Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks Mr K. Just want to do alittle update tonight. Don't mind the spelling, my spell check isn't working and you know I can't read or write but,,,,.
I have acouple pic's of afew of the strains I'm working with from Stoney Girl Gardens. Most of these should come in end of Sept. Least that's the plan. First is the Crippled Rino. She's been in my garden for the last 6 years,

And Oydesus. I grew this once before. Monster of a plant. Someone ever threw this in dirt with full sun, I could see 5+ lb's. The last I grew was 2 lb's.

And here's a powerhouse. I've grown this girl also. She can be a strong one. Not the biggest yielder but still respectable. Last I had did about a pound. I'm going to place her in dirt in the greenhouse. Pitt Bull

Stoney Girl has a bad rep of misleading claims about finish dates and thc% but they do finish and are some of the better outdoor pot I've grown here. To me if it works that's what counts. And we've been happy with alot of their strains. They are all grown outdoors here for alot of years.
Ok I wanted to try a DJ Short's Flo. Suppose to get continual harvests? we''l throw her inside and give it a try. I just don't want another year of plants going thru the vents and doors. Flo;

Well I guess I pushed my luck with this one. I sure didn't plan her well. Of all I put outside I lost two to reveg. And really didn't plan on this girl at all, the seriuos 6. besides way to small a pot size, she's starving, I guess I got her out a week early and started to flower. She's just about gown back in veg, but she's more than I want right now, she we're cutting her down tomarrow. I think I got a electric chainsaw out there somewhere.

That's ok I got these girls waiting for her prime space a WW bush and the BWxBLT;

Well 2 more HGK's come out tonight and the rest alittle more molasses water.
Thanks peoples for looking in and Keepem Green
Dude Wood, lookin good Brother. I lost my subscription to a few threads, but I found ya. Just wanted to say hi my man, making some rounds while I can. Glad to hear you got rid of that pain pump, hope you can keep up with the pain with the other meds and good ol cannabis. Much love buddy!
Been awhile since I seen this ID, welcome back Mr Quix. Yep still wandering around aimlessly, without a clue but whatelse is new. But still plugging along.
Just want to throw up acouple pic's real fast. We've taken down 4 of the HGK's. Solid nuggets all the way down to the bottom of the stem. I started these flowering at about 10". Of the 9 plants 8 were topped once each producing 2 solid branches with minimal side branching> The single cola plant I'll never know what her weight was, but I figure she was about 1 1/2 oz's. The topped girls are going to yield just over 2 oz's maybe 2 1/2 oz's. Flowered 60 days for the first cut. The rest are going a full 9 weeks. I had the 9 plants spread out over like a 5'X5'
square area under a 1000 watt HPS. Kind of hard to say because I got two going in there, and I have 2 Chemdawg's and a BWxBLT under the other. Seeing I didn't have alot growing in there, 12'X10' room. And I had to cut out the big guns, 1500 watters, for the 1000 watters due to heat of summer, did I say summer???? that's yet to be seen. Hey MAYBE a Indian Summer with full sun till Oct 7th????????? I can wish. It wood sure be nice to see how many buds I could cut from a Flo.... They claim you cut the main buds and the secondary ones with grow to another harvest 10 days later. You can bet I'm going to try if I can. I just don't think I'd have the balls to cut the main buddage in hopes,,,,, but I'm going to try afew. I topped her abit so I'm going to have a bush on my hands anyways. Oh BTW I put the Pitt Bull, and the Flo in the ground in the greenhouse. I'll get a pic tommarrow of that.
Whew, that's alot of talking for me. Let me get back to the cut of HGK, I'm going to grow it again as soon as the mother can support a good sized cut. I'm thinking maybe 15 next grow. Should be after it cools off so i can fire up the rail again with the big guns. Lazy me should be running 4 1000's in there, but due to a electric shortage, at my main box, I can't yet... I need acouple dedicated 220 lines in there instead of one. Split Air and 4 lights wood be great. Opps back to HGK;



and one more,, they all look the same with this photo program,

I don't know why this cannon program won't work for my editing of pic's, but the quality sucks. Well this fool's off to laa laa land. Hope all's gardens are doing great, and Keepem Green

Nice grow and show. Beautiful flowers and great pull. I bet your home smells wonderful about now.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Looks Awesome Brotha I gotta get my update up too
I'm been kinda busy even tho I'm not working atm
Hey Son, hows life doing? You know what's up here,,,, same old song and dance. Another flip done. Just another day in paradise.
Welcome, Miss Montana. Pull up a chair,,, Funny you got that ID. I almost moved to Montana to do a grow for an investor. He had acouple trailer houses he wanted to convert to grows. I didn't jump froggy because why wood I grow for another? I'm not into making monies for another I'm already making for myself,,, But I came close, the sign on bonus almost beckoned. But I met Miss J here in Oregon, and we been 'hooked up' since. Yea Miller, smells like a Kush factory. Fitting to make some perfume from. I'm impressed with this one. Maybe it's just that I haven't had any 'Top Shelf' lately. I yanked my last 2 inside grows because of rogue pollen. Seeded my next flip. guess it was, the pollen was hanging onto my lights or something, waiting for some viable females to pop some pistils out for pollination. well regardless, I had to keep my patients happy, and I only had my outdoor grow from last year. Not that it was bad smoke, just not as tasty as fresh cut flowers. My weed never seems to hang around long enough to do a solid cure. I have afew dependents and a dispensary that needs top shelf herbs,,, so i'll be out of herb soon enough. Looking like about 20 oz's off these 9 plants. But I 'TRIED' to get some good pic's with the program I'm using. Here's the HGK;



Ok I also threw acouple plants in the greenhouse. I'm really thinking of SCROG'ing them. Least these will be outta the rains come Oct 1st. I did alittle math on the 8' auto Muay Thai,,,,, hopefully, she'll finish up close to the first of Sept. Man that means she'll be flowering in some PRIME sun of August. Hell, that's about the ONLY month Oregon has sun. Damn near. Times I wonder WHY we got a inground pool. Cept the Grandaughter. She gets alot of usage. Otherwise having a pool in Portland in like tits on a boar hog,,,, pretty useless. 2 months max of useage per year. Oh well. We do keep water 88-90 degrees for them 2 months. Almost 3 am, like 60 degrees now,,,, but I'm going to grab this dubie, and this glass of Single Barrel Jack and slip in the pool for a steamy dip. Going to freeze coming out tho.....
I also took a pic of the greenhouse. I ended up with the local strain called Piit Bull. And the Flo. These two are going to fill up the whole house watch;

Well life is good I guess. Hopefully, good karma will get me thru another year. Looking forward to about a 12 lb year outdoors. My BWxBLT is a monster. I've grown her inside and she's got some 'Donkey Dicks' hanging. Least the indoor did.
I just ordered seeds for Herbies. Damn they took the monies one day, and they next i got e-mailed that it was shipped.... Man hella fast. Faster than any others I've used over the last 10-12 years. Now let's see when she comes. I ordered more Muay Thai, and some Incredible Bulk, along with afew freebies. Made a score. Besides most vendors I use are sold out of the Muay Thai, and I wanted some incase she's a good product. If true watch what I do outside next year.... I well have tons of fem seeds come spring. Even if I have to top the shit outta her indoors. ....
Whew that's alot of typing. Least formy lazy ass. Hope all's gardens are doing great...
Keepem Green
Nice harvest, things are looking mighty green over here. Are you seriously gonna chop that plant?... :yikes: wish I was close enough for a rescue! you could use an engine lift and transplant :cheesygrinsmiley: (or ropes and pulleys)
Was a sad thing Buckshot. That seriuos 6 was over 10' at time of chop. You wood've needed a backhoe and a crane to get her out. least she'll make another good walking stick;

She's a monster errrr was............ Plant was going to be problematic. Branches couldn't support themselves let alone some buddage. That was problem 1. Second was she was going to reveg. Anyone ever grew out a larger reveg knows your going to get some major branching,, too much for me, and she had small buds on her. Hated to kill her BUT, Them buds seem to stick around to long and rain sets in and the buds act like sponges, producing bud rot and PM. Anyone growing anywhere near me knows about bud rot. Scary thing here,,, all legal and proper, cept the growers.... People going to be growing here and come the rains, they will wonder what is that dead leaf poking out of my bud????????????? Next day,,, alot of buddage will show the same,, called bud rott. And the fools don't know what's happening and figure it's good weed and turn it loose on the john-q public. This little spot here in Oregon is a wet one. More so than other parts of the state like the southeast part,,,, great weather there for a pot plant. Potland, err Portland is a wet hellhole in the state..... Keepem Green
I'm not going back to the beginning of this journal, but I'm here to see where we end up.
I'm so envious of your Pitbull. I can't find it down here anymore.
Your plants and recent harvest look awesome!
Bummer Pita. Stoney Girl Gardens use to have a store in Alburn Cali, I think. Well wasn't a store but a outlet for seed. Bummer I don't have any seeds. They do sell 10 packs of regular for 100$ I should be able to get them cheaper. Least I should be able to. Have you looked at their site?
Exclusive Breeds | Gro4Me
The flowering times aren't quite as fast as the claims, but still faster than most. This guy has been breeding for along time. Small Mom and Pop type grows. Least the ones he has at home. I know he has alot of people helping work with strains. He has alot going in a vineyard around here. They do make the rounds to alot of events like cannabis cups locally. Here and Cali. Next time I go up there I'll hit him up for afew seeds. Maybe next years grow you will have some Pitt Bull. Look into their strains and let me know whats on your wish list and I'll see if we can make it happen. Keepem Green
would love to be able to grow outdoors

your stuff looks awesome.
Well I know what you mean about the prebud/reveg crap I had one do that on me last year. Mine all get bud rot no matter what I do. I hope compost girl finishes quick and maybe I can get some decent outdoor bud. Good luck!!
Sux don't it Buckshot. You know if they are small and you reveg it works great, but if you jump the gun and throw out the girls you been working with for a month or so, reveg is a problem I'd rather cull before I have to pull.
Hey, Unforgiven. Bummer you can't grow outdoors. I see your in the colder area. Soon it will be legal everywhere. If they don't OVERREGULATE it, first. You could do a guerrilla grow if you wanted. I kind of wish, not really, doing the midnight watering thing, but it wasn't legal anywhere. Man, what I wood've given for some of these super auto's I just tried. Hey you got the indoor going on and it's probably not worth the risk. But shit a plant I could get in a month early. the cops always wait till mid-late Sept to even look for patches. When the girls are big and has a good smell to them. These super auto's are ripe and harvested before anyone is out scouting for hunting or fishing spots, or weed patches. Hell the snakes are still out. Me babbling.
What I came on for was to putting alittle comment out. I plan on doing some trimming on afew plants. Alot of peoples wonder about them gaping holes we leave in the stems,,, it's a entry point for worms and molds etc etc, I like to dab the ends of any bigger cuts with Elmer's glue. You could use waxes like beeswax or even latex chalk for that matter. Just that I figure if kids can eat eylmers can't be all bad. Might even be good for ya. I can see glue for the ends you cut for a barrier, and was for side branch types. Hey it works, something I have from way back. Anyone ever had boarers? Also watch out for them pretty little butterflies and moths flying around, you know they are just laying eggs all over you babies. And they hatch becoming the deaded bud worms we find jumping outta our dryer nets................ Scary picture?
Welllllllllll Keepem Green
I'd love to be able to grow openly... Jealously subbed... Freaking awesome... I love it... Ah read up, yeah mate good call if you know your weather, bud rot and mould two biggest problems we face outdoors down here. We get heavy mid autumn rains, can't get a full sativa to finish here.. Not keen on autos but wouldn't mind seeing if there's a 150 day outdoors version.. Something that wouldn't start transition until around 60 days, give it time to grow. Haven't looked into it, don't know if ones been breed or not..
Bummer Pita. Stoney Girl Gardens use to have a store in Alburn Cali, I think. Well wasn't a store but a outlet for seed. Bummer I don't have any seeds. They do sell 10 packs of regular for 100$ I should be able to get them cheaper. Least I should be able to. Have you looked at their site?
Exclusive Breeds | Gro4Me
The flowering times aren't quite as fast as the claims, but still faster than most. This guy has been breeding for along time. Small Mom and Pop type grows. Least the ones he has at home. I know he has alot of people helping work with strains. He has alot going in a vineyard around here. They do make the rounds to alot of events like cannabis cups locally. Here and Cali. Next time I go up there I'll hit him up for afew seeds. Maybe next years grow you will have some Pitt Bull. Look into their strains and let me know whats on your wish list and I'll see if we can make it happen. Keepem Green
Nice to know. I'll support local all day long.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Welcome Grizzwald. This auto's been vegging at just under 3 months now. 9' tall and just starting to show sign of flowers today,,, I think. But hell ya if they got them to veg for 3 months, 90 days, and turn on flowering in mid-July I'm hoping for a 1st week of Sept harvest. We get rain here from Oct 1st on. Just when the buds need that last week of sunshine, the rains come and humidity spikes wayyyyy up, temps drop, and that germinates mold spores. As a matter a fact today being cool and dark out, iy's time to spray the girls with some actinovate. Biological warfare. It's a bacteria that feeds off wastes on the leaves. Really make the leafs happy soft and supple. They say this bacteria loves the taste of PM and Butt Rott. Scary to spray plants in late bloom with anything. I spray mine 3 weeks before harvest date, hopefully, that will carry till harvest. If, er, when, I see my next piece of bud rott, you can bet I'm going to try it on some buds to see if some miricule happens.. I get babbling,,,,,, I really like my sprayer, you can just stand there and fog out the plant. It gets in all the nooks and crannies;

Yea Miller they are over in your next of the woods. Not sure if they have clones for sale up at their place. They had some problem with the city. Jenifer was running for city council I think for Clackamas. They are way into working with the RSO. Jenifer was terminal with Cancer. Good that it's gone into full remission. They are very active in the new Cannabis Circle
Ok we took down the last 2 HGK's. They were 66 days in. Nice little plants. If some topped her to make 6 main colas, she'd be nice. I think she'd shine in a SOG. I do have a plant to use as a mother possibly. Well won't be many more pic's of her coming up for awhile. I might see how the photo programs does with a macro lens HGK;




and under Oregon cloudy rainy looking skys for light;


and one more;

The first we cut starting last week are starting to dry enough for the humidor, Stash containers should get filled, least acouple of them.

Been awhile since I pulled in a harvest of nice happy heathy mature plants. Hot Damn. Well that's it for a minute. Oh I just started a strain I really like Warlock. Just cracked last night. I want to try acouple Incredible Bulks, as soon as they come in anyways. Hope all's gardn are good Keepem Green
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