Our Ongoing Grows

Well my friend you can get some sativa flavor indoor. You just have to play with afew strains.... But I DO understand about size. IF you have the spot,,,,,,,,,,,, wow no compare. What a pound plus outdoor/4-6 at best indoors. Opp's that is oz's indoors, but I hear ya. I do feel this about where I'm growing at,,,, it's all about the strain. I seldom get the first week of Oct before wet weather rotts everything outdoors. This pic has no bearing cept the love I have for the slightly larger plants I love to grow. I was looking for a different pic but damn 7-8 years of pic's are tooooo much to look thru so this with cover my feelings about size, tho these are mostly indo strains.

I once more hope all my friends understand I don't reply to each post. Between my idiot brain and these non typing fingers........ Well that should explain. Unless? JK
But I do have afew new pic to post. First I have a shot of the Dela Haze coming up to start flushing at 7 1/2 weeks now. I could see another 10 days tho.

Another one coming around,,, Moby Dick. I've grown this one before. Now I can't remember what she smoked liked, but, I didn't clone her. Hopefully isn't my bad but GreenHouse seems to have stable genetics and I think I can replace her again. If so maybe she's a keeper? . Least most I've grown which is a lot,,, are replaceable, barring the SLH. Moby Dick

And one more. Now this is the fastest strain I got. And bubble hash,,,,, she makes a ton. I think this pic is like 12' days in??? I didn't look. But she becomes sick with tric's at about 35 days. Really pretty buds I will post again. She's one of Stoney Girls I've been growing since I moved here. This is the 6th or 7th year I've worked with her. Cripit'

Well thanks once more for looking in. Time for a Jack and coke,,, and a dubie. Oh BTW just got a room and prime table seats to a Travis Tritt on the coast. I think start/mid of March. Don't ya love my accurate details??????? You'd think I didn't own a calendar.. Do I?? Keepem Green
Brother I try...... Sometimes I even do it....... Hey CHH you posted that cool bottle they had from a store bought. I made a comment about some tend to over package,,, now I'm not sure what they sell these for here, mine was a gift, but I thought it was cool packaging on some 8-Ball Wax. Not that I have the proper unit to smoke with seeing that new dab unit we got, took a crap. They are going to replace it pretty soon. But this is interesting looking stuff. I have took a chunk like half a grain of rice and put it ontop a bowl and got a nice little rush with on it. Not sure what these sell for. 30? I guess I could pull up their menu huh? Well if I start smoking wax I'll take it from there. Who knows next years might all be made into concentrates.......

I do have a new one up and growing. Hear I'm think about outdoor girls. I really hit it hard one year with this strain. Back my first summer in the greenhouse. Two of these filled it up and out the wing vents on the roof. And they were planted in the ground. Both ended up just short of 9' easly got 2+ lb's per plant. Any been to my old grows here should remember her..... Some of the biggest donkey dicks I seen in awhile. Church peeking out;

Here's a ugly little girl. Now I know a person's child is suppose to be beautiful but. Rock hard golf ball sized nugget. She's turning amber pretty fast. Cassius indoor;

Now here's my first trys at a Vantage. This girl don't look like the pheno I'm looking for, My avatar in Vantage I'm pretty sure but this don't look like it. It does look like the other last try to find her. I still have acouple seeds left. From what I've always heard the first crossing or F-1 are suppose to be pretty consistent. I grew afew strains from CH-9 seeds. most I wasn't impressed with like Vintage or CH Flower. But that one Vantage was a stony 7 1/2 weaker that rocked. I will say this girl is producing that's for sure. I'm about the middle of week 6 right now... Vantage;

Here's a Silver Kush I grew back afew. She produces some good sized buds so I also have 2 cuts I took 7 days after rooted I threw them in flower. From 5-7" they all are over 3' now. I trimmed and secondary branches away for one and left the other two natural. But here's the plant, well a main cola off her, I got the clippings from for the other 3 from her. And this is her last grow for awhile.

Ok 8 weeks on the dela haze. Crazy trichomes production on this one. I see me cutting her tomorrow night or next. Smooth Smoke with that lighter sativa high. I'll get pic's when she comes out. Dela Haze;

Well once more I hope everyones gardens are doing great out there,,,, Keepem Green
Beautiful update there Brotha :thumb:
one thing I do have to say about concentrates don't smoke too much of it too consistently cause your tolerance will go way high and when you smoke a joint it wont be the same :rofl:
I myself dab here and there when I can but not consistently
I only say this cause a friend of mine usually just dabs nowadays and when he smokes regular weed he can barely feel it if he feels it at all
just saying :thumb:
I'm really starting to relate to your "Keepem Green" Woody. That's nearly the only color we ever see in your grows.
Thanks Lester. I do cull a lot of pictures. One day if I ever get a worthy bud I'll break out the little photo both and take afew showy shots once again.
Nothing ever bad my friend about not growing inside that's for sure. If I lived 200 miles south or east of here I'd be able to finish some quality buddage to last me thru,,,,,,,,,, I well I can't lie, I'd still grow. I guess I've just got one of them addictive personalities. You should've seen me find my first gold nugget..................... Man was I ever hooked off that little rock. And I don't mean coke.
I haven't really gave the concentrates a fair shake yet. I'm waiting to get the right tools before I judge. Anyone out there know a good dome less bowl for my bong??? Then I need a lighter I guess. Sure don't have a touch out back anymore soo. But stuff does look promising. And I hear ya about tolerances CHH. Hell I don't really even get but a buzz from weed anymore. After years and years of heavy narcotic use,,,, and I do mean heavy,,,, I can barely feel weed anymore. Oh well one day I'll find that one special herb that works for me. I guess if it's some BHO, I'll start growing that. I do have acouple three pounds of smaller buds outside. Then I need a tube. A friend gave me 3 cases of top-end butane stuff called Vector. I guess I need to look into a tube? Anyone have a good lead?
Well acouple fast pic's of the Dela Haze. She's getting chopped tonight I think. 58 in when these pic were taken.



Well I'm outta here for a minute. BTW Church is up and growing.... Keepem Green
Hey NC

WOW! man I wish my girls looked like that. You should break out your good camera every time!! Those girls deserve it!


I broke out my swell phone to answer your question best I can. Not sure what kind of bong you are using but this can be used on almost any rig. I used one of these for a long time before some of the top parts gave way and bought this with the Quartz banger below in case I did not like it and because I knew eventually I would break the banger.

This is what I run now, a quartz banger. On the very small rig I use I found it ran too hot no matter what so I added that "down rig". It really helps to cool the vapor and keeps my rig MUCH cleaner.


It is too fucking cold to keep em green! I am going for purple and reds :cheesygrinsmiley:

I feel for ya CHH. The first year I moved here from Mo. I was heavy on that morphine pump. The only Doc I could find to take care of my pump, he woodn't prescribe if you were using any illegal substances. Pot included in that category. I use come in reaking and pot leaves suck to my shoes, asking if THC wood show threw my touching on it at harvest. It didn't show on my tests. And I could only test with my own samples due to other drug levels I had to show. My first journal here was all pot free. Kind of Sucks. But it will get better.
I like the looks of the nail for now. Just for the simplicity of it. Besides Miss J isn't the gentlest with glass ware. But I do have a nice bong out there with a defuser on it like Jade there. Buckshot,I think Miss J wood thrash that setup in less than a week. But Either way I just need try one and take it from there. But I did go to quartz castle. Interesting....... I'm partial to glass also. I guess I could use one of them meth pipes even. Them meth pipes are what I use to use to smoke hash oil thru years back when honey oil was first coming out. Little one mill bottles with a cork stopper. Some Old Timers will remember...................
I will say this I always use the same camera. I'm just lazy about breaking out the little photo both I have. I have acouple different colored lights that give different effects. That's what makes a great pic,, besides a subject................... Keepem Green
Hey Wood.......still turning em out I see........ :high-five:

That's some fancy new stuff ya got there to play with. Your way beyond me old Friend.

I sure remember that damn pump you had and all the strange things you had to go through. Glad that's all over.

Sending a big hug to clumsy Ms J.] :love:
Thanks Pops I keep trying, and hey Slim. Good to see ya'll still alive and growing. We doing good here.
LOL Pop's, I hate hospitals........................ I still got the pump in. Bone dry, and has been for awhile even have it turned off, but I've just been putting it off the removal. Simple,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I know I need to do it and my doctor is kind of insisting I do something...... Guess I need to call and get my stuff started. Something I hate to do. Walk into any of them buildings. Hospitals, jails etc.......... and after doing damn near 2 years in rehab. But you know I truly ain't bitichin seeing I was paralyzed from the neck down and told is what it is... Easy procedure same day trip. But I will find a reason not to.
Want to say I've been cutting afew plants. The Dela Haze,, has a fruity under-tone. Was alittle on the small size in the yield department. I let her go 9 weeks with a 3+ oz yield. I did snap acouple fast pic's of her after harvest. Dela Haze,,,,,,,,,,,,,




Pretty plant. Has all the tale tail signs of a sativa. Yet she grows like a Indica. I was impressed seeing her haze name. She didn't even double in height during flower. And needed minimal support. Just tie up afew main branches.
I also cut a Blue OG. Plant was kind of run of the mill plant. Lighter green. Good indica structure. Same compact size as the Dela Haze. The Dela has that sativa taste and high, while the Blue OG kind of leaves me couch locked and laffing. I'll get acouple pics soon after I take her off the rack. Along with the Moby Dick and the Cheese Variant I'm growing. Moby Dick just got cut tonight. Looking like 4+ oz's off her. She just hit 9 weeks tonight. The Cheese I have is at just shy of 9 weeks herself. She's from G-13 seeds. And she's a great plant. Most cheeses I've ever grown have been crap sized plants with min. yields. This ones is a good ones hopefully like 5 oz's at -3' plants.
Well I best post this. I wrote this post two days back. Hope all's doing good out there. Keepem Green
Hello NCW. Beautiful Delahaze. Your 2nd pic looked a lot like mine from last July...red mixed in with the lighter green & trichome city. In fact I had one king sized nugget left that I tried just yesterday. It surprised me...hadn't lost its sativa traits & still strong enough. I agree with you on the Blue OG...nothing special at all on the one I grew either. Know what you mean about hospitals....been spending way more time than I like taking all kinds of tests on my trashed shoulder. Take it easy bro.:Namaste:
Congrats on the chops Woody.
Those are some fine images NC! Fine girls too!! I am going to eventually make myself a rig that will both resist being tipped over and thick like a coke bottle (the old kind) so if it gets dropped on some surfaces it will survive, a thick down rig too! Despite its frail looks the rig I have is pretty tough... it is made from "hard glass"
Sorry I haven't updated lately. Just been my lazy azz. Thanks and thanks everyone. It's nice to get some better smoke after the seed problem. Some of the buds I did finish,, wood've done commercial brick weed justice,,, in the amount of seed per bud. And the next wood have no seed. Sure was a lot floating in the bubble bag. Well floating in a bucket in the flower room. Hell alittle water on that dry ice and a fan ,,,,,,, One day I'll get my lazy azz out and start enriching the air.
I did a boo boo anyways and kind of over feed acouple girls and got alittle burn on afew leaves. Only affected acouple new to me strains. One is Super Bud I forgot the other for now but.... Least she was just starting to flower and should recovery nicely with new foliage by finish. Takes a minute to learn a plant anyways. I do have another Blue OG going Brightlights. It was the clone I took just in case.... But allt better strains to try out there. I'll finish it and probly opt for a new one. Besides I got one I think is going to be a winner. Called Rock Lock. Sad thing is it was one I didn't clone till I see her flower stance. So I had to clone a bud. She's going thru all that weird ass veg now. I swear plants that are budding seem to root faster than a veg plant. Might it be they are being feed that bloom ferts with a higher P& K%????????? Well I run off babbling. Happens with the help of a little Jack some times.
Speaking of Jack,,,, how bout Lee Roy for a name. I took a sample off her at 60 days. And just happened to get a pic or two of her. The leaves show low tric production,,, but get in close.


I also took the last Cassius till spring????????? She's did great outdoors with a good yield of descent smaller buds. Indoors she makes tight rock of pocorn buds. Sticky stuff.

Also took a Vantage plant. Isn't the same plant I worked with last time that's for sure. This has nice large buds. I can't say she don't,


The one I wanted had solid buds. This is my second try to recover the plant. I have two more seeds and I'll give up and write her off to loves lost.......
I'm also working with a Purp's plant for the first time. I started growing with a Medo Purp's strain, back in the middle of the 70's. One thing I seen so far about this strain is she's a slow starter. I started her along with a GS Cookies and the GSC is started flowering and a clone is well rooted. And here she not ready to flower yet. Real slow plant, Purp's from BC,

Well I better post this before I lag another day Keepem Green
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