I've never been one to follow politics. I just know Obama didn't live up to what he showed up front. But we have made leaps and bounds. And really if the fed's wanted to crack down hard,,, they wood. I know for a fact they got ahold of everyone's name on Oregon's Medical Program. And the stores aren't underground in hiding so if 'Big Brother' really wanted to bust some ass,,, they wood be. I've seen acouple raids across the river in Washington. But these fools were grows 1,000's of plants and only by law could do 45. The fed's gave them the 45 plants and left them with their max allowance of product. Step back 10 years. Hell I got raided with a 'legal card' on my gardens. Oh well. It is getting better and pretty fast at that. What we have 23 states with medical now. And in the next couple years who knows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and majority????????? Hey Senators and House............
Well I do want to throw up a fast pic or two. I didn't label all this but this is what the flower room is looking like. And I do have 3 on deck and waiting impatiently for their spot;
And who says pot with seed doesn't crank it out. This girl is just lightly seeded, So I left her going till term. I know I've smoked some hella stony pot with seeds. Anyone remember Michoacán Spears?????????????? Long skinny buds from Mexico, crammed full of seeds. But it was hella stony. Stuff was 25$ a lid. But here's a cool shot of a seeded bud;
Well thanks all for looking in I hope everything's Green where your at and Keepem Green