Our Ongoing Grows

Man did I babble....... I'll try not too in the future...........Keepem Green

There's a difference between meaningful babbling & useless babbling; In other words, babble on my friend.
Looking spectacular in here but that's the norm & to be expected in Woody's thread.
Thanks all. yea I'll play around with this one Jandre, could be a winner. Least if she's as good as she looks.
Thanks BAR. Y'all know I don't talk a lot hence the term babbling..............
But I did get afew more pictures. This girl is a pretty one for sure. Maybe I should set up my little photo studio and enter a contest? Naw I use to be back in the beginning wasn't prizes then and was way to much drama goings on. Even had acouple friends leave because of them....... So I'll stay far away. Besides I'd rather just grow it. All good in the hood here.
Did get these shots;



hope everyone is ready for bird day. We bowed out on cooking again and ordered from Honey Baked Ham for T-Day.
One thing,,,,,,,, why are these fools kicking off in ST Louis? They are burning down their own neighborhood? One thing is who is going to pay to fix it back???????????? Every other person who pays taxes................ Because I know St Louis, and I'll guarantee none that are rioting are tax payers................................. Some stupid fools they got there huh?
Keepem Green
Hey Dude, I love the look. I put her at like 9+ weeks. I fear she might have acouple seed in her.
Just about every other plant I see I see seeds. Looks like I got hit REAL hard. Chock up one for stupidity on my behalf. Now I'm wondering if this is residual pollen from the hermie I threw out awhile back. I had a Marion Berry that blew up close to 2 months back. I got to say that Marion is one plant that finishes great here in Portland Area. She doesn't or didn't like indoors. I talk to Mike' Stoney Girl's' And he said he's had problems with the first two go arounds from the Marion Berry. I'll say this, that's a finger licking sweet tasting plant. Good enough to make ya want to eat it. But on my scale barring problems indoors she'd run like 6.5 outta 10. Can't say enough about her outdoors.
Well seeing I'm about whipped out in the flower room,, I'm thinking about going in there tomorrow with my atomizer full of water and spraying the room with a fog. Now hopefully the water will deactivate the pollen or atleast stick it to the ground and bleach water will fry it later.
Now peoples remember this, you haven't done too big a dab, and that really wasn't a majic mushrooms on the pizza, and it that wasn't ZEN 25 on that sugar cube. Just afew pictures I pulled from the 40 year anniversary of High Times. This are just some pretty cool pic's for the trichomes lovers out there. They had to enhance the colors alittle'

ever wonder why that bottom of a leaf is so ruff?? It's another form of trichomes. And this also shows the seed coating patterns designed so it will get water to stick to it;

Here's one of the pistil looking to catch some pollen;

That was blue here's another one. It's a cross section of the actual hair of the flower;

and one last shot. Pretty trippy. It's the outside wall of the flower;

Ok enough. I'm going to go waller in self disgust and hermie seeds. Guess I'll let em grow for now. Seeing I got nothing big enough to fill the spaces for awhile. Man this is disgusting.............................. Well that's it for now. Guess I'll have to rely on magazines for pictures for awhile? Naw something always coming down the 'pike' Keepem green
Nice pics :)
Sorry about that hermie problem though.
Well just afew fast pic's to log in the journal. I have this one that has crazy trichomes production. I know she has acouple seeds in her,,,,,,,,,,, just about everything I got going has seed. Crop got wasted........... The Silver Kush, well just afew seeds in her and hopefully this one only has faew in her also. I do like the look of this one. Small bush, easy plant. No tying up no hassles. Perfect plant for a tent. Little stretch compact buds and are they covered????????????????? You call it......................


and alittle closer,


Hopefully she smokes like she looks............
Hope all had a great T-Day. And may all guts be full and the sandwiches keep rolling. Keepem Green
Thanks peoples for stopping in.
All I can say right now bout the garden is I sure wish I was in the seed market at 10$ a seed.............................man time for the boat and hitting the oceans.
Something must have flipped every plant out there. I do plan of keeping 5-10 seeds off anything viable looking. Even with the knowledge they are more than likely hermies themselves. Oh well the rest is going to a friend so she can cook it into butter. I had 5 plants well 6 pretty far along. To young for smoke and seeds in all, but she should get alittle something. Oh well Life.......................
But I did do a cleaning and am going to again after thinning the room drastically.
On the good note, first new clone rooted and I got like 6 big enough to start with........
Keepem Green
That sounds terrible. Have you washed the wall thoroughly? Just water is enough to kill the pollen but might want to throw a tsp of bleach in there too.

It sound like you don't have much for seed stock. There are a couple places that you can get some seeds + delivery for under 20$ even some of the sponsors offer pick and mix.

If it wasn't for that it really was looking great. Next time youll have it for sure. Congrats for what you do have.
SAD, SAD, SAD. Is real sad around here.
But I might start babblings here once a again......
But hey John you wanna know something? Kind of a blessing. I grew most these strains outdoors. All with one thing in mind,,,,,,,,,,,fast. Oct. 1st or earlier. Iffin possible. But if you have a solid 8 weeks and a good micro climate,,,, isn't a reason you can't kick out some better' weeds. Kind of fact ever since I started growing here in Portland area,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,REAL HARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD to get a GOOD sun grown crop. I'm just in the best hell whole to grow a good crop of sun grown weed there is. Think Portland,,,you think rain. And they are right. We might not get more rain on average, but we get finer. Finer makes for more constant. Fog etc.. Sure isn't like any other place I been. 'I get so mad'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' but here I live. I can acclimatize a greenhouse I guess. Just that one I bought acouple years back blew to hell in a wind storm. 2 Mil poloycrabate panels don't do but 3 years around here. Then the pollens etc, really start blacking the panels alittle and total degregradtions kicks in. Still don't know where afew panels are......LOL They on your way Pop's.
Ok I do have acouple pictures to throw up there. They Ugly Ducklings. The Purple Haze took off fast. You can't even tell she came frome a bud anymore;

Now the Silver kush,,,,,,,,,,,,,, she's atad slower. But even in the reveg, I can see her 'Towering' over other plants.

I topped her down a few this pic. But it's funny to watch trichomes start to reveg;

And one more pic. I got some new ones acoming........... And that's fore sure;

Keepem Green
Nice....except the whole hermie thing ....Hey i figured out my name finally hehe,been keeping up with your grow all along as a guest, and aside from the bud rot and hermie stuff, you are still my hero, I want to grow up to grow just like you :bravo:
J189RFC RFC, welcome. Naw the seeds I keep from these are just to inventory. The more I look back I must have flipped them myself. Acouple cold sprays early with a slight boo boo on my behalf but I anit saying. It seems to have only effected plants of a certian age which lends to they all hermieing. I think if it was rouge pollen or even just one flipping I'd imagine the seeds wood be heavier in the surrounding plants. All my 4 footers have seeds. Least what I can tell from the other younger flowers I got going, they look fine. I've mopped and sprayed a lot of the surface areas with alittle soap in water for the time being. As far as stock I got got 20-25 new strains in last month. Strange Customs nabbed that order. First time I didn't get seeds from a vendor since I could get stock off the net. But it worked out for the good.
Welcome back Slim. Good to hear your still up and at em. You going to make up a journal for a grow or two? Either way good to see ya back. And KingJohnC is disappointing. I freaked looked more freaked more then just wanted to throw them out the window, But even worse is it could've all been my bad with a real idiotic rookie mistake? But I'll never admit it to anyone.......... But it will just be a 4 week hic-up in product.
You know I can cull all my outdoors girls down to like 3 strains, so giving all these knocked up teens, which most were outdoor strains, will open room for alot indoor strains. No doubt in my mind, least here, where direct constant sun is rare, I think the indoor weed beats the quality of most outdoors strains. Least what I've grown here. And don't get me wrong I've grown some killer sungrown pot that rivals indoors just not here.
And it's time to start indoor strains, I got like 10 started flowering now, with now and then acouple weeks I'll have to clone and empty that veg tent into the flower room. Hence circle continues. Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Holidays. I might just have to ask Santa for another order of seed. I might have enough to go thru winter? Keepem Green
Well at least you somewhat have an idea of what happened. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you & yours Woody. I never did quite get the idea of not cooking TG dinner but a lot of families are ordering & buying it these days. Some folks just go out for dinner. I guess it's all just a matter of convenience.
& we all know the kitchen cleaning episode after the big dinner... :thedoubletake:
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