Our Ongoing Grows

Damned sorry to here about your pollen problem but it sounds like you & the miss have things under control. It was great of you to help out your friend with the medical deficit & the clone gifting. Have a great new year and may it be pollen free, until you need it.
I just seen this pic and I had to laff...........

Keepem Green

I wish we could laugh... even though this "expletive" smoked/most likely still smokes weed where are we?

further back with more setback than even the Bush administration!!!!!

and who is talking about it?

For what I hear 'Obama' is suppose to be letting up on the fed's involvement in the medical parts. But here he was suppose to be all pro pot and has yet to do much of anything. But it is his last term. And a lot of presidents do things on the end of their terms when they know they have nothing to lose as far as reelections. Who knows.
But I do know we got legal here and I haven't been raided in years.
Rooms been cleaned and recleaned. I do have acouple in there that are seeded. I just hope it over and any rouge pollen is dead. I hope everyone had a Great X-mas. And thanks everyone for looking in. Miss J's son got her a small vapor pipe. Suppose to be a decent one but too much trouble for me. Burns everything from dabs to flowers;

I generally wait till after X-mas to get her something. Jewelry or some pretty. But seriously thinking of getting her a Slot machine.
I also got acouple shot of what I've got started in flower. First I have that Dela Haze;

and I got a shot of the Cheese variant from G-13 labs. Nice bushy girl for a cheese;

Well I'm off to the rodeo. I hope all's gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
I've never been one to follow politics. I just know Obama didn't live up to what he showed up front. But we have made leaps and bounds. And really if the fed's wanted to crack down hard,,, they wood. I know for a fact they got ahold of everyone's name on Oregon's Medical Program. And the stores aren't underground in hiding so if 'Big Brother' really wanted to bust some ass,,, they wood be. I've seen acouple raids across the river in Washington. But these fools were grows 1,000's of plants and only by law could do 45. The fed's gave them the 45 plants and left them with their max allowance of product. Step back 10 years. Hell I got raided with a 'legal card' on my gardens. Oh well. It is getting better and pretty fast at that. What we have 23 states with medical now. And in the next couple years who knows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and majority????????? Hey Senators and House............
Well I do want to throw up a fast pic or two. I didn't label all this but this is what the flower room is looking like. And I do have 3 on deck and waiting impatiently for their spot;

And who says pot with seed doesn't crank it out. This girl is just lightly seeded, So I left her going till term. I know I've smoked some hella stony pot with seeds. Anyone remember Michoacán Spears?????????????? Long skinny buds from Mexico, crammed full of seeds. But it was hella stony. Stuff was 25$ a lid. But here's a cool shot of a seeded bud;

Well thanks all for looking in I hope everything's Green where your at and Keepem Green

While I agree that overall it "seems" to be getting better, check this


Every month, medical marijuana growers are sent to federal prison despite having complied with state marijuana laws. And although in 2008 Obama promised to stop raids on medical marijuana growers, his Department of Justice has stepped them up.

"Obama is averaging 36 medical marijuana prosecutions a year, compared to 20 a year" under Bush, according to Reason.com, who base those numbers on a report published by pro-marijuana group NORML in June. "153 medical marijuana cases have been brought in the 4 ¼ years of the Obama administration, nearly as many as under the 8 years of the Bush administration (163)," according to NORML's report.

end Snip --

Just so you know. The horrible thing about this administration is that it is targeting folks for their beliefs and taking them out. Why legalize when you can use the law like a club?

anywho I got a lot more to say but I don't wanna flop around in your thread like a fish outta water :cheesygrinsmiley:

Your room looks freaking awesome!!!!
NCW, one of the best budz I smoked were seeded, so I will never believe that only cause it's sensi it's superior. I think u know what I mean having all these memories about Michoacan, Thai, Oaxaca or whatever. Weed is excellent when right genetics is grown right by the right grower. Anyway, yr flowering room looks great.

Keep it up, man :hookah:
Hey Buckshot feel free to speak out anytime. I've never been one to follow politics at all. I know a man can become President, even if he losses the vote................. Something's not rite there.
But all in all isn't a place on earth I'd rather be than here. Not that I know a lot about other country's. Seeing My travels are limited outside the States. The standard couple three trip to Mexico and one to France sums it up. I don't count the Bahamas as outta the States. And I'm not saying anything bad about anywhere and I know I'd fall in love with a lot different country's. But for now there is still a lot of God's Country I've got to see here, in the States. I did love the Bahamas, and use to go about every weekend, but then I hardly ever got off the boat. Some of the prettiest waters I've ever been on.
Well I'm just about out of the fertilizer. I was using Cutting Edge Solutions. It worked fine. I mean I didn't get any 5 pound buds or 25' trees with it. I couldn't tell any extra smells or flavors either. Now I didn't do any hydro either. But I decided to try some Advanced Nutrients. It's a 'Cup' winning formula. Hell as many cups as they have now everyone should be able to claim that. I plan of supplementing it with some stuff called Bud Igniter. You use the Bud Igniter early in flower. It's made from the same kelp that bush masters use to use. It is free of paclobutrazol, which is a growth regulator that reduces stretch causing buds to 'stack' up. Less space between the leaf nodes makes for a pretty, happy gardens,,,,,,,,,,, The kelp is, Ascophyllum nodosum. And it helps that first 2 weeks. Once the stretch is over your girls won't make more bud sites to you really want to capitalize on them first few weeks. I see a lot of people that use a transition fertilizer. I like to start mine out with a jolt of flower fert's out the gate. But if this Bud Igniter works half what Bush Masters did, I'm going to try.
Well here's the new fert's. I love those International Coffee Creamer bottles for storing smaller amounts in. Price is right and 'claims' say it comp with GH.

Well I want to say Happy New Years to everyone out there. It was too cold to play around out there last night. But I did get out there for 5-6 packs of fire crackers and afew rockets before I tucked tail and bolted for the door and the heater.
Keepem Green Everyone
Yeah man you know for sure where you're going with these ferts :high-five: Me I never switched from organics which I started with about 13 years ago indoor with 3 lame CFLs :blunt: But it was amazing weed and I still remeber it. Buck then I was getting seeds from my friends and it was some wild cross of Master Kush x Purple Haze x Passion#1. Toke one man :rollit:
Thanks for looking in all. Hope the new title doesn't have ya too busy Lester. I hear it can keep ya busy. Hell man I sure ain't worth a flying f on a pc. Takes me awhile just to post acouple pic's. Well not that bad but close. I hope we all had a Great New Years. And everyone made it home safe.
Isn't a lot here to talk about. I've been trying afew new fert's here and there. I do use main organic. I know a slat based fert isn't the best for the microbial thing with I do use. But I don't reuse my soils cept in the greenhouse. All my amendments, worm/bat castings, and blood/bone meals, are probably enough fert's to grow till finish, but From all I learned you can't hurt juicing your girls at 3 important points in flower. The boost of P and K helps transition and stacking buds closer together, which will make the main cola tighter instead of spread out. in. And the faster you get her flowering during the start, the less stretch you'll have. I use to use Bushmasters that had a growth regulator and my girls were flowering 30% faster. Least fast enough I could tell. But for years all I ever used was organic. I tried that Earth Juice on my outdoor girls this year and besides the messy buckets, and man they were slimey, I really think they were alittle slower that I did the year before. Well the one before that, I lost a lot to dreaded bud rott last year.
I plan on being ready this year with a dose of Actinovate AG in my soil. Costy Stuff. Is another called Companion I think that's suppose to be alittle less spendy.
Well I'm going to give these a try besides the price is right. A friend who runs acouple shops
I do have acouple 'my bad's' on the camera. First is the LA Confidential. I never really hit her with a heavy dose of fert's. I did have to mix up a veg fert for a Super Bud I'll show later. So she might have gotten hit with a bit of it. It was only like 1/2 strength mix. so I'm almost sure it wasn't that, but I also sprayed her with some azamax. And she's got really, really tight node spacing which might have been wet still when I threw her back in veg. Must have just been the tip tops that were still wet and I couldn't see, Which is my thoughts anyways. It only hit one 'layer' of the leaf growth that got fried. She's taking off now, LA Connie;

Ok here's another opp's. Not paying attention and letting a seedling run. I should've topped her long ago but I was thinking of a single cola. But she got alittle taller than I was ready for and no room in the flower room and she was the tallest plant in veg, So I do what some here termed Uncle Ben's Topping. Nothing but a serious pruning. Kind of like topping but doing it after that plant grew. I like to leave 4-6 branches on the plant. Once the tip is removed the rest of the branches can start to take off. Works great for starting a plant for a SROG This is a Critical Kush;

Not the clearest picture but you get the idea.
Heres the girl I had to give a jolt of nitrogen to. It's called Super Bud. Now with alittle work this girl could be grown in a small space. She's in a 6X6" pot. She stands like 6" herself. Real tight little plant. I hardly ever use fert's on my vegging plants. Only if they look hungry. You can see the yellow in acouple of the lower leaves. Super Bud;


Well I'm going to post this before it's yesterdays news. Hope all's good out there and everyones gardens are green and
Keepem Green
Thanxx for showing us your human again Woody...
Yea and here's another. But this ones a mistake of nature. I was thinning alittle vegetation out of that La Confidential and seen something alittle odd. Now I've seen a lot of weird stuff over the years but this is a first. It's a fully formed leave with another 3 leafer set growing out of the center. Kind of like leaf buds, only veg. I will clone her for sure just incase......


Thanks for stopping in and looking all. Nothing new here cept that. I have pretty well gotten rid of everything that was seeded. The SLH is fairly decent smoke. Not a lot of seeds in it,,,, but the Lemon OG is loaded. But I have a lot of great looking plants starting to flower. All different strains. And mostly all fat indo bushes. I'll update some pic's soon. Oh yea,,,,,,, Lee Roy is a female. Shes alittle 'taller' a strain than I like but workable for sure. Oh and I have that Dela Haze,, she is as short as most of my pure indo's. Looking sweet.
Well hope everyones gardens are doing Great out there. Keepem Green
Hello back 'Older Fart' Hope all's well in your neck of the woods.
Well I just want to throw up acouple new pic's. They didn't come out the best but it is a idea of whats up and coming. This is just 4 of the 12 I have going in flower now. They all are nice little bushes if I do say so myself. These are being grown under acouple 1500 watt master blaster lights, in Magnum XXL hoods both on 3' light rails. As large as these hoods are, almost 4' by 4' hoods, a 3' rail is all I need to span 10' easily. Well here we go, first off is a Blue OG;

Then a Cheese variant from G-13 seeds;

Now a Moby Dick from Greenhouse seeds;

And here's that Dela Haze;

and one more of the haze. Compact plant to be called a haze;

Well that's it for now. I'll get better updates soon thanks and everyone Keepem Green
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