Our Ongoing Grows

Thank ya thank ya,,, and I hope everyone got totally ripped. I'm wondering here,,, I've been known to ponder here and there. Well time to go pick up thhe roof panels for the green house. I'm wondering if I wood be better off using them white panels over the clear. Not that I get such hot weather, it does knock the 100 degree mark alot here, And wood'nt clear allow a lot of heat in also. The white is just like a big defuser. I'm leaning to doing the first run up the roof clear and the last 2 white. It will have a vent running the whole top of about 3 inches for heat issues'. Later I'll install a attic vent fan on the side now that it's no longer new. Sorry I'm still having problems getting pictures up and going. I'll try abit later tonight. Migt even have to call some 'geek' out there. JK Not..... Plants re loving it with a extra hour of supplemental lights, acouple cfl's and a flood lamp does it. Days get long enough in about a month. I don't want any false flowering kicking off. Keepem Green
Greenhouse is off the to do lists and the kid's are really growing fast. Sorry but right now the pc is abit low in the order of things. I do plan on letting all know as soon as I get up and posting pic's again. I get even get windows media to load pic's now. Oh well soon. Thanks peoples for looking in. I'll have a hella lot of catching up out there with everyone's gardens that's for sure.
Well I just upsized the pots on the ones I figure to get larger. And I promised myself I'd downsize abit on the outdoor grow now that the greenhouse is there. I can usually fit 2-3 plants in there in the ground and afew smaller auto type plants on the shelfs. Should cut down on outside plants,,,, lol, now that's funny seeing what I got started. Oh that Auto Muary Thai is up and about to get her mid sized pot, she's a seedling but I don't like to impede downward root growth as long as possible. I hear she can get real big and root mass dictates directly to plant size, in my eyes anyways.
I even entertained turning the other room into a garden. But I don't think Miss J wood think kindly of it,, maybe,, naw. But I do promise to get some kind of pic's up soon. I do hope everyones doing great out there in 420 and gardens are going strong... and it's getting close to that time of year I can cut my girls lose. I put them under 24/7 mother nature in about a week or so. The days will be long enougt to keepem vegging. Well I'm off to water a whole flip of 8 HGK I have just about ready to throw in and start from fresh. I have a problem going and I think it was nut's. I tried the cheap voodoo juice from advanced I'll probably just got back to the industry standard, GH, with my indoor. Outdoor girls should be on their own unless helps needed or I juice the buddage with afew 'blasts'.
Starting to babble so Keepem Green
Hey dude, it's great to know that you're doing well, with autos for sure you're gonna have a good life. Actually I talked with my buddy yesterday and we figured their one general downside is this small yield, but I hear there are now better and better strains kickwise, so you can take your pick :smokin:
Greenhouse is off the to do lists and the kid's are really growing fast. the pc is abit low in the order of things.
Well I just upsized the pots on the ones I figure to get larger. And I promised myself I'd downsize abit on the outdoor grow now that the greenhouse is there. I can usually fit 2-3 plants in there in the ground and afew smaller auto type plants on the shelfs. Should cut down on outside plants,,,, lol, now that's funny seeing what I got started. Oh that Auto Muary Thai is up and about to get her mid sized pot, she's a seedling but I don't like to impede downward root growth as long as possible. I hear she can get real big and root mass dictates directly to plant size, in my eyes anyways.
I even entertained turning the other room into a garden. But I don't think Miss J wood think kindly of it,, maybe,, naw. But I do promise to get some kind of pic's up soon. I do hope everyones doing great out there in 420 and gardens are going strong... and it's getting close to that time of year I can cut my girls lose. I put them under 24/7 mother nature in about a week or so. The days will be long enougt to keepem vegging. Well I'm off to water a whole flip of 8 HGK I have just about ready to throw in and start from fresh. I have a problem going and I think it was nut's. I tried the cheap voodoo juice from advanced I'll probably just got back to the industry standard, GH, with my indoor. Outdoor girls should be on their own unless helps needed or I juice the buddage with afew 'blasts'.
Starting to babble so Keepem Green

Wood! Sorry about the PC problems, but am glad you have the greenhouse up and ready to go! It does seem the more we experiment the more we want to try AND downsizing is NOT usually part of that scenario. I have been so busy I find myself babbling a lot also. I finished Phase one of this years grow/experiments way ahead of where I was this time last year. The babies are all transplanted and the indoors things are lining up for the Summer. I am glad you are back posting and hope the PC problems go away soon. And like you always say, Keep em GREEN! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well I'm up maybe no pic's yet but I am here and I have alot going on. I see you got some reveg going on your way Hozona. I hope you tell me what you think of them plants. Here they throw out to much in the form of foliage, which tends to mold here. I hope you fair better than I have. I don't put my plants out here till mid of this month. I could get away with planting seed stock out earlier but adult clones tend to start flowering if I do any earlier.
About them auto's Coradino, I have similar weather to you cept I live in this little pocket surrounded by the Columbia River and the Port. We get alot more moisture than the surrounding areas. I can really see a nitch market here for people that want to grow outdoors. Something a beginner can do here with a great chance of harvest before the rains fall. Alot of newbies here are going to grow a pile of moldy mess come Mid Oct. Least without alittle guidance. But auto's are easy and one can grow 3 crops a year planed right.
Thanks for stopping in everyone. I hope all's gardens are green. My Girls are growing like a weed in true form. Keepem Green
Well I'm up maybe no pic's yet but I am here and I have alot going on. I see you got some reveg going on your way Hozona. I hope you tell me what you think of them plants. Here they throw out to much in the form of foliage, which tends to mold here. I hope you fair better than I have. I don't put my plants out here till mid of this month. I could get away with planting seed stock out earlier but adult clones tend to start flowering if I do any earlier.

It is so dry here mold is never a problem. The plants should be kicking into full veg mode soon, so then I will train them to be the low rider bushes I like to grow. Outdoors here stealth is essential.
Thanks for stopping in everyone. I hope all's gardens are green. My Girls are growing like a weed in true form. Keepem Green
Good to hear you have it going and will be stopping by to check in frequently! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Still alive here, wish I could say more about thee pc. Plants are growing like the weed they are. Hopefully something will break about my pc this week. Thanks for stopping in this unkept site. Keepem Green Peoples
Still alive here, wish I could say more about thee pc. Plants are growing like the weed they are. Hopefully something will break about my pc this week. Thanks for stopping in this unkept site. Keepem Green Peoples

it is kept... can't wait to see what you have going on
I'm a pc dummy for sure. Am pretty busy tho with spring planting. And I do have a line up for sure. Pretty soon 'll hunt down my neighbor to fix up the pc. Keepem Green
It's a drive-by Woody...
Thanks CHH hopefully you can get that one pic up without problems.
Things here are getting extremely bushy, I mean busy here. I got some huge plants going this year.
Here's a list of what's up here'
1 Maury Thai, she's close to 2' tall.
1 Mother Superior, she's a monster over 3'
1 Odysseus another monster just under 3'
1 Crippled Rino, she's 3' solid
1 Sweet Amnesia, just under 3'
1 White Widow, just over 2'. She's a plant I plan on doing a half a flip with inside later.
1 Pit Bull, 2+ foot
1 Flo, 3- foot.
1 Purp's. 3+ foot.
1 Blue Lemon Thai, a huge 4'
1 S.A.D. solid 3'
1 Serious 6. she's around 8' tall and growing. Huge untopped plant.
various auto's
and inside, after a good scub down and all plants 100% clean and heathy;
9 Holy Grail Kush, all 3' and 3 weeks in.
2 Chem Dawg, 2 1/2' bushes
3 Tangerine Dreams almost 3'
1 Blue lemon Thai, just starting at about 10"
I have to figure which are going in the ground in my 'dog house'.
Probably the Flo. She capable of multiple harvests. Take the terminal bud and the rest will keep putting on weight. They claim a harvest every 10-12 days. I just hope she don't get too large for my greenhouse. Also the Pit Bull. I know she stays shorter. And probably the Crippled Rino. Got the roof on and I'm looking into a attic fan with a thermostat and a hemostat control on it.
Well thanks for looking in everyone. And I hope your gardens are doing great. Keepem Green
ill get it up this evening working on the house since we got booted off the jobsite
theyre making a movie they didn't like the noise lol
go figure :rofl:
I was trying to make as much noise as possible :rofl:
Good to know you're up and running. Hmm some of these genetics seem like taking a long shot or giving another chance for you or am I wrong?
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