Our Ongoing Grows

Hey man! I hear a lot of mites in US spread via clones. If they cut them by hundreds in nurseries they tend to overlook small infestations or eggs, and as soon as you put them in your grow room these start jumping on all the plants around. Here we don't really see mites, but you're right I'd consider starting from seeds from now on.
I was told that basically mites are inevitable. It is just an issue of controlling them. That basically they will be present just about no matter what you do but if you use preventative stuff you can get it very close to zero. The only live plant I will take in is cuttings and they have to be thoroughly inspected. sprayed... roots started etc all in quarantine. Even that i am sort not cool with unless it is a strain that I really want...


It appears mite and other pests are strain-dependent (like everything else). I've grown Ace of Spades three or four times - both in and outside. No matter what I spray or drench them with, they get mites BAD. Yet right next to them, I have plants that seem to be able to deal with mites, no problem. I've take nbrix reading to see if there is any correlation, but no. Lower brix plants do well, while my AS plants with brix up around 20, suffer mite problems every time.
I was told that basically mites are inevitable. It is just an issue of controlling them. That basically they will be present just about no matter what you do but if you use preventative stuff you can get it very close to zero. The only live plant I will take in is cuttings and they have to be thoroughly inspected. sprayed... roots started etc all in quarantine. Even that i am sort not cool with unless it is a strain that I really want...


I don't think pests are inevitable, it just depends how you grow things.
Just my 2 cents, I have to agree about the pest thing,, to a degree. I know well that certain plants are more prone to get problems such as molds and pests. I know I've grown afew crops that ended up with mites. There was always a holdout strain that the mites didn't seem to migrate to till last. Same with PM. But I do agree, is a way to keep them from getting infected. On an inside grow, the mites have to come from somewhere???????????????? We bring them into our indoors. Outdoors now depends on where you live. I think winter temps have the most to do with them. We've had a really mild winter the last couple years of no good freezes..... Now I've read them articles about the spread of these broad and russet mites. Seems it's spreading north from Cali. Either they migrated from the warmer weather, or from the influx of clones from Cali.. Me this is the first time I've had bugs in my outdoor in the last 10 years. I've had spider mites back in the south where I use to grow, but spider mites I've dealt with. These bugs are so small and the hide in the nooks and crannies around the main feeder veins of the leaves, in all the little hairs on the bottom. Unless you can cover every bit, they are still there. I honestly think I got these from Stoney Girls. They have alot of strains and a ton of plants going all the time. Their clone room is pretty crowded. And I know I've gotten clones with spider mites from them before. But usually, I put a plant outdoors and they go away. And indoor I always lik
e to put them in the nursery and spray them. But I am going to be doing preventive sprays on everything afew times before flowering. Thanks all and Keepem Green
so far i've been lucky..knock on wood. no mites have ever invaded my indoor grows.

but i can say that during my first grow, we had about 50 tobacco plants outside and they were literally covered from top to bottom with lil red bugs, im assuming were mites. i tell ya i never went in the grow room after being outside til i cleaned up and changed clothes. lost all that tobacco, just too many bloody bugs.

my 2 bits...

love yer grow btw. i been watching ..

have fun eh
That is a key.. changing clothes and shoes after being outdoors... clean room with no leaves hanging around etc. I am not saying it is impossible to keep them out. A truly sterile environment of course. Preventative like changing clothes.. Spray them before flower... all are good things to keep them out. From what I read they are pretty much abundant outdoors and we create a perfect environment and food for them. So most people won't be able to 100% keep them out and just an occasional spray etc and they will never take hold... Sorry got lost in there...



We are battling them in the flower room now. We have a Sativa in there taking her sweet time to flower, and we think she's the culprit. She's so bushy! It's hard to know if we truly sprayed all of her.

Actually you are lucky in that sense. If it has not flowered yet then spray her HARD. I worry more when I have all the buds I don't want to spray the buds. Thus i feel like I can never clean a flowering plant 100%. But if she is still in veg then Wet T shirt that b---h! Oh sorry bout that got carried away mam....


I will say this Unforgiven, with a perpetual grow,,, it's hard after acouple years. Seems even with the best care somehow one of them suckers seem to find their way in. Hitch hiking off your pants, or your pets. Knock on Wood for ya also. Somethings I always wondered about, is them preditor mites in a perpetual. Or wood they just die off? And leave ya atad lighter. I guess if you wanted a failsafe you could throw a pack in every few months just to let them do alittle hunt. With growing a flip, you get fresh bug free plants to start with, and they only have 8 weeks or so to live in the flower room for an infestation to start. I like to keep trying different strains so my garden starts a flip and ends up a perpetual....
So true Far East. I see alot trying to kill of mites when plants are flowering. Even if you could spray the inside of a bud, it leaves alot of residual on it from repeated sprays. I'm always weary of these up to the day of harvest products. I'm working on these outdoor girls for cooking and oils. I don't like to smoke buds that have been sprayed any later than 2 weeks in flower. And I really don't like it then. That what I'm dealing with outside now in that auto flower. I'm going to spray once more with the GCleaner and leave it in god's hands.
I truly wish the best Canna. I right now seem to like the Green Cleaner. Place recommends like 2 ozs per gallon. I did that on outdoor girls which showed afew fried leaves. The maintenance spray of 1 oz per just seems to clean the leaves. Least on the girls I have indoors. It really might be a contender if I was battling mites indoors. Doesn't seem to leave a bad looking residual on the leaves... I might even use it if I was in your shoes... Just my 2 cents.....
Ok I wanted to throw out another of my 2 cents....... I started an Incredible Bulk. I'm pretty impressed with her as she starts up. Real wide plant. I top after the first set of true leaves myself. Those being the first set of three. And this girl's been topped twice and really looks like a contender for someone growing in a tent. IC;

Ok, next I have 2 of the 8 Ball Kush's. These have all just gotten their first spray of neem;

Next is two of the Jack Herer I have growing;

I will update afew more soon as they get bigging enough to come out and play. I have 8 more seeds started. Even have 3 more Dr Krippling's going. Acouple Mind Cantrol's and a Red Licertieze??????????????????????? don't ask me to spell that one. RL works........... Keepem Green
Opps missed another pic. This is the Blue City. She's been sprayed a million times with GCleaner. And tonight just got her first taste of neem oil. I errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wanna throw her in with the rest. Makes no sense keeping then seperate anymore I guess. She's small and I kind of massage the spray into all the nooks and crannies with all sprayings. I used neem pretty strong, like close to a 1/3 oz per litter. After afew minutes I wash with @1/4 oz per for a rinse. The mother of these is sure pretty. And it's from a well known breeder local. I guess you can't find a better place for blueberry than Oregon..............

Keepem Green
Thanks, everyone. Hey Mr Krip, you know from what I understand from Miss J's doctors reports, looks like they might have got it all. We go to the Doc's tomorrow. Kind of pissed with this doc,,, not only the doc had to go in twice, which is pretty common I hear, but she called the doc running a lowgrade fever, red swelling, and pain. Like 4-5 days after surgery,,, should get better, not worse. Well, another doc we've got for the follow-up radiation, called and Miss J said something, they called some antibiotic in which is working. She's feeling better all the time. Leaves alot for the aftercare huh???? Least her report looks cancer free as far as this layman can read with the help of google...
Just throwing out an update and I'll get a pic in afew minutes..... We got hit hard with a big ass rain. Pelting shit. Split my WW I had out there. Took about a 1/3. Looks beyond help. Tied afew branches up, but the worst is over,,, least I hope. My other plants seemed to fair pretty good with nothing breaking or flipping over. The auto I have is over 11+' from the soil line. She started like near the end of April and is really pretty close to harvest. She went about 140 days,,, seem like alot for a auto? Well we cut the top bud off close to 2 foot, and set her on her side under the patio. I will get a pic. Looks like a harvest off her so far. Maybe 1 1/2 lbs of bud and secondary buddage. Not bad for a harvest mid-Sept. With alittle better planning now that I know what I'm dealing with, Sept 1st harvests of 2 pounds is highly possible, which I'm going to prove next year. I plan on doing at least 3 of the super autos in larger pots closer to 40 gallons each.
I will say,,,, been a weird year for my herb gardens. Seem to flower late, but I have product for things like cooking and oil now. Maybe they'll flower acouple more weeks before the next rain and I could get herbs worth smoking....... I seem to have the buggage under control. I was looking at the Flow and the Pit Bull I have in the greenhouse and they are really taking off. Need abit of super cropping and atad of LSTing on the Flow. I didn't keep up on my gardens this year and it shows, but I'm going to turn over a new one with this indoor. Time to do alittle up potting tonight. I'll get that pic of the upside down auto, minus her main cola, later....... Keepem Green
WOW Hey Happy Kitty, a name I haven't seen in acouple years. But I did get a pic of this auto. I leaned her over and rolled her under the patio, then propped her up with a chair and turns on the fans. Next year I'm going to do 2 of these, one topped and the other non. I have a word of advice for some,,, this isn't a auto you want to try indoors in a tent. Unless your pretty good at pruning her into a bonzi tree. Muay Thai Autoflower;

After I get up tomarrow I'll take in the damage that got bestowed on my girls. And I'll get acouple pic's. I love the color the Blue City Desiel looks. Electric pink... Keepem Green
Hey bud! Listen you get these mold/rain problems every year, and you have the greenhouse, so why not adjust it for sun dep cultivation? You could get any strain finished by 1st of September that way. Just saying.
I've had that idea since I started the greenhouse. It's bad when you know how to do these things, done these things, I was a contractor in a prior life, but now your body can't do them. It sounds like a cop out when I say I can't do these projects but it about kills me just to tie up one plant. Sometimes I have trouble just getting thru watering with a garden hose. I look at some work and walk over spendthree minutes and I got that knife in my lower back feeling. I really wanted to do a light depravation thing in there. Smaller plants, just alot of them. I'm not sure if this shade cloth wood work, but that was my intensions. Sucks the big one when your feet hurt from just walking around the pool. I broke my fool neck back in 1986 on my PanHead. A Tear in a beer, over a ex, chased with Wild Turkey, and whatever other goodies I happened to be doing back then. Wake up in the hospital,,, C-6, C-7 got busted up real good and they fused afew bones together up there. Mom's said I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on,,, still got it anyways. Paralyzed from the neck down, doing the Christopher Reeves thing blowing with a staw in the wheelchair. They told me to get use to it, and did for almost 2 years and started to get return, and drove myself outta that hospital. I shattered both forearm compound fractured. Flip and snapped 2 strands of barbwire with the bach of my leg. Took a big chunk of meat out for sure. But I went back to work for years, but now it's getting hard to just get around. Muscles atrophining and my right hand is cutting out from nerve damage. Sucks the big one. I need a gunt to do some of the leg work around here.
But that little greenhouse woodn't take much to do it to. Afew pieces of PVC pipe and a roll of blackout cloth. Sure comes in all kinds of blackout. I figure 85% wood work and still let air flow. Even if I kept say 15-20 smaller plants on the shelves and in the ground, I could keep a fan agoing with a dehumidifier cranked up max, keepem dry and should have a good chance. Light depravation wood be better for sure, just more work than I can tackle right now. Maybe after I get this hip replacement revised??? It keeps me from being able to touch my toes........ Enough sniveling.................... Keepem Green
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