Our Ongoing Grows

Hey CHH maybe you can get to the big time. Time to start building a big greenhouse.
Thing are starting to shape up here. I just cracked afew seed for the outdoor grow. Along with some indoor ones. Plus I'm waiting on that Maury Thai in my next order. It's in route as I type. I haven't missed a year outdoors in 35+ years,, unless I was incarcerated.....
I plan on flowering afew of these auto's under full sun in June and July
Keepem Green

Hey Wood!Got the 5 big girls outside, did some indoor work, and am waiting on some beans to arrive also. Got an email 8 days ago, they have been dispatched....gotta love those Brits! I'm in my 11th year of growing here...so awfully hot here at times. Looking forward to seeing the grow go forward.

Spring is in the air. Spring seeds be here soon and my outdoor clones are on order. Updates will be up soon. Keepem Green
Hey Hozona, hope you got your seed. I got mine and like a fool I opened one of those packages bonza used and wasn't careful enough and all the seed got mixed up. Man I'm pissed. I think it's a stupid way to package but I was sure more careful with the next two packages. You sure have to keep those things straight up when opening. I prefer the bags. I got warlock mixed up with my outdoor ones. And afew auto's thrown in. Oh well. I do have most still labeled including tat 'Muary Thai'. I want to give that auto as much room as she can use, and I'm going to try to time her to finish peak sun around Mid August. Sorry I haven't been on alot I'm going to get the pc dialed in this weekend I hope. I also want to get the roof on the greenhouse this month. I'm going to go with clear corrugated fiberglass panels. I had bad luck wit that polycarbonate panels. Least this stuff will last and I have a nice aluminum studded structure to work with.
Nice thread Buck thanks for the line on it. My lazy ass hasn't been on much and I hate this laptop. Thing has a mind of it's own.
Well hope everyones grows are doing great out there. Mine is doing better. I got rid of the ugly ducklings. Keepem Green Everyone
Pisser about getting seeds mixed up. Like the old days NCW....when we picked some out of the big ole bag of saved seeds & let them rip. When I last bought a pack from Connoisseur I got an unidentified 3 seed "mixed bag". Not ideal marketing as I won't know what to buy even if I really liked the "mystery seed". Been missing your photos brother.:Namaste:
Hey Hozona, hope you got your seed.

I got mine and like a fool I opened one of those packages bonza used and wasn't careful enough and all the seed got mixed up. :thedoubletake: My lazy ass hasn't been on much and I hate this laptop.
They came the other day, have the OG Kush auto fem popped in a rock wool cube. :yahoo:
I can see how easy it would be to do the mix-up thing. The little baggies are OK, but I prefer the mini-tube the bubble gum came in.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Best to you and yours!:circle-of-love:
Just doing a drive bye peoples. Just letting people know things are good here. Actually I've been feeling alot better. Spring is in the air. I will be starting this thread back full swing with this springs gardens. I have alot of strains to work with, along with that mixed up mystery seeds. I keep miss Stoney Girls for spring clones. They don't sell clones out the store right know but Mike keeps some at the house. Miss J wants her Crippled Rino and I want acouple 'larger' strains. I still don't know if it was a mold, or a nutrient problem. I plan on getting new inside ferts and add some azomite to the mix. I haven't had problems before but it couldn't hurt. That's why I lean to a mold that was attacking my girls from the bottom and works up to the buds. The leaves wood fry and the stem wasn't a 'green' color. More brown than green. They are all out the garden and fresh ones started. I do have like 8 or 10 auto's going out there.
Well just wanted to update and let y'all know what's up.......... Keepem Green
Hey Brother got a update from Jim for everyone on his page if you haven't seen it yet
well heard it
Thanks CHH I'll give him acouple days then I'll give him a holler. Thanks for stopping in Hozona.
Just a couple new strains. I got another Crippled Rino, another Oydesuss, talk about a monster plant, a Pit Bull, and a new one he's trying. Called Mother Superior. She's suppose to be a clone only because she won't pollenate. Even in a hemp field. These all should finish in my area, bye Oct 1st or so. Getting clones from him is hit or miss as far as what he's got started. Here's their link for strains, Stoney Girl Gardens Strain List
Well I'm outta here Keepem Green
and a new one he's trying. Called Mother Superior. She's suppose to be a clone only because she won't pollenate. Even in a hemp field.

Oh it would be ON!
I am alive and well. Sorry I haven't been keeping up on update, which I will soon as I get this springs gardens out. Soon I'll be starting some fresh seed. Including that Maury Thai. Keepem Green my Friends............
Thank ya all... I'm going to group this up and wish everyone a Great 4-20 !!!!!! A great time in life to be here. Weed is 'freeing' up in afew states. Rest HAVE to follow suit,,, don't they? They just had the THC Fair here. Well me,,,,,,,, I didn't go. Strange fact,,,,,,,,, I've only been into a 'store' once since transplanting my ass here. I'm going to have to go,, and I will tomorrow. Once more ,,
:wood: :allgood: :high-five: :thanks:
By the way,,,, Alaska 1 is alive and well,,, well over due was suppose to come over acouple days back and did a no show,,, but e's alive and kicking. He wants a cut from this Oydeususs or however she's spelled. One thing bout this girls is huge.................. All I can say bout her. Last I grew was huge..... And the size I'm starting with is already over 2' tall. I'm adding alittle light for a hour 1/2 per night, and have all my veg's outside. OK I just threw that Maury Thai on a paper towel. They say up to 120 days till harvest. Put's this girl a Mid July cut down. Peak light!!!!!! We'll see.... Least we will if I can get that stupid ass pc to operate properly. I really do have alot going on,,,, from a 8 plant flip of Holy Grail Kush, just cut 6 Chem Dawgs, 7-8 various Auto's, some S.A.D, and 4 from Stoney Girls, along with a FLO from DJ Shorts. So I been busy. Just that new pc is piece of thrash,,, or is it the operator? Duh. Keepem Green and Happy 420 ALL..............
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