Our Ongoing Grows


had to figure out where it was on my phone first I had to download it then I could find it but it wasn't in the pictures folder
the pic oyu asked me to post for you
Thanks CHH sure can't say the photo helps with my girlish figure,,, but thanks my friend. That plant is a Serious 6 sprout. I mean she has almost 2 months of veg left. And the question is?????????????? How high will she go?????
I'm going to have to send a e-mail to 420. My problem for the moment is I'm lacking that drop down screen to find where I'm to get my photo's from. But I'm off to e-mail Kitty or else but.. Keepem Green
Thanks CHH sure can't say the photo helps with my girlish figure,,, but thanks my friend. That plant is a Serious 6 sprout. I mean she has almost 2 months of veg left. And the question is?????????????? How high will she go?????
I'm going to have to send a e-mail to 420. My problem for the moment is I'm lacking that drop down screen to find where I'm to get my photo's from. But I'm off to e-mail Kitty or else but.. Keepem Green

I have to use Chrome to see the drop box

That is going to be a monster!
Thanks CHH sure can't say the photo helps with my girlish figure,,, but thanks my friend. That plant is a Serious 6 sprout. I mean she has almost 2 months of veg left. And the question is?????????????? How high will she go?????
I'm going to have to send a e-mail to 420. My problem for the moment is I'm lacking that drop down screen to find where I'm to get my photo's from. But I'm off to e-mail Kitty or else but.. Keepem Green

If you are using Internet Explorer to upload your photos, you will have to switch to Microsoft Edge or another browser like Google Chrome as MSIE is no longer supported by MS nor 420 Magazine.
So true. I did flip over to chrome and low and behold.......... One fast picture. I want to see how clear the pic's come out on this laptop.
Here's acouple auto's up and close.

Ok well I do know I'm missing my program from cannon. Is a sweet program. Hope all's gardens are green and Keepem Green
Ok fast long over dew update. Hot here and I need to cool off besides pool is open;
Serious 6;


Muray Thai;

Here's Mother Superior;

Blue Lemon Thai;

Flo and Pit Bull plus 5 auto's;

and last is my Crippled Rino;

Plus assorted others. Thanks people for the info, I was having trouble with IE but still don't have the program I like from Canon.
Well Keepem Green
I'm a trying Brightlights. Like I tell everyone, I'm a creature of habit and don't take to changes well even as simple as a browser. Chrome is easier for sure. Now I'll get afew updates. First off I got a shot of the Muay Thai. I started her in kind of gloomy weather which stretched her abit at first but she's making up for it. It's a auto that has up to 145 days till harvest. I always loved the old 7 gram double dipped in O.
Stuff was truly killer stuff. I can't ever expect a Thai plant here in Oregon or;

I feel this is the sleeper in the yard. That Mother Superior. It has alot of the flagship strain of Stoney Girl in her, called Berkeley. Claims down to 28 days on that one. But do I see 2+ lb's, hell yes;

And a shot of a auto plant I came up with seed for. She's not big, I hope for a oz off her. But hey free seed came at a cost. Rouge pollen and all. Anyways;

I'll try to keep up. Keepem Green
Well seeing I'm starting to do alittle updating, guess I'll get a pic of these girls. HGK. Sorry about the lighting.

I can't get over this girl. One serious plant, called Serious 6 from Serious Seeds. I think we need a bigger boat, well pot anyways;

Good thing she isn't in soil in the greenhouse. I'd be super cropping and pruning all summer.
Everyone I know likes this one for pain relief. Miss J's favorite Crippled Rino;

And last the Blue Lemon Thai. Going to be another monster;

I think next year I'm going to get afew of them tan smart pots. Maybe the 50 gallon size. I'd have to build a platform for them because you can put a plant on the concrete in full sun. The barrels I've got are ontop of acouple 2X4 to keep a breeze underneath. That concrete will fry your feet when temps hit 90's and up.
Thanks all for stopping in and Keepem Green
Things look really healthy in here!! Awesome!
Thx y'all. Just acouple more quick pic's. First my try with Flo. One thing about here, you gotta have a plant that finishes early or your going to mold. I can promise that, unless you got a greenhouse or you live in SE Oregon. Man they got the weather over there. But claims say she finishes end of Sept. Which is about as late as I can go here outside. I'm thinking of putting her in the greenhouse. I can only fit 2, 3 topps in there so I'm going to be abit selective. But her harvests sound interesting;

And this one called Pitt Bull. Grown this one before and she finishes fine here;

Well thanks for driving thru all, got to run fresh cookies coming out the oven, Hope gardens are green Keepem Green
Well just playing around out back so figured I'd snap acouple quick ones. Cooled off around here. 70's partly cloudy, lows mid 40's. Good vegging weather, least with them indica's. Funny as soon as the sun starts to set, some of my girls droop off fast. Looks like they need a drink. But they'll grow outta it with some sun.
This girl is going like crazy. Over 8' and growing. Shame I didn't have a place to put her in the ground. Probably end up like the valley of the jolly green giants. No telling what one could end up with. But lack of pot size is going to keep her smaller and hungry. I have her in 30 gallons when she really needs 100-150. She does have them branches that look like they are going to need help as buds show up. I'll end up trying this one with tape over a trellis. S-6;

Another that's going to out grow the 5' trellis, Blue Lemon Thai. I grew one of these earlier and she finished pretty fast. We'll se how she looks come Oct. BLT

Here's a White Widow I got growing for some reason. Thinking of cutting her up for my next inside grow so I got time to figure. She wood stay short in the greenhouse too. She's be a monster bush come end of July. WW;

This is that Muay Thai Auto. She's growing almost 2" a day when the suns out. She's coming up on 4' tall now with no signs of slowing down or starting to flower, just 1 or 2 small signs of sex. I might have found use for some of that pollen I've been saving. MT;
One last pic, one of the auto flower I got going. Unkown strain, something me and Miss J came up with this winter;

Well that's about it from here. Hope all's doing good out there. Keepem Green
Cold and rainy here. Suppose to be like this the rest of the week. Kind of a bummer but the girls are still growing like a weed. S-6 is growing over a inch a day without sun. Can't wait to see her get some real sun. She's growing like a x-mas tree. I had plans of making another hiking stick for someone in the family. That's why she's untopped. The base of the stalk in getting pretty beefy. But all the lower side branches are going to problematic. Miss J accidentally broke one already. The granddaughter dropped her phone in the pool, what a 8 year old need with a top end phone is beyond me, and Miss J was hurrying to get a net in there and the poles on the nets are kind of long and she cliped one;

You can see the angle from the main stalk, straight out. And that's without buddage. Here's another shot;

I'm going to stake one center bamboo pole and tie the bottom branches like I do my tomatoes. If anyone ever wants to do some tieing you can get some 1/2 green stretchy tie tape off e-bay or somewhere for next to nothing. I like this tape because it's wide and soft. It won't cut into your babies and even if you forget to loosen the tie as the plant grows, the stuff with stretch with it. It has it's uses for sure. Just like tie wire on the inside girls.
Well seeing I got that pack of seed that was all mixed up from Bonanza, I have no earthy idea what this is. I planted 2 of the mixed up container, btw they are kind of stupid ways to send seeds. Got to be a easier way. But anyways here we are Miss Unknown;

Now this pic is a Amnesia variant. I'm going to throw her in another big pot. 35 gallon.

Of everything I got going out there, this is the one to watch. Mother Superior;

Man she's getting big. Not tall yet, but, well rounded if I do say.
Well that's it from the Dawghouse for now. I hope evryones doing great out there, and the gardens are green,,,,,,Keepem Green
I don't even know what to say,,,,, what possessed that stupid idiot to shoot all them peoples?????????????? Shame they shot him, they should've hung the fool. Had to comment sitting here hearing that on the TV. Disillusioned fool.
Rain still. Better now than when plants are in full flower. Knock on wood..... Can I get my outdoor girls in? We'll see what happens end of September. Wow I Almost got 4,000 posts up. Only took afew years. Keepem Green
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