Our Ongoing Grows

NCW, that's great news on Miss J! :high-five:

It's not uncommon, from what I understand, to have to go back in for a second surgery, although I'm sure it sucks! The surgeons walk somewhat of a fine line since they want to remove as little healthy tissue as possible but are supposed to remove the cancer plus something like a 2cm (don't quote me on the 2cm!) perimeter of healthy tissue. Even if they get all the cancer on the first operation, if they don't have enough of a perimeter of healthy tissue, I believe they still need to go back in.

Sorry to hear everything you're going through. :sorry: It sound like you're a mess, but lucky to be alive!

If I was close by, I'd be happy to grunt for you and help you get things sorted the way you want. Have you tried any of the RSO for pain and, if so, does the smoking/vaping seem to help more?

The RSO has been really helping my Dad's Parkinson's Disease, but isn't doing much for his PHN pain.

Stay healthy, Brother!
Good updates NCW. Continued best wishes to Miss J. Know what you mean about not being able to do stuff like before. Plus add in not wanting anymore to tackle big jobs/project. Really nothing to like about getting old & living with a crumbling body....I know brother. But you hang in there & still produce some great plants & still have the good old pothead drive to grow. Keep it up man.:Namaste:
Mr. Krip sounds like you've done abit of homework on the subject. I think it is 2 cm of what they call the margin. Well, another fine case of alittle knowledge is a dangerous thing. I guess they have to remove some more possible. They do have that radiation that is supposed to kill off residual, along with hormonal regiment, and even the RSO, which are all redundant treatments. This kind of like opening the can of worms. I know Miss J is alittle worried. Damn doctor claimed this was a cakewalk???? But is very common for a repeat surgery, but 2? We're going to take a few days and talk with acouple other doctors.
As far as me being tore up from the floor up..... Shot at and missed, shit on and hit. I did have alittle wild streak in me in the younger days, before all the aches and pains started adding up. I rode hard and was put up wet. Harleys and booze and broads... Now when they ask me to draw a x on the part of your body that hurts at the doc's, I just x him out with one huge x. And now,, my bikes been on cold storage for about 15 years. A 1951 panhead and a 1976 Bicentennial Sportster. As far as the RSO, right now I what Miss to eat everything I can throw together. Here this is the first year I need a good supply laid in and it the worse I've had in years. But I have been getting alittle help with the cookies. I have a off the chart tolerance, so I'm eating 2-3 cookies at a sit. Then burn a half a zig-zag. Thanks all for stopping in and Keepem Green
Well on a lighter note. I did get that pic of the auto uploaded. Alittle better planing next should show an improvement with her. Stinks to all heel for sure. Have to remember, she had the top 2' trimmed off before the pic, Auto Muay Thai;

I have to say this, high ratio of leave to flower on this one;

She's been growing for 150 days, and we found two buds showing bud rot. Least she's done and I have a little supply. Here's that bud rot for some reason? I hate posting bull shit but it might help some others identify it;

That rain sucked,,,, here's the center of the White Widow that got split in half. I failed to tie her up. Was looking like she was stable,,,

Ok here's the re4ason I wanted to mess with this one Called Blue City Diesel. As soon as I seen the color of the stemage, I knew it had some decent genetics in it, so I risked taking 4 cuts from that hemp mite nursery I got out back. BTW they are pretty well knocked out. Did hurt alot of leaves, I'm not a believer in defoliating my plants, unless reallyrequired, or your lollypopping a indoor grow. I was taught, leaves are the work horse of the plant. Why wood you cut leaves that have all the light needed? Outdoors I don't like to take a leaf if it's green.... Well Here she is, I'll get a real pic of her soon as she gets atad bigger;

And on the best note,,,,,,,,, the Portland skyline looks pretty good from here,,,, it's way back there, somewhere;

Keepem Green
Your welcome to pull up a chair Mono.... And feel free to yell out anytime. Your right ontime for a new indoor grow. I'm in the process of up potting my plants into their finishing pots. I'll get a few pic's up soon. Keepem Green
Most of the sponsers here are all giving away mainly auto's in the freebies they offer. I don't mind a auto or two, but not everything you get,,, or even damn near. That's not for me. But I've been down this road before and they will fix it. Least,,, better???..... I've been dealing with them since before I even started up on here at 420. I was upping my spring super auto's from Flash. OH WELL.. Like said I got plenty of time till next planting. I have to say I was just looking at the cuts I have of this Blue City and not a mite one. Green Cleaner seems to work real well..... Keepem Green
Only the best,if thats ok i would definetly hang around, maybe disturb the peace here and there.:cheer::goodjob:
Welcome to disturb the peace anytime. I like alittle drama keeps us on our toes. BTW where is that mountain range your from?
Keepem Green
been chopping my ass off ... same rot different coast :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey, Slim. Man, these auto's are monsters. I'll be ready next year. One thing I didn't really like about autos was the short veg time. These claims of 60 days are abit on the shady side, maybe if you grew out a 3-gram bud. I always thought sure be nice if she got 25% bigger. Really these girls take as long or close to a regular photo plant. I think we got about 1/1/2 lbs off her. But the nice thing is they don't flower on that 12/12 cycle so you can start them alittle earlier without the problem of what I call 'false' flower, then deal with a reveg. Alittle earlier in and earlier out. They take about 120-145 days. Plant the start of April, They should come in the beginning of Sept. latest. Which is great from this area with all the molds. We didn't trim these up to tight so we have some 'ugly' buddage. It does work. But I'm going to end up making butter and RSO oil with it.
Well Jaga, got word my highjacked genetics is en route. I think that's safe to say. Might be a substitute or two but I've ended up with what I wanted. I got another super auto to try,
Flash Chaze SuperAuto Autoflowering Feminised Seeds - Updated:29th Sep 2016
and this one sounds interesting,
! Humboldt Seed Organisation Black D.O.G Feminised Seeds - Herbies Seeds
That one sounds like a good contender for outdoors next year. A 48-day flowerer or claims.
But that's a good thing Buckshot. We're fixing to get rain for afew days so looks like I'm going to take acouple myself. It was a strange year for me. Buds seem to start later. But that could be the fact I was dealing with that hemp mite problem. I will say I did a pretty good job saving what I did. Got to be the worse bug problem I've had in years. These bugs are pretty damn small and blend right in. You can miss them with a 45X scope if you don't have alot of them. No signs like white dots on the leaves or visible black dots of the regular spider mites. Easily goes unnoticed until you really got a problem. Got to say that Green Cleaner worked pretty damn good. I used it at max dose and it did fry afew leaves but it was worth it. I'll get a pic or two of the top colas as soon as we can reach them... The plant isn't all that impressive but it is a harvest. GL all and Keepem Green
But the nice thing is they don't flower on that 12/12 cycle so you can start them alittle earlier without the problem of what I call 'false' flower, then deal with a reveg.

Can you re-veg auto's? I'm not that knowledgeable on autos, since I've never grown them (I like taking clones and getting my money's worth out of the seed purchases! :) ) but didn't think it was possible. I guess I just assumed they only flowered once? :hmmmm:
Not sure if you meant reveg as to regrow a auto? Or if they going into false flower then have reveg. I'm not knowledgable about autos myself, but from what I understand a auto wood contiune to veg even under a 12/12 cycle till they mature enough and flower on a day cycle instead of the photo? Now I haven't tried that with a auto, but next year I plan on putting out one these big autos come start of April.
I was meaning the reveg that happens when you throw out your regular plants to alittle early in spring and they start to flower. Days grow longer, poor confused girl reveg's. As for getting your monies out of the gentics why not keep something going you like,,,,,, I find half the fun is the hunt. But hindsight is 20/20 thinking back about afew pheno's I didn't keep. Keepem Green
It sounds impossible with our winters, but I wonder if it is possible to get a plant to winter-over and re-veg' next spring?
Didn't think so. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'd love to grow out the exact GG4 plant I have again, but didn't take cuttings. I'd build a little cold frame for her, but I'm sure it would be a waste of time.
Like you say, hindsight is 20/20.
Major if shes still alive you can keep the gentetics. take afew cuts that has the least amount of buddage. Some of them smaller branches low down on the plant. I like to keep my reveg cuts under a 24/7 for acouple weeks after roots show. You should look up this monster cropping. I know it works after dealing with all the revegs I've done over the years. As a matter a fact I have a Cripple Rino I doing it to right now. Miss J loves the strain and them Hemp Mites killed her mother, but this small cut was easily rid of them. I don't know about wintering in the greenhouse or not. I don't think it will work without some kind of lighting out there to kick start the veg cycle. Everything I ever left outside over winter, didn't fair well. GL and Keepem Green
Major if shes still alive you can keep the gentetics. take afew cuts that has the least amount of buddage. Some of them smaller branches low down on the plant. I like to keep my reveg cuts under a 24/7 for acouple weeks after roots show. You should look up this monster cropping. I know it works after dealing with all the revegs I've done over the years. As a matter a fact I have a Cripple Rino I doing it to right now. Miss J loves the strain and them Hemp Mites killed her mother, but this small cut was easily rid of them. I don't know about wintering in the greenhouse or not. I don't think it will work without some kind of lighting out there to kick start the veg cycle. Everything I ever left outside over winter, didn't fair well. GL and Keepem Green

I do plan to take cuttings, but I've had nothing but crap luck with cloning recently. I used to get nearly 100% success. I've tried several different tips and techniques, various styles of cloners, I've cleaned and sanitized until I'm worn out, but I cannot get anything to root.
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