it. Taking these clones like I did from a budding plant, now that can't be real healthy to continuing a pure strain. That's a lot of stress for a plant to go thru reveg. Now chances are she'll be fine, but you never know.
I'll update when something is up. I do have a Purple Trainwreck getting on there. Hope all's gardens are doing great Keepem Green

I was apologizing for hijacking your thread.

And just to add, picture two clones, one gets put outside next to a cow pile, the other is indoor and spoiled like a baby on nutrients. The result will be vastly different.
Wasn't high jacked at all there Buckshot. And Pop's that's what I said Lee Roy? But we'll see if she's any good. Keepem Coming and Keepem Green
Wasn't high jacked at all there Buckshot. And Pop's that's what I said Lee Roy? But we'll see if she's any good. Keepem Coming and Keepem Green

Hey NC & OMM. Saw that Lee Roy has Triangle in it. Believe Triangle is another name for The White that OG Raskal has. Have seen good Rare Dankness reviews. Looking forward to seeing results in your always excellent garden.
To true Buckshot. That's what I was meaning for sure.
I looked into the strain alittle Brightlights. Comes from their Triangle Kush crossed with Rare Dankness Nr1. Now there is a strain called Triangle I also found. But it's a clone only from down in the Deep South like Florida. 'Is a great site out there, to see the mapping of genetics.' Really cool. I know we all been there but it's pretty interesting to see just how fast people are coming out with new strains. Rare Dankness only was working with very few strains to start out, their Rare Dankness crossed with a ton of others for F1 hybrids. Intresting to see all who they used or think they have used, but man they are cranking out seed crops like a bat outta hell. LOL They crossed Lee Roy with Ghost OG and came up with Lee Roy's Ghost I see they must not do huge batches because a lot are 'retired' on their site. I also see a lot of sites using different claims about this one. I seen say a pure indica, another I think it's a misprint but one claimed 70/30 sativa/indica, but Rare claims a 70/30 indica/sativa hybrid. Now that I can believe. One look and she shows all;

and another that shows her shorter fat leafage;

Ok I also wanted to show my Purple Haze. She is a reveg clone than I had the hardest time getting outta these stupid ass pots. But I like them. Love the white color for bounce back light, they way they stand up off the tray a good 1/4" on stilts so you know you get a complete drain when watering. Just to busy in the drainage areas and the roots get a good bite and don't let go. Not sure if peoples realize this, but clones tend to throw out roots at like 90 degree angles from the stem instead of the main tap root from a seed, that goes straight down. So it's alittle easier to over pull a clone outta a pot than a seedling. It is true. But anyways she got root roots air rooted for sure. Was rather violent of a transplant. She was showing the same tho before the transplant. I thought it was just the old leaves from before the revegged ones. New leaves looks great. Just after they survive acouple leave set they turn brownish then necrotic and die;

Here's the Silver Kush I revegged. I'm not transplanting her, I plan on taking like 6-7 clones from her at once and scrap it after that. If I continue I'll use a clone from her as a parent. You can still see all the trichomes around the base of the stem;;

And two more fast pic's First my Crippled Rino

And a Old Favorite I'm still playing with, the wicked Cripit. Cold Bloodiest looking girl I grow;

And thanks everyone for stopping in. I hope all's good out there................... Keepem Green

My new slogan for "Lovin it"
Coming outta a bad snap with all my gardens well I did let afew continue flowering even tho acouple seeds. Even lightly seeded pot is better than none at all for my peoples. I just took a Crippled Rino. And Cripit and a Wood's White. The Wood's White I didn't care much for. I didn't care for the bud structure. And there is a lot better strains out there. Too much foxtailing like a heavy sativa for me.
I've always leaned to the indo look myself. I do have acouple pic's to throw up. These are babies from a fem seed, first is a
La Confidential;

This is a 'SuperBud' from Greenhouse Seeds;

Short stocky ass plant. She was topped very early and is widening up rather nicely..........


Well things are going slow for now. I trimmed all the ugly leaves off my Purple Haze. Now if they come back I'm going to trash the plant. To many strains out there to mess around with a problem plant. I also started two more seeds. First is another GSCookie, and then a Purp's both from BC Bud Depot. Should be up by tomorrow,,,,, hopefully. Keepem Green
Beautiful youngsters NC. I got a few seeds again on my current indoor grow. I tried harder to catch any male intruders early, but must be getting too darn old & missed them. So I'm 2 for 2 as far as getting a few seeds indoors. I'll take the blame but do see some connection between the 2 strains that have been the culprits. But I was surprised that the seeded plant from last time was just as strong as the non-seeded plant of same strain. All new to me...this indoor growing. Outdoors I've always been happy to find a seed or two, but it doesn't happen much. Maybe the hard stress from indoor lighting brings out the hermie in plants that doesn't happen outside? IDK.
You know Bright I had one plant I seen that had some weird preflowers that looked almost male once acouple months back. I still blame all my problems on her. I think I got pollen on the walls or ceilings or something. I did see some seeds on some others. Some have a lot. Bummer but is what it is. Residual pollen can live a long time. Years,,,,,,,,,,,,, And it's hard to get and kill. Water with alittle bleach or pine-sol might do good.. I'm dealing with the same thing. And it's starting it piss me off. We are planning on doing another scrub down tomorrow. I have one maybe two, in there that has seed. I was hoping these girls were safe but I can see I'm getting to soft and lazy. Sucks when your feet hurt so bad you don't want to walk. But I plan on putting a fire under my ass and fixing the problem. I can't afford to waste another flip. And tonight I started my Vantage attempt. Soooo I need to take them all out for a walk, into the office and reclean the room. I plan on using the atomizer as a blower and blow off the ceiling, lights, ballasts ect, and then a pine-sol sprayed dust mop down the walls, and then, mop the floors. I have half a room that all have buds going in there. Hopefully they all didn't get pollenated. And I'm starting new ones every day. So I go to get a handle on this residual pollen I thing is in there. Thanks all for stopping in and Keepem Green
Looking good in here... fine young ladies :cheesygrinsmiley:
As long as they stay seed free. I wonder if some stains don't like the green light I use in there. Hasn't mattered before. Thanks for looking in. I'll get a update soon. I just seen this pic and I had to laff...........

Keepem Green
Merry Xmas Woody and Fam
Thanks you thank you. And a GREAT HOLIDAY SEASON to all.
Well the drama in my flower room continues.......... Me and Miss J cleaned the flower room again. I blew off the ceiling, whipped the walls with a bleach solution and then mopped the floors. I have seeds in all my girls that are far along in flower. Sucks big time. I 'think' I found the culprit. Now I'm not 100% sure but I think it's the Lemon OG variant I'm trying. She is loaded with seed. I mean trashed her. So I'm going to kill them off. I do have plenty of strains to play around with. As a fact here's two new ones from BC Bud Depot;

I wonder something,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I know plants don't see green for the reason the plant's pigmentation is green, I wonder about a purple strain that has a lot of purple in it?????????????????????????? I think that is a point to ponder. Well guess I'm going to throw out two more that have seeds in them. And hope we cleaned up any future rouge pollen that floating around.
I have two many strains going to keep killing them. Strains untried like this one. As a matter a fact I haven't seen anyone I know off trying her. She sounded good. From what I see so far she's a big leaved Indo kind of a shorter one. Might be great for a tent or something like that. Possibly even a cabinet grow. RockLock;

Well I'm outta here. Got acouple more girls to give a drink to then bed. 90% of my girls are not showing flower right now so I hope they are good. I guess I'm going to kill off the flowering ones for now.
I want to say a friend Alaska Stopped bye. I sent him home with a Crippled Rino Clone. This strain I've heard from peoples that it even helps with headaches. He's going to do a grow across the river with some high CBD products. I guess his investors are wanting them. He was a tad low on meds so I helped out a tad. I plan on taking a trip soon to see what he's got growing on up there. Also he's working on a decent sized greenhouse over there also. He wants to try for afew 3-4 pounders.
Well once more I want to say Merry Christmas to everyone out there. I hope Santa brings all some new toys. I'm hoping for seeds again for X-mas and not in my buds.................... Keepem Green All.
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