Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks everyone for stopping in a taking a peek, and the well wishes. Yep this is the time of year a lot of us live for. Well this is just a peek, a peek of what we got for hash making and cooking.

We generally high grade our buds and to save a lot of work just strip the smaller buds for future use. It never goes to waste.
CHH I still have acouple of the Chemdawgs plant in flower. I started them flowering at like 6" tall and they really worked into some pretty little plants.

I was having abit of a mite problem when I finished the last one. I threw it out in the weather to finish up and hopefully retard the mite infestation. Seemed to work I also had tried that Nuke-em on her. So sad to say she had a ruff life. But for all that, the smoke was decent enough. Now looking at these girls kind of wished I'd cloned her. That always happens. Should've cloned her. But hell I'd run outta room in my gardens if I cloned all. I like to switch up a lot.
Conradino not sure if you mean this stuff, Actinovate or Stoney Girls. Stoney Girls isn't available outta Oregon. You have to have a Oregon Medical card, OMP, for now. Never know what up in the future tho. We got total legalized coming here probably in Nov. And people can grow 4 plants. Guess this will be a first,,, anyone can grow. Washington you need a card to grow. And Oregon people can have up to 8 oz's in possession............
About this Actinovate. It's a bunch of bacteria that you have to add to the soils early and let it colonize. Least the little research I did into it so far. Clean roots is another factor. A lot of mold spores blow around in the air and infect the soil. No Joke we get damn mold around here in every nook and cranny. I just looked up weather back where I grew up growing, Sacramento Valley. Least that's where I've grown my most and best outdoor grows. Damnit partly cloudy 77/60 next two days sunny 80/65 then another partly cloudy. Man I miss it. These seasons are really border. I feel for anyone up future north. I guess auto wood be one way. Speaking of a auto, here's alittle cured buddage shot of the Pineapple Express. 7.50 on my scale. Nice frosty, citrusy smell, and tastes as good. Small yield of 2/3+ oz of chunky buds.


I also grabed acouple pictures of my Marion Berry#2. This is a workable plant for here. She was done bye the end of September. Solid plant good smell and give ya that eye droop I enjoy.


Got to have those tomatoes year round. This girl was a special girl. Loaded and sweet. So I have alittle space for now. Besides I need some seed from her.

Well once more thanks everyone and I sure hope everyones doing great out there.
Oh BTW Alaska #1 is setting up a pretty nice sounding trip across the river. I guess he's got some higher CBD's strains that people love up there. I'll go check it out when it all starts to come together. He's slinging paint now.
Keepem Green
No, I meant Actinovate. I use an oculant in my soil basically, but if there's a systematic product protecting from mold I could give it a try. And great budz by the way, NCW!
Looks great, bags O trim :cheesygrinsmiley:

My wife lived in North Highlands while she was in high school :cheesygrinsmiley:
Nice area as far as weather goes for growing,,, that's for sure. I lived in the Highlands also back when. About 84' or so. I use to stop off at the 'Red Baron' after work every now and then. My last grows down there was Tracy area. We use to love to grow on the Islands in the Delta. Camp, Citizens Against Marijuana Plants use to cruise the islands in their little ultra lites planes and cameras, it got real unsafe.
There is another product similar called Companion. Horticulture: Fertilizers and Organic Solutions
And this ofcourse, www.naturalindustries.com/.../ActinovateAG_BioFungicide.pdf
They say you can foliar with the Avtinovate. But as a drench it's suppose to attack spores as they germinate and attempt to colonize your roots. I'd bet you can get it on E-Bay.
Yea that's a lot of good trim for sure. Now if I could get high on edibles. Far and few are the times I've gotten stoned of the eats.
Oh just something I'm starting to smell. The Cassius really does smell like AppleJacks. Sweeter than the Marion#1. And pretty decent herbs for some uncured pot.
Now I'm waiting impatiently upon my seeds. I caught the monthly special. But the tracking number shows it hit SF like the 9th. Then no updates, with US mail yet. You know I'll be at the mail box again tomarrow. I can't wait to see if I can get a good Vantage growing again. One of the stoniest pot's I've grown out in awhile. Pretty fast indica. Oh well,
Well hope all's gardens are doing great out there and the stash jars are filled up. Keepem Green
Ok just a fast update. I took acouple pic's of a pretty plant I have going. Named Silver Kush. This plant wood make a hella good single cola plant. I let her get alittle tall and I didn't trim the few side branches she has. If these buds fill in the space she'll make a nice one. I like a fool didn't clone her till after she started flowering. Cloning while flowering, revegging all can add ALOT of stress to a plant. Who knows what can happen, hermie? Well here's what she looks like over all, you can see the slingle cola in this poor pic,

here's what needs to fill in,



Great looking plant. I also took a shot of some of the kids,

Hey I was just reading something in the High Times from a grower that has a full acre of weed going inside. I mean these peoples are big,,,,,,,,,,,,, HELLA big. They said something that registered with me very well. They add Bean Vines to their crops. Suppose to give them a early warning sign about mites. They even claim mites will LEAVE a marijuana plant in preference for the bean vine. Interesting............... Well Once more everyone thanks for looking in,,,, and I hope alls gardens are doing GREAT,,,,,,
and Keepem Green
Sweet update brother! Those are some seriously classic shots. Very nice :bravo:

Well hey , I bet it's cooling off pretty good up there, just wanted to show you this KC-45 Revegged plant that I got just starting to flower out there, looking towards a December harvest with her. Look at the sativa in those leaves! Just wanted to show you cause I remember you know about that KC. :volcano-smiley:

Nice plant, NCW!
I envy ya Lester.. Is that still flowering outside? You must really like that strain, I know you've been working with it for quite awhile now. It must not have taken much auto from that parent side seeing you clone and reveg her a lot. Does she flower in the summer like a auto? Or do you have to force her?
Jaga I didn't really weigh out my finish this year. Afew yields I had were kind of lite. I'd put my Cassius just shy of 2 lb's, the Purpit
1 1/2 lb's, the OPN was about 8 oz's, Berkley Blues another 1/2 a pounder, lets see, the Wood's White about 2 lb's, Pitt Bull another 8 oz's, these are pretty close off the top of my head. Oh another 1 1/2 lb's total off the 2 Marion Berry. Wasn't a banner year cept in the hash making department, seeing I just scraped a lot of the smaller buds.
Hey BAR here's a interesting plant. It's a Sugar Plum. She's in a 6X6" pot and I could've gotten away with something even smaller. But I can envision a 4X4' with 64 of these in it;

BUMMER,,,,,,,, first time for everything. My seeds got jacked by customs. I got a letter in place of my seeds claiming contraband in the envelope and they destroyed it......................... I wrote the vendor and I got a feeling they might replace them seeing I've been buying from them since they started selling seeds. We'll see what happens.
Thanks everyone for looking in. Just a fast update first just afew of the 'Kid's'. Mainly everything I grew outdoors except like 4 new ones;

And here's another of the new ones. Called Purple Haze, I'm not sure how long she's been flowering, but she needs acouple maybe 3 more weeks;

Well there goes my B-Day present down the drain with customs............... I get another year older come Thursday. Seeing I don't have any new strains to plant,,,, guess I'll go play some slots and black jack for acouple days. I hope everyone out there's gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
Damn! that sucks. Soon we will be free
everything looks Great as usual :high-five:
im sure they will replace them brotha but will customs catch it again since they know what address it came from ?
Well I did shoot them a kite. I don't know how department of agriculture got wind the envelope contained seeds??????????????? They must have a flag on that addie coming in. I just talked with another vendor and they said afew areas are problematic. And they have a way to make sure it will get thru. Sad tho,, I really liked the monthly specials. A lot of decent freebies. I'm going to try some from Canada. I did see a bad thing with this new vendor they don't carry CH9 seed. I really messed up not cloning that one I had. She was a great plant. I will get my Vantage.
Well hell freezed over. We actually came back with 'alittle' more then when we left. If was wasn't so cheap, and played max bets I could've walked with acouple grand. But the casino gods slightly smiled on us today, and the whole trip was free. Including the room and meals, even the gas..........
Fast update before the door bell rings with more trick or treaters. I have a Oregon Piot Noir or however it's spelled, I'll just call it OPN. I grew this outdoors, but I do feel plants here can't reach full potential. Well some. I know the Marion Berry was ready before the end of Sept. I really think mine could've used another 7-10 days to beef up and crank out some more tric's. Well anyways this one is bout done. OPN;


Well I hope everyone had a safe Halloween. And the gardens are growing great. Keepem Green
Very nice series of updates brother! :volcano-smiley:

About the KC, yeah, she's a revegetated bush just starting to get into flower now. Strain seems to love the cooler, cloudy conditions - always perked right up, even throughout rain events. I was telling you a while ago it might be the perfect Sativa for ya up there. I have never once seen a piece of rot on any KC that I've ever grown. I am liking the strain a lot, it's genuine sativa.

And I never saw ANY signs of autoflowering from it EVER (even though it's supposed to be 50% RR). I force flowered it all summer. Yeah and I'm gonna take some clones, of the clone! Can't believe they try to pull it off as an autoflower, but there was a member who flowered it under 24/0 light.

Anyway sorry for the rant, I always enjoy your updates brother. Hope all is well :Namaste:
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