Our Ongoing Grows

Whoa that sounds good. How long of a flowering period is that blue city supposed to have. Yeah there has been a lot of talk about this Oregon diesel being a 35 day strain but it would be, like you said, lacking that thickness on tight, dense colas. I let it go 6 weeks before cutting &it was at least 30-40% Amber.. enough to the point where I didn't want to let it go any further &degrade away thc. I am in the Willamette Valley which when I think of it is quite a bit different of climate than the portland area, even though it's only about ninety miles away. It may have had something to do with having them finish around the peak of summertime, I harvested around the solstice so it being really hot &a long day may have matured trichs quicker. I should test this hypothesis hahaha... Anyways anytime you want to go fishing man, I am totally down. You don't have to walk around all day &hurt your legs to do that.. just sit your ass in the boat &make sure you got an arm for the pole &an arm for the beer. There are some killer spots for cats &surgeon around here and up alsea area. I can see you're the weed master, now I need to see the bass master!!! Sorry to hear about your wife's condition, I hope it all gets sorted out &taken care of. As I'm sure it will with the rso treatment. I have had multiple friends completely kill the cancers ALL throughout their bodies after what seems like a relatively short time, especially compared to other treatments that have side effects that are worse than the initial problem. Anyways I'm sure you guys made the right choice &I will focus as much positive energy as I can your way. Take it easy, brother.
Thanks Mr Krip. I'm still trying to digest it all. Good thing Miss J stays pretty much up on her Doc's and she's heathy in most ways, which will work in her favor. But they found 3 small lumps and did the biopsy, and came back C. We both like her doc that's going to do her surgery next month and treatment. She's almost positive it should be np. But She's going to have a lumpectomy, followed with 4-6 weeks radiation. Also a strict regiment of RSO. Going to try her on 60 mills in 90 days. She better do good, hell I'm the one in worse shape oh well. But is promising. All I can say is she better get better,,,,
Thanks, Unforgiven. I use to have a program from Cannon came with my camera, I loved the program. I haven't been taken pic's of it quality since. I put the program on both pc's and can't get the PC to let me use it. Some simple dumb mistake but this simple dumb SOB can't get it right. But thanks it sure wasn't me, just a photogenic plant that has no bad side. I just try.
Hey 45th degree,have I linked you to this site? Exclusive Breeds | Gro4Me
The finish times aren't accurate at all. If you timed from the time flowers appear it's spot on. Cold rain Portland needs early plants and his are. I've grown about everything he has. Indoors and out. Maybe some magic can get them to come in that fast, but 7 weeks is respectable for most of his strains. The Berkley was 6 as was the Marion Berry 1 and 2. They have been around for a long time. Be careful with any clones from him directly, I've gotten mites from them twice. Spray the clones before you bring them in. They do sell clones I think out of their store. I know they sell seed. Well, I'm kind of tired. Been seeing them sulfer butterflies all over with some moths so I fogged everything with that Captian Jacks for worms. I love that atomizer for spraying, you can fog the top of a 10' plant from the ground. You fog with it not spray. This stuff lasts for like 4 weeks. I spray once more like 5 weeks before harvest. Haven't seen a worn since. Also get close for PM spray. This eagle shit last 28 days also. So I don't like to spray any closer than 5 weeks to harvest.
Sorry I haven't been up on looking in others threads. I do drive thru alot...... Keepem Green
just you take care of the missus there norcal.

nvm the journals, they come and go, but in the great scheme of things, they don't matter for shit without loved ones.
just you take care of the missus there norcal.

nvm the journals, they come and go, but in the great scheme of things, they don't matter for shit without loved ones.
Thanks, Unforgiving, that's a given. I know she'll do just fine. Been awhile there BAR hope you get up and posting soon.
Heirloom acouple kinds I found about doing the reveg, depends on of when you reveg and what size you do it at. If it has alot of flower on it. If it has alot of flower material sometimes it never leaves and becomes a sponge inviting a nice wet place for mold spores to germinate. To me that the less evil of acouple I can think of, another being when a plant revegs, after all the squirrely leafage, it throws out branches. Alot of branches which can make it a pain to keep air moving in the middle making it another mold magnet. That SAD I was growing and I put it out to early and started to flower. The day got longer she revegged. Acouple weeks ago she got PM.

Oh that's not to say it doesn't work out, I know I've saved afew strains with smaller plants leaving 2-3 small buds, I also know I've lost as many as I've saved, with larger plants. Funny this came up they have a article in HTimes last month about revegging. This is all just my own 2 cents.
well, just a fast update with acouple pic's. First, that auto is in full flower and has been a week or so. She stoped growing at about 9 1/2'. She's have been bigger if I believed she was going to get half as big and gave her some pottage. Still going to be nice even if it does take 140 days. They sure didn't lie about her getting big. Muay Thai Autoflower;

Here's a Black WidowxBlue Lemon Thai. Man she's turned out pretty good sized. Here I wanted to down size this year. I guess I did come to add the numbers up.

And a shot in the Dog House of Pit Bull and a Flo in the back;

Well I want to thank all that stopped in and looked around. Sorry I haven't been keeping up on others threads. I do drive thrru alot without commenting, but I have been slacking. Keepem Green
Holy crap, you the man. Those are some monster plants there. I'm not worthy.

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just had to wipe the damn drool off my chin.

beautiful plants ya got there.

nice to have the outdoor option eh.
Awesome! You have some big gals there! The next couple of weeks should get interesting. :bravo:
Awesome, Brother! :welldone:

Best wishes to Miss J and no worries about the "slacking" on journals. You've got more important things to deal with now and we're all behind you, Bro! :circle-of-love:
Looks like this year is going well. You better get some nets on those big girls it looks like they could put on some weight! Sorry to hear about PM, I just found it on some tomato plants that are in with the girls. I also have Japanese beetles munching and shitting on my plants. But hey this is the home stretch and it is something every year. I have been using a mix of Serenade and Captain Jacks dead bug brew and it has been working pretty well. I hope your weather cooperates and you fill some bags.

Sucky news on OMM I hope he pulls through, he is a tough old bird so he has that going for him.
Thanks, everyone. Sorry, I'm slacking, when it rains it pours. Now I got some swollen glad in my neck. Hopefully, these antibiotics knock it out, but they want a full blood thing. NP for most. But me, I'm the hardest stick there is. So I need the warning to drink alot of water the night before, and a Jane Fonda workout before I go in works. Sometimes. I'm going to give the pills a shot and go in tomorrow. I started the regiment Friday and have had improvements. Maybee an abscess in a tooth? Could be alot of things. I do have afew other problems but hell life.....
Thanks everyone for posting. I say this to all that posted. Keeps down on the thread size, and seeing I never learnt my three R's.
Is nice to grow outside. Sure, would be nice to be living in alittle more inviting area to grow tho. Growing in these pots can be a bitch. Big plants can topple over. Got to feed them big bastards, alot. I keep saying next year I'll be prepared. One day I will. Plants are starting to flower out there. I gave them their first flower feeding. I'm using GH products, again. I've drenched acouple times with actinovate and a spraying of it too. End of the month I'll give them the real treatment. Product called eagle. And its dose of Captin Jacks.
Rain...... Sure wish I could move the entire house to southeastern Oregon. I think I'd try a comercial outdoor grow there. What I grow here, I keep afew patients in herbs for whatever they need. Since Miss J started on that RSO program, I picked up another person in need of the RSO so I split batches with her. Just ran a QB of last years harvest and it made enough for a month for both Gals. And just sent another for breakdown. I see the oil sells for like 1500$ a treatment. All the product is free to me, well kind of. Free,, tricky word.
Well I'll be back and forth. I hope all's doing good out there. And good news, Pop's is out of the ICU. Cool..... Keepem Green

I apparently failed to read some of your most important posts. I guess I was just searching for pictures. I went back an got myself up to date. Well sounds like both of you could use some positive energy coming to you from all over the world. In my case it will come in the form a prayer or 10. If you ever get the urge to travel I got stripers in the dooryard hell you could fish from a lawn chair... on the front lawn :cheesygrinsmiley: I think it is so cool you are helping another person as well. Real fucking life reps for that... It is strange but I just offered two folks relief that they can afford. One friend did not tell me till he was through treatments. He told me that the cookies really helped him to sleep but they were $16.00 each WTF... really folks WTF. Sorry got off track. I hope your garden stays green, I know how tough that is when shit goes south.

A prayer to Miss J for an easy time of it and a full speedy recovery and a prayer to NC for being on the emotional side of Miss J's trials and for a little less pain to help make things tolerable.

Thanks, everyone. Sorry, I'm slacking, when it rains it pours. Now I got some swollen glad in my neck. Hopefully, these antibiotics knock it out, but they want a full blood thing. NP for most. But me, I'm the hardest stick there is. So I need the warning to drink alot of water the night before, and a Jane Fonda workout before I go in works. Sometimes. I'm going to give the pills a shot and go in tomorrow. I started the regiment Friday and have had improvements. Maybee an abscess in a tooth? Could be alot of things. I do have afew other problems but hell life.....
Thanks everyone for posting. I say this to all that posted. Keeps down on the thread size, and seeing I never learnt my three R's.
Is nice to grow outside. Sure, would be nice to be living in alittle more inviting area to grow tho. Growing in these pots can be a bitch. Big plants can topple over. Got to feed them big bastards, alot. I keep saying next year I'll be prepared. One day I will. Plants are starting to flower out there. I gave them their first flower feeding. I'm using GH products, again. I've drenched acouple times with actinovate and a spraying of it too. End of the month I'll give them the real treatment. Product called eagle. And its dose of Captin Jacks.
Rain...... Sure wish I could move the entire house to southeastern Oregon. I think I'd try a comercial outdoor grow there. What I grow here, I keep afew patients in herbs for whatever they need. Since Miss J started on that RSO program, I picked up another person in need of the RSO so I split batches with her. Just ran a QB of last years harvest and it made enough for a month for both Gals. And just sent another for breakdown. I see the oil sells for like 1500$ a treatment. All the product is free to me, well kind of. Free,, tricky word.
Well I'll be back and forth. I hope all's doing good out there. And good news, Pop's is out of the ICU. Cool..... Keepem Green

I sure hope your blood draw went smooth and that by now you've got back good results

There's a person here who has a half ass dispensary lic. I say half ass because it's all on a lie
Anyways I say this because I just yesterday heard that this person is charging 120 a gram for RSO when the next shop charges 43, what comes around sometimes really
Comes around. This individual was just taken down again and because ITS probation ordered zero cannabis contact it's gonna be all the previous time added on.
I ain't one for no one getting a vacation but it makes one wonder is it what they had coming.
I wanna be able to gift the sick and needy what they need for free.

Hope alls well norcali and that your not mad I posted this long reply

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