Our Ongoing Grows

Damn HOT Miller...... Plants are sucking down water. I have to water most of them twice a day.
I see I had posted a no no. sorry 420. I do know you can post this one up. The footage is sloppy but you can see leaves curled up like a watering problem. I just cut down the Oydeusus and fixing to kill off the Mother Superior. Here's a vid kind of long but is ff in the world;

BTW I'm going to be using a dose of Azamax on mine that don't look infected. Daamn I hate spraying but? And these girls are kind of hard to reach the topps....
Things are fine here. Just hot. 100 degrees for awhile. Miss J has been doing a good bit of rest. Next week we'll talk the Doc and figure out the follow-up. Stay Cool and Keepem Green
Bummer, man,
Mites suck ballz.
Ever so true,,,,,, mites suck. These are just the first time I had to deal with these buggers. They are either broad mites or russet hemp mites. They both look pretty close in shape and look to each other. I got a pic of the damage. I sprayed the remainder that doesn't show many problems.

I want to say sorry I'm not keeping up with my thread and my subbed threads. BTW Alaska gave me a call the other day and said to say hello to all. I will be starting up a new garden for inside soon as this weather breaks. Been hot as hell lately. 100 degree for the last 4 days. Seems she broke today. But I got this feeling I'm going to lose alot this year if not all. But it's not mold for a change, sucks the big one. I plan on trying some of the Green spray mentioned in the vid. Hope everyones fairing better than me,,, Keepem Green
Strange looking leaves... Looked like it was anything but mites. No white spots on the leaves. Even with my bad eyes I can see two spotted mites, but these are smaller and have no dark spots to see. First I thought it was a transpiration problem, either to much water, or something with the roots. Then I flushed incase it was over fed, even looked into the ph of the soil. It took a 100x microscope to really see the buggers. i wonder if these came from a nursery I've been getting dirt from? I sprayed with azamax but I still see afew on my girls I have left. The buddage doesn't have that heathy look, with white hairs. I'm waiting on some new mite spray. I'm going to try Old Stage Green Cleaner next.
Stuff is suppose to kill mites on contact, even the eggs. Man if I had a dollar for everyone that claims to kill eggs I'd be a rich mfer. ope all's good out there. Keepem Green
Green cleaner works, but Miteicide is what you want. My hydro store has it but it's costly. Green cleaner mixes 6 gal per serving. I have 2, but have not needed them yet.

Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Green Cleaner is a miticide/funguscide. Soybean oil is one of the ingredients.
If it works is yet to be seen. Keepem Green
stopping in... man my bro just told me "keep spraying!" mites are bad this year! Damn!

I was just going to hit them with serenade
stopping in... man my bro just told me "keep spraying!" mites are bad this year! Damn!

I was just going to hit them with serenade

Does it work for mites? I thought it was for fungal problems, like PM.
Is for PM, but if you only have 1 or 2 mites, if that's possible, it might washem off. JK Around Portland the damn mites have PM. Alittle baking soda shower and they are squeaky clean. Damn little bugs. Least these don't act like they are smiling at ya like the two spotters. These are more sluggish looking varmints. I sprayed acouple three girls with this azamax three days back. I sprayed with a Hudson sprayer, the short plant, a WW strain, till she was totally soaked. I mean she left puddles. The rest being as tall as they are, and seeing my leg don't do ladders unless life or death, I used the fogger and after hitting the bottoms till it ran off, I stood back and shot fog from 10' away with intends of the fallout landing on the tops of the tops. I've sprayed all twice in the last 3 days, tonight being he second. But I don't see alot of changes. I still see them on the leaves. Quite afew still. Seems every plant has them out there. Started with Stoney Girls plants. I know Mikes had problems in the past with mites, and I assume every one I get from them has them, so I spray and keepem off to themself abit.
I do have 7 or 8 smaller plants that can be sprayed completely and brang inside to finish, so these I'm paying close attention to. One of them is a Blue-City, DJ's Blueberry/NYCD. I really want to try this one. She has them dark purple signature stems of DJ's. I want to cut her up for an inside grow, seeing I'm losing faith in what's going on out there. The scary thing is she should be starting to flower and will probably reveg, and second, she has them bugs. But she's small enough I know I coated her well, and reveg's from clone are easy to work with. Something I need to be doing anyways, working with smaller girls............
I'm not going to break out the big guns on these bugs, I'm going to try with these lightweight organic things, oils and such. But I know one good dose of some Avid miticide wood toast them, and their great-grandkids, but it's a symetic miticide that last's 4/5 weeks in the plant's tissue. Might be good stuff if you sprayed early in veg and had time to dissipate. This stuff is the top of the food change miticide except for maybe Forbid miticide. They are them toxic ones.
But anyways I'm going to cut up the Blue-City and hope for the best. I got to keep her and anything new from having them bugs and keep them from recatching them. Going to be hard with all that vegitation I got in the back 40. I also threw in acouple Jack Herer seeds, with an Incredible Bulk seed. I want like 6-8 Blue/Cities and hopefully the seed. I got scared to throw in a Mauy Thai Auto.... Damn thing wood've been better than 10' if I planted her right from jump. Which BTW I am going to grow out afew strains of Flash's Super Auto's next year.
Well about it from the Doghouse. BTW I see sign in the greenhouse of bug also. I'm more likely than not going to lose them all.
Oh well life, live, learn, then die and forget it all anyways. Keepem Green
Man Sorry to hear.
yea the rain kept washing away my de from around the stem
saw a trail of ants today puffed on more de and put a roof for my grow
I got a few eaten leves here and there a tiny moth I kill here and there and of course a few leaf miners here and there
probably coming from those little moths
I'm gonna fine tune and lock up the pvc frame I got for my clear vinyl 18mm thick cover
so I don't have to keep trying to push water off did that a few times tonight its been raining off and on a few days
well its late Brotha Catch you all later:thumb:
Green Cleaner is a miticide/funguscide. Soybean oil is one of the ingredients.
If it works is yet to be seen. Keepem Green

I was told to use this by my local grow shop too for mites. Really good stuff from what I have read and been told...



had to add to this sorry... So I was told GC will kill them on contact but you need to kill the new ones as they pop. If it has been an ongoing thing then they are probably popping constantly. They hatch eggs i think in 3 days if I recall? Neem oil worked for me last year. This year mightywash killed them all but I just treated once with GC yesterday. I have not seen one since the mighty wash. But I have been told it's not the best stuff...
Take all that from a newbie who is on my second time dealing with it ..lol
Hmm man I never had mites, but this completely sucks man. I hope you're gonna get it under control with the planned treatment :thumb:
Well I sprayed the plants with a maximum dose levels of both azamax, first, and then acouple days ago with that Green Cleaner. Tonight I see major gains, but only major gains won't help much. I am seeing some normal flower growth on afew and I just got another bottle of the Green to use tomorrow night. I hear we got alittle rain coming and as long as I get acouple 3 hours of dry, works for me. The bad thing about having these pests, they retard the flower development. Being on as tight a flowering schedule we got here here, I know they won't recover enough for good smoking weed, but I could even use some premature buds for oil or cooking. Another bad thing is I won't feel comfortable growing while I have them running amuck out there. Even tho I started an indoor from seed. As of now I did 1 Incredible Bulk, 2 Jack Herer, 2 8-Ball Kush, 1 of the Mind Cantrol's, 1Deliha Friend? and I just started a Jupiter OG. I also started a Dutch Treat that hasn't cracked after 3 days which is a bad sign to me. I also have afew cuts that are showing talus in the cloner. I'm not sure how to spell that, but I know what I mean anyways. These cuts are from a plant that had probably just started to flower, so I'm pretty sure she'll reveg at a short easy size. Now she could even have them bugs but being that small I'll give them a spray of Safers Soap them wait an hour and rinse. Do that acouple times in a week and I should be able to kill them all.
Well, I'm outta here for a minute. Miss J came out the surgery fine, but they have to go back in again to get alittle more of the margine of the tumour. That sucks but I know she'll be fine. I know she'll out live me for sure. well I outta here, everyone,,,
Keepem Green
Definitely it's better to be in the safe zone when starting another run, so you don't give pests a new home. They say this thing with sulphur blowing in your growroom is supposed to give you 100% certainty you're in the clear. Never tried it myself, but I remember a lot of pros swearing by it. Well good luck, man. I'm just popping in.
Well Hey, Con hope your a happy camper about now. It takes years to really see Cali. you only scratched the surface. But I hope you and your other half are your enjoying your trip I've always been partial to the 'Gold Country'. I never lived 'long' down south. I loved the SF Bay area myself. Me and Miss have had in our minds to take a trip somewhere. I like a dumb shit procrastinate like hell. Now it might be another year. I'm really wanting the Bahamas or Hawaii. But I've looked into a cruise on the Meditrainian Sea? Spelling sucks. Never know, it's kind of costy with all the airfare to include.
Not much to show going on here. My grow room has been empty for a month. Cept now it's a nursery with the seedlings I started. I decided one more tonight. Another they gifted me in that giveaway. Once more I want to thank them. They sent a 5 pack of Mind Can'trol and Red Leicester Tease. Don't ask me to remember that name. But I started one of each. My plan in first being careful about the outdoor giving gifts to my indoor. I'm thinking as soon as they get big enough to handle a preventive spray, I'm going to go with some neem. And keep a regiment up with that and safers soap till I start flowering. 'Man if you ever want to see a fresh looking plant, use safers soap, wait 15-20 minutes and lightly rinse.' But then I'll know if the outdoors are going to make it or cut my losses and pull them. I sprayed with that Green Cleaner tonight. I use that atomizer which is like a huricaine force winds, but it covers well and reaches up to the tops well. Hard part is spraying the top of the top leaves. I'm not to hip on going up ladders anymore so I just spray max and hold it's fog up and it falls on the tops, or I hope. Big plants are a pain,,, to many leaves to cover 100% period. Well that's it for now. Hope all's doing good out there. Keepem Green
Green Cleaner is a miticide/funguscide. Soybean oil is one of the ingredients.
If it works is yet to be seen. Keepem Green

Works for me just about every time. Only once have I had to reapply, but I think it was my fault for being lazy and not wetting EVERY PART of the plant and the substrate.

I would not worry about the indoor part the ones in veg. Apply that green clean all over them even daily for a week or so and I am sure they will be all set. Veg is so much easier to deal with. (as I am killing gnats..lol) Don't wear the same clothes or shoes that you go outdoors with inside. Some people get them that way too.. I have yet to see another mite and I check daily. But soon I will spray Gc again for good measure..


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