Our Ongoing Grows

Welcome Bar. No need to read a lot. I always scroll back for pic's.
I can give ya the 2 cent tour with change left over. Might be time to throw a tad of my info out again. Nursery, 2'X3'X5' clone box. Got a 4 lamp T-5 keeping it rolling. Veg is a 4'X4' under a 600 watter MH bulb. Flower, indoor, right now 2 1500 watt HPS bulbs on 4' rails in a 10'+X10'+ room with a 8' ceiling. But temps are climbing and I'm ready with two 1000 waters on the light rails. The Hood's I'm using are the Magnum XXL air cooled, Huge hoods,, damn near 4' squared. I have a 8" inline fan throwing my warm air into the attic, And my intake air comes from the crawl space under our home. I have a Dust Shroom over a 8" intake to help keep the PM down. And I'll be damned the Dush Shroom works great. When I first came here to Oregon I didn't really know how common PM was to local grows. I was getting it about every grow when I started. But none since the shroom was used.No complains with any of the products I've been using. Truth,,,,,,,,, them 15000 Watt lights, I love, and they seem to shave acouple days off the flower cycle. I can almost tell it works. And that means a lot to me.
I have a White Russian I was tweaking around with, well 2 of them as sisters, I threw her into flower at about 8" and now she's just finishing up at about 24" in her final stage and entering the flush. I can see where someone could really throw out some product using this strain in a SOG setup. She has minimal branching. Easy to contain her within a square foot. And she should yield atleast 1 1/2 oz's per. Hey the buds are big fat sassy ones so I can't really tell yet. But I really could see someone throwing 16 of these in 6" pots and filling out a 4'X4' tent with 24 oz's of prime herbs. I haven't sampled and dry product off her yet, soon. The little I did works just fine. Alittle cure and maybe we got something. Here's some pic's I took of her. This is the lowest branch on the plant even tho this one weighted 26 grams wet. She probably about 70% cloudy, 15% clear, and the last 15% showing amber. White Russian;


and we'll get atad closer;

and I even had a Fungus Gnat pay it's respects in this pic;

and one last one of the buddage;

Well been acouple days since I started this and I have thrown the new lights in because temps were at 81 in the flower room and outdoor temps were beautiful outside the last two days. So that was right on time. LOL then today Miss J came home with a Harvest Pro Elite ballast some gave her sister. Nice ballast all the bells and whistles. !000 watter, mh/hps, 120/240, and fits both cord sets. I haven't hook it up yet to go thru her paces, but she does hum like she works.
Well I also took the White Russian. 9 weeks plus alittle.

and she does have hefty colas;

We also took the Sugar Plum at 56 days;
I plan on doing a small SOG. Kind of a inland sea in the center of my room. I have afew more clones up and coming. I'm going to do it with Cripit and OG for now. But in the future, well as soon as my mother gets large enough to cut on, and if the weed is up to par, White Russian. On deck;

Spring is in the air. And ofcourse I have plants outside already. I also plan on going over the hill and getting some new strains from Stoney Girl. I want another Marion Berry for sure. Probably a Berkley Blue also. Well I'm going to post this before I forget. Oldtimers shit ya know. Till then thanks for looking in and Keepem Green

i had to bump all the gorgeous shots Wood! holy mackerel they are pretty and frosty!! :rocker: im always so jealous of the stoney girl garden genetics lol i gotta grow some someday, one day we gotta get a led in a corner of your garden i would highly value your opinion theres so new stuff coming from one of my sponsors (past) thats sounding like a game changer something like 2000 umols at 3 feet 1k hps is less than 200 ! i'll let you know when they are available, i think led is about to change how we all grow when they are consistently pumpin' out equal or greater yields for 1/3d the power usage who wont want them? im still testing the 3 brands i have started a new topled powered journal link in my sig, im getting better and better yields every time with my last budmaster run i actually got more dry bud than i used to get with my 600watt hps on those strains i have grown under both lights og kush,blue dream, sour diesel#2 , but i need to do more cycles to find the consistent average, anyway i just wanted to stop by and see what you were working on and wow! impressive as always!! :rocker:
Nothing ever changes but the date,,, and the strains. I'll try to get a update up soon. Cutting a Blue Dream as I type. Well Miss J is anyways. I want to say welcome to the new ID's I seen. And to all ofcourse. Keepem Green
First I want to say hello to everyone and thanks for all the good words and vibe. Things been alittle busy here having my 'Old Lady's' adopted daughter here for the last couple months. So I've fallen behind abit on here, still.
Well here goes my second run with the Blue Dream variant I've been fooling around with. 60 days in. So far great plant. I plan on doing alittle more work with her. She might make a great single cola plant'. Sturdy plant, reasonable stretch, and took minimal help holding the large main colas up. Good yield of nice solid colas. People tell me it has that sleepy effect on them. This is going to be my third strain I'm going to throw in flower at a real young age. I can see some fat single cola plants. Here's a pic I took acouple days back. One of the better pictures I've gotten from under the HPS.

And after the cut;



I also have a pic of the plant that people had thought was Cannatonic. So really who knows what she was. But it is a lemoned smelling sativa-ish plant. She needed quite abit of support later in flower. Smaller yield of up to 2-2 1/2 gram buddage. She's going to be harvested tomarrow. And the strain is on the chopping block with this harvest. She's at just at 9 weeks;

and one more;

One thing I'm thinking of is trying some MH to the flower room. I've read abit about the UVB spectrum. Well not a lot maybe just enough to be dangerous. But I understand added some of that spectrum in the last couple weeks of flower, will increase the trichome production. Might add a percent or two to the final quality.
BID, I will say this about some of the strains from Stoney Girls, Strains like the Sugar Plum and the Cripit, is they weigh a lot. A OZ looks like a 1/2 of most the others I've been growing lately.
Same old same old. GT. Hope all's good in your world too. Spring is in the air.
I've been growing the Cripit for along time now. And this is going to be the first time I've grown it without making a bush outta her. I have 10 of her in the cloner just about ready to show root, 1 for a mother and the others all are going straight into flower once they show acouple new leaves. I'm a thinking pretty soon I might need a new mother of her. The last crop seemed to lack some of her punch. I guess I'll find out pretty soon seeing I'll have one larger plant in and these 9 clones.
I better get this posted before something happens and I space it out AGAIN.
Thanks all and Keepem Green
As Jade said Happy 420,,,,,,, and Easter. I spun that one............. Keepem Green
Looks tasty and delicious :cheesygrinsmiley:

What is your feeding routine?
Thanks everyone for looking in once more.
Well Buckshot right now I'm using some amendments to the soil Pro-Mix HP, in the form of blood/bone meals, worm casting and Marine Cuisine.
I also use Extreme Gardens mycro's when I first transplant in their starter pots.

Once or twice during the veg cycle I've been using Earth Juice with alittle molasses. But I've had a strain or two that seemed to want alittle more so when I flower I end up using Cutting Edge Solution nutrients. It's a 3 part that that looks pretty close to GH fert's. Uncle John's Blend and alittle Cal-Mag. I like to juice them with the dry Kool Bloom acouple times in flower. Beginning and acouple weeks before the end of the flower cycle. I use to use Fox Farm bloom blasters, Cha Ching, beasty blooms, and Open Sesame. But this Kool Bloom is much more cost effective. And I get the Cutting Edge fertilizers for 30$ for 2 1/2 gallon bottles. Outdoors I don't even worry much about any fert's till heavy in flower. Sounds stupid, here I build alittle microbial community and end up killing most of them off with the salts. I really should look into the mycrob's that are more tolerant to the salt based fert's for my indoors.
Well a fast pic or two. First a nice shot of the Blue Dream;

ok we cut the Cannatonic and I got afew pictures;




I also have a Wappa I ended up throwing in flower today. I didn't take a clone so she's a one shot deal. We did grow her once before and I'm pretty sure I liked the weed.;

Ok here's one I let get alittle unruly. When you have all these plants at different sized sometimes one gets away and you have to do some serious trimming. Here's one, but I do plan on flowering her soon, ChemDawg;

Another I'm looking forward to once again is the Super Lemon Haze;

And this one I wanted to try out outdoors, Strain called The Doctor. I threw her out alittle early so I might hace to deal with a reveg or something. Oh well, is what it is;

Well once more thanks for looking in. I hope everyone had a safe 420/Easter Holiday. Keepem Green
That is some really well grown Blue Dream, lovely strain. That Canna? looks incredibly frosty :)

Wow, you really took the weed wacker to that chemdog :rofl: Just trimming the hedges I see ;)

Stellar update as always :ciao:
Looking good Norcaliwood
Hey Looking Great as usual NorCali :thumb:
even if it does reveg at least itll have more branching :thumb:
Just want to add my two cents real fast. Where I live we have some 'great' drinking water. But what constitutes good drinking water sometime lacks some of those PPM plants need, like calcium which is pretty important to a plant. I mentioned early about my amendments, I like to tighten one up abit. I use a combo blood/bone meal put out by High Yield I think. Yellow and red bag I'm pretty sure. But this stuff has the blood meal for some of the fast feed nitrogen, but what I like is the bone meal. It's not all fine ground stuff. Chunks like a pea in it which will sit in your soil and break down after time. So you get a longer lasting source of calcium and phosphorous. Last time I checked PMM here were 15 or so.
Well I just got rid of the hood I've been using in my 4X4 veg tent. I've been using one of them sun soakers 2' hoods from HTG. The unit held up well for a cheap light hood. I really don't have need of a top of the line heavy double walled unit out there. Foot print is more important to me out there. The soaker worked fantastic, but,,,,,,,, she was showing her age. She had that sag to her ,,,, well socket. I could've tightened her up but the unit did leak a lot of light. I ended up getting this unit. Hell was only 50$. And you can adjust her if you want to tighten up the footprint. Otherwise she seems to throw out a even light. WTF I'm going to go throw a light meter on her and check her footprint. BRB She does differ abit around her footprint, but I still find her acceptable. Is a hotspot running 50,000 lumms dead center. 20,00 around the edges. Here's the hood I got.

I also have acouple pictures of the new Kid's on the block. 5 OG's#1 1 Crippled Rino, and 2 Cripits, so far;

Well tha's about it for a minute. Thanks for stopping in everyone and best wishes. Keepem Green
Awesome and inspiring stuff norcaliwood pursued the journal last night and over coffee this morning. Hey you and I have a club membership we didn't want lol : we are both former quad's! You got the upper neck? I went for the chef's medley of spinal fractures (17 major around twenty minor)bone chips on almost all the tips of all of the vertebrae et al calyx to c 1 ( shattered at the tail section and the wave of shock just kinda moseyed on up there) with a side of brain damage and few platefuls of other ... Un wanted bites lol. I walk a little funny sport a lean Kate Moss kind of build and there is a lot of burnt toast in my recent history but none the less bro I'm still here. Even that's new cause I died fifteen minutes at point of impact so in that sense I'm only about thirteen years old, crows feet be damned. I washed the dinner down with oxy's and the drip but was horrified at how far away I was from life. Flushed the oxy down the toilet, the drip stopped after I left the trauma center rehab facility, ate the pain levels for some time went yoga / meditative was the honored recipient of many inipi ceremonies and then some and only after some years later and for other reasons as well as this, returned to the plant after a 13 yr hiatus. I sleep and eat well now and to this day work as an arborist specializing in hazardous removals though I'm near the end of my career and though legally am a cripple but was blessed to return to such normalcy. Doctors said never will walk and Doctors said one in one million chance of just being alive. Ya never know, eh? Normally I don't go into these details they serve no real purpose but in this case it is a rare instance of meeting someone with similar experience/ perspectives on this matter. So good on you, looks like you got sweet spot on this earth and a good woman who stands with you. Strong blessings indeed and I felt inspired to share. Namaste.
Funny my water comes from what they call Bull Run Water Shed. I read awhile back this is the second cleanest water around after San Francisco's Hetech Hetechy. Or whatever it was. I know it comes off the Merced River. I use to gold mine all over the 'mother lode' area. One thing about the water, it will help with plants having a calcium deficiency that's for sure. That's why I truly believe in the basics of blood/bone meal. Hell I been using that since I shook hands with the guy who invented dirt. Well close anyways. Good to see ya drop by Pop's. Say high to your woman for me and hope all is growing great in your neck of the woods.
Really like the hood. Before I'd ever buy one of them cheap batwinged reflectors,,,, this one has my vote. After adjusting the hood alittle, I get a lot closer to even lumms in the corners. One thing I'd suggest is the end plates. They are bent to a 90 degree angle kind of like to hold glass, in other words inward. And that loses alittle light. The bend is only about 1/2" so it's not really a big thing.
Thanks all for stopping in. I never answer everyone's reply's that makes for a long journal. But I do want to thanks all the people who do post. , BID I kind of let afew of Stonies strains go for a minute, but spring is close and they always have tons of clones going. Even have afew new ones I haven't tried yet. But Sugar Plum is on my list, along with a Marion Berry. That stuff is so sweet. I like it 100 times better than the Blueberry I grew out from DJ Short. Has to be one of the sweetest strains I've ever grown......... LOL I had a OZ packed up in a bag somewhere? One day I'll find it and should have that best cure ever??? Oh BTW I have a total weight off 2 Blue Dreams that were close to 4', of 11oz's of good light golden quality smoke. Kind of a sleepy type pot. I want to try this a single cola plant in my next cloning along with some SLH.
Did take acouple pictures of some buddage I got off my 'little' OG #2 I throw in. Great multi branch plant. I got atad over a OZ off her. Threw her in flower at 5" tall and ended up with a 15" mini bush loaded with popcorn buds. Solid buds with a great hashy flavor. Not the best plant for SOG. It wood make a great SCOG tho. 8 1/2 weeks of flowering. OG#2;


Welcome Yogi. Bummer to hear about the problems, but Dude your walking talking. Hey as long as you have a quality of life you can work with,,, that's all that matters. I lean a lot too. Nowadays that's causing a lot of problems with my feet. I go every month and a half to get my feet shaved. I've had a slight limp since I broke my neck but I really got all out of whack with the total hip I had put in. Now one leg is longer than the other and I really limp. Oh well life is like a box of cherries? What I'd give for a time machine.... But welcome to my grow.
I better get these pictures up before they finish flowering. I haven't been keeping up on the journal lately. Looks like plants are starting to go outside. I haven't seen any signs of flower in my outdoor girls so I'm off to the rodeo. I have afew shots of my girls outdoors. Not that these are what I'm going to finish outside, but I can let them veg out there. I plan on a lot of clones off these for my inside. First off is a Greenhouse Seeds SLH;

Next I have some Chemdawg. I do take a weedeater to a lot of my plants that I plan on cloning with. If not to bush but to buy time in the rooms. Chemdawg , another from Greenhouse;

Ok white my White Russian;

Wood's White;

My Blue Dream;

And the Doctor;

I also have a Crippled Rino from Stone Girl's;

I did take acouple new pictures out of the flower room also. Here's the Crippled Rino in flower;

A Cripit also from Stoney Girls;

and my own doings of Bubba-Skunk;

Well I'm going to post this before I procrastinate for another week. Hope everyones gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
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