Our Ongoing Grows

I need a 15 footer like a hole in my head. I keep saying down size and make it easier on yourself,,, Then I start looking into afew larger smart pots for next year. But next year I'm seriously going to work with some smaller plants. 6-8' is plenty. We'll see.
Didn't really do great this year. Alot of mid range herbs this time. Something wasn't right and they didn't be all they could be. But it did look like I was going to get whiped out this year so.
I went and sprayed my greenhouse and the 'brush pile' down with some Eagle' to help with any mold spores laying around. That's one stout fungicide that Eagle 20EW. I don't recogmend using it on your pot. Alot less toxic sprays around. And besides Miss J needs the greenhouse for wintering afew plants over in. If I was smart, I'd make that greenhouse into another flower room with supplemental lights and a dehumidifier system. But like I said I'm downsizing right? I'll get a pic up of the flower room soon. Isn't anything exciting going on in there right now. BTW the Jack Herer with some odd leafage grew out of it and is looking good now. Hope everyones growing great out there and Keepem Green
Cool CHH. Thanks my friend. Maybe it will help with something. I did a small piece, but I never get 'a buzz' off weed myself anymore. I mean even if I smoke top shelf weed, that gets everyone stoned, gets me a small buzz at the most. That's the bad thing about having herbs ontap. Regardless of the claims that a person desn't get a tolerance built up from weed, it is bullshit. You do. Keepem Green
Life is good. My son, who I haven't seen since he was 14, is bringing the grandkid up for a vist.

Wow that is a big deal. Cool for you

I totally agree you build a tolerance to weed... but it takes years, that is why folks think they don't till one day they realize :cheesygrinsmiley:

edit-- I got a new seed box, it is full too :cheesygrinsmiley:

second edit-- cool to hear all is good in your gardens, it is getting pretty late!
Thanks, Buckshot. Cool that you got your seed stash box filled. Mine runneth over also. I need a bigger boat is all.
I do have acouple pics of whats going on in my flower room. First, this is in my veg, but it's that Crippled Rhino I was wanting to keep alive. Se has just started throwing out something that resembles leaves. Another 2 weeks and I'll get afew cutting going of her. Good pain relief if even I say so. Crippled Rhino;

Ok here's the flower room. I have one more to put in there as soon as she gets abit larger. A strain called Delhi Friend. Her problem is she was one of the seeds that when she cracked the tap root came out all curled around itself. Made for a plant growing out of the soil at an odd angle. And she was ever so slow. Now she started taking off. Not sure if I'm going to plant her,,, or cut her up for a future grow? Well back to the flower room A group shot. I have these under 2 1500 watt master blaster bulbs in Magnum XXL hoods. Here we grow;

First up is an Incredible Bulk;

Then a Super Cheese;

Here's an 8-Ball Kush

Jack Herer, I have two growing;

Also have a Red Leicester Tease going;

I have afew others I didn't get pics of, acouple Mind Can'trols one of them mixed up seeds I call Janet's Jem. I'll get afew more up soon.
Hope everyone's doing great out there, and Keepem Green
you got it going on inside!


Dab to that!!
Yes sir looking very diverse, keepem green:bravo::cheer:
Diverse,,,,, is my middle name. Kind of sucks. It is so much easier to work with 1 or 2 strains. I got girls on step stools, and I'm feeding all the same nutrients, least till I see a sign of deficiencies that need changes. That level canopy is the big thing inside to really crank out that consistent product. Really shouldn't be a big thing cept my lazy ass. So I cheated, and started all smaller plants out to flower. But I LOVE to diversify my stash jars more than a level canopy...
Haven't seen you here in awhile Ketama, hope life's treating ya good......
Isn't alot going on here,,, wait,, shocking news,,,,, my son is up here from Cali, I haven't seen him since he was like 13. He's got the grandson with him. I'm not proud to say I wasn't the father type and made alot of mistakes, but both my boys sure seem to have grown up right. Hense I must have my the right decision somewhere? BUT he wanted to go buy some 'legal' weed.. And I went in too and actually went into a store, and bought a gram of their blueberry, and he got acouple that turned his crank. Like said, some of these growers have skills and are turning out some really good shit.. I haven't bought pot since weed price went from the 10$ 'lid', to a 15$ 'lid'. Of course, these weren't oz's, but 4-5 finger lids. And Import was 30$-35$ per oz. For like Columbo Gold/Red, or some of that top shelf Mexican that I can't even start to try to spell, or type. Use to get these long ass 'spears' from Mexico, had a ton of seed, but was stoney as all hell.
But the garden is in that kind of lull right now, as the flowers first start up. I have afew that are late comers, soo they are still in stretch mode, but most have pretty well stopped. If ya can read the tape, that measurement is on the date of the flip, in inches. They are all in 5-gallon pots of black gold organic mix amended with afew goodies. Using Floranova line fertilizers. Top dressed with soft rock phosphate. Flowering under 1500 watt hps bulbs about 21". I haven't turned on the light rail yet. The last cycle, my motor started to 'skip'. After a second or so it wood stop skipping keep on it's merry ways. Clicked when she skipped. I went to that online store' and found a rebuild kit for like 8$ free s/h I think. It's got a wheel and a spring in it Soooo, Guess I need to pull down the motor and see if that's the problem. Even if for some reason it isn't, I really don't need both rails going. I have a @12X12' room, and my grows tend to be an L-shaped so I don't crowd it up to the door, So I only need the back rail to do a 4' transverse, and the front could be stationary. Those hoods are huge, 40"X30"@, and 4' track covers the whole damn 12' length with pretty good even lumms. I have no complaints, except I want to upgrade to 4 hoods and a split-air a/c unit. Oh well want in one hand.......
Enough babbling..... Hope all's doing great out there,,, Keepem Green
What a wonderful display of indoor gardening :thumb:
Some times I so wish I could go back to using my old hps,, for me its the price of leccy an the heat in that small space is harder to control ,, hey ho though that was great to hear yer son is with you an all ,, an what the what you havent scored since the price went up from 10 to 15 a lid Sheeeet thats so cool you must be cold in the summer time brov made me wanna do some thing I havent done for a while"A-1-2-3-4,, here we go :slide: an again A1-2-3-4:slide:1-2-3-4:slide:,, An thanks have a great day :420::high-five::Namaste:
I just have been busy with life and traveled so much had no time to grow but the oven is on now, and see you have been doing your thing nonstop. Great to hear of the family reunion, my dad wasnt the greatest but life brings chances around if that is what is meant to be just enjoy brother, that garden looks like THE spot great growing oldtimer thanks for sharing wish you all that is best in life brother:Namaste::thanks:
A very professional indoor grow! Very nice!
Nothing better than a good relationship with your kid and I wish for three so bad, (3 sons). Maybe one day. Enjoy the visit.
I wonder how the B.Berry was from the store???
Yes I remember the $10 lid!
Im harvesting again this Fri and again this Sunday.
Wood, Im confused some about Trics. Ive got clear, cloudy and amber on the same bud. Also this site says to check Trics after its dry and to speed dry? First to say this but I believe it so that tells me while its growing if its starting to show any amber its done??? Its only 2nd year for tric checking for me so Im learning. I like couch lock.
Quality time with your son and grandson....... priceless bro!
Your Welcome to stop in anytime Razie. And yes that law is on the books there. Not that they use it very often,,, but they could. I was just reading about a guy there that got life and they just communited his sentce and released him after I 'think' 11 years??
Dutchess, I look at the trichomes as the secondary indicator, I look at what the pistils are doing as my primary timer about the harvest. Also take into consideration what the breeder claims. They are right 70% of the time. When the hairs on the plant are 3/4 brown your close. I looked at you site and on the last page I seen some buddage that looked right to me. But as the hairs turn brown the trichomes should be something like 75% cloudy and a atad more amber than clear, in the other 25%. To me that's right on time. You wanting more couch lock add a week. This all go back to growing a strain more than once and getting it 'dialed' in. Knowing it's needs and when she comes down.
Had a great visit with my Boy, and his 'old Lady,' and the Grandson. It was a really good visit, I just hated to lay this on him that my tests come back bad also. I have to go back and find out more on what they found in a biopsy then did on a swollen gland thats been bugging me. Is what it is. But I did get acouple pic's of that Blue City Desiel;

Also have the one I named Janet's Gem. Cute little girl, least she what she becomes. This is one of the mixed up seeds from that stupid vendors pack.

And I got one of the Mind Cant'rol;

Thats it for a second. I hope everyones doing great out there,,,, and Keepem Green
But I did get acouple pic's of that Blue City Desiel;

Good morning Norcali... can I pick your brain for a second? You see how your leaf tips on your BCD is curling under, well on my GSC I have the same thing happening and I was wondering what it was and how I could get it straighten out. I had read that it could be over-fert and that I should flush it, another that it was a PH problem and I should check the run off it see if the ph is out of range. I just don't know, there are no other signs of distress on the plant neither are there signs on my Strawberry Cake which gets the same feeds and watering as she does. Its baffling and gots me scratching my head raw. Can you help a brother out? Thanks.
Razie, Have you sprayed yours lately? These BCD's have been revegged, and then were sprayed afew times, up to the time of flipping to flower. Both those things will curl a leaf up abit. Spraying doesn't always show any damage till later in life sometimes, and it will curl them leafs. Overwatering also. And I have seen that alot of strains if the leaf doesn't get direct light they will curl like that and get lime green. Alittle defoliation helps in that case. Alot of the leafs I have curling under are from the spraying days, or the older fan leaf, the new growth is in alot better shape. And looks happy healthy.
'''Thanks, peoples'''. Was a good visit with my son. Took him up the Columbia River Gorge for afew pics by the falls, see the trout farms, shame the damn was closed. We got there 15 minutes after closing. Got to meet the Grandson and his "Old Lady'. Like said was a good vist. Hope this finds all good out there,,,, and Keepem Green
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