Our Ongoing Grows

Ok I guess I could share something kind of odd. Anyone else ever grow 'Purp's' from BC Depot? Well long story kind of short I grew one last year. Well I vegged it inside up to about 2 1/2' before spring came around. Threw her and some others outside went the days were long enough to support veg. I have a bad habit of pushing them out sometime alittle early and sometimes I deal with a false flower, then the reveg. If I got replacements I ussally sshit can them rather then deal with the extreme bushes they can become. Not enough airflow for me least here. Well I thought she was doing just that, but as summer came, she continued flowering right up till harvest. The buddage never filled up and was kind of airy buds that ran up and down. Now the smoke was usable product, nothing to get excited about, but I wanted to try it again this year, well she did the same thing, took off flowering at about 3 1/2' and showed no signs of slowing down. I ended up throwing her in the flower room and took a cut. Maybe it's the cloudy skys and it didn't recognize it as sun? Maybe it's not bright enough at dusk/dawn? I'm not to mindful of turning on and off lights out back till plants start transitioning, maybe that does something. Age? Alot of variables I guess. Well she's as tall as I really want inside but I guess I'll find out. Could be a trait I could use. They claim a short flower time, maybe she kicks off afew days faster than others? Update that Mauy Thai is growing like the weed she is, if she keeps going I might have to pollinate a lower branch on her. Shes over 3' closing in on 4. Still no signs of flowering.
Keepem Green
Wow 9 years on this site, and I've been posting pic's way back before 420 even started. But after 9 years, shows how much I post, I broke 4,000 posts. I know that's not alot by some standards, but is to me so alittle :party: going on. And you never see me posting smilies, least not often. Keepem Green
Just acouple fast pic's to throw out there. Girls are growing is all I can say. Same old plants. Muay Thai is still going. No signs of flower yet, which is good. But ate the 4' mark Muay Thai;

And I got this one. Slow starter Pitt Bull;

And one of the little auto's is real close, she's one of our making;

Sorry just seen she was sideways. Hope she'll do the same to me, knock me sideways.
And I can see some pot on the horizon. The indoor is starting to pack on weight. Holy Grail Kush;

Well I'm going to get alittle sleep Keepem Green
Sir, you have a beautiful garden. I hope all your jars are not enough...
Here I thought we was friends Buckshot,,, then here ya go cussing at me calling me 'sir'? Thanks but I can buy more jars if needed,,,
Least I can hope I'll need them . Keepem Green
Thanks for looking in all. Fast update, I have that Serious 6 going, I knew from jump street she was going to be a problem. The branches have needed support since she broke 8'. Wind claimed another branch. I guess I'm going to have to trellis it also. But just alittle idea some might use them big wounds are a welcome mat to fungus. You can help protect your plant with stem sealer. Or you can do itthe Arkansas way with Elmers. Sorry bout the pic quailty but you get the idea;

And I sure hope my vicious guard dog is on the ball? Seems to be napping to me. I will say this, nothing comes around without me knowing. Even tho he, Jax, likes his pot leaves daily, he's a great guard dog, most the time,

Well off to get some more bamboo. Keepem Green
:cheesygrinsmiley: I only "Sir" folks I respect
Ok peoples, fast update. Sunny, beautiful weather out here. Time for a BBQ of some swine...... Ok now I had lost 2 branches off the Serious 6. I knew she was problem matic in that department. Hell when they can't hold up without buds, I got a problem. Now don't laff at my trellis work, it works is all. Not pretty but;

Here's the Crippled Rino waiting for pot space. Decisions, decisions,,,;

Now here's that auto just about done;

And still no signs of flowers yet and getting huge. Muay Thai Auto;

Meats going on, Keepem Green
As we know you don't really gain anything from a auto. You veg a clone alittle then flower and your out there in 75 days. The one big plus I like is the auto trait if you can count on. These 'super' auto's just veg alittle longer than the faster ones. The Muay Thai I hear reports of up to 140 days. You take people, like me, who get wet early winters, I'd love a plant that finishes come 1st of Sept. that produces a good yield of decent herbs. This girl sounds like it. I seen pictures of one that produces 30 oz's on a different site. Over 10'. If it works out you can bet I'm going to order some seed before spring. More than one for sure. I can only imagine what wood happen if I started her in something larger than the 10 gallon I got her in. Like a 25?
Naw but close Mister Krip. Long time no see. I'm not sure when this site started up but I do have acouple journals in the defunct pile too. I just don't like alot of clutter under the post is all. And I am slow so my journals last for years................... Keepem Green
Nice pix, I'm in Portland area and I see the high temperature coming soon. Great to be outdoors. You thai looks great as does your auto flower.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Thx Miller and everyone. That auto is still vegging like crazy. Going to be huge for a auto. But just a fast update. I got this HGK , Holy Grail Kush, about to come out. She just got her last dose of fert's then the flush will start. Damn been awhile since I got something out. Was starting to run low on herbs around here. I got 9 plants in there. I'm hope for a lb and a half. HGK,


Looking primo. We'll see, but she is a great plant for a SOG. Minimal side branching, good main cola, and holds herself up without supports.
Also going to go with a grow of white widow next. I'm thinking 8 little bushes will fill that side of the room up nicely. Clones should be done tonight. Well that's it from here, hope EVERYONE is doing great. Keepem Green
Very nice, I'll be out before my next pull. It's good to take a break. I'm due one big time.

Great looking flowers, I can smell them in my mind.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Thanks Miller. Sad thing about being a grower is the damn tolerances......I don't care what anyones says, they sux. I've had a checkered past with the heavies in the way past but even being there you devolpe a tolerance I broke my fool neck back in 86' and been medicated one one or another for chronic pain. I'm not complaining one little bit. But pain suck's. Side tracked again but it does a body good to take a break. You'll appreciate it when you do get rolling again. I'm just getting over a problems in the garden that cost me my last two flips,,, one rouge pollen, my fault, and one I still don't know what it was, but it too must have been my fault again. But luckily I'm smoking last fall's crap. Still works but it;s abit stale. I know I do a big no no but I store alot of my harvest in plastic, Tupperware. I wish I could find a half a dozen of so of them old pickle jars for fall. I'm alittle lazy for them mason jars anymore,,,, UNLESS it's top shelf harvest. My bulk well.
Was Miss J's B-Day today, I know it bothers her turn full fledged senior but she's right on the money for me. Hell she has to carry the dead weight around here, namely me. But it's also that time of the year again, time to give the dogs a benadryl and earplugs. I like to bundle Miss J's b-day with a trip up north to do alittle gambling, and up the years supply of explosives. Well some fireworks anyways. We generally have a pretty good display outfront come the 4th. Been getting alittle scary around here with johnny law and all and me being the fooll I can be. So we're thinking out heading out of town kind of..
F that. I like the front yard myself. So I'll knock on "Wood. Sad when people phase out things that are important. I'm a old dog who don't learn them new tricks easily.
Well sorry I'm off babbling. Afew good pulled of a jug and couple cookies kind of makes ya mellow. I was looking at some old pic from acouple years back so I want to post one from around the 4th last year to compare with this one. Sorry to throw a blast from the past up but;

And I will get the comp up this year, if it breaks Miss J's back moving the pots around to get it. Keepem Green
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