Our Ongoing Grows

Great Update there NorCali but isn't there a pic or 2 missing with some moonlight?
just giving you a hard time man Thanks for Keepin em Green they look Beautiful :high-five:
Awesome Norcaliwood.

Fantastic plants :bravo:
Sorry peoples I haven't been keeping up on my postings. Really isn't a lot new going on now cept just about all the outdoor girls are starting to flower. We are just now having a waning moon. Days are getting shorter. I know with this new moon the girls should start taking off. And I have almost a empty flower room indoors for the first time in close to a year. Going to be a complete cleaning done. I did lose acouple girls to the dreaded mites. Come down to brass tacks, that nuke-em wasn't all they claimed it to be but then is anything ever? It's hard not to get mites when you never shut down the room. Seems to work like this every year. Oh well life.
Glad to hear you peoples survived the hurricanes. I guess the storms that were suppose to hit use the other day was probly left overs from them. I hear Washington got nailed real bad. Speaking of Washington, I talked to Alaska-1 the other day. Guess he was back in the mid-west for awhile but he's back up there now. Guess he's had a lot of changes in his life lately. Well I want to say hello to the new ID's I seen posting and ofcourse hello to all the regulars. I hope all are doing great out there. And the gardens are green
and Keepem Green
Mites... a friend got mites on all his blooming plants inside and out. Since it was flowering girls I suggested spinosad. He blasted twice and reports that he has won... so far.
First off I want to say sorry for not keeping up with a lot of friends grows. I do call it lazy. My bad. Hell I even have fallen so far behind on my own.
You know Buckshot, I've got some out there I used on mine last year for caterpillars. And I wish I could find something that worked as good on mites. Man I'd be RICH. I mean really rich. But I will try it on mine soon as I get signs again. Right now I get to close the flower room and scrub ceiling to floor. I also have a Doctor Doom fogger to do the empty room with after the bleaching she's going to get. Fans hoods and ballasts, everything is coming out and get blasted with air and pine-sol. All my youngings I have my veg tent are going to get a solid regiment of safers soap. Just the two cents of my mentor, way back before there was no sources of info, he told me all he'd every use was safers. He suggested to spray plants completely plus another 100%, wait 10-20 minutes then rise with clean water before the soap dries. In theory it lubricates enough for the clean water to wash the mites and eggs off the plant. I do have to say this about that man, with the net and all the reading of info I've done as of late, he was right on it with a lot of info. But I will try it. They claim it works with mites, and it is a bacteria that does dissipates with time. I will say this,,,, stuff works GREAT with the worms. I harvest,,,, wellllllllllllllllllllllll HOPE to harvest by Oct 10th. Hell I'll be happy with sun all Sept and harvest Oct 3rd. But Sept 15th I spray once and I don't see worms. Well I didn't last year. Anyone who has every had a outdoor crop knows is scary to see them worms dropping down from a thread off your babies. You can bet I'm going to try it again this year incase last year was a fluke before I put it on 'my skin'. Alittle jailhouse slang for any that understand..
I want to welcome afew new ID's I seen '23,60, and Yogi. Sorry for the short hand but, Thanks for stopping in. And ofcourse all the regulars.
Nothing really new here. That first one to flower Marion Berry. Not sure which right now seeing I have two pheno's from the breeder. She's one that needed alittle extra nitrogen,,, I think. Lime green in color but healthy;

These pictures are like 3 days old. Shows how slow I'm getting in my old age. I'm getting up there as my Old Lady always says. Least has the last few days. JK peoples. But they are looking good. Cept acouple that seem to want alittle more than the Earth Juice seems to have to offer. I did supplement acouple sprayings with instant-green from grotex. Seemed to help darken up the color alittle. Now myself and I am using the EJ fert's, I decided to hit them with alittle 'juice' in the form of my 'Cutting Edge' nut's with alittle cal-mag and some kool bloom for a bloom booster. These are at close to max recommended levels. I'm a creature of habit and a blast of P can never hurt when blooms are forming. I like to 'blast' them 2-3 times in the flower cycle.
Well acouple pic's of the back 40. Like I said nothing new. Plants grow like weeds outdoors. Here's acouple of the children,

The Wood's White. I have her surrounded with some bamboo and the 1/2" tie ribbon in prep for her heavy buds that I can tell those little stems aren't going to support.

And here's the Purpit;

And one of my favorites Cripit;

Well that's it for now from the Doghouse. Once more I hope all's gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
Sweet update!! I hope you kill the shit out of those little bastards!!!

-- edit I have been using spinosad for worms too!!! I got none this year so far :cheesygrinsmiley:, mold like hell but no worms to go with!!
Well sorry to say but my PC took a crap.................. Well not the whole thing but the keys were messing up and now I'm down to using my Old Ladys laptop, I hate laptons. But guess I'm going to have to break down and buy a new board. I hate to buy crap like that so I nursed her till she died. I plan on catching up soon. Things are doing great here. All weather signs point good. All the girls are packing on size which I'll catch up soon. Hopes all's gardens are growing like hell. Keepem Green
Hey NorCal,

Just buy a $10 keybaord at wally world:)

Yea weather been good so far, except for the heat in my parts, but better now. hope we do not get a couple big storms in late Sep. like we did last year!

Everything is looking good in your garden, hope u get your mite problem under control. Little buggers still pissing me off but I got them knocked back pretty good, more predator mites incoming just in case.
Well got my new keyboard. An I did get acouple new pictures to throw up. Weathers been great. This weekend they do call for so sprinkles. Alittle rain never hurt any plant at this stage of flowering. Helps wash off bugs and dust, and strengthens the stems in prep for the buddage. Well let me update alittle. I have started afew new strains. I have a little Lemon OG Kush I started and low and behold,, I got a trifoliate. Having three leaves to a set instead of two. I've had afew of these before and they do grow out of it. Least all I've ever seen. My Lemon OG;

I also started a Purple Haze, Blue Cheese, Purple Train Wreck, and a Silver Kush. All these are from seed. Here's my slightly overcrowded nursery;

I started afew of these for my friend Shemp so the room will thin alittle. But I do have a clone of every strain I have out back.
PK here's acouple from the backyard. This one Cassius is starting to get that apple smell. Not sure how big the buds get but she's going to be a good one. Cassius;

and a closer pic;

And here's some of the Marion Berry;


I also threw one of my Auto Flower seeds out. It's a Pineapple Express;

And one last update. Does this camouflage work?

Well that's it for now. I'm going to try to catch up afew grows I've been watching. Keepem Green
Very nice flowering, I hope the weather's good out there. Here it just started raining again.
I am going auto outside for sure... dang your yard looks nice
Thanks everyone for stopping in and taking a peek. I have to say this Earth Juice is some nasty fertilizer. Slimy bat crap that coats everything with a thick coating of slime. I don't advise using this stuff indoors. I'd bet 10 to 1 it wood breed fungus gnats. Outdoors it's all good. I use this stuff just about every other watering. But I have seen some deficiencies in acouple plants. Kind of yellow waxy look to some of the sun leaves. The buddage is looking fine.
You know Crawdaddy, I've found strain that are from our neck of the woods all flower out abit faster when used. Your just across the river so one day you might want to cruise bye and grab a clone or two for next year. You can acclimate any strain if you produced afew seeds and started a strain yourself and grew it out afew times. I've gotten alittle lazy myself. So I let someone else do the work and I'll just grow there strains. Those Marion Berries are fast to flower. Hopefully we'll have a dry September and first week of Oct this week. My girls generally start to come out beginning about Oct 1st.
Well I'll try to get a picture update in alittle bit. Hope EVERYONE is enjoying the holidays. Weathers beautiful, and the waters warm so I'm going to take a douce outback. Hope everyone's gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
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