Our Ongoing Grows

Some truly gorgeous plants there Norcal!

I've been growing for a lot of years but I'm ready to call it quits now. That is really artful cultivation at it's best. :goodjob:

I've also been working on developing some of my own auto strains. I have some I've crossed with LR1 and after an accidental discharge, (nocturnal emmision?) ;) in my grow room, ended up with a few hundred of a couple of regular strains crossed with an auto called Purple Jem. It's a nice strain with a buzz I really like and it's parentage is Mazar x LR1. One of the regulars is a cross of L.S.D and BlueBerry, both from Barney's Farms. L.S.D. also has Mazar in it's line.

The plan is to grow a bunch of these out under 24 hour light and only keep the best of any that flower within a few weeks of sprouting to breed more then do it again a couple times to get something that is all auto and worthy of smoking. Lots of great threads here to help do the breeding right to get a pretty stable strain. Then try to make femmed versions of them with the colloidal silver I'm already making. That's the plan. lol

I'm going to have to wander back thru your thread and see how this stuff all came together. :passitleft:

Hey Brotha is it leaking off the edge of the container where the lid attaches?
you can put up a curtain of sorts and just tape it up on the lid around the edge itlle keep the water from reaching the edge and leaking out
I do that on my netpot lids before I did that I had water leaking out the edges now it is no issue
just a though if that's where its leaking
Well the leak is due in fault they made the spray manifold in two part that are 'pressed together' and some water sprays out between the fit. It still works as is but I just got a tube of the permatex atv stuff, should do the job. Here's the bottom of the manifold;

You'd think they wood know about a problem with it. But I still haven't tried the cloner yet. I'm kind of letting my gardens finish up. And then do the same here as Old Med User is. Welcome OldMedUser and CaptinBlast. And thanks everyone for stopping in. She is a thick plant for a cheese there BAR. Knock on wood I get afew of these in.
Once more thanks all for looking and welcome the new Peoples. Feel free to ask anything and Keepem Green
If you are going to be using some sealer on that and need/want to be able to take it apart easy and not have to reseal it everytime, put some dish soap along the tab side, shoot the sealer in the clean and dry slot side then put them together and let setup overnight or as long as the sealer takes. Then when you take it apart it should be like a custom gasket. Mark the one corner of both parts so you always put it back together in the same place so it fits. WD40 would work or that spray on crap for frying pans but we don't want to poison anyone. :)

Thanks ya'll Sorry I haven't updated much as of late. I really have too much to really do a update going on right now. But I have flowers starting on my outdoor babies. The first to show flowers was my Sugar Plum. She's a monster...... Going to end up just about 9/10 foot. I got a Liberty Haze out there, man she's a tall girl. The top I took acouple months back is about 10' telephone pole. The topped girl is close to 10'. I do have acouple cutting of her inside and she still is a tall lanky plant. She don't really fit in my indoor flower room. I like to leave my lights almost to the ceiling minus the hoods and the light rails. She requires a light a lot closer to her to work with. We'll end up seeing if she makes nice donkey dicks like she's suppose to.
OldMedUser, damn tounge tied with OMM. Guess you get filed with a OMU. You know is not often you ever need to get in to clean that unit. Alittle water and shake hard for afew will clean it. Well as least as well as needed for cloning. But she is sealed and I ran water thru her for acouple hours to make sure the atv is really cleaned out. BUT OMU one nice thing is the company did ship me a extra,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Just in case.
Well as soon s I get feeling abit better I'll do a update. I have a Hashplant that really will make some great pic's. And a sweet one that's smell really does show at certain times in flower, called Cotton Candy Cane. Damn I wished I'd cloned her instead of the ones I did.
OH WELL,,,,,,,,,, I'm planning on working abit with some auto's. I have 8 just started looking for a good female. But thanks for looking in everyone. And Keepem Green
me and tequila don't mix everytime I drink tequila I have losses of memory :rofl:
. She's just confused but she keeps flowering????

I got one like this... the weird weather has affected all of my plants

Well as soon s I get feeling abit better I'll do a update.

Hope you feel better soon. Your plants look great. I have not fed or watered all season :yikes: I have to get some pics, they still live but are stunted from both weather and lack of care. I knew I could not baby them this year so I put a little extra composted cow manure in the holes and it has sustained them without anything else. I do have to get some bloom to them.

Hope the Ta-Kill-Ya did not :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well after recovering from one nasty hangover. I have just about stopped drinking but every once in awhile I break out a jug. You know your getting old when it takes acouple days to recover from afew pulls on the bottle..............Oh Well Life
Going to be taking one of the Hash Plant Hazes I've flowered like 11+ weeks. It's got a crazy flower pattern. Reminds me of a Northern Light strain I grew once. It didn't really impress me. Hopefully this ones comes out better. And I started afew auto's up just to see the field of pheno's I get. These plants flowering so fast I hope they have time to reverse sexes.
Welcome Rat to my humble abode. And welcome everyone else I see that came bye. I'm not one to address each person on a one to one,,, but I do read and will answer any questions.
Buckshot this girl has flowers as thick as my calf, Which isn't all that big with all the atrophy my appendages have taken. But it a weird one. I guess it's time to cut a clone and try out the new cloner. She'll get alittle weirder now that I plan on revegging her. But she is unique. Hey if you ever have to leave plants to fend for themselves, you can add some of them polymer or 'water crystals'. They will help cut back on watering needs. But I love them slow release organic's. Like the bone and blood meals. Bone meal has a lot of goodies for the girls.
Well Alaska came down to take afew laps in the pool and kick it for awhile. I got a pic of him wandering around out in the Back-40;

And as he walked past the Sugar Plum. This girls is throwing out flowers fast as hell. This strain is one from Stoney Girls. They really seem to transition into flower faster than all the others I got going. But here she is,,,, oh and that's Dave too;

Acouple auto's peeking out;

Here's the Rocklock going to town and just started throwing out pistils;

I also got a pic of the Hash Plant;

and Cotton Candy Cane;

Well that's it for a minute I hope everyones gardens are doing great And Keepem Green
Sweet Update Brotha tell the old dude in the pic I said whats up
well have a Great day nother storms heading this way well see how we fare
Welcome Ganjababy. Feel free to speak up whenever you care to. Place is a nice social network.
Going to keep this short. The pump is at the scrap yard. Man it's interesting how many times you use stomach muscles. Getting in and out of bed is the worse. Lifting your legs up and down really hurts. SOOO I'm going to say thanks all for looking in. And I will update in afew days. Plants are all started in flower now. And they all seemed to have stopped stretching and started putting on pistils..
I'm going to lay down for afew. I feel like I got hit with a baseball bat in the side. Till later's
Keepem Green
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