Our Ongoing Grows

Beautiful ganja growing inside and out! Very nice thread. I just now found it and read your intro on page 1. I too was on the Overgrow forum way back when (2005 - end). A dude named NorCalRasta mentored me through my first grow and taught me lots that books and reading just couldn't do.

Keep up the good work. :thumb:
LOL hey ll's good, but I got my hands spanked for a off-topic post again. I'm not going to go thru the hassle of starting a off topic thread for a single post so I'll leave the vid out,,,,But this is screamer. tube deathstar. Being a firework fool myself I thought some might enjoy it. Man this is one expensive 10-15 minutes. I'd sure enjoy it. I don't think this is a violation of parole. If it is oh well guess I'm off to the joint again.... Wonder if the noise of fireworks scares plants? Isn't claasical guess it's kind of going to sound like head banger jk. I hope everyones doing great out there and Keepem Green

Damn! Well I came over just to see how the tables\machines went and to see this years Independence Day display! :cheesygrinsmiley: I am gonna piss off the neighbors too! I am going to lift them out of there chairs with a resounding blast from the canon... then when they are looking out the window BAM!

Happy 4th
Read back, good luck!
Thanks people and where ya been Slim.. And welcome Ghetto/all. I'm keeping this short. I'll try for a picture with some herbs in it. I have blisters that need to get put on finger tips. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th Keepem Green.
Cool good to hear from ya my friend. And I hope all had a great 4th.
I just want a fast update. That auto Muay Thai is crazy for a auto that's for sure. 7' and growing. She should start flowering pretty soon. I think I called her start date like close to 4/20.. I hear up to 110 days from the vendor, but what I hear is up to 145 days. I have her in 10 gallon pot, but she's fixxing to get a upgrade to a 25. 25 gallons for a auto? She's got to be getting ready for some more wormcastings and blood/bone meal plus other goodies.

Sorry for the pic quality but I still haven't gotten my pc dialed in. Or set up pic lights with to take afew. But here's the first sample off the HGK.

The couple little joints we stolen are bell ringers;

And a group shot of some of the kids;

Looks like I'm going to have acouple plants I must have thrown out a week or two too early and they are starting to show signs of reveg. They did show heavy preflower, which must have been the early stage of flower. I don't like to do the reveg thing here. They get too thick and attract molds. Oh well It was the monster Serious 6 and the S.A.D. Shit happens. I do have enough even with out these. We'll see, I'll give them another week to see for sure. Hope all's gardens are doing great out there. Keepem Green
My grow store guys always use #25 for outdoor autos. However, they will reveg some when uppotted. Auto's flower when rootbound. Bigger pots longer veg.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Thanks peoples for stopping in. I just wish I could get my photo program installed on this damn pc. Something stupid I know but I'll have to make do. I hear what you are saying Miller. Sounds wierd they reveg auto's. But I did upgrade this auto into a bigger boat. This auto has been vegging since 4/20. Almost every other I've played with have never gone this long. Which is a great thing, as said larger plants.......
But this is getting good. I have plans of growing some straight in dirt if they make it in.
But they call this a super auto, I have to agree;

Depends on how the herbs turn out. If good wait till next year.... I'm hope for a Sept 1st harvest. If all works out I'm putting afew in the ground to see what she can be...... Hope all are doing good out there, and Keepem Green
Damn getting hard to find seeds from my regular vendors,,,, so I had to reach out to another. But anyhow I have a stock laid in for next years gardens. Also bought some Incredible Bulk. Around here a harvest at the 1st of Sept is perfect. No battle with molds, peak sunlight for peak flower period. These auto's should beat the rains. About the flowering cycle I don't really think pot size has much to do with flowering times. Maybe a larger pot might prolong veg time acouple days, but it's the genetics that control flowering cycles. The plants came from the Russia area. Seeing the summers were so short plants had to make seed before the early winters set in. Hence the plants had to flower regardless of amount of sunlight. Growing season was only like 2 1/2-3 months total from germination thru harvest, I don't think roots have much to do with the flowering times. If so very litttle, I've grown quite afew auto's over the years. I've had buds on a stick that weight 6 grams, as with the original lowrider man they were a joke. The first auto's had very little thc in them, almost like the ditch weed we use to pick in Indiana. But over the years of crossing with better herbs the quailty has gotten ALOT better. But still most auto's were only 1-2 oz's per plant of med range herbs. Now they are starting to cross for quailty and size. I myself don't believe most auto's need 25 gallons of soil. To me unless they are monsters, 25 is a waste of space and soil for most. But now that I am seeing these super auto's, 25 might not be enough anymore.
Me and mine were talking tonight about how many 'crops' we grown together. I can't even figure. 8 years outdoors and a harvest as a rule every two weeks indoors of acouple plants from the indoors. 8 years on here alone. Damn that's alot of pounds.....
I'm pretty well done with the HGK. 60 days in and they are starting to 'yellow out' after the flushing. Does look like a pretty good flip. Now I wish I'd have started more and filled up the room with atrue SOG instead of just 9 plants. The little sample I took afew days early was sure tasty. And the Chem Dawg is two weeks behind but starting to ready pack on some bulk. Pretty little bushes. Well I'm going to start transplanting in the greenhouse. I'm going with a local strain called Pit Bull in there along with the Flo. They are the shortest I have out there, and I can hope they won't hit the ceiling. I'll do a update pretty soon on the HGK. Hope all's doing great out there and
Keepem Green
I want to start looking into autos myself at this point for early spring planting I'm thinking. I want to see what they can do early in the season, I'm gonna probably grab two different strains for a test ride.
You have more autos grown then I have so you could be on to something and you have some of the biggest ones I've seen. Keep it up, I'll listen because I like what you got going on at your place.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Hey Con look into Flash's super auto's. They do sound like just what the doctor ordered. Claims up to 20% THC. nothing huge but respectable for a auto. Like I was saying IF it's worth wild I'm going to do more next and I'm going to try to flip one over to a male, for fem seeds of this monster. I don't even think this is suppose to be the largest they offer? Damn makes me wonder.....
Hey Miller. I've been playing with afew for afew years, not that I know anything. Just trying is all. All we can do is learn, and I need alot of that. Your girls are starting to look sweet....
One thing bout my thread is I try to keep it short and sweet, I've deleted all my prior grows on my sig. I give group shout outs. But I always answer if a questions out there that I know anything about. One thing is I have a less than perfect place to grow. All this concrete makes for a 'hot' place to place for pots. I know I should've painted my pots white, that wood have helped alot. I really want smart pots, but they are so hard to move around, and it's etting harder and harder to move them as is. But I am goin to get acouple of them tan ones next year. I love their air pruning, man talk about roots. I've never seen any pot that truely uses all the dirt like a smart pots...........................
Keepem Green
Hey Con look into Flash's super auto's. They do sound like just what the doctor ordered. Claims up to 20% THC. nothing huge but respectable for a auto. Like I was saying IF it's worth wild I'm going to do more next and I'm going to try to flip one over to a male, for fem seeds of this monster. I don't even think this is suppose to be the largest they offer? Damn makes me wonder.....
Hey Miller. I've been playing with afew for afew years, not that I know anything. Just trying is all. All we can do is learn, and I need alot of that. Your girls are starting to look sweet....
One thing bout my thread is I try to keep it short and sweet, I've deleted all my prior grows on my sig. I give group shout outs. But I always answer if a questions out there that I know anything about. One thing is I have a less than perfect place to grow. All this concrete makes for a 'hot' place to place for pots. I know I should've painted my pots white, that wood have helped alot. I really want smart pots, but they are so hard to move around, and it's etting harder and harder to move them as is. But I am goin to get acouple of them tan ones next year. I love their air pruning, man talk about roots. I've never seen any pot that truely uses all the dirt like a smart pots...........................
Keepem Green

Actually, Brother, you're making ME take another look at autos. I've never really been a fan for all the reasons you mentioned, and the fact that I basically live off of taking clones since seeds are tough to come by. Once you throw that ruderalis in there, I figure it's got to drop the THC levels of whatever you cross it with. But when some of these photo strains are pushing close to 25%, a little ruderalis doesn't hurt as much. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I also agree on the SmartPots. I'm all hydro for the buds, but grow a LOT of fruits & veggies, almost all in containers, and almost all in SmartPots. I have a Papaya and a Banana each in 65 gallon SP's.

Just a tip....they say you can grow the same size plant in a SP that's a full size smaller than a standard pot. I do believe this is true BUT, I find those fabric pots do dry out much quicker and having a larger plant in a smaller pot makes it even worse. I've seen some great results, however, from SmartPots that were basically sitting in a big "kiddie pool". The grower kept the pool filled about an inch or so high and the growth was unbelievable!

So true,, Kind of hard to get them smart pots thoughly wet without a tray or a slow dripper type system. Water tends to run out the sides way before it bottoms out. I woodn't know how to act with a turnkey grow on a timer for watering and everything. I'd be wandering around with a water jug aimlessly. Hey Miss J says I do that anyways............. I guess it's too many cookies?
HGK. I use these cool little like 1x3' or something plastic trays for flushing. Picked them up at riteaid like 20$ Perfect fit for 2 smaller plants at a time. So I'm going to start cutting right as lites come on tomarrow. I think they glisten more in the mornings. Flower farmers can't be wrong. All them purfume flowers get cut in morning when theirs oils peak. Least the lilac farms I watched on the net claimed. Makes sense, before the daylight cooks them alittle. But when lights go off tonight I'll bunch the alittle for a group photo. I flushed two at a time, figure I'll trim two at a time.
Well kind of a bad hair day here. Guess it's time for something to knock out some back pain. Since having my pain pump removed I've been able to get by on oral pain meds and alot of cookies. But I need to find some low-cal cookies. Anyone else have touble with spellcheck? Mine stopped today. Duh got to be something I did. But off to give the babies a final dose of backstrap molasses.
Keepem Green
Make caps Brother
coconut oil soy lecithin and cannabis
low cal

or just make the oil and leave it out of capsules for all sorts of applications...
I will do alittle looking into that. Damn cookies are killing my figure. Well a fast update on the flower room. HGK is about ready. We plan on taking all of these this week.


and acouple of the Chem Dawg;


That's it for a minute. I'll be back on later after I get acouple out for Miss J to trim. Very high flower to leaf ratio so it's a snap.
Keepem Green
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