Our Ongoing Grows

Nice healthy veg :thumb:
I love this time during the outdoor grow... the plants look so good before they are attacked!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Really nice!
Hey thanks all for looking in. Group thing. I do enjoy everyone stopping in and having a peek. Hopefully I'll have something good to look at come Oct 1st. Hey I'm lucky if I get Oct 1st with my outdoor girls. Those girls I just put in barrels are really loving the wet 'cold' conditions they are dealing with. Some thrive on it. The Crippled Rino is going faster now than if we had good sunshine,,,,, which,,,, we might get a chance to open the pool this weekend................ There goes acouple hundred to get the temps up to acceptable range. It's just acceptable to me anymore is 92 degree. Steam off the hot tub at night.............. We still have to calk the expansion joint around the pool but that's no hurry. Did get all the fascia around the house primed and ready for top coat soon. But damn now that I'm looking around the whole pad could use a coat. Next year. My little funds are dropping fast and I have to rat hole enough for Miss J's Birthday,,,,,,,,,, which is going to be at a casino 'right' next door to the opening day of firework sales at Indian Casino's. Enough Babbling for a second.
I just seen Mike updated something on his website Stoney Girls' He's going to be giving away seeds come July 1st. Some of the FIRST LEGAL MARIJUANA GROWS ANYWHERE. Check this out;
Stoney Girl Gardens | Gardener . Educational Consultant . Alternative & Holistic Health
Well a afast update here. Just afew pic's,
A shot of Cripit or two;


I also got acouple of the Crippled Rino,,,,, great plant for outdoors around here.


Ok here's one grown in a 6"X6" pot. Blue OG. I haven't got a good dry bud to test yet, but last time I grew her I wasn't 'really' impressed. Don't get me wrong, but I need alittle better than what she was. Well last time for her. Smooth smoke with a 8 day flush with a small bud I tested. Looks like 2 1/2 OZ's of the small pot;



Nice looking pot. Easy to grow. Multibrancher for sure. And she just about held herself up.
Well I'm going to pour another Jack and go watch a Simpson. Family Guy isn't cutting it anymore. Or maybe I just need alittle more powerful herbs before I cut her on? Well I'm outta here. hope all's doing great out there. Hell if your around Portland on July 1st go grab afew seeds from Stony Girls. Mike and Jenifer are good peoples. I've been working with him since I moved here.
Well hopes gardens are green, and Keepem Green
Looking awesome as always. Very cool of your seed folks to do that.
I want to thank all for stopping in and hope all's gardens are doing great with fat buds and full stash jars.
Hey public relations stands solid. They are great peoples with a good heart. Jeffinfer is a C survivor. I'm happy to see her life all without narcotics. I've not gotten deep with her but I understand she's in remission, or without sign for awhile. Mike's pretty cool and teaches some horticulture classes up at the collage here. He's a great grower with much respect from here. I will say his finish times are abit 'longer' than claimed. But really that's ok they are the most acclimated strains I've found for here.
PSTD welcome but for now I'm not in Cali I'm up in Portland area. But it works for me. Thanks for looking in.
Sorry I've not updated for awhile. Things are alittle busy here. I've just about got all the girls transplanted and almost have my flower room emptied for the hot weather. Still hoping for alittle extra money to upgrade the main power box so I can hook up a spilt air in the flower room. next year I hope.
Alaska 1 came by and got here the first open day on the pool. I sent him home with acouple clones I had laying around,
Just acouple fast pic from acouple days back. First the Jack Herer;

and a pic of the auto's. I really think auto's are going to be the 'thing' for Portland area. Harvest way before the fall rains without the worry of Bud Rott.;

Well that's all for now I'll get afew updates soon. Till then hope all's doing great and gardens are fat Keepem Green
Just another fast update,,,, I get tired of seeing all the squirrel diggings in my plants,,, but what ya going to do?

It's called squirrel and dumplings. One of my favorites if cooked right. And damn if I don't love fried squirrel the best if a person knows how to cook the tree rats. But these are 'city squirrels'. Least that's what I tell kids that freak out when I say I love 'em.
I have acouple decent shots of the Cheese variant I'm trying out there. First time;


Also the Crippled Rino;

Acouple more;

I just cut one of these from the indoor. I didn't get a pic but great yield of good smoke for sure. I got about 3 1/2 oz's off a 2' plant with a 'large center cola'. Coke can plus sized. I'm going to get a cut of her for sure. Rocklock;

And afew others I've got. This isn't all but most of the on deck's. I also have a skunk started. And just started a Blue Dream for cuttings come fall, for a SOG I want to do come fall.

Bout it from the back 40 here hope all's good. Keepem Green
A nice mix, they all look awesome!! That liberty haze looks like... a male!
First I want to thank all for driving thru. Miss J really loves her yard. Kind of earthy even with 75% of it concrete and water. Makes for a mellow place to kick back and have a bongie and have a drink..
Kind of does don't she huh Buck? I didn't really work with her at all in the topping department. And it's from seed, I started her inside in a very unorganized veg tent. I had plants of all different heights and some had to compete for light. I only took her main top as a clone, due to her height, but I want to see what her main cola comes out like. So I kept a second going. But the plant is a reacher. But it's a fem seed, least I hope.
Well I wanted to post up acouple fresh pic's. I've got those two auto really starting to crank out some size. And they are just starting to flower. The one called Tha Shintiz or whatever is a nice plant. She's got much more going on in the way of branch structure. Which I hope up the yield alittle. I still really think auto's would be a great Portland area plant. One thing I really wish is they wood veg for another week before flowering. But here we go;


I have most of these labeled so here afew more. I do have another of these Dela Haze in flower and about done. One plant that has a 'Great' smell. Very sativa-ish



and this girl is ready to bust out with flowers. She's loaded with preflowers. Least I hope they are pre..................

Well I'm outta here. And hope all's doing good out there, Keepem Green
Hey ya'll first thing I have to say is you have to have pretty subjects if you want a pretty picture. I really can't thing of a better subject matter myself?????????????? Thanks all for coming bye. Like I said before I group all my replies. No sense in having a million page journal when you only have 250 pages of real writing. But I do see all that posts, likes, and such. And any questions will be answered, so feel free to shout out. I'll always answer any questions iffin I can. But I am alittle slow on updating on others posts. I might not post but I do gander a lot,,,,,,,,,,...........
I have afew fast pictures to update on here, acouple I haven't really shown much. I have this little girl, Star-47, which I kept instock for acouple years. She produces great in the form of a smaller plant, 4+ oz's on a 2 1/2 footer. I kind of let her get outta control. But why veg any other way if ya can. Next thing ya know, you gotta clone to get a smaller plant for inside. I'm probably going to take all her main tops soon for two reasons, one I want acouple to fill in indoors, and two she double in bud production by harvest time. We got mid 70's and mostly clear skies coming. Errrrrr that's if you can believe a weatherman here in Portland... I'm hoping for a foot of height on afew of my girls this week alone. Weed loves loves this weather. But here's one I'm going to clip abit on soon.

The little reading I've found on this girl sounds great for around here. But then they can really make them ad's sound SOOOOOOOOOOOO good. 5th Element;

I heard the other day Lynyrd Skynyrd was coming back to a local casion close here. Chinook Winds. Place has such a small venue, even tho I just seen them acouple months back with Bad Co, Great Concert!, and here this place holds 500?,,,,I thought maybe, I could get front rows seats for 100$. Must be cell phones,,,,,, damn this was sold out in a hour. Oh well guess I'll have to win a my three tunes contest? LOL answers aren't hard,,,, just being the 9th caller. I could always give the phone to Miss J and blame her? Life.... Miss J is bout the best thing ever happened to me. Shh her B-day. I might surprise her this year. There is this casino I know,,, right after the fireworks sales booths''''''''''. Going to be 'LOUD' here in afew weeks. I just found out a friend got popped last year for fireing off afew rounds, fireworks ofcourse?,,, But 1500$................ Fine............
Another sleeper. Called Cotton Candy Cane;

And as forewarned,,,,,,, a Church. I've had nothing but respect for this girl since I first grew her. She produced some of the biggest 'Donkey Dick's' I've grown in Oregon. I mean monsters. Please ganga god's give me Oct7th for a harvest date...................................

And this girl that should finish right on time seeing her genetics being a 'Alfie' and all,

>>>> Ravis Tritt cranked............................. And that's bout it here really I will get acouple updates on a Dela Haze soon. Oh man someone needs to bottle this girl. Shes smells better than oh well someone might read my post? But some of the sweetest smell in awhile. Matter a fact Miss J's son, who I grow for, said this girl made him have sinus problems. I'm curious to see if it was something else. So I'll slip him a taste and see if he bitiches? Keepem Green All....
Lynyrd Skynyrd ... that will be a good show. I hope you make it!

You better watch that dang haze plant ... :hmmmm:
LOL at winning a contest. I did once way back to go see Alice Cooper on his Welcome to My Nightmare tour. I had to name a tune as fast as possible. They made it easy and 3 other fools drew a blanks. The song was Duke of Earl. How simple could that be?
I came back on because I was going to post a pic of the Dela Haze. Second go around with her. I like it myself. It's got that sativa smell and finishes right about at 8 weeks. Pretty go yielder too. The buds here still have about two weeks to go but they are getting pretty solid. Easy to grow plant needs minimal help with some support tho. Hardly any stretch. This one has the makings of a great plant if one was to SCROG one.


Well got to prep alittle more. Got a homie going to come put alittle paint on some trim. Keepem Green
First I want to thank all for driving thru. Miss J really loves her yard. Kind of earthy even with 75% of it concrete and water. Makes for a mellow place to kick back and have a bongie and have a drink..
How could one not love it Woody? A self-made Paradise.
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