Our Ongoing Grows

I would not worry about the indoor part

Hey Brother! I don't mean to correct your spelling, but you need to remember where you are!

I think on this thread you mean, "I WOOD not worry...."

so how are "things"?...
Hey CHH looks like you dialed that roof in. Slugs.... I read on the net about orange peals. Something like eat about 1/2 to 3/4 of the meat and throw in on the ground. Slug will migrate to it and you can throw them on the burn pile......... Hey Far East, I see alot of improvements. It is hard to get the 'whole' plant even with a atomizer. I was uses mine full on at 2 oz's per gallon. And I've done it twice, which has burnt afew leaves for sure. But acouple I can see white pistils apoping. Nothing worthy of a picture. Like said hopefully I can get some product good enough for something. Sure isn't going to be a banner year. And so true, them small ones are easy to clean up. I do have a set of cuts from a mother that had them. And I figure the same with them. Alittle spritzer bottle and...... I will keep them as sperate as I can,,,,, I swear these mites were drinking azamax. I've had great luck with azamax with the two spotted buggers, but these..............
Well I'm going to threaten everyone,,,,,, I will get a pic of the starts.... Miss J did that follow-up surgery. I guess they aren't sure till after if there was a little piece left. Radiation is supposed to be the redundant. They sure like to offer up chemo real fast. But sounds good. won't know anything till we talk to the Doc's in a day or two. Well I need to charge the batteries for the camera. Damn I've never gone so long without a pic or two. Keepem Green
Sorry, I missed yall's posts. Or I WOOD'VE replied............ Hell that's how long ago I started that post. Thanks. Keepem Green
I am glad that they found it on Miss J at least...Don't know it in detail but sounds like the follow up testing worked.

On the lesser note... Yah thats why I feel it is so hard to get rid of them completely... It is super hard on a decent sized plant to get it all.. of course in flower we don't soak the buds...So I feel like that is why for me i have to reapply...

azatrol is what was recommended for them in Veg and GC flower... I have yet to use azatrol in Veg as I have never had them in there.. Gently knock on NW. But did use a little of the GC in there.. I am using Sns 203 on all my pots as a root drench for gnats but I don't have them bad.. i catch 2-3 on my stickies a day. Only been treating them a short time so if I still see it down the road ill use some gnat mix on the pots next.

Sorry stoned.. Rambled...

Have a good day NW and give the Misses some 420 love..

I've never used the azatrol myself. I think azatrol is more geared to the hyro peoples. Least if I remember right. But your right about smaller plants. Which leads me to this depressing picture. Right now temps are all over the place here, so I started my seedlings indoors in the flower room. I've got the lights dialed down to 400 watts MH. But it's a shame,,,, sure looks empty

Well here's the starting line up I got,

And I want to say I really want one of these Blue City cut's to make it. They are rooting, but sure aren't a happy camper after being sprayed acouple times. But you can sure see the DJ Short's Blueberry's purple stems;

Well, I have seen acouple three of these damn mites on my Auto when I looked this morning. I can't spray right now but I will soon with a lesser dose of GC. Muay Thai;

Here's one of the seeds that got mixed up. I swear she has a skunk look to her. She's just now really starting to flower. Miss Unkown;


And Miss J is out there knocking off afew dead and burnt leaves from the BWxBLT;

well, that's about it from here,,,, for now. I did start 2 more seeds from my unknown seed pile. Pissed me off they got mixed up. I can't stand them little black plastic seed containers, one of the seed bank uses. OH WELL life. Adds to the mystery...... Keepem Green
love them outdoor girls. to quote the wife "WOW" it was loud hence the caps lol

have fun eh
Thanks Unforgiven. They are big for pot size but it's working. They are alittle bald. Miss J took alot of leaves before I sprayed making it alot easier to get them all.
Just fast update. Ordered afew more seeds. I looked through the sponsors and I didn't see any 'freebies' I wanted. Most are pushing auto's, or the same ones I already have from last month. So I had to use my old favorite. I ended up with more free ones than I even ordered. I will be looking at sponsors to see when they change the free ones. I tried acouple free Afghan and none cracked. But I got these strains to put in my genetic box. It was running alittle low;
Strain Hunters Seedbank Seeds Money Maker
DNA Genetics Seeds Kushberry
Humboldt Seed Organization Blue Dream
Flash Autoflowering Seeds Chaze Super Auto
Strain Hunters Seedbank Seeds Big Tooth
T H Seeds Wreckage
Barneys Farm Seeds LSD
Emerald Triangle Seeds Cherry OG
Humboldt Seed Organization Black D.O.G.
G13 Labs Seeds Mozzarella
Dinafem Seeds Purple Orange CBD
T H Seeds Sage 'n' Sour
Med-Man Brand Rock Star Kush
Flash Autoflowering Seeds Number 1

Also sprayed a light dose of the GCleaner. I see one or two here and there. Nothing like I had seen from the start of this spray regiment. Plants are even budding up. Girls are slow this year. Like I figured, we had what they call a Sturgeon Moon the middle of last month. I think this bright ass full moon happen right when the girls were in transition. i kind of think that could slow the onset of flowers bye afew days.
Well nothing new here. I'll update as soon as I have something. Hope all's gardens are doing better than mine. Keepem Green
Thanks Brightlights. I've heard good things about afew on that list. That being the one that made my mind up about where. Thanks CHH.
Hey, I just wanted to say something about the Department of Agriculture, I think they do alot of scaring, with people and with all this 'purist' wave of organic gardens. I know just about anything we do is bad for us. I bet the air we breath has had levels of toxic material, from the beginning of time. And the list of things in water can be frighting. I know they look out for us. But I'm looking at a list of products they took off the shelf for 'mislabeling etc'. But really how much could be in your plants after the grow. Hell they even talked about cloning solutions. naphthaleneacetic acid, like Humboldt Nutrients Roots. Another they mentioned was Olivia's Gel, the list goes on. Is a dip in cloning solution going to even be measurable in the harvest? Even picked a SNS product, All Natural Spider Mite Control. And the hormone in Willow Water. One I read was odd to me, Superthrive. Man, gardens been using Superthrive for years. Good product, I know this because I read about it in the back of a comic book once. Right next to the ad that sold live squirrel monkeys for 9.95. BTW I bought two, and they was cool as shit,,, which they did every time they got out the cage.
They have alot of the growth regulators on it too. I use to use one back aways, called Bush Masters. Stuff worked great. One good solid watering at the start of trasition with like 2 mils pergallon and it kept the plants from stretching. They pulled it afew years back so I stopped using it myself. Hell, I still got a full pint of it in the drawer. They have a Pyyro product on that list. Even Mighty Wash,,,, WOW. Alot of well-known product on this list. They were ordered to pull the products off the shelves. This is the Sept newspaper the Oregon Cannabis Connection, they have up at the Oregon MMP. Me and Miss J had to renew our cards today. Sad when it's 'legal' even to grow and we need a card. I do it for my doctor. Miss J too more or less. She's doing it just incase someone bitches. You can tell that Clinic is feeling it with a lull in caed sales. Only cost 300$ this year for both cards.
I guess what I mean is any of this product on your finished product, or do they mean just don't drink the bottle? As Buckshot reminded me on another post is the worlds full of idiots, maybe people are driving Superthrive or something. Yes I'd like to know if it's a cancer causing agents, but isn't everything? Now don't get me wrong, I am not for dumping something that could cause harm to someone, but I think alot of this is that rat that smoked a 1,000 joints a day for ever? Come on Willow Water to clone with? Just babbling...
Keepem Green
Opps just did alittle more read on the web and see Oregon Department of Agriculture pulled the stop sale on SNS's product. Alot of these are mislabeled. Alittle knowledge is a dangerous thing..... Keepem Green
Agree w/ you that practically every thing we use/do has some bad sides....not as important to me as before now that I'm old. That Bushmaster stuff was revolutionary back then when there were far less products out. CA like OR has so many regulations....been using Guano Co. Budswel for years & it disappeared for awhile due to ingredients & labeling, but it's now back. It's only bat crap so don't know why all the fuss. Haha on the SuperThrive in comics, I remember that. Sounded like a miracle ingredient...I went for it & still use it. Back then willing to try just about anything as growers knew less & many kept what they knew a secret. :passitleft:
:cheesygrinsmiley: ... I am sure the purists will even find fault with shit... good old cow or horse shit


Nice big girls!!!
I hear ya about these products. Alot were just mislabeled. I mean what could be left in a harvested plant from a cloning gel come harvest.
Well, just a fast update with acouple pictures of what I have on deck for the inside next. First these Blue City Diesels. I've srayed these afew times with the Green Cleaner. Stuff sure seems to be working.

And here's the seed starts;

I will get afew more pic's up soon. Till then Keepem Green
Makes me wonder if I'm pissing in the wind, starting up this indoor grow with these problem plants out back. I still have some buggage on that auto flower. She's the further along than my other girls, and I was looking into some smaller leafs in the buds and is afew of them there. Really hard to control these suckers on plants over 5'. They make two spotted mite look like giants, and here I'm starting anew while they are out there.
Like said earlier, least they are small and makes it lot easier to keep bug free. One thing is I'm lucky, I have alittle space to work with. I've kept out anything from out there''''' into my main flower room. And the cuts are in the 'nursery' in the garage. So I plan on keeping the cuts there until the seedlings are of size large enough to hit with a light spray of neem, for it's anti feed properties. Man, I still scratch my head on were these mites came from. Only new plants I have,, or had, came from Stoney Girls. I think from now on it's going to be seed from them. But this green cleaner is pretty mild if you use it at a oz per gallon. I'm not afraid to wash these cuts every few days till I put them in veg with the seedlings. And I think I'll veg in the flower room. It's the furthest from the back yards, being acouple doors between. Now to get some soil. And I didn't stock up before the nursery ran out. Right now I stuck my seedlings in the Black Gold Red instead of the Organic, till I find a source. That could be a source of the mites also. Was a great read on HighTimes about these.
Enough babbling Keepem Green
Hey man. I just stopped in to take a peek. Now I'm stuck.
Great looking grow.
Subbed up

Phrum the light room.
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