Our Ongoing Grows

looking good in here Wood... I hear you about the weird/fucked up growing season in our longitude. I think I will try autos next year.
Thanks peoples. Herb is a photogenic plant that's for sure,,, or is it we just love it so much? But speaking of wicked this one looks the part. Cassius. This is my indoor sample of her. Not 100% sure how long in but she's real close. She's been flushed for the last week along with a Sugar Plum on a stick. Here she is;



I'll get better pictures when I cut them down. Here's another getting there. Strain called Purple Haze.


Like I said I'll get better pic's when I cut. Hard to get good light on them on the hoof'. Well once more thanks for looking in everyone. I hope all's gardens are doing Great. And Keepem Green
Thanks CCH. Well once more we'll see if I'm going to have to look for a new place to get my seed stock. It looks like my order is in SF again. Let's see if stealth works. I should have about 20 different strains in this one. I do shop for a lot of single seeds. I did order a 5 pack of the Vantage. And I will be cloning everyone that grows in hope of a good mother plant like I had back when. I had one that worked very special for me. She finished up about 50 days from the flip and was some of the better herbs I've smoked in a lot time. I even rated it a 9+ on my scale. And I've yet to see a 9.1. I ended up taking a clone from both the Purple Haze and the Silver Kush. Both were well along into flower. I did see that the roots systems comeing from the flowering ones sure seem a lot finer. Thin delicate looking things. Well got the dirt as close in temps to the clone water with a soaking of warm water in hopes of not shocking them to death. Man we got gale force winds cranking up outdoors.
Well fast update. This is the variant again of the Sugar Plum. This girl is a prime candidate for a SOG. I grew her in a 6"X6" pot. And she never needed anymore legroom. Figure you can get up to 64 of these pots in a 4'X4' tent. I can see 3/4 a Oz off her when dried. I'f I'd have let her have one more set of leaves before flowering her she wood've been a Oz. Do the math.... One could in theory get 4 Lb's from a 600 watter. Well here's what she looks like at harvest time. No Idea how long she's been in, about 45 days is my guess.
Sugar Plum;


Well that's it from here. I'll get some close up after we do the BIG trim job. What we got 8 sunleaves and 10 secondary ones to trim and the rest is product. Thanks for looking in and Keepem Green
Just shooting a idea I think I'm going to try. This little plant is going to be one of the hardest plants I think, anyone ever tried to tame. Without doing major pruning that is. Couple months back I read a article about his grows. I mean these are HUGE grows by anyones standards. But he said he runs afew bean plants mixed in I guess. These serve as a early warning system for mites. I mean these peoples are running close to 1,000 1,000 waters in the veg rooms. Imagine the flower room, HEL imagine the electric bill........ I guess the mites run to the soft succulent leaves of bean' plants. I know one thing about beans, they grow like hell. And in perfect conditions she'll really go. I just happen to have afew snow pea seeds laying around. Fairly similar plant so why not. But ofcouse mine going to be kept little. I have a shhhhhhhhhhh mite free zone. My Once a year I get to start with a empty flower room. All my plants did a 4 treatment program right before I put them in the room, with azmax this time. Not a mite or egg to be seen anywhere. And I really do believe the way I've been spraying helps a lot. Instant hurricane blowing under your control. You aim up from the bottom and it fogs all the bottoms, all the way thru to the top. And the leaves blow back and forth in this foggy wind tunnel which get real good coverage. But I think the pressure of the atomizer definitely blows a lot of mites and eggs off the leaves. It's like a fine pressure washer. Enough babbling. Keepem Green
Great "set" :cheesygrinsmiley: ... of images :geek::grinjoint:
Good idea with the bean plants Woody & the previous post; "Talking about Bud Porn!"
Thanks my Baby still has hood, and a lot. But I figure I got afew more shot I took tonight. Damn that winds howling. I'm wonder where all my pots are going to be come morning. Maybe the fence will blow down and I can get it covered. Beside I want that extra 2 foot of lattice work ontop. But here's the pic's Silver Kush;



And I think I'm going to rest my neck while visions of Sugar Plums dance in me head. Keepem Green
Thanks hey least it looking like she'll make it. Well I'm talking about the Silver Kush cloning attempt. Plant is to pretty not to give it a try. This girl could be a great single cola plant. I did throw her outside afew of the sunnier days when she first started flowering. I'd imagine that lead to acouple extra inches of stretch she threw out. And I didn't spend any time working her into a bush. I only topped her once. Kind of a good thing I didn't top more. The more you top the more tops you have, but the buds do get smaller and I might not ever got to see these buds. Oh did start a flushing tonight. A lot of water for two, three days and them alittle molasses for the final 4 days. Getting close anyways. Well I had to take the cutting while she was well into flower. Hopefully the strain is as good as she looks. But I took two clones one Silver Kush and a Purple Haze cutting in flower. Both had the finest roots I ever seen. Here's what I have;

Looks cool. And I see new leaf on the Purple Haze already. I just transplanted this one last night. I'm outta here Keepem Green
Thanks partner. I keep trying. One day I'll get it right...
Well I just wanted to post another attempt. It's the same plant Sugar Plum. I was just out there having a smoke and couldn't resist getting afew more pic's of her. Besides this will probably be the last chance to get a pic of her for awhile anyways it goes. I'll update about the smoke when I get a dry sample.. This is a outdoor strain I usually grow, but I lost her to mold this year. I did keep a clone and this is my first try with her indoors. This bud will tell me if I have a winner in her for a SOG strain. Looking close between her and the Silver. Both grow a good center cola and minimal side branching to trim. After looking close at her I'm going to guess 1/2 Oz off her. I started her flowering when she was like 5" tall. Anyways I wanted to get in alittle close to see if I could get a decent picture of some Trichomes;



Well that's it for tonight. Hope all's gardens are doing great out there. And Keepem Green
Thanks partner. I keep trying. One day I'll get it right...
Well I just wanted to post another attempt. It's the same plant Sugar Plum. I was just out there having a smoke and couldn't resist getting afew more pic's of her. Besides this will probably be the last chance to get a pic of her for awhile anyways it goes. I'll update about the smoke when I get a dry sample.. This is a outdoor strain I usually grow, but I lost her to mold this year. I did keep a clone and this is my first try with her indoors. This bud will tell me if I have a winner in her for a SOG strain. Looking close between her and the Silver. Both grow a good center cola and minimal side branching to trim. After looking close at her I'm going to guess 1/2 Oz off her. I started her flowering when she was like 5" tall. Anyways I wanted to get in alittle close to see if I could get a decent picture of some Trichomes;
Well that's it for tonight. Hope all's gardens are doing great out there. And Keepem Green

Nothing like a tray full of 3 foot-long BUDSTICKS! I call them POTcicles. Grab'em by the end stem and just sniff away, bottom to top... From the pics this one looks really good. Nice, tight buds, sugary throughout as well. I would thing though that the silver might do better in the triche department, though. Just my tuppenny thoughts.
You know your right about the Silver. She's got her share going but they are dainty tric's. Now I really don't have a clue how long she's been in flower. Right now I'll stick with the nobrains_noheadaches excuse as to why I haven't figured it. But she's looking close in my eyes. Who knows maybe they explode the last week. Hey I'm going to let her go till I see the tric's starting to turn alittle. But as long as she's happy and hasn't started degrading I'm going to let her go. But truth doesn't always lie in the amount of tric's. Granted it does in 90% of the herbs out there, but I've smoked some that didn't have hardly any and got wasted..
Thanks y'all for stopping in. I just got alittle rush,,, I see my 'package' didn't get held up in SF this time. Now to see if it's unopened??
Keepem Green
Thanks and welcome Dank.
Yippe got my order. Came in a Christmas socking. And they did me right about the lost order. Put it this way I came up a lot, as far as seeds go.
Bummer I just killed a baby. Growing in these white 6" pots is great. But they have a lot of little nooks and crannies for roots to hold onto. I usually hold the stem and hit the pot and it falls away. Well this girl woodn't let go and got torn from the soil. Good thing I had two growing out there. It was Berkley Blues strain. Oh well I got lots of new strains to work with now. Sooooooooo soon I'll be sporting a lot of new strains. Keepem Green
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