Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks Nirvana and welcome to my little grow operation. Bout my pictures, I'd rather throw up acouple good shots that a crap load of mediocre shots. And I do know some times it's hard to know what one is looking at. So I label them. Believe me I do a lot of culling of pictures.
BAR we still cook. Well warm it up. It's not like we have massive peoples for dinner so we can't see doing the whole cooking thing. Besides these Honey Baked Hams are screamer. 60$ for a 8 lber. Which is more than enough. As matter a fact I just now thru the scraps and bone into a crockpot with some pinto beans etc. Know beans for acouple days.
Well tonight I ended up cutting down the seed plants. I couldn't resist getting a picture of a Super Lemon Haze pic or two. Sticky. You can see the hairs, pistils, are dying off and turning brownish red. I ended up giving her afew more days to milk her for what I could. Got to be some values in these trichomes. SLH;

Well that's it from here for a minute. Hope everyone's gardens are doing great. Keepem Green
Well I'm still up and still babbling................... Scary when you got a camera in hand. Besides I needed to do alittle watering anyways. I know I've said this afew times in the past and 95% of peoples here understand this very well. But once more something I like to do, top. Can't go wrong unless you happen to get one of them 5% of marijuana plants that don't like to top. But if you need to worry about space over head, or you want a Scog, or you just plain want yield with max buds, you need to top. Myself, I'd rather waste afew extra days when the plants are real young. The sooner you top, the sooner the stem splits and you get two tops for the monies. Depends on how aggressive the seedling grows is to when I top. These could've and should've been topped one set of leaves sooner. That first topping really slows the upward growth for acouple days, but it's worth it. I started two of these called Lee Roy, one damped off, but I hit this hopefull female, regular seed, on her third true set of leaves.

Young for most I understand, but you figure, I hit the cheese plant in this pic three times in the top department. And she's 2 2 1/2 weeks old? Maybe 3.. Both others were just topped for the first time. Come on Vantage...................

Here's another shot of the Cheese showing how many tops she has;

And here's a Blue OG Kush on her third topping;

Topping, now is a time and place. I mean you want a SOG you woodn't top her at all looking for a good single main cola over a lot of smaller ones.
Well this is life here...............

Here's 4 outta 6 of the girls that went to seed............................... I done threw two others in a paper sack already for Miss J's Sister Rusty. She'll use it that's for sure. She loves to cook especially with infused things. I wonder,,,,,,,, I know she's premature, but could they make top quality dabs or JSO with it???????????????? Might take a lot more but??????? Oh well.
Me and mine are off to laa laa land. Keepem Green out there.........
Congrats on the chop Woody...
Bout my pictures, I'd rather throw up acouple good shots that a crap load of mediocre shots.
I hear you on that but I like to show the good, the bad, and the ugly. The main reason is so other members can learn from my mis-haps but it also shows everyone that we crank out more than just perfect bud. It would be false advertisement having everyone thinking I have perfected a style of grow.

On the flip side someone such as yourself have nothing but outstanding bud and only post the best quality of your pics of them.
LOL at always having good buddage. If you only knew,,,, and I just threw out half my flower room to seeds. And truth be know,,,, unless it's a good learning photo, I'm not fond of posting ugly plants or my failures or stupid mistakes. I might talk about them alittle, And I've had my share.
Nothing new going on here. I do have afew plants that I might have put in flower later than the problem. I know I found one or two seeds on them but this one I didn't find a seed one,,, yet. Now to me, I have not found a weed that works for headaches. Everything I ever smoke amplified a head ache. But a lot of said this ones a winner for pain and even cut it on headaches. I've been growing her for awhile now. Crippled Rino. Cute small plant. I don't figure to do better than a OZ 1/2 off her. But then she is in a 6" pot and only 20" tall. We'll see but here she is;


Well hope everyones doing great out there and Keepem Green
In that case, thanxx for letting us know you're human Woody...
I don't like to post sad images either!

Isn't alot going here. But I thought I'd update my veg tent. I do have afew more strains in the cloner. It's a 4X4 lite with a 600 watt MH HID bulb. Temps are alittle on the cooler side so growth is slowed alittle. Plants are in Pro-Mix HP amended with some goodies. I haven't fed any of these anything. The worm castings, blood/bone meal, and Marine Cuisine. Also some Extreme Gardening Mycro's to round her out seem to work for now. I like to be sure to add extra bone meal for we have some really clean water here. Bout the same PPM as bottled, with such low PPM metals that calcium is about whipped out. Bone meal is 25% calcium, and with slow release over a plants entire growth cycle stuff can't be beat. I have them on a 24/7 light regiment now seeing it's kind of cold at night. Cold slows em down a lot. Clones should be 7-10 days take 14-16 days at the cooler temp's Ive got. Well Here's the Tent'

Here's one I've grown before and loved. Called Vantage. I kept cloning the clone of a clone of clone etc' and ended up with a totally different looking plant. She hadn't changed in potency but I killed her off,,,, my bad to a list of bads in my lifetime...........

And thought I'd throw a pic up of when I first top as a rule. Ofcourse your going to get a shorter plant, which is great for tents and over head problems, and more smaller buds than a single cola plant. Yields ALOT better on any topped plant over 'most' natural ones. But I like to top REAL early. The single leaf, the three leafer, then I top, This is a Rocklock.

Shame all that was seeded crap. Even as early it was a sticky job picking it all. About 3/4 a pound. "even early should make good butter'? About 4 1/2 weeks in? Well she enjoy it. She's use to using sunleaves and some sugar leaves for cooking. I guess she's going to cock pot it seeds and all. Can't say I'd blame her. But you never know, might make some swag like joint weed. Well thanks all for looking in. I hope everyones gardens are doing great. Keepem Green
Thanks for looking in my friends. Got a plant here I haven't heard anything about before. Strain called Lee Roy from Rare Dankness Seed. I got two regular seeds in a freebie. One of them Damped off shortly after germination. Plants suppose to be a 70/30 indo/sativa hybrid. They do have a way to appeal to use potheads in their descriptions. I guess the right adjectives will get a buyer to buy anything. Cept I didn't,,,,,,,, Well I can see she, I hope a she, might be one of them run away plants. I didn't top her till her third leaf set popped out. But she didn't miss a beat of growing time when I topped her, and continued growing like I hadn't. Well here's a picture of the seedling;

But it you look at the tops that come from the pruning, they are shooting straight up. Looking for height. Males tend to do things like this. But I did peal back some leafs and give her a second topping right after this pic;

Like I always say you never know what a plants going to do until you grow it out acouple times. I can't count how many times I grew a plant that the first grow didn't really impress me, so grew the clone off the first plant with no intensions of taking another clone. Why waste a good clone right? Well the herb off the second rocked my socks and I was left with a empty veg tent.. many more my bads right there. But there are so many strains and suck little time right?
Well I'm outta here. Suppose to get together with Alaska 1 later this week. See what he's doing. Guess his clients are going to dictate most of the stock he's going to be growing. CBD type strain. What Hariquin or something. Well hope all are safe and warm,,,,,
Keepem Green
How I got to say this,,,,,, this new ballast, Galaxy 1000 dimable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I just ran one for 8 hours and you can barely feel any heat from it. Now most of my life I've used magnetic and they can get warm. This sucker I didn't even think was on. Time to crank on the other 1500 watt Master Blast HPS in the flower room. I really love the ballast that Galaxy. If it get hot you can back em up on the watts till the spell passes,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or you get a A/C unit.
Dude has a medical store in Cali. He's screaming for product. And he throws out a decent price. Guess they having troubles with supplies. I need to move to Southeast Oregon......................................... Man could get rich I the next 5-6 years. I mean really rich.....
Well back to my little bitty grow. My flower room is a mess. I mean I got bits and piece of plants in there now. A lot of strains I'm pretty sure I'm going to cull this time when they finish. I do have a nice new bunch of starts, but they are going kind of slow. I have cut a square in the base of my house furnace. The unit sits on top a blowback box? Well it's just a metal bottom sitting on top the concrete. Well I added a closeable vent to it and it blows heat into the office. Office? Well my man cave? ah my veg tent, ah the dog house, hell isn't never been a garge. Keepem Green and Happy Holidays'''
Like I always say you never know what a plants going to do until you grow it out acouple times. I can't count how many times I grew a plant that the first grow didn't really impress me, so grew the clone off the first plant with no intensions of taking another clone. Why waste a good clone right? Well the herb off the second rocked my socks and I was left with a empty veg tent.. many more my bads right there. But there are so many strains and suck little time right?
Does this happen often; the same strain having different effects quality wise, or is it a rare occurrence?
Does this happen often; the same strain having different effects quality wise, or is it a rare occurrence?

I would say often, only because that is the way it is for me...
Even from the same genes; clones or same batch of seeds? That's crazy...
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