Our Ongoing Grows

Yum! Chop +Reps!
No dought NorC, let me know about your next BBQ. No, those colas are impressive and color expression on hairs looks quite mature. That will be my type of smoke., picked up some White Fire OG at store today. I am going to have to grow some. Think Cheese vs. Pepper.


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Thanks peoples.
The herb is pretty damn good. On my scale 1-10, 10 being the best, and I've never seen a 10 ever, I'd give it a solid 8 over all. I know I could easily get a pound per 4X4' square. With alittle TLC more like 1 1/2 lbs. Now to figure what's up next. It's sure depressing to look and see them all gone. I still have some Chem Dawg going in there. I have 6 or so White Widows I am going to transplant into some finishing pots to fill the void.
I've heard good things about the 'fire OG's'. never grew any, but like I say so many strains so little time. The Nice thing about this site is you can kind of shop thru others grows. What store did you go to. We have a family friend who has a store in your neck of the woods, called Shango. The dudes rolling. He's got 5 stores around Portland area. I should've got off my lazy ass and went there to meet Tommy Chong. He was doing meet and greets. Shango even developed a strain named after him called Chong's Choice
I have to say Herbies is pretty damn fast. Took a week and a day from the date of order to get here. First thing, one of the Incredible Bulk seeds is going next to the Warlock to be vegged out for future indoor grows.
Hope everyones doing great out there,,,, and Keepem Green
I know Denise there, but I like a place closer. Five zero trees is best place I've been to down in Portland.

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I don't really know anyone over there except Shane. My Old Lady' use to feed all her son's friends and he use to hang tight with her boy Jeremy. Don't tell Miss J I call her my "Old Lady', she might shoot me. Naw to me that's a title with respect. But her son's been helping build his stores. I just know the boy, Shane, sure was in the right place at the right time. And cashed in on the herb market. Hey, that's a good thing. So many 'stores' anymore. on every corner damn near. I got nothing against anyone coloring in on it. He's paid his dues.
Well early in the morning, and I figure I'd take acouple pics of the yard. I have one of that strain called Mother Superior. Won't pollenate? Well I don't want to find out with this one. Maybe later I'll take a cut to play around with and see if it holds true. I kind of said I wood get it a go for him, cept not with my outdoor girls. MS;

Another, this one has a following. She's a tad harsh, but is great for pain relief, even headaches. I've found very few strains that work for headaches, most aggravate them. I have to agree this works. And she's GREAT for bubble hash. Big fat trichomes. Twice the size as most. Crippled Rino;

Ok another is my White Widow. This is Greenhouse Seeds variant of WW. This is the mother of the ones I'm going to flower next. I'm thinking of giving 4 plants 5 gallon pots and spending a extra week or so on larger WW plannts. 4 under a 1000 watter should make some decent product. WW;

Ok this is my bad,,, least I think so. It's S.A.D.Fast Version. She started budding, then revegged, now just started growing in full veg mode. I hate these plants. I must have thrown her out in the daylight a week or two early for her genetics. I as a rule won't grow larger reveg plants,,, to problematic. S.A.D;

And one last pic, it's the Unknown variant from the mixed up seeds. Kind of looking at it, she looks ALOT like a skunk. And one seed was a Early Bird Skunk. I know I've grown alot of 'Skunk' variants and this is close. unknown;

Well that's about it from here. Sun's coming up and my shift is about over. Miss J puts in the day shift, me the nights. My security system.
One thing about here in my yard, I won't tolerate thieves. I seen people say turn the other cheek? Not in my household. Protect yours FIRST, then slap the other cheek. Keepem Green
Thanks Mr Krip. I try with what we have.
I can't bitch enough about temps on the concrete. Been cool lately but, I always say I'm going to downsize my numbers and going with some bigger smart pots. I could try up 4 perminate spots with some 150 gallon pots up on pallets. Wood should, but didn't soooooo maybe next year.
But I wanted to say this Muay Thai is going into full flower. She might have gotten 5-10% bigger if I've have started her off in a larger pot. Next year I hope to have two strains of their super auto going. And I'm going to donate a 35-gallon pot to each. I planted her on 4/20 and it's almost 7/20. That's a long veg time. Now if she finishes flowering in 8 weeks, she's be right on time to harvest without a worry about rains. Rite now she's a 9'+ monster auto for sure. I see way over a pound is she makes them long thai'ish buds that run all the way up and down the stem. I figure Sept 7th at the latest for a harvest. I could've started her acouple weeks earlier too. End of Agust? Way cool.
Just thinking out loud Keepem Green
Thanks Nismo. I need to catch up on you and Canna's thread.
Well that SAD plant just got culled. I was just fixing to spray some actinovate on some and Miss J found her starting to show some PM. I never liked growing reveg's. It works to keep a breed alive with smaller plants sure, but if it's a bigger plant, you can expect problems. Least here in the Rose City, where the weathers has been sad. Just heard on the radio we've only had 2 days at 90 degrees so far. Been partly cloudy and alittle rain all year. We opened the pool and only had acouple good days, least good enough for me, the kids will swim anytime of year the tops off. A pool isn't the best use of monies least here. But we do enjoy it a month or two out the year. Well seems we did alot better than I thought with the HGK. Just under 2lb's. Pretty decent weed to boot.
Well Keepem Green
Thanks peoples for taking a look. Well, just a fast update; The Chemdog. This is Greenhouse seed's variant. We took one down today. She's at 61 days. I grew this once before and Miss J loved it so I promised another flip of her. I only did 2 plants, but should be enough to last till some outdoors come in. Least I'm hoping. I don't have my split-air yet so I kind of cut down come summer when the temps pop. I do plan on throwing 4 WW's in as soon as they get another week or so under her belt. That way I can keep lights down to a min. And not sweat the heat. Well here's Chemdog;




and one last;

Still miss my photo program, isn't no comp with this one. Hope everyones doing great out there. And Keepem Green
Very pretty product. Looks to be great smoke, 135 gal pots, I'll start calling you Remo. Love the look of your setup around the pool, classic.

Beautiful produce, Norcal! YUM!
I saw your post about a thirty five day flowering "Berkeley" strain? Have you heard of Oregon diesel? NYC Diesel x Blackberry also with 35 day flowering period. A friend of mine grows this stuff constantly &it is amazing. I grew a cut indoors this year &put it out with a Cinex Auto &have already harvested once haha. My photos are all still vegging. Amazing strain, check it out. You are in oregon as well, right?
Welcome, 45th. Speaking of something close, I was just gifted a Blue City plant from Miss J's sister. It's a cross of Dj's Blueberry X NYCD. I know to really get a good bud from the NYCD you have to flower most for atleast 9 weeks. The Berkley your talking about really isn't as fast as they claim. You have a useable product at 35 days, but it really needs 7 weeks. Maybe 35 days after the transition. But they are still some of the fastest plants I've played with. 'I wasn't impressed with Berkley myself.' But they really pack on that extra weight and quality in the last 2 weeks. I've not found one that truely finishes in 35 days. That's alot of biomass to produce in 5 weeks. Where I live it's REAAL hard to get a crop in, unless you got a nice greenhouse with afew dehumidifier running full bore. And some of their products beat the rains. The Marion Berry came in Sept 25th.
BTW yes I'm here in Oregon. My old Lady just went to that THC Fair in Portland. She really enjoyed herself. I've got real bad feet and can't walk the distances anymore. And it wood be killing my back. One day I need to go look inside a pot store here. I still haven't gone to one. I wanna find a place easy to back the truck down to and have a fire and all and fish. And has to be some decent kind of fish. Cats or Sturgeon. I haven't really fished for years. I was a active member in the Bass Masters tourneys down in North Cali and the Delta area. That's bad. And we got some bad news about Miss J healthwise. Could be a easy fix,,, least we hope. Let me put it this ways, we studied up on the 60 mill's of RSO in 90 days to start the program. Doctor has a real positive feeling we'll be fine. She's going to have surgery next month, then 4-6 weeks of radiation. Man, it's got me tripping alittle bit. But that's ok for a minute, I'll probably babble alot tonight. As Hank Williams jr say 'I need to get whiskey bent and hells bound'.
We have a friend that is terminal cancer, and she has a RSO still and has been working the program with some positive results. Nothing big but she's holding her own. Well, I dug a QB out from last years outdoor grows,,,, yes I still have quite abit put up, but she needed 4 oz to cook off a batch, then we split the product. She's a sweet gal and I know she needs alittle 'help' and I'm happy I could help someone truely needing the pot, Well, we got back what looks like 7-10 grams back from a 50/50 split. 4 oz's of prime top buds from last years. I read that's about right for the return. I could've used the rice cooker and got about the same product, but she has trouble keeping supplied with decent herbs to work with. Should be fine, come fall and we are harvesting the outdoor, I'll just keep the larger colas and strip the smaller buds for the oil and butter. Well, I use coconut oil. Alot easier to work with. People with sore joints rub alittle of it and it dulls the pain alittle. It really works great if you incorporate some camphor into it. Kind of put your mark on the product. Both complement each other well for a topical. I'm going to stop babbling for a minute. I want to thanks everyone for the pats on the back. But I have afew more pic's taken under different lights. Chemdog;



and one more, not sure what they are going to look like,,, but here we go;

Once more thanks peoples for looking in and I hope peoples are doing great in their gardens. I'll get a pic of that MONSTER AUTO I got out there. Atad over 9' and just going into full flower. I'll get some tomorrow. Keepem Green
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