Our Ongoing Grows

Hey Wood, have you ever considered adding a floodlight outside to prevent flowering. Basically doing a Gas Lantern Routine outdoors. Just put a timer on the floodlight to turn on for an hour in the middle of the night. If the plants were under the light, it may do the trick.
Well I want to thank everyone for stopping in and taking a peek. OG13 I agree and that was my intentions at first. But the days were running just under 14 hours light and increasing.. So I tried it anyways. But that's what someone should really do as early as I was trying. No biggie about the Doctor I just cracked another seed I had of it. Along with a super skunk. Least all the other plants aren't doing the same. Days now sun rises about 5 am and is setting about 8:30 so the rest should be in good shape. I push the limits every year knowing better but. Oh well life. My 'Wood's White' also started flowering, least she's looking like it abit.
I had a Cripit out there that must have just flipped to flower mode and I didn't see it. Well I took acouple clones off her to try a single cola plant with and to keep her going. Well I rooted the plant and gave her afew days to get settled then threw her in flower. I guess she got real confused. Start flowering, revert to veg and then thrown back in flower. But here's what I have. I know she'll get it togather from now out but she's one confused little girl. Cripit;

I've been doing afew of these mini plants just to see what yields the best. I've did 2 White Russians and yielded 3 Oz's and made a great single cola Plant. Now I'm playing with a OG #2 variant I really like. From Top Dawg Seeds I'm pretty sure. Plant like to bush and yielded about the same. She took up abit more space. I have afew more seeing what's what with that are getting real close. I'll get some good pic's of them when I harvest. I did get one of the Crippled Rino. All my 'little girls' have been started flowering at around 5-6 inches tops. They end up around 15" and most could've been contained easily in a square foot print. Here she is;

I also updated some of the outdoor girls. I love it this time of year when plants start shooting up out there. Nothing better than alittle wind and a sprinkle or two to get them strong and healthy. When I got these clones I was informed he'd had a mite problem hit his clone room. Well he sprayed them with Safers Soap, and I hit them again acouple days after and I mixed it pretty solid dose and acouple of the leaves suffered alittle, but she get over it. Outdoors here you don't really get mites. So I'm not worried about them anymore. Mites seem to like warmer dryer conditions over out cool moist weather here.
But I did get acouple pic's of what I'm working with so far. The Kid's;


Well once more thanks for taking a look everyone. I hope life and the gardens are doing great out there. Keepem Green
Looks Great NorCali :thumb:
Can you make the plant grow like that bamboo? that would be some cool shit for sure :peace:
Thanks everyone for stopping in and taking a look. I do have acouple new pictures to throw up. My Cripit. Seems this plant loves the single cola type grow. Talk about a compact single cola plant. She takes up less that a square foot, and she does produce bigger buds growing her out this ways. Cripit;


I put her in flower on the 15th so she's at like 45 days. Not too shabby for around 6 weeks.
Keepem Green everyone
Proper Norcal
Just throwing something out there and wonder if anyone every gave this crap a try????????????? It's called Nuke-em. It's a mite spray suppose to be the ticket...........................................................................
It's produced local here from the same crew that makes the Vita-Grow cloning solution/anti wilt products. I've used their cloning solutions forever. Not that I ever had results befitting to the product,,, due to lack or results due to my behalf due tof temps and attempted ph issues I never had,,, cept me playing god. Scary sentence poor kids............ Well I got a partner and he's 'alot' larger than I wood ever care to be and he just had a outbreak and swears this product killed everything. Eggs and all. And I have no reason to doubt what he says. Now I don't bite on sales gimmicks I just moved here from Missouri sooo I still gotta be shown. Maybe alittle over kill but I just ordered a new one of them commercial 2 gallon atomizers with the flexible hose I got off E-''', I think it's a bad word on here. Cept I've had GREAT results and prices from there with alittle research, for what I consume.... besides they deliver, and I've gotten pretty lazy, due to situations beyond my control.
Well beyond all other talk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'd kiss the man's ass that proves me a miteicide that kills eggs without damaging the plant. If you have a plant you don't care to 'hurt' the leafage, you can use 'End-All' from safer's. Great product to kill them buggers but way hard on a plant. I've been using their 'soap' and it's a great product with minimal damage using at recommended levels.
Well thanks all for looking in. Anyone ever heard anything or found any bad remarks, 'within reasonable context', about her I'd love to hear. I've done no reschearch on the product yet myself,,, but hopefully some young nimble fingers can. Either way, is no use in wasting any spray when a pint will do a gallons worth of coverage,,,,, least to this old fool. Keepem Green
Oh BTW I did get ahold of acouple new,,,,,,,, well not new but I needed to reup acouple of my strains. A Berkley Blue, a Pittbull, and another Sugar Plum. Been awhile since I grew the Berkley Blues. Last year I started her alittle early and I decided to forego any drama from the reveg, so I culled her. I also let my Sugar Plum go, with the knowledge I could replace her easy enough. I will say this, this strain really has a super sweet smell. Damn near hurts your teeth. And she could be another Major Hash producer. And the Pittbull, well I lost her to the dreaded grey mold, botrytis, bud rott, whatever curse you chose to call it,But whatever you do call it. It's cost me ALOT more weed then I'd ever care to admit to. Really Scary Stuff around here. Our fall is really kind of a sad situation as far as growing, being close to the coast and all,,,,,,,,,PM runs rampant, right next to bud rott..... Lost better than 70% of my outdoor girls last year.
Oh well,,,,,,,,,,,, the great Ganja Gods are going to smile this year with acouple 3 pounders,,,,,,,,,, hey I can dream can't I?
Keepem Green
Thanks Jaga. I love her 'cold blooded' look. I've been growing this girl for afew years now and I don't see her letting up soon.
I did alittle copy paste about the Nuke-Em spray. Sounds promising. Main ingredient is yeast and alittle citrus acid. Who know might be the best thing to come around since well HID's and suck. I know anyone whose grown out afew crops has had to deal with them buggers. And this stuff is suppose to help with PM issues also.............
I agree with one thing written in here, it's hard to get every mite to be in contact wen you spray. little folds in the leaves along the vien and such natuarly shade bugs from the spray. I got the feeling this new sprayer, well it's a two gallon electric atomizer, not a sprayer, will do a great job. I checked one out the other day and it really seems to make a cool fog with such fine drops of liquid, mites won't be able to hide . I plan on using a closet as a spray both for every plant as she comes into my flower room from now on. That is if this stuff don't fry my plants. I put my order in
New - Choose either our Commercial or our Pro Grower label at checkout.

News Flash! Now Organic registered through OMRI (Organic Materials Review Intitute) and the US Department of Agriculture!

News Flash! Nuke em kills Root Aphids with Food Grade Ingredients!! Brilliant!! Click on More Info Button or view the FAQ section for detailed instructions.

Updated! Look in the FAQ section and and MORE INFO button for updated and modified applications for Broad Mites and Spider Mites and Powdery Mildew. Look for questions related to your question.

Flying Skull Plant Products has introduced Nuke em to the indoor outdoor gardening community. It is a multi-purpose insecticide and fungicide that kills the eggs, larvae, juvenile and adult insects that feeds on and ultimately kills plants. Its target is all species of Spider Mites, Root Aphids, Leaf Aphids, Thrips, Whitefly and other plant leaf and soil insect parasites. Its unique formula also allows for outstanding control of the vast varieties of powdery mildew and mold found in the garden. Made entirely with food grade ingredients that you would find in a loaf of bread! Brilliant!!

Nuke em won't lower the value of your harvest like other insecticides/fungicides will! You've worked hard for your customers, don't lose them because your harvest didn't taste or smell the same. Think about it, did you have customers that purchased from you and then they stopped? Was it after a crop you treated with insecticides or fungicides? Did those insecticides/fungicides have Pyrethrins, plant oils, petroleum, detergents, surfactants or soaps in them? Don't feel alone, it's the story of thousands of our customers. Don't worry, Nuke em is here to keep your plant value high and your customers loyal!!

Pro Growers Note: When ordering Nuke em, order Z7 at the same time. Over 80% of the time, leaf insect and powdery mildew attack indicates that you are having root zone problems! Start using Z7 now! Z7 is amazing and very inexpensive to use. It has saved countless growers from major malfunctions and made huge differences in yield and crops consistency. Z7 conditions your water and greatly decreases the chances of toxic reactions from incompatible plant foods and additives. Z7 will release mineral ions form carbon bonds so your plants can feed properly.

Pro Growers Note: Be wary of Insecticides made with oils, soaps and detergents. These ingredients will plug and cover the stomata and photo receptors, reducing photosynthesis and making it harder for the plant to recover from insect attack. In the past, that's why your plants had slowed or stunted growth after you sprayed with oil and detergent based products.

Nuke em is: Non Toxic - Made with Food Grade Ingredients - Super Concentrated - Non Allergenic

Currently not for sale in New Mexico, Mississippi and Indiana

Nuke em:
•Exceeds state regulations for zero toxic pesticide residue on plant materials
•Does kill Spider mites, Root Aphids, Leaf Aphids, Thrips, Whitefly and more
•Does kill eggs, larvae, juvenile and adult insects
•Does control mildew and mold
•Is concentrated and economical
•Is approved for use on or after the day of harvest
•Is safe around people and pets
•Is High Tech Breakthrough Technology
•May be used to prevent leaf mold while in the drying process

Nuke em:
•Doesn’t alter the taste or smell of growing crops or finished produce
•Doesn’t lower the value of produce
•Doesn’t slow photosynthesis from by reducing light to photon receptors on leaves like other pesticides and plant washes
•Doesn't slow photosynthesis from residue clogging the leaf stomata like other oil and detergent based pesticides and plant washes
•Doesn’t have plant oils in it, so no oily residue on flowers or leaves
•Doesn’t have soap in it, so no soapy residue on flowers or leaves
•Doesn’t have chemical surfactants in it, so no residue on flowers or leaves
•Doesn't have petroleum or Pyrethrins in it, so no residue on flowers or leaves
•Doesn’t smell bad
•Doesn’t make leaves, stems and flowers sticky

I have a big infestation of broad mites, what are my options?

This is important to read!

Because Nuke em is a contact killer it is very important that every mite and their eggs come into contact with Nuke em. Even in the best conditions with careful applications it is very hard get complete coverage on the first spray.

Growers are reporting to us that they have had good luck with these MODIFIED applications. Remember to wash all other insecticides and fungicides off of leaves before applying Nuke em. Modified applications are always best done by spraying a few plants and observing before spraying them all.

95% of growers that have insect problems have soil/growing mediums that are over saturated with fertilizer causing the plant to become weak. The insects now have a home on a plant that can't put up a decent self defense. It is extremely important that the plant have this excess fertilizer washed from the growing media before an application of any brand of insecticide. Why? When the fertilizer in the growing media is higher than the osmotic threshold of the plants root system the plant becomes starved for water and mineral ions. If the plant can’t get water from the roots it will take water in through the leaves. If the water sprayed on the leaves has an insecticide in it, the insecticide will be brought into the plant for use in photosynthesis and vascular relocation. You never want to feed a plant insecticide so you make sure the plant is fully hydrated before any application of insecticides or fungicides no matter what brand or type of insecticide it is.

It is always best when flushing a growing media that you check to make sure all of the soluble nutrients are out of it. Growing medium should be flushed in such a fashion that a PPM count of no more than 100 PPM/TDS above the water supply PPM/TDS should be observed in water coming from the pot. Only a PPM/TDS/EC meter can tell you this.

This initial flushing steps below will make sure that the plants will hydrate properly.

These steps will help the plant recover quickly from the initial insect attack and stress from insecticide applications.
1.Flush the plant site with Z7 treated water, usually twice the amount of water than what the container holds in media but more water is always better in this instance. This includes plants grown in hydroponics. Wait an hour and then pour a small amount of water across the top of the soil and catch the runoff for testing. You want to see this PPM number no more than 50 PPM above what your virgin water PPM is. The use of Flying Skull Z7 in the water at the time of the flush and continued use afterward would of great benefit to the plants.
2.If you don't have access to a hand held EC/PPM meter, flush your plants very well with large amounts of water runoff three times and wait one hour before applying Nuke em.
3.Resume feeding your soil or soiless grown plants with a 5-600 PPM your plant food every watering. Feed the plants when the pots water weight is ½ of the saturated weight. Hydroponics keep PPM of the nutrient low (hydroponics 7-800PPM) during treatment and make sure they growing medium is rinsed totally clean. Continue this feeding program until the plants have recovered from all stress. Many growers find that feeding their plants with this low PPM/TDS fertilizer strength made the plants grow much better and continue to use this feeding program. Always use the Z7 as it is a key factor in healthy plant growth.
4.Learn more about how plants feed and feeding information in Redman’s Rules found in the FAQ sections or in DOWNLOADS, downloaded as a PDF document.

Nuke em can be used ON the day of harvest or after harvest while lant material is drying. See the video of Nuke em increasing the shelf life of strawberries, (applied after harvest).

Other insecticides, fungicides and plant washes use brain and body nerve poisons, detergents, chemical surfactants, soaps, petroleum or plant oil in their formulas that leave smelly, bad tasting and sticky residue on produce. Ultimately these ingredients will reduce the sales, desired flavor and smell of the gardener’s produce.

Anyone using Flying Skull’s Nuke em will immediately see a complete control of plant parasites. At the same time, they will notice a product that is easy to use, safe to spray, doesn’t smell bad, and did not reduce the value of the produce!

Remember that Nuke em is a multi-purpose product; it replaces many expensive single target pesticides and fungicides. This makes it very affordable. It can be used on walls, floors and other gardening surfaces to kill hiding insects and mold.

Nuke em’s highly concentrated formula must be diluted before spraying onto plants or garden surfaces. Read and follow all label cautions and directions. Nuke em has been in the lab for over 10 years prior its release.

8 fl. oz. concentrate makes up to 2 gallons of ready to use spray.
32 fl. oz. concentrate makes up to 8 gallons of ready to use spray.
128 fl. oz. concentrate makes up to 32 gallons of ready to use spray.
Sorry for the long winded post. Thanks everyone and Keepem Green
Pretty sure this is a manufacture. Iffin I think right,,,,,, it's in the guidelines to post manufactures not vendor's. Now remember I'm from Arkansas and did get far in my schooling. Hey ya'll do know Arkansas invented the Toothbrush.................... Invented anywhere else they'd have had to call it teeth brush. WOW........... Still I'm proud and love my southern roots. I guess I'll be getting a e-mail explaning they have to edit this. Sorry It's a cool unit. More than I ever spent of any type sprayer. Pretty sure its a Root Lowell Atomizer,,,,,,,, It's got me way interested. I've found afew mites on some of the bottom leaves in my White Berry. She's pretty far along, 3-4 weeks, but from what I seen with this spray unit is great spray control. And I'll be able to pick off individual leafs with ease. And the fog can actually permeate around everything. Here's a peek at a 230$ Hudson sprayer. Soon to be seen in my yard.........
Root-Lowell : Flo-Master Pressurized Sprayer Products
I did get acouple fast pic's of the little girls out back. I have a Berkley Blue, Pitbull, and Sugar Plum in the greenhouse pending soil and proper sized pots. I have 2 35 gallon half barrels out there and one's going to have the Pittbull in it. Now I scratch my head,,,, I've grown Pittbull acouple times and had well I culled her twice. I KNOW the plant is really a outdoor girl and last year weather didn't permit. And indoors I lost another to a mite infestation. But really I've talked to afew people who swear bye the Pitt. Hey I'd due for a nice DRY fall. I can see 6-7 lb's if only the Ganja God's smile on me. And I've paid my dues more than what was owed as far as I can tell.
Ok the outdoor girls;


I probly misspelled that Oregon Pinot Noir. Never been a wine drinker. Give me a cold beer and a good jug of good Arkansas Squeezing's...or then grapes,,, but she's suppose to become a monster possible 5 lbs. My Purpit has doubled in size in the last week. Put on like 10 inches.
Ok on the inside note,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I threw a SLH plant in flower awhile back. That's what I hate about them haze's plant. That she couldn't get that tall disease. She's was a grasshopper when I started her. She's in a 5 gallon pot thriving under acouple 1000 watt ballasts cranked on super lums for whatever that's worth.... Duh I have a lux meter, might prove interesting to see what companies claim. And see if it's true. I'm a thinking I kind of bought the unit to do just that.... Double duh. I think they claim 1100 watts from a 1000 watter cranked up. Or close anyways.
Ok here's a girl that started to take off. She'd have been a contender to do some 'super cropping' on. I've done my share of cropping in the past and it's been a life saver more than once,,,,,,,,,, ut I really think a man's better doing what I call figure S-'ing. Afew different names for it, but I do it when I got a sativa I wasn't ready to deal with. Alittle wire and I bend her over till the terminal top is lower than another top on the branch. Just as in some LST'ing. Well she looks like a J at first till she recovers and forms a S. Then you might have to tie her and retie her till she forms multiple S's Super Cropping from all I ever heard has no effect on the top flower. Well I kind of think kinking her mainline wood slow the delivery of fert's. Well rather than super crop, I choose this seeing it's only 1 plant and real simple. Not anything bad about super cropping here. Been there, done there, and will end up doing there again. But by bending over with a tie, you never kink the food supply. I figure it's got to be better??????????? Anyone can chime in. I'd love to hear another's two cents. Well here's the 'Figure S';

I have a very, very, pretty girl in flower right now. I've grown her before, and I remember she was a winner. Sad thing is I didn't take a cutting. Very Floral plant. I mean you brush up against her and smell the flowery scent and soon find yourself involved in a shotgun wedding. So to speak. Wappa


She is from a solid vendor called Paridise Seeds. So I think the genetics can be closely replaced. Paradise Seeds has been around awhile and I'd imagine they stabilized a lot of their strains Both of these girl are from them. Second I have a White Berry at just shy of 5 weeks,,,,

Well that's enough babbling.. Hope everyone's gardens are doing GREAT. Oh and I'm going to stock up on some of them HUGE morters for the 4th. You know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn the nieghbors

Everyone Keepem Green
Subscribed Norcaliwood, I'll be in the shadows until I get my first grow going. I read the first 15 pages then jumped ahead (just a little).

Nuke Em looks like a good product.
Looks great, inside and out!!!
I wannta say high to everyone and thanks for stopping in. Hey Jaga, B&J's is actually the name I gave my garden. Stands for Bill & Janet's Gardens. I always try to write the names of my strains on the pictures. Most people make it to hard to know what strains the pictures are, so I label mine for the ease. It's a program I received with a camera.
60Cal welcome and don't be shy. One thing about this site is people are pretty friendly. And they keep the drama in check pretty damn good. I've been posting on grow sites since the internet became the internet. And there are a lot of growers sites online. And I've posted on a lot of them in the past, but this one seems the mellowest of all I've been to.
Well I got my sprayer in the mail today. Took 2 days to get it. And price was reasonable. Saved 20$ over my hydro stores price. The unit throws out alittle more wind than I'd like, but life. It has a adjustable spray volume from like 1.5 gallon per hour up to over 5 gallons per hour. Man she throws out some wind and noise. But it sure does mist the plants completely. I've been playing with it with plain water on acouple plants. I plan on using it on everything I have in my garden minus acouple plants that are about 5-6 weeks in flower.
I talked to the manufacture and they claim it's useable up to harvest ??????????????? Even got to see the effects on the plant when sprayed late in flower on a sample plant. It doesn't seem leave a residue. Has no oils or soap in it just yeast. And the pistils of the flower weren't curled up or damaged. Looked just like it rained on the buddage. I guess they been working with this stuff for about 10 years.
I also took 8 cuttings off my Chemdawg and 8 off my OG#2 variant. I have 2 variants growing. I really like the OG#2 a lot better than #1. #2 is from Top Dawg Seed. A great multi branch plant. The #1 was a better single cola plant, but I'm going to cull her from the gardens. On a scale 1-10,, #1 was a solid 7 but #2 is a 8. Well I have tons of ungerminated seeds laying around. Well I'm outta here. I'll update as soon as I got something new. Till later, Keepem Green
NC, what is the name of the spray?
Hey Buckshot. Called 'Nuke-em'. Hear them tell it is a grows prayer answered. But the guys been doing a lot of experimenting with it. They had about 15-20 plants at various stages in flower. Half sprayed with different ratios for a compairism. Hey I'd love to find something that Wood kill the eggs and all on contact. Not that I think it can be a good thing to spray buddage up to harvest, but anything that can wipe em out should make a mite free garden with alittle care. I've got this perpetual grow going and it's hard to get rid of mites when you have a garage full of trimmings, a veg tent, a clone and nursery room, and then a flower room along with a outside grow. You can run you can hide but them buggers are going to find ya sometime. Oh I did get a fast picture of the new weapon. If she doesn't make a lot of residual mess I plan on spraying all the noks and cranies in the office Here's the Tiger Tank;

Keepem Green
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