Our Ongoing Grows

Looking AWESOME! Check that Crippled Rino... damn
Looking good Norcaliwood.
Always looking good NorCali :thumb:
on another note
have you tried panning stuff from the cracks in the LA drainage ditches
I saw that gold fever guy do that and he actually found gold in the drainage ditches in LA
I mean just for shit and giggles I doubt you can find enough to get rich off in there but who knows lol
but even finding anything would be a hoot considering where it would be found
I want to thank all for stopping in and taking a look. I think I killed my Crippled Rino mother. Well she is a cutting of the one I have in flower now, but I was transplanting her and using these white 6" square pots with a 'step' drainage and the roots really took hold and wouldn't let go and I ended up air rooting her pretty good. She's fighting for life out in the greenhouse right now. Well I do plan on making the drive to get afew new strains for my outdoor garden next week so We'll see. I want another Marion Berry for sure. Has to be some of the tastiest herb I've grown in years.
CHH check this out, I started a gold rush in a creek in the Bay Area once. I use to go dredging a lot in the Sierras back when, well one day I bought this new 6" dredge and I lived like 6 hours from the hills so I threw in in this local creek up Niles Canyon. Well to test the recovery I took a vial of small little pickers nuggets, maybe a oz of gold, back then gold was 300$ a oz. and threw them in and sucked them back up. Well acouple cars stopped to check me out when I was doing the clean up, seeing the gold they asked if the was the normal. Who am I to smash their dreams so I said yes. Dude next weekend I seen people down there with pans prospecting away. Well anyways they looked to be having fun so alls good. But yes about the pipe. Those ribbed culprits will catch gold when they are full of material. I seen that show also, but whats real funny is I knew that dudes father, Buzzard. We both worked out of a town called Jamestown. I first got into gold mining back in like 1978 maybe 80. I use to stay up in the hills almost all summer dredging and growing my herbs for like 5 or 6 years. Even almost went to dredge in Guyana with someone named Dave MacCracken who wrote a lot of books on dredging. He went and I heard he did real well for himself too. But I've been all over the Mother Lode, and just about every river systems that holds gold.
Well the 'kids' are waking up so I guess I need to get busy. Least it's a plain water night. And I need to get started flushing a OG#1 that's looking close. I must have messed up on the date on my board cus it says she's only at 4+ weeks. The trichomes are 80% cloudy and are pretty swollen. 7-10 days max I figure. Well once more thx all and Keepem Green
Awesome looking plants NorCal, you are in Southern OR right?, I ask cause I am in WA just across the Columbia river from OR and I am planning on putting out door plants out on the 15th, hoping they do not start flowering, think it is too early?

You are not getting any flowering so that promising.
I want to thank all for stopping in and taking a look. I think I killed my Crippled Rino mother. Well she is a cutting of the one I have in flower now, but I was transplanting her and using these white 6" square pots with a 'step' drainage and the roots really took hold and wouldn't let go and I ended up air rooting her pretty good. She's fighting for life out in the greenhouse right now. Well I do plan on making the drive to get afew new strains for my outdoor garden next week so We'll see. I want another Marion Berry for sure. Has to be some of the tastiest herb I've grown in years.
CHH check this out, I started a gold rush in a creek in the Bay Area once. I use to go dredging a lot in the Sierras back when, well one day I bought this new 6" dredge and I lived like 6 hours from the hills so I threw in in this local creek up Niles Canyon. Well to test the recovery I took a vial of small little pickers nuggets, maybe a oz of gold, back then gold was 300$ a oz. and threw them in and sucked them back up. Well acouple cars stopped to check me out when I was doing the clean up, seeing the gold they asked if the was the normal. Who am I to smash their dreams so I said yes. Dude next weekend I seen people down there with pans prospecting away. Well anyways they looked to be having fun so alls good. But yes about the pipe. Those ribbed culprits will catch gold when they are full of material. I seen that show also, but whats real funny is I knew that dudes father, Buzzard. We both worked out of a town called Jamestown. I first got into gold mining back in like 1978 maybe 80. I use to stay up in the hills almost all summer dredging and growing my herbs for like 5 or 6 years. Even almost went to dredge in Guyana with someone named Dave MacCracken who wrote a lot of books on dredging. He went and I heard he did real well for himself too. But I've been all over the Mother Lode, and just about every river systems that holds gold.
Well the 'kids' are waking up so I guess I need to get busy. Least it's a plain water night. And I need to get started flushing a OG#1 that's looking close. I must have messed up on the date on my board cus it says she's only at 4+ weeks. The trichomes are 80% cloudy and are pretty swollen. 7-10 days max I figure. Well once more thx all and Keepem Green

That is cool!! Imagine what fire you could start now at 2 grand an ounce :cheesygrinsmiley:
Just dropping through to confirm that the KC-45 is some dank exotic sativa. I'd prolly rate it at 8/10 my book, but that's cause I LOVE sativas. Flavors of lemon fruit, and it attains this spice flavor. Since all we know is Brazilian Sativa X Russian Ruderalis... b.real mentioned maybe its same sativa as crossed in the White Widow strain, either way its got to be one of the native land race strains. Stuff is incredible IMO. They're long flowering though, and I mean long... we'll see how this batch comes out but they aren't no traditional 60 autoflower lol, more like a 6 month autoflower, finicky genetics with the reveg and herm, but well worth it with a little patience. Interested to see another grower produce some of this stuff. I think I remember you said you had some but never grew it out.

Anyway Great Day to you brother NW! :ciao:
First off thanks all for stopping in and taking a peek.
Well I'm calling it spring here. I shut down my veg tent, and threw all the mother plants I'm working with outside to continue vegging and producing clones. I also put afew plants in 15 gallon pots to get them started. I will transplant the larger ones later into 30 gallon finishing pots. I didn't get the soil I wanted for them. So I ended up using some Pro-Mix BX I had around. I really like the Pro-Mix HP with my inside grows. That soil takes alittle more attention as in watering, fert's, etc. being a fast draining soil. Myself I like the Black Gold with my outside ladies as it holds water better. And give plants a break on hotter days. But seeing I had acouple bags of the Pro-Mix BX I ended up using it. The soil only has a starter charge of fertilizers in it so I amended it. I use a ton of worm castings, some Marine Cuisine, pelletized seabird crap, blood/bone meal, plus a good charge of Extreme Gardening's microb's. Then I water with some earth juice plus a drop of molasses. I shouldn't have to fertilize again till flower cept a dose of the earth juice every now and then unless I see any problems. By rights I might even be able to use a top dressing of Bat crap and bone meal come fall.
Strains? I did go up to Stoney Girls and get afew babies. One think I'll say about the guy who runs that place is he's into the medical aspect of the RSO. Rick Simson Oil. He's got people flying in from all over the states. Someone can get here at 9 am, and get outta here by dark and have no worry about getting on the plane.
First off I did get a new Marion Berry. Marion Berry Well Stoney Girl has 2 pheno's he's playing with. So I ended up getting both, #1 and #2. What I've grown before is the #1. BIG FAT leaves. #2 has alittle finer leaf network so far.
And my Crippled Rino died, so I replaced her. Crippled Rhino This strain has the best hash production I've ever seen. If I grind up acouple dubies, after you rake up the weed, you have a pile of 'sand looking' stuff which is the hash, all over the table. Good med pot this one.
Another new one I'm going to try is Purpit. Purpit Something they came up with using the Cripit strain plus some Purple Hawaiian Kush.
Oh I have one of the Cripits going of course. Cripit
Ok here's a new one. Called Cassius. Cassius When I picked up my clones he had some of his harvest around from last year. Impressive herbs, And it does smell a lot like Apple alot. I'm looking foreward to trying this girl out after seeing what they said tastes like Marion Berries. Damn I wish I could find that oz I got hide in a great spot I guess. Stuff tasted like candy.
Another I'm working with is called Oregon Pinot Noir. Pinot Noir Sounds interesting to me. Suppose to be a big producer that has acclimated real well to our weather. It was bred for someone to grow out in his grape field around here.
Here's a shot of some of what I've got started;

Here's one I have inside called Bubba Skunk. A strain of my own doings. It's a F-1 so variants run amuck in it;

Ok here's acouple from Paradise Seed. First I have my White Berry;


Then I have a strain I did grow before. And I think I did like it. I will say this, I love the plant. I screwed up and put her to flower in a 2 gallon pot which is small in my flower room. Generally I use 5 gallon min. But so far the bud structure is great. I can see major weight in her up and coming. Wappa;



I have another that's still in stretch mode. LOVE this plant. I did clone her. SLH;

About that gold mining, I THOUGHT I was making money at 3-400$ per oz. Good days we'd scratch out acouple oz's. Average is more like 1/4 oz. Which will keep gas in the dredge and beans on the plate. Once I did manage to find a 3 oz nugget. It was shaped like the state of Texas and I sold her for 2000$ for some dude to make a belt buckle out of. Damn I wish I'd have saved to gold I threw away back then. Should've, could've, but didn't so............................... Hey if we had a time machine.......
Well once more thx everyone who stopped by. Like I say I don't waste reading space coping what others post. If you have a question just yell out and I'll drop by your grows. Life is good. Fixxing to look at the pool and get the water adjusted. Then time to crank on some BTU's of heat. Not looking forward to the big increase in electric. You think lights get costy? Well everyone have a great nite and Keepem Green
Thx BID. Hey I feel for ya my friend. I do feel blessed I can throw afew out in the 'back 40'. Most of my life, I've tried to keep a place I could throw acouple out there. Been in a few places I couldn't like city apartments places like that. I had the 35th card issued there. Funny thing I got popped growing in the Tracy area of Cali with like 185 10 footers in a barn we covered with that frosty fiberglass panels. That corrugated crap worked great. Yellow on the walls and white lids over the horse stables. Kept our bikes in the center and used the top hayloft for starts. Life was perfect?????????? NOT. Cali came down on us and I got alittle time in 'collage'. U of CDC....
I caught that case like a week before 215 passed. Sooo it was grandfathered in on me. Oh well "A day in the Life".
I wanted to post what I forgot to a minute ago........... I've been around,,, and I've heard of and tried ALOT of things people claimed helps put a kick I your pot. Putting a nail thru the mainstem aweek before harvest, spanking a plant, boiling roots mass at harvest, cold weather, diminishing lights, total darkness for 72 hours prior to harvest, but if any kind of difference?????? 1 or 2% if any. Nothing I can tell.... But,,,I haven't tried UVB lighting near the end of the flower cycle. And I have read places about it since the dawn of time. I just haven't. Well just for fun I have a OG#1 variant just about done. Well my veg tent that WAS empty......... I usually have a 600 watter going, but I just downsized due to temps to a 400 MH of the way up kelvin of blue in it. Guess I'll let her finish with a slight diminishing light schedule. Well hope everyone gardens are green. Keepem Green
Before I bought my LED, I asked mfr. about whether it had UVB. I'd always read how it helps re trichomes, but was told by mfr. horticulturist that their research couldn't sustain belief that it helps so they don't include it. Not an answer that meshed with what I'd heard and read, but I went ahead and bought it anyway. Hope he was right! I'll have some 1st hand experience w/ that in a couple of months. Your longtime experience seems to mesh with what he told me?
Holy spank, boil and freeze... gee wiz :cheesygrinsmiley:
Brightlight, Welcome and I got to say norcal is what I'd imagine God's Country looks like. Some of the prettiest land I've been too, and I been a lot of places here in the States. Barring the New England States.
Now not that I was going to start with that large of untested, least in my eyes, of a product. ALOT cheaper and better suited products for what I wood be needing. I just thought it looks like a good complete grow light. Like I'd know one led blub from another.
I'm going to let yall do the testing for afew years lol. Hey if something ain't broke why fix it There's always duct tape and mule hide. But my setup can still use alittle more tweaking in my flower room.
Before I do anymore I STILL need to upgrade my power main service. I've said that acouple years now, Then I've thought about just throwing about 4 125-200 watt CFL's on drop cords to round out the spectrum.
I've heard read something somewhere 'I'm a thinking and that can be a bad thing' I heard is bad to fire the combo hsp/mh bulbs with a digital ballasts. I'm thinking it was a catalogue but they recommended using magnetics with their product. That wood be the easiest fix I'd imagine to change my colors. Costy bulbs, not that I need a lot of them. I guess I can e-mail someone pretty damn easy huh? Those bulbs run like 600 watts hsp/400 watt mh. Least I could try them if they'll work while temps are up alittle and I can't run the 1500ers. So far I love the new ballasts. We had a heat snap last week of uppers 90's and I had to cut back to the 100% make of em. Temp's dropped like 3 degrees. Way cool. These dimmable ballast are the first changes I've done to a inside grow in well forever. Well I'm outta here tonight hope everyone's good and gardens are great. Keepem Green
im testing several brands led wood when i can tell you that theres something that beats 1k hps for 100% sure i' will let you know, right now i can say that my budmaster 675xg beats a 600 hps for sure! but its the only one i have run to the end that compares to hps and since you use 1k or better i figure your not interested in a led that beats a 600, but if i was to recommend one now thats the one he makes a bigger 1200 xg model i have not tested but the claim is it beats a 1khps and im inclined to believe it since the claim that the 675xg beats a 600 proved to be accurate, i did a flower run with dual 600s hps/mh i really liked that run the mh adds some uvb that made some potent flower , but the power bill was killing me so i ventured into the led realm:rocker:
Thanks BID, I know there are a lot of young pups here in 420. From the first time I heard about LED's I've never had a doubt they can get them dialed in so to speak. I still think they could use alittle more diversification in the colors they have. I know about the par and all that, just I feel plants use a lot more of the total sceptrum than LED's target. Just as the HID's can't truly match natural sunlight. But they all work. LOL my first grows indoors were total with t-12's. Hey worked. Might never had gotten any truly solid herbs but hell I didn't know better. Besides wasn't any other lights. Cept the big one in the sky.
Speaking of which I got afew pictures for a update. To many to label in this one but there is 7 Stoney Girl's strains, going in there. Acouple OG's, and a Bubba Kush mixed in. I have all my girls out there getting beat up in the rain right now. Strange huh. I have them right out front of the greenhouse in the rain If it don't kill ya it will make ya stronger right....Besides they are going to have to get use to it before fall.
Ok here we go;

And I'll let the rest speak for themselves;




Well Thanks all for dropping in and I hope everyones doing great. Keepem Green
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