Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks That Wappa has a great stance. Going to be a pretty plant for sure. Hey just talking out one of my little 2 centers. I'm thinking of throwing the White Russian in flower. She perfect sized and I did take a cutting or 4 off her. Plant wood make a great screen of green. So I was thinking of setting up some pvc to make the form. Well I figured I'd make one about the size of a card table.................... Damn. A card table. Sure wood make a perfect frame, minus the top ofcourse, even folds up for storage....... Enough thinking.
Keepem Green
Thanks about the complements. I do have a slight experiment I'm trying. I did start acouple plants just to see what they can produce in the form of a single bud type plant. Well first I post a shot of all 3 together.

I'm searching for a good main cola plant to try a SOG with. I figure I can fit 100-120 plants in the room. But here's a pic of afew contestants. I started all these girls at around 5" tall. And we can see how big the main cola will be.

And I tried a Crippled Rino;

ok I also tried one I really think will produce the biggest best cola's around. She's does look like a umbrella. And she's a great stoner plant. Plant called Cripit;

OK acouple others. First a Crippled Rino from Stoney Girl;

Another I'm hoping a lot outta of. She's called Oregon Pinot Noir? Could be a 'Big Producer' Don't ask me about the spelling..........

Another I'm really interested is a strain called Cassius. I sweared it smelled like apples.

Ok well that's it for now..... Hope all's gardens are doing great. One thing, if anyone every has something to ask,,,,,,,,,,,, please yell out and I will come to your site, or here, and respond to the question.
Keepem Green
I will say the clones I received were alittle infested with mites. Mike told me to watch my but so they all got acouple fast washes with Safers Insecticidal Soap and were thrown outdoors to wash the plants. I prefer this, safer's, over the use of any neem or other oils that cover leaves in a oil, Great product, least what I use it for. Hard thing is one has to follow a program with a spray. Every 5 days for 3 times works, eggs and all. Just have to be sure to follow thru. Keepem Green
Opp's another 2 cents...................... A lot of plants I grow, I do what some called Uncle Bens Topping. I call it pruning. And I've been known to use a weed eater to top with anyways. Keepem Green
I will say the clones I received were alittle infested with mites. Mike told me to watch my but so they all got acouple fast washes with Safers Insecticidal Soap and were thrown outdoors to wash the plants. I prefer this, safer's, over the use of any neem or other oils that cover leaves in a oil, Great product, least what I use it for. Hard thing is one has to follow a program with a spray. Every 5 days for 3 times works, eggs and all. Just have to be sure to follow thru. Keepem Green
my vote for sog CRIPIT! wood you really should do the colloidal silver thing and get some fem seeds so you can store genetics long term i like to do it for that and so i can share with my buddies and so forth its easy and if you have not done it i will gladly help with the process, i really lke the sns 209 , 203 100% organic pest stuff theres a spray for bugs and one for fungus's and a systemic drench they get it done like a BOSS! never failed me ( knock on weed)lol

Opp's another 2 cents...................... A lot of plants I grow, I do what some called Uncle Bens Topping. I call it pruning. And I've been known to use a weed eater to top with anyways. Keepem Green
i have been doing the ubt more and more when i get it just right i have had as many as 8 tops pop out great for a scrog too, i have taken shears to my plants and shaped them to fit a certain space somewhere in my pics i have a bush i cut into a cube lol it produced a big harvest ,sometimes i swear certain strains love being brutally hacked up seems like it makes them grow more aggressively
love your pics and once more im gonna say " i covet those SGG genetics and one day they will be mine! oh yes they will be mine!"
stay cool Wood:rocker:
Well Lester I don't happen to have any seed right now from KC. I do have that a bucket list, I do see a lot or worth in the strain. Strange plant tho. I think It wood be a great plant for my homeboys back in Missouri. A lot of friend don't like to grow back there because the hunters descend on the woods to scout for deer right about 'normal' harvest times, and crop disappear. with a lot of regularity. Seeing that strain has a better harvest time and a descent yield, I think it wood be perfect. I do like a sativa now and then. I'm working with a SLH now.
One thing I've been looking into a lot lately is UV-B lights. Suppose to be at it's peek about summer time. So any plants that finish around then will reap the rewards, if enough to tell. The really the little research I've done speak highly of it. Better results than things like 48-72 darkness. Diminished lighting, or all these other 'little' tricks to coax out some extra trichomes and terpenes. A later flowering auto wood be fantastic in that regards. 45 fits right in there. I always tell people that are growing a auto to time it to finish in July.
Speaking of that BID,,,, just tonight I was pulling a bottle of Home - Dr. T's Remedies Terrias Mist I have just for that purpose. And that Cripit is great strain for starting with. She's fast and she produces. She is 100% indica which works for a lot of crosses. One doesn't really want to cross a heavy indo with a heavy sativa. Too many variants in the F1 cross. Could be anything from a pure sativa back to a pure indica doing that.
I do have acouple fast pictures to update. The Crippled Rino


I also have a bad note tonight. I am growing a BubbaXSkunk variant. These seeds come to me a ODD route. First off I got the seed from a suppose variant of 'Pre 98' Bubba. She was suppose to be a female seed. Well she was male. I kind of thought maybe she was just a regular seed that slipped thru the crack. Guess I was wrong. Truth be said,,,,,,,,, when we f with genetics we do take a chance on doing strange things. And hermies are nothing new. Well she hermied. That is a common thing with feminized seed. Hell we turn a female male,,,,,,,,,,, what's strange about a female turning male?
Ok here's the strain Cripit I'm talking about flipping over for female pollen;

and another,,,,,,,,,

Stable strain for sure. I've been working with her since I came to 420.
I did a bad acouple postes back I mislabeled a strain. I called it Oregon Point Noir. When it was a cross between a Hawaiian Purple Kush and a Cripit. plant called Purpit. Here's the OPN strain. Suppose to be a monster yielder. One thing I will say about Stoney Girls is she don't lie about prospective yields. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO she's in a 25 gallon pot to start with. Here's the Oregon Point Noir;

And just for fun I thru up another of the Cassius. IF this girl smells half as good as last years product did,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'll be extremely happy. Cassius with afew of her sisters;

I want to thank all for stopping in and looking. Hope everyones gardens are doing GREAT. And Keepem Green
Those buds look incredibly potent. If I had no idea what pot was and I saw that crippled rino in full bloom on the side of a hiking trail, it would say "Don't f*** with me". I don't know what it is about those flowers, they just speak to me. Such ancient beauties...incredible work.. The outdoor OG's are looking absolutely fantastic.

About the KC-45, I still need to grow out a few more plants to get the real vibe on this plant, definitely a weird one. The medicine is great for the morning time, for some reason it just wakes a person up and makes them feel good. :hippy:

Have a Great One NW and Be Well :Namaste: :ciao:
Thanks ya'll for taking a look at my post everyone peoples.
That Crippled Rino and afew sister strains to her, always have that 'cold wicked' look them. I like the way the Cripit kind of curls down kind of scary look to both tho. They have those thick skinned leaves leathery. I swear if someone ever wanted a strain for hash that Rino one's a contender if I ever grew one. She has the largest heads on trichomes I ever seen. Short fat stalks. You, even me with as bad as my eyes are getting can see her frosting up. Going to be interesting to see how stable he has his strains seeing I had to replace this one.
I know I could save her I'm just stuck with what I learned about to much stress. Now if she was something totally had to have, and irreplaceable, we all know it does work. But one day you could end up hermied or some mutation. There always is that 1 in a million mutant that's some real special, but most mutated plants are inferior. Least everything I ever read on the subject says.
I did abit of reading on this guys case studies on 'polypoids'. He was soaking his seeds in Colchicine to make his mutants. That stuff is pretty damn poisonous, so it's kind of a why thing anyways. But this was a study to see what he could generate in future generations. This is that stuff they talked about for growing out like500 pound tomatoes and such.
Now before I get rambling on to much,,,, and about revegging, I guess once more I jumped the gun. I did throw my 'Doctor' strain outside and well she went into flower. Damn it. I threw her and my Wood's White out at the same time, and both flipped. The Wood's White is abit tall at over 3' as she stands. I have no idea of how much more she's got to go. But the Doctor, she's a nice 2' bush. And I have another seed I just put on a paper towel tonight. I also threw a Super Skunk seed on with her. Well anyways I drug her in to finish flowering.


While I'm thinking about it, People probably heard me talking about how much I try to stay away from defoliating my girls, but there is a time and place for it. And that girl could use abit of a haircut. Now outdoors I won't take a leaf unless she's yellow and dead. I try only to 'lolly pop' inside if I can, unless the leaf is covering a bud, and if it's a fan leave I try tucking it down. I hate pulling fan, or sun, leafs. They are the work horse of a plant.
Well I hope everyones enjoying their Memorial Day, and that their gardens are growing great.
Keepem Green
Another great update!... I better get cracking :cheesygrinsmiley:
The Crippled Rino


Awesome, I feel you exactly on that "badass leaf curl" she has, scary looking for sure! :rofl: Thought came to mind, "Slight nitrogen toxicity"? Looks a little too green. I guess I know where you got the saying "Keep Em Green" :rofl:

It's hard not to "jump the gun" when ya got the weather, I guess the good thing is the KC-45's won't flower when the photos will! I got a photoperiod BB that is 1/8th the size of my autoflower lol. I drag her in and out so it's "force flowering" with the Sun, not much different other than the light source, just labor intensive lol. I never like to see a plant go back into veg after putting out beautiful pre blooms.

Can't wait to see things turn into monsters. :cheer:

Yeah I'm with Buck, I feel ya, I need to get cracking lol, I've seen all these other outdoor grow journals now I feel like I'm behind! :rofl:

Oh yeah Woods, hop onboard these with some :popcorn: when ya get a chance

Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

500 Gallon Smart Pot Outdoor Grow Journal 2014: Growing Dank
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