Our Ongoing Grows

Welcome Ganjababy. Feel free to speak up whenever you care to. Place is a nice social network.
Going to keep this short. The pump is at the scrap yard. Man it's interesting how many times you use stomach muscles. Getting in and out of bed is the worse. Lifting your legs up and down really hurts. SOOO I'm going to say thanks all for looking in. And I will update in afew days. Plants are all started in flower now. And they all seemed to have stopped stretching and started putting on pistils..
I'm going to lay down for afew. I feel like I got hit with a baseball bat in the side. Till later's
Keepem Green

Stay down for a while you old Fart.......I thought this might be the results......Miss J can water em for now.

Take care you old rascal! Love you old friend.
Thanks peoples. Damn I don't understand this,,,,,,,,,,,,, I've been having 40% of my auto seeds damping off. As I scratch my head. Same method I been doing for years and same soil, similar lighting. Makes me wonder if it isn't in the seed.
I also started afew new ones and they ok. I had 1 damp off outta three. And that one was a troubled child anyways. She didn't get a good start in life with her tap root curling around abit. So I could see her having problems, it was called, The Incredible Bulk, don't ask me where these names come from, I guess they are running out of new ones, but the GSC jumped out nice, and one called Space is off and growing. I claim all guilt killing off my first 5, but I just lost 3. I've only got a including the 5 I fried of 11 outta 20 that are, and was', up and growing.
Well I'm going to go relax for a minute. I'm starting to feel a lot better and don't see any problems. It's starting to feel better now the swelling is going down. Like I can bend better. Besides it's too depressing here in the Office. The only other thing besides the PC is You have to look out the window. Tho we have had some nice weather but still;


Makes for a good day that's for sure. Keepem Green
I just happen to have a picture from outside looking in the Office:

I'm just throwing out bear bones in the typing department. The Cheese stopped stretching and now filling out. Damn she has ALOT of leaf matter on her. 6' about high leaf to flower ratio.

Also a closer up of the Jack Herer. She was the last to start throwing out flowers"

And the pretty Church girl. The last I grew of her outside was in the dirt floor of the doghouse, I do have to say if anyone really wants a monster plant,,,, Grow directly in the soil.
Well that's about it for a minute. Oh Church"

A lot of monsters going out there. I see 4-5 plants that will yield over a pound maybe 2/3 on one.. Keepem Green
Nice Garden Brotha
I don't think where he lives you have to start indoors
whats your summer light like 18 hrs or more?
Easy to grow a weed. Alittle sun soil and food ever now and then. Brightlite's, I found here if you throw a plant out to early,,,, she'll flower. So to get afew of these strains I did start inside and let get alittle size before I throw them outside. I'd imagine you could start alittle earlier outside if from seed. They take awhile before they become a adult, like a week or two from sprouting. But here I'd say the last week of May is safe. I have a clone that is flowering now but she only vegged for 2 months,,,, and She's about 10' now! She's grown taller than the mother I took the clone from. She's not as bushy but she's 2 foot taller. She's the tallest plant in the garden.
Keepem Green
This Is sad. I mean if I can see acouple seeds on my girls,,,, I KNOW there are a lot I can't see..........
Man he, she, or it, got a lot of my plants. I just hope the transsexual mother fer didn't get mmore than I can tell. Acouple are swag now and afew have minimal seeds from what I can see. Guess the damage is done and it is what it is. Jandre that's one thing I always worried about, a big hemp field up the canyon and some strong wind. And now it's legal and every mothers son is going to have plants growing out back. I feel sorry for a lot of them. Stuff's going to be a learning experience for sure. As long as my neighbor over the fence don't have to learn what a male looks like. But I do have a dustshroom on my intake that should screen out pollen. It's been doing a great job with all the PM spores we have around here.
Well just a update on what's new here. Here's a list of new plants I started working with, Dela Haze, Moby Dick, a Cheese variant, Blue OG, Vantage, LA Connie, Lemon OG, Super Bud, and 1 regular Lee Roy. Plus afew regulars like Cripit, Crippled Rino, Cassius, Sugar Plum and a SLH. I did grab acouple pictures tonight of the Silver Kush. Tomorrow I get out some better lights and get afew closer pic's.


Well hope everyones gardens are green and Keepem Green

Man, sorry to hear that pollenation urination catastrophication...man. Looks Primo tho'!
How I got to say this,,,,,, this new ballast, Galaxy 1000 dimable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I just ran one for 8 hours and you can barely feel any heat from it. Now most of my life I've used magnetic and they can get warm. This sucker I didn't even think was on. Time to crank on the other 1500 watt Master Blast HPS in the flower room. I really love the ballast that Galaxy. If it get hot you can back em up on the watts till the spell passes,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or you get a A/C unit.
Dude has a medical store in Cali. He's screaming for product. And he throws out a decent price. Guess they having troubles with supplies. I need to move to Southeast Oregon......................................... Man could get rich I the next 5-6 years. I mean really rich.....
Well back to my little bitty grow. My flower room is a mess. I mean I got bits and piece of plants in there now. A lot of strains I'm pretty sure I'm going to cull this time when they finish. I do have a nice new bunch of starts, but they are going kind of slow. I have cut a square in the base of my house furnace. The unit sits on top a blowback box? Well it's just a metal bottom sitting on top the concrete. Well I added a closeable vent to it and it blows heat into the office. Office? Well my man cave? ah my veg tent, ah the dog house, hell isn't never been a garge. Keepem Green and Happy Holidays'''

This is why I just can't skip through the pictures and not read the whole dang journal. lol Thanks for all the devotion you put into a journal!
This is why I just can't skip through the pictures and not read the whole dang journal.
BINGO! The key to following a journal and understanding it.
Moss now that's a Portland ID if I ever saw one............. I got that shit on the roof pretty bad, even gets onto the truck, my yard everywhere. I get a feeling we will be talking soon seeing we in the same next of the woods....
And Cisco where you been. Been along time. You know you don't have to have a thread to comment. And whens the next thread anyways????? Hopefully you got your situation taking care of and you can start up again soon.
BAR putting reason to my thread is something that should never be attempted. Just a lot of babbling as we all know.....
Thanks CCH.

Well sorry I'm not doing a lot of posting right now. Nor any 'really' big things but I did get afew pic's out back. This is probly about 50% of what I have going right now but here goes;;;;;;;;
First a Libery Haze. Oh btw Cisco I do have afew sativa's going out there this year. A lot of faster flowering strains around now so I've been experimenting. Miss J calls it Zippy and this is two I have. The taller is really a cutting from the other. The cutting is alittle over 2 months old;

Here's one I never planed on leaving outside. She's alittle tall to come in but if I have to I'll park her in the center of the flower room for her last couple weeks;

And this was really suppose to be a joke plant out there. I thought she was really going to get some height to her. She's still pretty decent sized. I do have open rafters in the garage......Naw I probably shouldn't expand to another whole room of lights..... OR?

Here's a sharp little bush. Alittle affie in this one;

And acouple old timers from my gardens. Local Portland strains,,,,,


And a screamer quality herb here;

And last but not least I got a walnut tree out back. I also find afew sprouts dug up from my starter pots. They were replaced with walnuts.
The culprits;

Well that's all I got for a minute. I do have afew new strains I decided to play with. A GSC from Cali, a strain called Space, a Cookies and Kush, and another called Sweet Amnesia. Along with a lot of auto's. Hopefully everyones gardens are doing great. I will say this getting your spine cut does leave a pain in the back. When they took the pain pump they had to undo the plumbing to and it was stitched into my spine. Oh well just another ache and pain. Life Keepem Green all my friends.
Looking good Brotha I just threw a la connection gsc into a paper towel
thinking of trying to get the bc bud depot version and their animal cookies
possibly a cheese too
Hey NCW...good to hear you're getting better. Recovery is slower the older we get....everything is tougher for that matter. Those are even bigger than the trees you showed us last wk....WOW!! I have the Cali GSC going outside. My 1st time for cookies. She went into full bloom in early July. That's early for my place. A good surprise. Don't know how she'll smoke but she's definitely putting out some FAT flowers. Amazed how completely green all the OR plants still are that I've seen. Yellowing out is well under way down here. Well take it easy before all the harvesting work begins.:Namaste:
Yellowing is happening here to Bright Lights. Early yellowing could be a nitro thing. A lot of worm castings. A lot of people use to be worried about mad cow with the blood meal, but I've used it for afew years seeing I seen product was from tested animals. A source of nitro, I used acouple large bags of worm castings total in my soil mixes this year with just enough to carry the few plants I got going inside in veg. Which I'm going to have to fire up that tent soon. Kind of late in the year to veg anymore out there, and temps are still warm for sure, so I'll start small with a 300 watt CFL. I have like 5 strains I'm going to play with inside and I'll post pic's later. I remember you asked abit back about when I put mine out, and if they were started inside. Yea a lot where started inside between
8 and 12" starts. I put mine out the last week in May. But I do alittle extended lighting with a light for acouple hours in the evening for a week or two just to be sure they don't revert to flowers. They are green for sure. Miss J stays after any yellow leaves for now. Kind of like a gray hairs, you yank one and a hundred come to it's funeral. Hell I'd be happy with gray. Mines slowly waving good by. The Old Lady if after me to get a hair cut for split ends, hell I think that's 2 hairs for 1.
Sucks getting older. This back and pump removal laid me out for over a week. The catheter from this pump was placed in my spinal cord so the morphine wood drip directly on the spinal cord. My back has been sore in that area for years and this surgery really aggravated it. And now that I'm feeling abit better I guess I need to start back to work. Miss J's been filling in with the watering's. But I guess it's time. You know your getting old when vegging out in bed watching TV makes ya tired...........
With these temps so high and needing to fire up a veg section,,, I been thinking of buying acouple of these cheaper LED setups for my mother tent. It's one of them 36X20X4'. I wonder what is needed in wattage just to veg some small sprouts till temps drop in the fall and I can break out the HID's. I see acouple 300 waters for the same as a 600 watter. My thoughts are 2 300's wood have a better footprint. Or could I deal with acouple 150's?
Just acouple fast pic's of the Rocklock. Beautiful plant;


And I 'think' this girls going to be purple. I can't wait till the temps drop below 70. JK but been hot as hell here that's for sure. But ever since this girl popped a flower out she got that purple hue to the underside of her leaves. And the tip's done started.....

Well that's it from here,,,, hope all's gardens are nice and green,,,, or even yellowing.. Keepem Green
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