Our Ongoing Grows

Did you try bagging them after cubing?
You know, putting them in plastic bags after you start rooting them. Maybe your RH was too low. Or maybe you took them from the wrong part of the plant. I'm not much of a cloner, but I keep learning from my buddy.
Temps are what kills me cloning. It's hard to keep them stable for me. I use the turbo cloner. It has a fan on it to help keeps temp down alittle. Tap water, and Vita Grow cloning solution, under 2't-5, blubs. I'll tell ya t-12's are better I think. I use to use the rapid rooters and the dome with fair return. Alot better with the areoponics. One thing about the areoponics you don't have to worry about the R/H. The root zone stays 100%. Kind of intresting to me, why you can get by without a dome in the cloner? But every once in awhile I have a spell of bad returns. I also found plants that show alot of little bumps on the bottom of the mainstem clone faster. Some strains can take along as time to root, and seems all the leaves die off first. But another thing to think about is plants will grow roots faster if they have been feed a light bloom fertilizer beore taking a cut, seeing nitrogen doesn't do much of anything for root development. As soon as your cut start to show some talus, or whatever they call them bumps that show first, you should use some 10-15% strength bloom ferts in the water. Least that's what I've been using in my cloner. I got a feeling your going to get your girls to root this time seeing they should have some bloom fert's in them allready. Hey Con, still waiting to see afew pic's of your trip. GL and Keepem Green
I haven't used bags, but I have used a dome.
Dome / no dome /bubble cloner / aero cloner / glass of water / bottom of plant (more woody) / middle of plant / top of plant / rooting hormone / no hormone / rapid rooters
Tried them all - none of them work for me any longer. I can keep the cutting looking perfect for a month but not a root to be seen.
Try just sticking it straight in soil??? JK kind of. It does work..... That's real odd they live that long and no root. Gotta keep trying I guess huh? I do like the look of the GG4 if that's the one your talking about. That one looked a good one. And going pretty fast... If I rememeber correctlly. Keepem Green
Just a fast update. Cooked our own batch of the RSO. I dropped off some herb with our friend, but she's really not doing well. I have a bad feeling bout her. Not that I even care about the product, but she was told she had 4 months to live, 4 years ago. I just recently met her, but I see she's going downhill.
I guess everyone deals with this gloomy ass rain a different way....................... Been pissy ass weather here, and I need as much time as possible. LOL.... But here's the 'Miss Unknown' I been growing. She was a seed that got mixed up from them stupid ass packages..... She got alittle larger than I planed. Anyone who knows me I always want to downsize,,,, good intentions at least. But she sure doesn't need to get wet so we threw a fan on her and pulled her under the patio roof. She didn't fit of course. Keystone Cops alive and well;

Just a fast shot of the BWxBLT we harvested. Looking like about 2 lb's buddage. Maybe 1 lb of secondary buds for cooking and RSO. Considering I almost wrote this one off to bugs earlier;

And one I did lose. Miss J wanted Crippled Rino again. Luckily I had taken a cut, for some idea I was thinking of, whatever that was. But she was perfect to do a reveg, and small enough to make sure she was bug-free. So we'll give her a minute or two in the veg tent. The resurrected Crippled Rino;

And a pic of half of the line-up I'm going to flower young... Told ya I was down sizing? These are perfect for my indoor. I took this pic acouple days back.

Well, that's it from here,,, least for the moment... Keepem Green
Just acouple more. Here's the BWxBLT. Black Widowx Blue Lemon Thai;

High leaf to flower ratio but we got 4 trays like this off her;

I'm also 'TRYING' to do a Amenisia outdoors. She was never meant to be out there, but after losing afew, I had space. trying to keepher dry;

Also a pic of a plant I have in Veg. Called Jack Herer. She looks like something is chewing on the new leaf growth. I looked. And hard,, no bugs...... Leaves are doing a curl look. Could be the spray I did the other day, cept I have 2 both from seed, both starting to show the same problem. I just put her in transtion so we'll see if she grows out of it;

Well I'm outta here,,,,,, Keepem Green
Looks great, Brother! Nice job on saving (errr...preserving?) the Crippled Rhino! :welldone:

Sorry to hear about your friend. Is she on RSO or just smoking buds?

Best to Miss J!
Gonna be a great one... Happy Harvest!
Congrat's on another harvest. Looks like you will do OK even with the pests and weather. :thumb:
Great journal........thanks for all the info......takes about 6 1/2 hrs to read this one.....can't think of a better way to spend a sunday morning....cheers :)
She's been on the RSO I think for 4 years. I've just been having her make it for a split of the product. Miss J ran out so we made some ourselves the other day. Did that method off u tube. So damn easy, and i only ran 1 1/2 oz's of bud, and got acouple weeks supply for her.
Thanks everyone for stopping in. Enjoy DW911. This is like the 4th thread I've done here, I just don't like alot of clutter in the sig of the thread so I only have the current one up. Thanks everyone and Keepem Green
Just a fast kind of update. I want to show acouple indoors girls I'm just throwing in flower. They start tonight,,, er today? Don't matter. I have afew Dr Kippling plants going. The one Incrediable Bulk, IB, is one pretty plant. Growing like a bat outta hell;

And another of theirs. One of acouple they gave me in that contest. And looks like a winner, Mind Cantrol;

And a Red licertease I think she's called;

Also Have a acouple of these going, 8-Ball Kush;

Well that's all folks. I hope all's doing good and Keepem Green
Not sure what you mean by trimming leaves back Greenchef. I'm one that doesn't do defoliating on my girls. Leaves mean growth of both roots and the top of your plants unless the leaves are in the way of the light and airflow for the inside buddage. Now if your talking about the reveg, yes I trim them down to just acouple small buds or leaf area.

This way you don't have a ton of the plant going thru a reveg. I have reveg alot larger plants and they are nothing but trouble with plants being too thick and getting molds. Least to me they are. This is just a strain I want to save. I shy away from doing this, unless necessary to save the genetics. Plant go thru hella stress when they convert from bud back to the veg cycle. Alot of strains will hermie from this later in life. Hope that answers your ? Keepem Green.
I've just seen people clip the tips of the few fan leaves on their cutting to supposedly stunt the veg growth and focus beneath the soil, I personally do not have any evidence whether or not this helps. But I had 100% success with my Jedi skywalker kush clones. I don't have a picture but I've seen it all over this site. I've never attempted a reveg, very interesting concept! Thanks for your response and time man
That reveg was clone I took off a mother plant that got infected with hemp mites and I had to kill. Still this clone had them too but is small enough to killem all off easily. It's a great pain relief strain caled Cripple Rino from Stony Girl Gardens a local vendor.
BTW your are right about clippng the leaves to clone. It also gives you more room in the cloner. But man whatever works,,, is working. And never fix anything unless it's broke right....... And it Sounds like what your doing is working for you. Good strain. Keepem Green
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