Our Ongoing Grows

Well we all survived the 4th and no one needed bail monies. Just afew burnt fingers, damn cheap firecrackers. Alaska made it down burnt some herbs, btw thanks for the Rino. Took a swim and kicked it for awhile.
I really hate to say it but soon the bleeding hearts will do away with the 4th. As they are trying to do with states heritage. It's a shame but I won't go into that. Atleast the supreme courts kicked in in SC.
But about the 4th, come on. my favorite holiday,,, All looked great Buckshot,,,,,,,,, As long as the cannon didn't blow up.
Black Powder is hella fun... I got acouple of them Little Civil War ones, I'm talking 1 inch barrels. that make a hella bang and raise some smoke and smell. Seems anything we have that's fun people snivel enough to get it outlawed. But there was tons of others doing their fireworks so we didn't hold back either. Those mortars called Excalibur are screamers. 24 shots for about 65$ and to me worth every penny of it. Shocking thing is I have New Years left over. I was really surprised as many peoples was out blasting with all the dry weather going on here. Hot too.
Enough babbling. I should be doing a regular update but oh well
We'll just wanted to say hey and send well wishes and hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. I'm just recovering. Alittle Markers Mark and shrooms worked great for me. Well I do have pic's to download and I'll post later. Hope everyones grass is green,, and Keepem Green
sounds like you had some fun Brotha I need to see if I can save me some cash for new years
its a bigger holiday here lots of fireworks legal and illegal :thumb:
Well we all survived the 4th and no one needed bail monies. Just afew burnt fingers, damn cheap firecrackers. Alaska made it down burnt some herbs, btw thanks for the Rino. Took a swim and kicked it for awhile.
I really hate to say it but soon the bleeding hearts will do away with the 4th. As they are trying to do with states heritage. It's a shame but I won't go into that. Atleast the supreme courts kicked in in SC.
But about the 4th, come on. my favorite holiday,,, All looked great Buckshot,,,,,,,,, As long as the cannon didn't blow up.
Black Powder is hella fun... I got acouple of them Little Civil War ones, I'm talking 1 inch barrels. that make a hella bang and raise some smoke and smell. Seems anything we have that's fun people snivel enough to get it outlawed. But there was tons of others doing their fireworks so we didn't hold back either. Those mortars called Excalibur are screamers. 24 shots for about 65$ and to me worth every penny of it. Shocking thing is I have New Years left over. I was really surprised as many peoples was out blasting with all the dry weather going on here. Hot too.
Enough babbling. I should be doing a regular update but oh well
We'll just wanted to say hey and send well wishes and hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. I'm just recovering. Alittle Markers Mark and shrooms worked great for me. Well I do have pic's to download and I'll post later. Hope everyones grass is green,, and Keepem Green

More and more of our rights are being taken away .... and the sheeple don't make a peep
More and more of our rights are being taken away .... and the sheeple don't make a peep

yep I gotta agree with Brotha Buck
Great line there Buckshot. Agree a 100%. More things have been taken than we ever will know, till we try to do it. I don't have the right to really complain seeing I've never voted, when a president can lose the peoples vote but win a electoral really proves what I always believed, it's going to happen regardless what I think or want. Like the governments same sex mandate. Supreme Court for the sheeple's. I don't want to get going on that but one that really gets my goat is the attempt to take down Mississippi State Flag. Being Southern Born and Bred,,,,,And I know it's our heritage not always hate. I had afew Great-uncle's and mu Great Grand Father killed in that war. I have a Rebel Flag hanging in my garage that say's 'I ain't coming down' which I bought to show support when they wanted to ban the Flag at the Olympics in Atlanta.
Oh well I'm babbling.
Hey sorry I haven't been on a lot lately. Hit one of them bumps when I don't get much posting done. But I did get acouple pics like I said. Kind of old know but I'm going to throwem up anyways.
This girl here totally outgrew her pot. Since this pic I've repotted herand MAN that was fun. I didn't break but one of her minor branches. I didn't see her going this big But she looks like she'll need alittle work as far as tieing her up. Jack Herer;

Here's One of my auto's that I got going. I'm pressed with this little girl. You talk about smelling like diesel I'll call her auto#1;

And one I've got that afew people really claim helps headaches. BTW +'s on the Crippled Rino Alaska1. She isn't the biggest yielding plant one can grow, but still respectable.. Crippled Rino;

This one, Liberty Haze, took of right from the start. Miss J calls her Zippy. Well I did a Uncle Ben topping on her early in life. Her top is straight as a ridge pole and as tall. Least this girl's got 4 solid main cola's against her clone' single;

That's a Sugar Plum behind her. Those two are racing for tallest plant in the bunch.
I also got a shot at a fat ass Cheese plant. Inside weed from this one rocked. Like I always say I'll never find a 10 on my scale but she's a solid 8-8 1/2. Hopefully she'll work here in Portland. I have gave all my plant a dose of actvante or something like that. It's a organic fungicide from what I gather. Works as a drench or a foliar if possible. But here's the Cheese;

We'll Im going to try to get afew more pic's before dark. Once more thanks for looking in everyone. and once more sorry for the absence.
I do have to throw a question out there. I know a person should use regular seeds if possible to do any breeding project,,,,, but I really want to hear who, if any have reversed the sexes in the feminized seed mother/fathers'. I'm starting to think of breeding auto-flowering fem seeds for people to grow here. Portland has shit for real weather and auto's will be the easiest for the newbies, hell last auto I grew was comp to some of my purer bred strains. Not bad seeing the cannabis rudius part of the plant is no more than small hemp plants as far as quality. But I've seen afew that when finished at the longest brightest time of year that will make your head swim. I just bought a shit pot of fem auto's from Spain, I think, but at a great price. I plan of finding afew mothers in all them for seed. I wonder if fem wood make a good pollen donator.
Well I just downloaded acouple better pic's of the auto's I got going and getting close.



This one is crazy sticky and stinks to all hell. This is from the company that I'm going to get a bulk shipment from. I mean sticky;

Ok I'm outta here for a second. I'll try to catch up on my PC time real fast but till then,,, Keepem Green
Excellent looking plants :thumb:
Thanks people for the great words. I have to say this, as we all know, it takes a subject. Herbs are about a potheads favorite subject, not that that matters, she is simple a pretty plant plain and simple. Alittle food and some light and you got a piece of landscaping. I grew a plant once that I had trained to grow around the handrails on a front porch. Man come evening she was in full sun and it sure made that old farmhouse look pretty.
Wow I do have acouple fresh pic's and a horror story that I really knew was going to happen. The Purp's,,,,,,,,,, she was a grow gone bad to start with. She got about 4' tall and I ended up getting my trip seeded. Well I simple cut her back to like 2 1/2' and let her go thru a reveg. I have learned long ago if you need to reveg, it's better to reveg a smaller plant. Last year I had put acouple plants outback alittle early in the year, namely a Berkley Blues. She was around 4' tall when I threw her outdoors. Learning about the overcast weather we get here, I guess I chucked her out alittle early and she false flowered on me. I could've let her grow out and tried but instead I yanked her. Did that too many times, a big reveg doesn't really ever seem to lose her flower sites, and she generally comes back with 1,000's of branches. Both of those traits can be a bad thing. It cuts back air and makes a plant contract PM and bud rott much easier. I mean ALOT. And it also them 1,000's of branches wicks up a lot of water making her get kind of top heavy. Well weight and a lot of branches makes for a hassle. As seen here; Purp's

We got alittle rain, finally, and I woke to this,

I know I could've put some bandaids on her and saved a lot of the branches but that's a lot of work for a plant that will more than likely rott on the stem anyways, so we just clipped her. I really want this plant tho. I guess I'll cut a clone as I should've from jump. Now very interesting,,,,, After revegging, she started flowering again in peak daylight hours. She's been showing flowers since before July 1st. Not any others are cept the auto's. Strange I'm going to have to get a cut of this confused girl anyways. Who knows she might continue to flower till harvest. Or maybe harvest Sept 1st? That wood be great here. This is a secondary branch off her,

I still have a cool little plant going out there,

Also a pic of the Church I got out there,

Inside I've got afew starting to look decent. First this one was one of the best quality herb I've smoked in awhile. Not the best yield but stoney as hell. Lee Roy. I'm growing 8 of her now most in the form of single cola plants. They look to yield just under a oz per. I topped two which look like over a oz and grew the last in a larger pot with very little extra yield over the smaller pots. Not worth the expense of
triple the soil. Lee Roy;

And last I have a Haze going. I received these two Hashplant Hazes as freebies like in 2009 in regular seed. Well both turned to be fem sooo I had to growem. Going to be a big yielder for sure. Starting to look like maybe a 6 oz plant in the one I figured S'ed to keep her short. Then I let her go from her ties 3 or so weeks in and she remained short.

Well I want to thank all for looking in and I will start making afew rounds to all my friends sites. Anyone??????????????? Anyone turned their fem seeds male for breeding purposes? I just wonder how that worked out. I've flipped regular seed before and wasn't a problem, but I wonder if others ever had problems such as nonviable pollen or mutations. Hope this made sense, I'm off to laa laa land Till Laters Keepem Green
Great update Norcaliwood.

I'm not sure if this is what your looking for but, look up "Toker69" journal, he's not here any more but has a great journal for making seeds out of fems (photo & auto) using cs just like Chronichemphog. Hope this helps.
Forget about Mike, I wanna grow up to grow like Woody!
I think she'd be game Pop's. She sure does work her finger to the bone come harvest time. If these auto's work out I plan on growing out a lot of smaller plants. They are kind of dare I say 'cute' little plants........... Miss J trimmed this little one I'm chewing on, with her eyes closed. Instead of sparking a dubie you can torch a plant;

here's acouple others of the same girl. Looks close to a oz;


I'm going to see what they had going on RSO. I know I tried flipping a fem seed awhile back and I didn't get viable pollen. Least I'm pretty sure I didn't. At the time I was just playing around to see what wood happen. I remember she produced nanna's, not what I call normal flowers that pop open and have petals. Well I wasn't serious and didn't try pollenating anything. I did rub it on a girls but don't remember much cept I was disappointed. Now I do know from everything I was taught and things I've read your best to always use regular seed for breeding projects or even mother plants. Fem seeds are genetically altered plants to start with. I'm going to order 5-10 regular seeds from a named strain that's suppose to be a big, acouple oz's wood be great, producer. I'll use that to flip over to a male to collect pollen from. Then pick the best few females from these mixed bag. I already have a lot of peoples interested in getting their stock from me. I see tracking my seed, they hit New York. They are coming from Spain I think. Company is on the ball in the speed department. And they do have a great bulk price. But I'm going to take a look see at Tokers thread..
Well thanks all for looking in. I am get alittle better about posting some pic's lately. I do have that Hashplant that's really starting to shape up;


and one last;

Well once more thanks for driving thru everyone. And I hope all's gardens are green and Keepem Green
OK you sold me. No rot in that plant quick and already drying... I am gonna work on some seeds too
Let ya know what the smoke is like soon there Buckshot. I do feel at about 70 days I could've let her go another week and she might have thrown alittle more meat on her bones, but respectable for what I'm thinking, but I've take larger that's for sure. A lot of the experimental seed thrown in my mix, so who knows what I could get. I'm not going to be able to do a big selection, but I do hope to atleast throw 4 of the best looking females in to seed with a reversed plant. But really for the ease of growing,,, I think it's perfect for Oregon. I do know the earliest auto's were really crap plants,, well the smell of paint thinner from this last auto beg's to differ......... Hopefully she's does as well as she smells anyways. Tha Shintiz???? whatever she is,,,,,, she's a odd plant. She grow's 'totem's??' least I've heard them called being before and is fitting for what she seem's.
Well I'm off to enjoy some good country western. Was hopefulling old Alaska1 showed up. But I have from George Georges cranked up playing "Whose going to fill their shoes",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, God bless the boys from Memphis. Hope's all's doing great Keepem Green
Just a fast update. I did get acouple interesting looking pic's of the Elephant Ears we are trying out outback. It's cool the way the ears unroll. This plant is a pretty heavy feeder. I guess she needs be seeing how large of leaves she puts out. That's a La Connie in the background.


And I took one of the Auto#2 sticky plant that's for sure;

Well that's all folks for now. Hope all's doing good out there and their gardens are growing great Keepem Green
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