Our Ongoing Grows

Hello NC. Great looking plants and harvest! Sounds like you lost a seed order? So did I a few months ago. Got the pkg. minus the seeds and a form from customs. I use seed bank that rhymes with "dude". Lucky I paid for guaranteed delivery and received re-send. Successful again on an order after that. Tee shirt & cup option seemed to have been eliminated, so I picked "random item" and got them inside a sequined coin purse. How did they know that's exactly what I need. Haha. Hope you have better luck in future.
Great updates Norcaliwood, sorry to here about your seed order. I sent you a PM on that topic.
Well hell freezed over. We actually came back with 'alittle' more then when we left. If was wasn't so cheap, and played max bets I could've walked with acouple grand. But the casino gods slightly smiled on us today, and the whole trip was free. Including the room and meals, even the gas..........

That is a WIN.
You bet I call it a win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ain't done alick of good at any of these local Indian Casinos............... I mean you can do just as good on the tables,,,,, and that's where I should be playing, but I like the machines. Did get a good rush,,,,,,,,,,, playing a 30 cent bet I was one mark from a million dollars. I was playing that one for hours. Oh welllllll.
Might be Lester. A lot of different variables going on up here. You pretty much HAVE to be out the ground EARLIER the better being OCT. 1st at the latest. Might get lucky,,,, but. And the seasons change slower here seeing you can't even throw a plant out before mid may without it flowering depending on the genetics. So that leaves 4 months to finish up,,, well 3 1/2 months and gets shorter every mile north you go. You got a sweet spot.
Some of these strains I grew outdoors,,,,,,,,,, won't even grow indoors. I grew the Marion Berry outdoors last year as well as this, and the same thing. Buds stopped putting on meat after afew weeks. I swear I didn't see it coming, seeds. This strain shys away from the brightest spot in the yard. Also wilts at the slightest sign of heat. I truly think this one isn't for anyone indoors. I know they told me last year they were having troubles with it so they have a number 2 with 3 in the works. Overall outdoors, the plant is great out here outdoors. The herbs to me and I'm as heavy weight as there is when it comes to 'feeling' something. Happens after a lot of hard years parting with everything under the sun, anyway, anyone. Past is what makes us. But here's a pic of the Marion erry I was growing,, I did cull the clones from this one. Hopefully she didn't infect anyone else with her Hermie pollen.........

acouple atad closer;


Got it 60. But I am eyeing a Canadian Seed Bank I'll bow to say who,,,, they'd just have to spank me but.... Not sure of the specials yet but most have something.
Brightlight,,, yep. Came thru SF customs and the tracking number show her paused close to 3 weeks there. Then went. Still haven't heard back from them, but I'll rattle their cage once more before I call it. Really don't want to throw the dice ordering either. Seems your got got even with a extra... First time for everything. But we all know with the age of the computers,,,, our world got ALOT easier to look up anything. Hope they don't do another Marc Emery..................................... and
I hope everyone up and growing, and Keepem Green
Nice trich pic NorCal. I for one believe those reservation Casinos are more crooked than Atlantic City & believe me, that's crooked.
Fast update seems oregon is now the 'first' place one can legaly grow 4 plants and have up to 8 oz's. Even legalized sales from what i see. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remeber smoking and dreaming about this back about 1972........................... Legal took awhile,, but bout damn time...........
Keepem green
Way to go Oregon!!!!!
I just smoked a bowl of hash from Orient Express to celebrate your victory!!! :bong:
U know what, NCW. I been just looking at one of the oldest pics of your OPN and damn me if it isn't one of the most beautiful purple varieties I've seen :goodjob: :lot-o-toke::circle-of-love:
Yep I wasn't dreaming.............................................................................. LEGAL.
BTW Con23, I always loved the look of this girl. Talk about Purples...Loved the look just didn't care the quality. Unknown strain;
Miss J just said Oregon just got GREENER. Keepem Green
I can only dream they will do it here
the politicians here are all crooks would never put
that kinda vote to the people
they just keep it in house in the legislature and just let it sit
CCH it takes people to really step up and raise alittle hell. Oregon has always been a 'greenie' state. No offense meant. But I guess the hippies got tired of getting ragged on in San Francisco and moved north. A lot of old school hippies around here. Shit the only place you can get a doctor to put us out or misery with doctor assisted suicides. I really think the state was waiting to see the problems of the first couple. They did put a cap on taxes from what I heard. Now that's not on my skin but I did hear it from someone. LOL I just wonder,,,,,,, I got a friend, he's up to date on what's up. Hell he opened three new stores retailing medical. I got a feeling Oregon is going to let established co-op's to continue to retail till they figure it out. That dude might know something and get rich,,, or belly up. But he's been in the circle here for 35 years. I keep thinking about Washington at 30$ per gram of some 'herb' running 13% THC... Hang in there CHH it WILL happen soon. Hey Missouri is even thinking about doing something in 2015. And that's in the bible belt area.
That's a cool vid. Love the song. Love the Band Charlie Daniels Band. Seen him like 3 years back. Yea I posted his pic on here on one of my closed threads. Not sure if this is my third or fourth thread I started here. One back when. Even got my hand slapped by 420 cus wasn't a weed leaf in site........................... Cat and mouse. Now I really got to watch out. Lester turned moderator...... JK
Lester, like I always preached,,,, I've always been a dummie on a PC and I really love to see peeps that can get out there and post with all these. It's a job for a person that can type. Hell even spell. Fit's ya partner Congrad's. As I watch over my shoulder. JK
Thanks Jaga and BAR. I HAVE to smile,,,,, every time I say weed is legal. And I've been announcing that to anyone who hears my babbling ass. I think back to all the pictures of weed leafs I drew in junior high on my folders. Cranking Sabbath, taking bongies', under the black lite posters. Always said IT HAS TO BECOME LEGAL. How can they stop a weed.
Ok alittle about my grow. Fast update for anyone that didn't know. I'm using pro-mix HP right now. I'm still getting use to it because I does drain fast. But that helps plants get alittle more oxygen to the root systems. I always like to add bone meal for the sustained calcium released. Most bone meals are like 25% calcium. I also add blood meal and earthworms castings. Sprinkle alittle Marine Cuisine from Fox Farm and give her a go. I topped mine early. I mean even top a set earlier if I know the strain can use it. Here's a topped Wood's White I started;

I have a closet I clone in. And I'm vegging my girls under a 600 watt MH bulb in a 4X4 tent. In which BTW I just started 4 new strains. Got a Cheese variant, one Moby Dick, one DelaHaze, and a Blue OG. And soon as the sale starts, I'm going try for 18-20 new strains we'll see. I did e-mail them a copy of the intercept, Anyways,,,,,,,, Here's the veg tent;

I flower in a 10X12+ under two 1500 waters when temps permit. Which is now. Both lights are on rails inside the Mag XXL 6" hoods. And as temps climb I switich to the galaxy dimmable 1000 waters. Works for me. My temps stay about 76 in the winter. Maybe 85+ in dead summer, and I have to dim down the watts rather than a split air unit for now. I also use fert's. Right now I'm using up the last of some Cutting Edge Nutrients I bought. It works fine. Nothing out the normal. I'm thing of trying Advanced Fert's next or just go back to GH. GH is the main stay of the 3 part fertilizers. All the huge hydro farms seem to use it, and it was one of the first around. And alittle dry Kool Bloom, 3 times during flower and flush.
I really like this girl. Figures I didn't clone her. I did just cut a clone that is flowering and hope it will sprout legs. If not guess I'll have to reveg her. It's called Silver Kush;

here's alittle better lighting;


Okk here's the OPN ready to cut. Her hairs are 3/4 dead and dieing. This plants tric's don't turn Amber. She's got buds that are super solid and heavy. I could wait till hell freezes over and she'll stay cloudy in tric color. But she's done. Now to see if she'd make a good inside grower. OPN

Well I'm outta here. Hope everyone gardens are doing great. And Keepem Green
Thanks ya'll you know I didn't even read up on the DelaHaze. She doesn't fit the strains I generally try to grow. Atad longer flowering and a more up haze as the name implies. I was just going thru seed withdrawals after the highjack of my last shipment. And the got my last fix with the last of the ones I had in my in.
Well I took the little Sugar Plum variant from Stony Girls Sedds to the office and thought I'd try for a pic or two. I feel she has another 4-5 days to finish. Buds are hard. Really hard and you can feel the weight by shaking the bottom of the stem back and forth. I can see alittle over 1/2 OZ off her. I flowered her about 4" tall and she's in a 6"X6" pot and really does need any more square footage to beef up. Guess I should've let her get 7" and she'd break a OZ. But anyways 2 pic's seemed to come out pretty damn decent so I thought I'd throw them up. Sugar Plum;

and last shot;
Laters Keepem Green
Fast up date. I was dicking around in the office and did happen to get afew pretty good pictures of my Oregon Piot Noir or whatever she's called, OPN;



I don't have a exact time but it about 45 days total. I didn't spend a lot of time in veg with her, I did get alittle over a OZ it looks, seeing she's going to represent what the strain can do indoors. The Outdoor I ended up with like 14 OZ's of ok weed. I think she needed nother week myself out there. But this looks pretty damn good to me. Can't wait till she dries.... But guess I'm going to have to,,,,,,,,, Keepem Green
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