Our Ongoing Grows

Welcome Hizzy and you can rant about anything here, I've been known to a time or two myself. I'm not sure where you are, but think, has to be alot of shady operations up and going. Hell you have to figure where alot of people working in the fields of 'retail' started, and who was associated, alot of questionable people and products out for a fast buck. Don't get me wrong it's like the Motorcycle world, you got your 99%er's and then there's the 1%er's. And then you got downright greed. That price I quoted was for 60 ml. And that was just the first place I looked up. Makes you wonder if all products are the same. I guess it should be as long as you flash off all the solvent. I end up with a nice surplus of secondary buds and sugar leafs. More than I could ever cook with, so it feels to be able to help afew out. I should do something with the leaf, but that's alot of work. I feel sorry for Miss J, she does most the trimming and our harvest all comes in in a 2/3 day span. But I still hate throwing a garbage bags of leaf out in the recycle can. I wonder what they think come Oct when the garbage truck dumps out it's lawn waste and it's full of leaves and stem.
You want to hear something odd? I still haven't been in one of them 'stores'.My Old Lady went once and her son's been helping build quite afew around town. But that's a bummer that dude's getting greedy, like you said, I ain't got nothing against making some money but to gouging it?,, oh well. Karma's a bitch.
Thanks Buckshot. Everythings going to be good. She goes in for surgery next week. With a great prognosis. So it will all be fine.... But that's what I need is a place you can throw up a lawn chair prop your feet up on the cooler with a little fire. I haven't caught a stripper since fishing out in the Delta, at Discovery Bay. Use to climb up the bridge at night at slay them, throwing sassy shad baits at the pilings. Now it woodn't ever matter what fish it is, could be a carp for all I care. Man them crap can fight like hell. Man been awhile. Edibles are costy from what I hear. Like 6-7$ @, I know we use a 30 oz jar of Coconut Oil with about 2+ ozs of secondary buds thrown in one of the Majic Butter machines. 1/2 cup give use 18 cookies. Not sure but she get's like 4-5 batches. BTW I love them machines. I bought one of them along time ago and it's still cranking out product even after the top half the handle broke off. Another use for duct tape.....
And I get babbling again. I'll get a update up soon. The girls are starting to flower. Well most are, some might have to come in to finish, well the smaller ones. I have all them WW's I was going to put inside under the lights,,, but why? Might as well use the sun,,, if it ever comes back out. Thanks everyone for stopping in. I'm off for a dubie and a movie. Keepem Green
Ha, edibles are rip off for recreational in Oregon. 15ml for $5. In Washington you get 200ml for $10. Chew in Or, gummy fish in Washington. Recreational is capped at 15ml hit. Med is not. No med in Washington. Buy smoke in Oregon, food and everything else in Washington.

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You can tell I haven't been in a store yet. I seen some of the little candy they gave Miss J at that THC Fair. Like 10 ml or whatever unit they measured with. I know I got a high tolarance to drugs of any kind. I have got a way I feel the cookies alittle. We use prime oil and in the final mix, I like alittle hash sprinkled ontop. And if I eat 2 on a empty gut, I feel them for acouple hours. I bet I'd have to eat 15 or 20 of them. Hey that was a fun fair they said. Miss J came home with close to a 1/2 oz of samples. And acouple grams of shatter, along with teashirts, prerolls, and free vap bags. Check it out if your in Oregon;
THC Fair: Celebrating Cannabis
Thanks all and Keepem Green
You can tell I haven't been in a store yet. I seen some of the little candy they gave Miss J at that THC Fair. Like 10 ml or whatever unit they measured with. I know I got a high tolarance to drugs of any kind. I have got a way I feel the cookies alittle. We use prime oil and in the final mix, I like alittle hash sprinkled ontop. And if I eat 2 on a empty gut, I feel them for acouple hours. I bet I'd have to eat 15 or 20 of them. Hey that was a fun fair they said. Miss J came home with close to a 1/2 oz of samples. And acouple grams of shatter, along with teashirts, prerolls, and free vap bags. Check it out if your in Oregon;
THC Fair: Celebrating Cannabis
Thanks all and Keepem Green

I love the fact that our state fair this year has a cannabis plant competition. Go to the fair. Pick your favorite berry pie baker and ganja grower. :cheer:
I love the fact that our state fair this year has a cannabis plant competition. Go to the fair. Pick your favorite berry pie baker and ganja grower. :cheer:
Crap, your Portland area too? I know, non flowering plant competition. I almost choked, 50 plants or so entered. Man we need a Portland (Potland), get together.


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Crap, your Portland area too? I know, non flowering plant competition. I almost choked, 50 plants or so entered. Man we need a Portland (Potland), get together.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

I know Older Grower lives up there. I'm at the opposite end of the state by Ashland. :(
Major Pita- Hope you are having more luck with flowering down there. Only 1 of 4 of my plants has started. I'm almost 2 weeks later than last year. And I'm battling Russet Mites :-( Hopefully the white flies don't invade the land like they did last summer.

Sorry to hear that moss.

I can't say I'm seeing buds yet. It is VERY close, however. I looked back at last year and my guess is I'm about 1 week behind. I planted in a different spot that gets more early light, so I'm thinking the extra light could have stalled the transition a little. I pretty sure I'll be calling it "bloom time" within the next week.

I had a ton of white flies last year, but nothing this year. I had mites last year and have tried to be proactive this year by spraying. I hate to do it, but my hope is, by keeping the mites at bay during veg, I'll get away without spraying while in bloom.

Cheers and best of luck on your harvest! :high-five:
Thanks PITA- I think I have the same issue- I put them in an area that gets more total sun. Hopefully we have an Indian Summer in PDX.

When I discovered the mites 2 weeks ago, I started spraying. Better late than never. Hopefully, by flower time I have them under control.

Cheers- and good luck on your grow as well.

If NCW was here, I have a hunch he'd be recommending Capt. Jack's Dead Bug! :winkyface:

Of course, he'd also have some great stories about some grow back in the day and post a few pic's of some plants that resemble redwoods! :)
Welcome Hizzy and you can rant about anything here, I've been known to a time or two myself. I'm not sure where you are, but think, has to be alot of shady operations up and going. Hell you have to figure where alot of people working in the fields of 'retail' started, and who was associated, alot of questionable people and products out for a fast buck. Don't get me wrong it's like the Motorcycle world, you got your 99%er's and then there's the 1%er's. And then you got downright greed. That price I quoted was for 60 ml. And that was just the first place I looked up. Makes you wonder if all products are the same. I guess it should be as long as you flash off all the solvent. I end up with a nice surplus of secondary buds and sugar leafs. More than I could ever cook with, so it feels to be able to help afew out. I should do something with the leaf, but that's alot of work. I feel sorry for Miss J, she does most the trimming and our harvest all comes in in a 2/3 day span. But I still hate throwing a garbage bags of leaf out in the recycle can. I wonder what they think come Oct when the garbage truck dumps out it's lawn waste and it's full of leaves and stem.
You want to hear something odd? I still haven't been in one of them 'stores'.My Old Lady went once and her son's been helping build quite afew around town. But that's a bummer that dude's getting greedy, like you said, I ain't got nothing against making some money but to gouging it?,, oh well. Karma's a bitch.
Thanks Buckshot. Everythings going to be good. She goes in for surgery next week. With a great prognosis. So it will all be fine.... But that's what I need is a place you can throw up a lawn chair prop your feet up on the cooler with a little fire. I haven't caught a stripper since fishing out in the Delta, at Discovery Bay. Use to climb up the bridge at night at slay them, throwing sassy shad baits at the pilings. Now it woodn't ever matter what fish it is, could be a carp for all I care. Man them crap can fight like hell. Man been awhile. Edibles are costy from what I hear. Like 6-7$ @, I know we use a 30 oz jar of Coconut Oil with about 2+ ozs of secondary buds thrown in one of the Majic Butter machines. 1/2 cup give use 18 cookies. Not sure but she get's like 4-5 batches. BTW I love them machines. I bought one of them along time ago and it's still cranking out product even after the top half the handle broke off. Another use for duct tape.....
And I get babbling again. I'll get a update up soon. The girls are starting to flower. Well most are, some might have to come in to finish, well the smaller ones. I have all them WW's I was going to put inside under the lights,,, but why? Might as well use the sun,,, if it ever comes back out. Thanks everyone for stopping in. I'm off for a dubie and a movie. Keepem Green

Thanks a bunch norcaliwood

Maybe one day I will break out the machine and try your recipe to make butter, I think I'd be better if tacking gel caps of 2:1 ratio CCO and maintaining with lil edibles

The persons out here was charging so much more than every other shop for RSO to the sick and dying

Man if I knew someone needed what I had to attempt in life saving $hit I'd gift everytime

Y'all have a great weekend
I'll be away for a bit I have a big trim job coming up soon

Sorry about HIGHjakin your thread

Sent from my iPhone using 420
I use that Captin Jacks for caterpillars. If I see mites I either use the azamax or safers soap. Looks like a nice cut you got going on there Hizzy. I'm past due for an update, I'll try to squeeze one in abit. Miss J is in for her surgery this morning so things are abit busy here. I want to thank all for looking in everyone and hope all's great out there. Keepem Green
Oh, BTW I forgot to throw up this pic. Crops are getting closer and security needs to be stepped up. Squirrels and my little yapper, brang in the big guns temporarily.

Also got a stem that came in off the Serious6 I was trying. The one I had to take because she was revegging. She was 10' when I killed her. It's going to make another walking stick for Miss J or her Grand daughter.

Well, time to go pick up Miss J from the hospital. She's coming outta surgery in about a half an hour. Keepem Green
Thanks FEB's. She;s doing great. Now 6 weeks from now I hope everything sounds the same. This Woman means the world to me,,,, and nothing bad better happen to her or,,,, well isn't anything I couldn't kill, or pity the fool.......... Me, here a Redneck,,,, and her an excuse the words,,,, raghead. She is Lebanese. Pisses her off when I say that,,,, but she knows better. I might be a Redneck, but Heritage, not Hate. Alot, don't truly know, but we are doing the exact same thing right now, as in the Civil War............... States Rights. Over weed. Afew states want legal weed, but the feds don't, regardless of the reason, the South opted to leave.
But Miss J went thru everything like a trooper. We'll know more in a while. I talked to Pop's tonight. And he wants me to say 'High" to everyone,,,,,,,,,, but I said I woodn't, and he needs to get CHH to get up his ass and least say :hello;, CHH your a great friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but please hold that fools hand and show him which keys to push,,,,,,,,, right after you get his ass stoned on some of the MVS you got curing...............
OK well, I do have to say when it rains, it pours. I found a tad of PM on the Oydeuses. I had to spray her tonight with Actinovate. I have tried this on plants earlier that had PM and worked great and killed bud rot and PM. But I have had problems with acouple girls. First I figured over watering, but isn't. Least I think not. Cal/Mag? She's got leaves that are all curled up around the terminal tops. Might even be to much nitrogen. But anyways don't matter I had to spray her. Ugly looking buddage coming up. Seems anytime one sprays a plant you kill the pistils and 'brown' them out. But they will grow out of it. I hope. Well peoples, I always say as a group, no sense in clogging up the thread. And no one every highjacks............................... Keepem Green

First part down :cheesygrinsmiley: Good luck to Miss J on the hard part!
I got to say when it rains it pours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think I'm dealing with a problem I've not dealt with before. My girls are acting real funny. Acouple/three are. I'll get off my lazy azz and get pic's, I'm not sure if 420 allows this????? If not kill it, but I see people talking about this tobacco virus thingie. I got real bad eyes,,, due to being lazy, but I haven't seen any mites. I've dealt with them assholes more than once, so, but my plants have the systems, and it fits. Broad Mites....

Tomorrow I'll break out the scope of doing abit of recon and research. I've seen it progress and I thought it was heat transpiring or something to do with heat or over watering.
One of them pic's of the curled leaves on the newer growth looks the same. And I thought it was water from my spray of actinovate, which is just about plain water for PM..... Fuck. It's on my Oydeuses, Mother Superior, and alittle started on my Crippled Rhino. I need to do alittle doctoring out there or I'll lose afew. Guess my minds not right, right now. And here I'm thinking about a new grow, inside. Small, about 8-12 plants and I'm going to go a whole new grow from the seed up. I hate problem plants and mites............. I know I'm not over watering.
thanks peoples for the well wishes. Miss J is out for the count. Damn I wish them pain pills worked that good for me anymore. She's been out for the last 24 hours pretty much. Which is a good thing now? We'll be talking to the doc in the next few days for more info if any. And any follow-up program.
Well, I'm outta here for a minute.Hope all's good and Keepem Green
That sucks, I saw thrips this grow in my tent, I'm seeing the curled dry leaf once in a while too. Few spots look like mite damage but I have not spotted the Circus yet. Good luck with the incoming heat wave too.


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