Our Ongoing Grows

DUCK! " It's a Drive By" :smokin: Had to stop in on my way around the 420 World. No doubt.

You have some fine girls around the pool again I see. Fantastic as always...this is getting boring. NOT!

I'll be checking out this "motion picture" you got going on back there real soon and then get back on track. Good luck!
My heart Ethel I'm coming to join ya. Is that Cisco?? Naw filament of ones imagination...
But welcome all, and Well thanks everyone for stopping in.
Well this winter/spring, I guess we're going to get alittle revamp in the yard and maybe our fence,,,,,,,,,,, kind of looking that ways. This house is getting up there in age, if Miss J hear's me say this,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'll get ragged on for a month but, the concert around the pool is that exposed aggregate and she's starting to crumble with age. Hurting feet and stubbing toes,,,,,,,,, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jack hammer and abit of framing, is coming to be done. But I've been thinking,,,,,,,,,, Washington's been a flop as far as herbs from a store. 13% come on. For 30 per Gram?????????????????????? That sucks. Someone is going to have to have some semi decent herbs to throw out there. I KNOW a fact I grew out a bubble gum strain that threw out 3 lb's last year of what I call mid's, swag, whatever one calls it. Had to be better than 13% and I gave it all away or cooked with it. My son lives back in Ind. and a oz of medium swag is close to 350$ per oz.......................... Well if we do replace and do some upgrading to the yard I've got acouple ideas I'm going to incorporate in the form of directly into the ground planter boxes. Put it this ways,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wood is thinking of the November dockets. We should have legal weed................................. Maybe I'll supply one friend who has opened three medical stores to date with some of mine if prices work right.............. Three or 4, 16' plants producing 4-5 lbs per is great supplement to ones SSA. At 10$ even per gram????? One can bank on it.
These girls are going to be midgets come next year......... Here's the Crippled Rino;

and the Berkley Blues. This strain is one that can produce a lot of product. I'm saying with alittle TLC plants can throw off 5 lb's pretty easy. BB

Ok here's pretty one. Marion Berry#2. She can be a monster but she likes to curl up instead of growing outwards. ALITTLE slower on the flowering than her sister MB#1. MB#1 took off in flower mode acouple days before anything else. Fact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I just threw a MB#1 out back to flower. I plan on getting some female pollen off her to use in the future. Hey she's hella fast is all I can say. And she has nice BIG Cola Heds that might go up to 2 oz's per bud...........................These pic's are of the bud structure of the Marion.... But this is number#2, great compact taller strain, with the same donkey dicks as #2 only 20% larger. I want the faster. Got some of that 'Serria Mist' and I have two #1's so I threw out outside to go into flower till I decide what to do. I know she's/he's a great plant to use breeding. Well least I'll have Marion Berry#1 fem seeds........................... Here's Number 2;

and alittle closer of the bud structure. This pic is 1/3rd of the way down the plan. Marion B#2

Going to be huge buds for sure. That ones going to be about a OZ unto herself...........................

Well my freak calmed down damn it. She could've helped by throwing out three branches during the first toppings...........The trifloliar never did anything but twin like a normal plant. Lemon OG,,,,,,,,,,,,, Didn't even throw a third set of triple leaves out................. But she's growing......... I just topped her and this is her;

And last pic............................ I'm getting tired of NO NEW WEED. I LOVE FRESH................... So I cut a taste off a auto.......... This is G-13's Pineapple Express. Smells great to the dope staved hippie in dog shit Nebraska..........
A-PE at?


Better get me a buzz or I'm going to blast the hell outta it with a 10Gauge............................. Keepem Green
A-1 you know right straight where to come........................... I got just the strain for you..................Keepem Green
Just my last 2 cents...................... I want afew 5+ pounders next year,,,, so I can go say hello in person to Pop's and CHH. We'll see what kind of funds I have left. Hawaii....................... Could one even imagine a 12/12 cycle everyday?????????

But I am planning on some fem seeds for friends of cooler weather lover MB#1 and I should have afew extra's.......

Keepem Green

It is so close now. I hope and say one for us (all of us) for a good harvest. We are getting a nice dry but cold snap (60s daytimes and 30s nights) . I say dry but it is not really dry, the ladies are wet with dew every morning... oh well I better not keep thinking! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Your plants look beautiful!!!
Just my last 2 cents...................... I want afew 5+ pounders next year,,,, so I can go say hello in person to Pop's and CHH. We'll see what kind of funds I have left. Hawaii....................... Could one even imagine a 12/12 cycle everyday?????????

But I am planning on some fem seeds for friends of cooler weather lover MB#1 and I should have afew extra's.......

Keepem Green

Come on over Sprout.......you better bring Miss J too. I want to give that girl a HUG! :high-five: :love:
Thanks everyone for stopping in. Hang in there Pop's.......
Hey Buck, I woodn't worry a lot about alittle dew. We had rain today here, then bright sun acouple hours later. I thought they might get sun burnt but looks good. Plants are use to it. As long as they don't stay wet for afew days. Plants have been waking to dew since the beginning of time. As long as they dry out. Rained here today and calling rain acouple days next week. But some of my buddage is bigger than harvest time last year.
BTW Jade, that Pineapple Express bud I cut was sure tasty. It had a 'up' high but it was alittle early. Small plant tho. Might get 1/2 oz off her.
Hey Alaska. If I have anything you need in the way of strains just give me afew weeks and I can start cloning. My youngsters are way to small to cut up yet..
Just a fast update of a depressing flower room. First the up and coming room fillers.

Now what I have left to put a spit shine on,



and the board area.

1-2 months from now it will be full again. Thanks all and Keepem Green
Hey thanks all for looking in. Don't mind me a Jack' mumbling here. I was just out back looking around. Kind of wish I was back in Arkansas. I look around and see the damn street lights. MF'er's. Wish I could shoot them out with a 22. Sad thing is they are probably LED"s, and have 10 bulbs in them. But reality sets in,,,,,,, and plants are blooming regardless. I talked with the breeder afew times just about that....... He has the same thing. Street lights which shine over the roof and hit directly on his girls with no ill affects. Why I say this is probably just the jack,, but I wander and see the light and curse........................
Besides being the first time in 25 years I 'almost' run outta herbs.............. I'm flushing and have been for acouple days the Auto I have out there. She's a auto pineapple express. I liked the sample for a auto. Great taste. Fairly good quality. Got to remember,,,,, ALL auto flowering plants start out as a piece of garbage.............. THC% is nil. I do know peoples have crossed a lot of great strains with the rud gene and got some decent weed from it. And every generation they work with it,,,,,,, it will get better. I just in my own mind think if you take a great strain''''''' cross it with a worthless strain, which ALL auto's come from' you will get 1/2 that great strain. Kind of like cutter. It takes years to transfer genetics,,,,,,,,, least this idiot says, but their are alllllot smarter people's working with these. But hey,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think I'm damn near close to the first person here to claim auto's have a place. They weed's better hella better. That alone speaks for itself. Just you'd have to grow SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmany to keep ones pipe full. I think I'd rather have a bud of pineapple express,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rather than a auto flower. Of course one has to have excess to clones, but rooted clones flower just as fast as auto flower strain if you start them 12/12 as soon as you can........ AND you can do without that middle man crossing the genetics. And get true strains................. Hey Wood I plant that seed????????? Hell ya. A half oz in the pocket? Hell yea. Might even do better on yours. Them auto flowering seeds are ALL over the place. Even might be one you wished you had more......... GL
Keepem Green
Yea Pop's born and bred,... But I get them nights where I don't 'cotton' to neighbors, but what we going do. I really can't complain. I have the 'best' neighbors one could have. Even better neighbors seeing they know my business and deal real great with it. I swear I go out there with a full moon and two streetlights and I can see better at night after acouple minutes, than in day.............. Like I said plants don't seem to mind so I guess it's my problem. But when you was raised shooting a deer out the back window,,,,,,,,,, oh well I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore..........
We took the Auto today. Going to have to be personal and last afew days. That will NEVER happen so I took a small bud off this Marion Berry#1. I mean a bottom. I smoked 1/2 a 'pinner', I use single wide zig-zag's, tonight and coped a decent buzz. Nice eye droop stuff. Plant is flowering pretty sick fast. Almost makes me wish weather was cooler so she could show her true colors. Hey I ain't bitiching,,,,, acouple sprinkles all month compaired to everyday last year. Call's for alittle rian next week but acouple days won't hurt much this late in season. Unless it rains everyday for 4-5 days. But this girl is getting close. Marion Berry#1

Not a good picture but here's a regular. Cripit. Pots been stony. Some of the rock hardest nuggets I've ever seen. Over Rockstar by far with a nice Thai flavor. She's not big by no means about 4-1/2' tall. But this plant can deal with anything. Hell even a hurricane, clones easy, and can supports any bud a plant could make. Cripit;

And the 'AppleJack' pheno called Cassius. She's starting to throw some stink out. Not her full potential, but she does have acouple more weeks to fill in. ALOT of buds on her. Just atad bigger than golfball sized all over. Just a peek;

Well I couldn't turn this pic down. It's off my Marion Berry#2. She looks 5-6 days behind #1. But the pic shows the bud structure, besides a sweet shot. I will get some real pictures of these buds soon;

Well thanks all for looking in and Keepem Green
Love the color on Marion Berry everything looks great cant wait for your next indoor grow
Keepin it Green :thumb:
Thanks CHH. Shes fast I will say that.
I wanted to throw out there we are starting to get alittle rain here. I was able to throw most my plants under my patio and the rest in the greenhouse. 4-5 days outta the next 7-9 days. I'm wondering if anyone ever tried using stuff called Companion? Suppose to work as soil drench and control bud rot. 100% organic. But if all jives right I plan on getting some and giving it a try. Thought I'd throw that out incase others might be interested. Keepem rot free and Keepem Green
Thanks for looking in all. We've been alittle busy here. Rained the last couple days. Suppose to break soon but we drug all the girls in outta the rain. Patio's full and the greenhouse. I'll get a update soon. Oh BTW that Companion is something I should've started with a month or so ago. Kind of late now.......... Till then Keepem Green
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