Our Ongoing Grows

You're not babbling, just being descriptive. :goodjob: on the update Woody.
Thanks everyone for looking in
I did manage to snap acouple real fast pic's of afew up and coming plants. Not the best pic's but pic never the less, First a old timer for me. Cripit,


A Purple Trainwreck,

And last a GS Cookies

I'll do some more update soon till laters I hope everyone's doing good out there, Keepem Green
Thanks thanks. Just two fast pic's.......... This one is a plan for my greenhouse again. Strain called Church;

And this girl I threw into flower without a clone. After watching her a minute,,, I had to keep her. Took this clone from the mother who was in full flower. She's just now strating to reveg. But isn't she going to have hella branching going on?????????? RockLock;

Well all take care and Keepem Green
"How sweet it is"
Thanks all for looking in and welcome to the new peoples. Don't mind me I'm one that answers everyones comments in the same post. Keeps it simple. And that's one thing I like. But anyone needs to shout out and I will kick out a answer if possible........ Damn that sounded like work.
But yes Nirvana she was one I started with a lot of others and knew I'd have to cull the herd anyways sooo. Well after seeing her reasonable stretch and buds that might be nice I ended up taking a bottom bud off her and cloned it. I swear buds clone faster than veg plants. Must be the P and K in the bloom fert's which are both helpful in root devolvement. Hey if someone was just producing clones for his trip, might be worth looking into feeding the mother plants a dose of bloom fert's a week before cutting?????????? Oh well just a thought,,, but does make sense......... I've been down this road atime or two so my plan is to just take cuttings of her after she's completely back in a veg cycle again.
I want to welcome Nirvana and Triggle to my humble journal. Feel free to ask anything you want or post whatever is needed and I might be slow,,, but I will respond right after a bong or two or three. What the date today?????? JK
Isn't anything great going on around here. I'm getting close with a little Purple Trainwreck. I do have to say she's a disappointing little plant with petit buds. I means the buds are frosty and all, and the weeds a solid 7 in my book, but the yield is major lacking. I have one last one growing, which I won't clone, and Stay tuned and watch me kick myself later for not, but I'm going to let her bet to be one of my larger ones.
Oh whole reason I'm posting. Duh SOS moment, the strain Lee Roy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pretty damn good pot. Me I'd give her close to a 9 rating. Damn near one hitter with a bong. I've only grown her once so I don't have a clue except I know she'll spring up there alittle, almost tripled height, and was a medium yield. Mine was close to 4' and yielded 3 1/2 OZ's. Not saying that can't be improved with afew grows. I'll figure her out abit.
Well that's it from the Dog House. Speaking doghouses, I haven't grown anything in the greenhouse for acouple years. I lost faith after the panels started crumbling from the UVAB light overdose Portland, now that's Portland Oregon gave them in 3 years. Hell,,,,,,,,,,, I never even knew Portland had UVAB light.............. least something bright enough to destroy the polycarbonate panels. But I will resurrect the doghouse this year. I got that Church plant going and it's getting close to time to think about a end of May planting. I know what I need badly,,,,,,, either some pollen from a good autoflower,,,,,,,,, or 25-30 regular seeds of a auto. Oh well want in one hand and ok we know.
I want to send good vibes that everyones grass is green out there. And Keepem Green
First news flash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Best day of the year to say Keepem Green. I do hope a lot of people in PoT-land Oregon do keep their obsessions with weird happing's tomorrow. One thing my Red Neck ass is Great with,,,,,,,,,,, Portland is weird. And it's the greenest state I've lived in since Berkley. Oh that wasn't a state.... Was a world unto itself tho and maybe a state of mind. Peoples Park and all... LOL the beach off Berkley........
A lot of green stories I hope out there. Right now I've reaching for that jug of cheer.........So I shall be dealing with alittle cheer tonight. Might even chase the snakes out of Ire.
Thanks all for stopping in. Like I said isn't a lot growing on,,,, cept the same old. I did start another new strain.... Well new to me. Jack Herer. One of the most respected name in reefer around. I did get lucky to get a chance or two to meet this dude in my life. He put his whole heart into the legalization of herbs,,,,, I really mean his heart. Was his whole belief, his whole life.
ALOT of strains been dedicated to in part to this man. I've always wanted to grow some in honour, and after seeing it mentioned in High Times again I decided to try cracking a bean. Well she broke free and is on the way to a seedling. A Sensie Seed strain. From all my intell,,, Sensie Seeds more or less pioneered the strain. We'll see. First alittle Rock Lock here.
I do have a new flash. Well Pic's anyways.

That about finished and here's that clone I took during flower. She's about revegged now I'm just going to take afew cuts off her for future grows

Here's a Critial Kush I have going;

and one last pic. Pretty plant. And ofcourse I'm kicking myself for now cloning her. Oh well;

I'm outta here real soon. BEING IRISH or NOT.
Well I can say this with a double meaning one day out the year. Keepem Green and Happy St Paddies Day to all out there.
I see you've gotten around in your times Woody. Just sliding through.
Nice buds as always, NCW :high-five:
Well just acouple fast pic's before the cut. First that Silver Kush I wish I'd have cloned.



And another fast shot of my disappointment in a Vantage attempt. I swear these beasters don't look like my Incon I'm using. But;

And one last,, A Blue OG. I was going to cull her but thought why not another go around or two;

Just wanted to make a fast post. Thanks for the nice comments ya'll. Hope all's hangovers aren't to bad. I'll be recovering for a day or two. Keepem Green Ya'll
hehehe drink get drunk fall down no problem
I rarely drink so I feel good no hangover for over a year the last time I drank was only a couple shots new years 2013-2014
haven't had a drop all last year or this year so far
did I mention I hate hangovers? well I do probably why its rare when I drink
so people I drink with should feel special :rofl:
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