Our Ongoing Grows

And the saga of trimming continues......... We threw a plant in the trash. Bud Rott. Was my Cripit. Plant has the most solid buds I've ever seen. Alittle to solid for outdoors here I guess. But all the main colas had acouple spots in them and wasn't worth the time to pick thru and get disgusted with. Other wise we have minimal rott. We got afew down now and afew left. Looking like the Cassius is going to be a monster. I know 3 out there are going close to two LB's each. Going to have a decent one this year. For as big as the Marion Berry looked she's atad on the light side at 1 1/2 lb's for 2. Good smoke tho from the sample I burnt. Well this is a busy couple days. And it's my B-Day month. I'm going to catch acouple new seeds while the sale is upon us. Hope they got a lot of good freebies. This month and next are my restock times as far as seeds............ Seeing others are buying... What more could one ask for. I plan on getting new Vantage along with 5 or 10 others. Guess I need atleast a 5 pack if I ever hope to get close to the same pheno I had. Well got buddage to work with. I hope all's doing great. And Keepem Green
Just acouple fast pic's. We are winding down now. Everything from the back 40 has been cut and just about finished drying. This is about a third of what we pulled out of it,

Fast shot or two of the Wood's White;



Also acouple of the Oregon Pinot Noir;


Well back to finding containers to bag and tag this crop. Thanks all for looking in and Keepem Green
Hey thanks all for looking in. Wasn't a 'Banner' year but we did lay in our supply for awhile. I'm waiting on seeds now. I opted for a 5 pack of Vantage this time. I'm going to plant 4 outta 5 in hopes I find a keeper. I will clone all of these this time. And I hate this time of year,,,, all them empty pots and skeletons of plants out there.
I do have afew I brang in to finish up inside. I found two buds that got infected with rott. But it shouldn't spread anymore. Humidity is running 40%. Here's one that's going crazy. Small popcorn nuggets, but they have a sweet smell. More Haze then Lemon. Super Lemon Haze;

I mean she's packing on the tric's;

Well back to the work at hand. We only high graded most of the plants. Any smaller buds went straight into the hash or budder sacks. Looking like afew lb's of 'Prime' shake for that. damn this shake looks better than a lot of bags I've bought in the past. Should be loaded with product. Guess it's time to get alittle dry ice. Shame the handle broke loose from my majic budder unit. Guess I'll just have to do alittle rigging with duct tape and bailing wire.......... Hope all's gardens are doing great out there. I've fallen way behind others threads for the moment. I'll catch up soon sorry.....
BTW I found 1 caterpillar and it wasn't even on the plants. Captain Jacks works great. I used the atomizer to give her a light spray 2 weeks prior to harvest, I'll be using it again next year. I put my ear out real hard this year and got some feedback on this product. I'm going back to Black Gold soil next year along with this stuff, Actinovate SP Biological Fungicide. We're having a Indian Summer this year. Damn I wish I still had plants out. We only got afew days of rain this year, but the timing could've have been worse. Rained the last days of September when the buds are fat. Oh well I know afew had a bad year and I feel for them. People who live elsewhere won't understand the problems the PNW holds. It's still a learning experience for me that's for sure. 40 years growing and still learning. Thanks all for looking in I hope all's stash jars are full Keepem Green
Damn, man :) Excellent stash, just pure poetry. I'm sorry u lost some of your stuff to bud rot, but won what had to be won. This Oregon Pinot Noir looks really tasty by the way, what's the lineage? Probably there's a lot of trimming in your part, eh? :) Here we go full speed ahead, but I'm happy to say that I chopped what was ready and have only one sativa left in the jungle. Weather is gonna be shitty for at least few more days as always this time of the year, but well, that's the way it is. I'll leave u to hash making now :hookah:
Truly outstanding harvest Norcaliwood.:adore:
Thanks for the kind words my fellow growers. CHH I've grown out afew SLH before but I always had the lemon pheno. Cept the last two grows I did of it. Had more a hashy flavor then the lemon it's so well known for. I have her still going, but not sure she's going to continue tho. I loved the lemon pheno both in herbs and bud structure. This is a minimal yielder. She's loaded with tric's tho. And I've burnt this pheno before and she lacks nothing when it comes to med's. But I LOVED the lemon,,, and bet your bottom dollar I will do her again. Right now I want to refind that pheno of Vantage I grew before. Dude that stuff ROCKED. And had a 49 day flower cycle from the flip of the lights to boot. Sad I have a happy heathy Chemdawg going. She looks great, seeing I didn't clone her this time. I grew 2 of them out starting flowering at short height of 10". Nice compact plant. And she likes being a smaller multi-branched plant over the larger ones. Oh well I have tooo many now to play with. And I have to thin afew strains out. I really haven't had time to test what I have. I hate to even smoke it before afew weeks pass.
Conradino, whew that's heavy spelling for this hillbillie. But my outdoor strains I use a local growers strains. All these strains are born and bred here in Oregon. But sounds like they might be just what the doctor ordered over there. Faster flowers. I grow strains from Stoney Girl Gardens. Here's their products;
Pinot Noir
Well back to the grind,,,,,, Keepem Green
Congrats on your harvest Norcal; Harvesting, the ultimate goal...
I just checked this website, amazing breeding for local climate! This is exactly what makes the world of cannabis so interesting. Premium genetics in this OPN with Colombian Gold and Panama Red :) She looks very close to pure sativa on these pics u posted and I guess it's a strain that deals very well with grey mold. Well, nice trimming NCW!
Ahh harvest time. Everybody gets busy then... :lot-o-toke:


Nice harvest!!!
Yea I also have heard about that Actinovate. I may have to band wagon with you and give it a try. I think it's like a systemic fungicide so you don't have to spray. A good grower recommended it to me once for mold.

Anyway, great stuff brother. I always look forward to your posts. :passitleft:
Is this stuff available in Europe?
lol the better ones I get don't wait a few days before it starts getting smoked :rofl:
I still got a few jars of chemdog and bcn diesel
the css I harvested recently is almost gone its actually pretty decent stuff
smooth nice flavor that don't ask me to describe cause I suck at that unless its really
noticeable like some diesels have a pine sol like taste to it or some kushes like bk with a coffee smell and taste
really obvious stuff I can describe lol
but hey have a good one man
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