Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks for looking in everyone and Welcome Arcanum and thanks for the words. I try. But I really haven't put out anything really good lately. After problems and compounded problems indoors, I think I got it dialed in once again. Least till it falls apart in about a year again. JK I wish.
But yes CCH we love the concrete. It is only concrete but I think we did the best we could,,,, and got a great price on the whole 9 yards. The concrete has a rose color Miss J wanted that will look great up against the pool pavers. We still have to do the expansion joint. Stuff's a bitch to work with, least last time I did any butyl chalking. Shit sticks to everything and forms these little sticky threads every time you pull back your tool and then gets everywhere. You can pour any color sand to color it but I like the idea of plain gray to make it pop. I will have some girls on it for pictures soon.
I also broke down and ordered some more seed for a new vendor,,,, least new to me, And they just happen to have the best deal in town on some freebies. And I see they are sponsors from acouple different grow sites I post on. I ordered these,
◦ 1 x Dutch Passion Seeds Blueberry Feminized Marijuana Seeds
◦ 1 x DNA Genetics Chocolope Feminised Cannabis Seeds
◦ 1 x DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush Feminised Cannabis Seeds
◦ 1 x Humboldt Seed Organisation Blue Dream Feminized Cannabis Seeds
◦ 1 x Cali Connection Seeds Girl Scout Cookies Feminized Marijuana Seeds | Weed Seeds
I lost my Blue Dream so we'll try again as the Girl-SoutC's I lost. But for acouple days, till the 5th sometime, they are giving out 10 freebies. Got to have my seed. I plan on throwing acouple auto flowers I have out also. The Snzits or something like that sounded like a good auto. I put both I had on a paper towel tonight. And I got a full tray of clones coming out starting tomorrow.
Once more thanks all for taking a looksee. I hope alls gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
Hey Brotha Next time you get seeds
2 strains I would advise you to try is medi bomb 1 from bomb seeds and prozak from medical seeds
the medi bomb is pretty consistent on stability the prozak I only tried once but damn
hope all is well catch you on the flip side :thumb:
Thanks all and Welcome Cajun. Must be from alittle further south than Little Rock......... Hot country. Welcome. Always good to talk with ya Pop's Well not a lot happening here cept getting ready to start up the outdoor girls.
Just got my first load of soil. I'm going back to Black Gold Organic mix. It's worked great many times over for me. I've been using promix-hp inside. I like the way she drains fast and leaves good air too. I think it's best for a faster plant inside. Outdoors I'd bet a strong wish wood topple her over. And besides working with clone, which a lot of mine are, it can hurt without a true tap root to go straight down and make a nice support system.
Anyways, Black Gold, with blood/bone meals, worm crap, for now, bat crap later, and afew tablespoons of marine cuisine. I also use Extreme Gardens Myco granules at any start of clone or transplant of plants. Also I like to add extra bone meal to the mix. It's a good long term source of calcium. 2/3 bone over blood works for me.
I got a shot of afew youngings I just started. Don't ask me what I was thinking when I started all this mess. The 2 Hash Plants are regular seed and acouple weeks back I must had wanted alittle pollen to play with. But these girls surly wont ever finish outdoors. HashPlants can get rather unruly. I can't rememeber why I wanted the pollen BUT it was a good idea,,,, at the time. I'll still grow her. The other I plant of vegging outdoors for abit and see what she looks like. I like the name Cotton Candy Cane

Like I said about the bone meal, and that you never know till ya grow what a plant may require. I'm thinking this is a cal-mag problem. So she just got dosed last night along with some Super Thrive. Next feeding I up her micro nutrient part 10% or so and see if it helps. Called Rock Lock. I love her indica stance. Solid plant with almost no space between nodes all the way thru flower. But here's what I got;



I also have a shot of the Purp's. Man plants grow crazy in reveg, and I know it must stress the hell out a plant but sometimes ya just have to do what one must or loss the plant. She's going to have 100's of bud sites on this one. Hopefully she go over 10' by haverst;

Well I'm outta here all and thanks for looking in. Keepem Green
Well once more things alittle early yet here to really throw outdoor girls out there. You kind of have to watch out for them yet here. Day's are about 14 1/2 hours,,,,, still a worry to throw out a clone that's been breed under max fluorescent lighting without going into flower. I do have to say if one was starting seeds,,,,,,,,,,,,,, chances are they woodn't go into false flower if started last week even. But plants are what they are. I bring mine back on the patio at night and put them all in for alittle supplemental lighting till 11:30 pm. I got a 60 watt white flood light and one 2, 23 watt cfl daylight bulb out there. I Now I have 12 strains out there. And I want to get another new Crippit cutting going too. The last Crippit I was growing lost her vigor. So I'm going to start fresh from seed again. It's been a great plant with no complaints. I'll get a pic later of her.
Transplanted 6 out/door plants into intermediate pots. I'm holding back on the big pots till closer to June 1st. That's a safe date to plant here in Portland anyways. And I don't feel the need to carry larger pots at this time. Talk about time,,, and the waste of it......... I got a friend and she got in trouble for a dui. Well girls doing good and really trying. But she still like a drink every now and then. Well one day after work and two mixed drinks, along with a cheeseburger in a 2 hour period,,,,,, she gets a dui on her bike because she didn't have her light out and on. They want this to be a 3rd dui which can be a felony. Now That's a JOKE... And a waste of time and monies. She's taking it to trial. And I know 12 people going to see what a waste of resources this truly is. OH well I hit the stand as Miss J does Wednesday. If I get to say what I'd like too,,,, they'll lock me up to...................
Well acouple fast pictures to post up. I had planed on working alittle with this Lee Roy strain from Rare Dankness. The herb was the closet I've had in awhile to one hitter quitter. I figure with alittle dialing in she might be a good one. My first,,,, well second grow was the smaller bud on a stick. I started flowering real short and ended up with about a 18" plant. She didn't or hasn't yet fill the stem but what she has is solid as hell. And I just juiced her tonight for her last dose. After this tap water with molasses. She will fill in alittle better with 10 more days. This is day 52;



As stands looking like 2/3 a oz per. I only did two this time,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but I got 8 more clones cut and 4 are in dirt as I type.
I'll do more updates soon oh I got another fast pic. These girls right to left are another RockLock and a new one called Fifth Element.

Well I'm outta here for abit. Thanks for looking in everyone. I hope all's grasses are green and Keepem Green
Summer is around the corner so it's good to have something outside going already. Good to know things are going ok :tokin:
hey I heard something about corn whiskey ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

actually it would be an honor

Keepem green
Look what the cat drug in. Yea been awhile Quix. Same old here. Not much changes but the date. Hope you got your stash jars filled.
Thanks Con23. Even last year I tried to push them out a wee bit early. I had a 3+' Berkley Blue start flowering, and I didn't want to mess with it so I chopped her. I really had to thin them out anyways, in the numbers department. But I do have acouple big starters ready to transplant. And they really are ready, but I don't feel like dragging full half barrels around the yard. Besides heavy they wood I don't want to be the first to starch up the new concrete. I cut my barrels, like 60/40 %. for finish pots. Theres a food processing plant that sells them for 10$ close. Great outdoor pots. Alittle 'bright' to use if there is a chance of problems incase they are seen tho. These are usually blue ones. Great to see your up and going over there also.
You'd be more than welcome Buckshot. One day I want to get over to Hawaii and meet Pop's and CCH. I was raised on that stuff back in Arkansas and even tho I can't really mess with the stuff anymore, I still like to take a reminder pull even now and then. Speaking of which one day I need to fire up the little 'home style' cooker. A pressure cooker, some copper tubing, and afew odds and ends and your up and going. Makes a quart in a batch. Hope things are growing great over your ways.
Rain here. Cloudy and wet. Calling for the same for the next couple days. Then sun? I got to say the weatherman here has a hard job. It's next to impossible to tell what's going to happen here. The weather changes so fast. But they do know when a cloud bank is due to roll in. But it's about time to let the girls grow out there. I do wonder when these damn flowers are going to finish falling off the reveg Purp's I'm growing. She still has a lot of flower material on her.
I do have acouple fast pics to throw up. First I ended up finishing the flush up on the Lee Roy. I did that outside and I left her outside for the cooler night. I should've gave her acouple more days in, but I'm running out of herbs around the house. As a matter a fact we're smoking herbs I have left over since last fall. Some Marion Berry and some Purpit. I've worked with this one acouple grows. She doesn't go crazy in the stretch mode. These were alittle smaller then I wanted, but live and learn. I have 8 clones rooted. I plan on topping two of the larger ones and do single colas on the other 6. Here's that Lee Roy er Roy's;


I also have a shot of my Church from Greenhouse;

Also my Cripit. If I don't get up the hill to replace this, I'll have to do the reveg again. I should've never listened to Miss J on this one and kept her going. It was just that I lost the last couple I flowered to either PM or pollen But I got disgusted and wasted her without a clone. Cripit;


And last I have nice bushy Greenhouse's Seeds Jack Herer in veg outside. I seen a lot say this was a heavy sativa plant. Not this girl.

Well that's all for a minute. I hope everyones doing great and gardens are green. Keepem Green
Like the Church. It looks almost like OG Kush :hookah:
I wanta say sorry I got on alittle late to wish all and thank the well wish to all, in the form of a great 'Memorial Day.'
Don't ask me iffin this is proper English but makes sense to me.
I love it,,, finally got some good weeds in to smoke. That Lee Roy is ripper. I had cut a smaller bud and rolled acouple dubies tonight. And they worked for a change. I cut the Lee Roy at 62 days. Here's a pic with alittle better lights;



Sorry I'm going to be blasting out a fast update. Kind of been busy transplanting........ I sure hope I timed it right and don't end up with a bunch of false flowering bitches out back. I use that term affectionately. Hope they heard that..........
I got a pic of my Crippled Rino, fresh after a transplant to a finish pot. I'm using my old favorite soil. Black Gold Organic. I do amend my soil with 'alot' of worm castings, some blood/bone meals, and Marine Cuisine. Throw in some Mycro's and some actinavate or whatever she's called, for fungicide. And I'm done for awhile. Later I'll top dress some bat crap.
But a lot of people rave about this girl for pain relief. Some say she helps with head aches. That a hard one to fill. Most weeds accent headaches. I do know she's a sticky one. I'll be harvesting one shortly and will have some pic's of her flowers, and 4 or 5 others. But here's Crippled Rino, fresh after transplant;

I also got a shot of acouple others. One of these girls is one of my indoor girls. She makes a great production plant staying short and producing some of the thickest buds I've produced indoors bar a God Bud aways back. That's the Star-47. The 5th Element is a first grow. Reading up on her, she sounds like a good outdoor girl to me;

I also got a shot of my Jack Herer I transplanted to a finish pot. 'WIDE' ass plant. I've topped her afew time till this pic. Anymore and I'm make her a problem plant I think. Jack Herer;

Believe it or not, is 3 cubic feet of soil in there. My half barrels take 4 cubic feet of soil apiece.
Ok here's one waiting for me to get to the store tomorrow and get some more soil. I've gone thru 12, 2 cubic ft bags so far. this is a Oregon Strain I've played with and got some great weed from called Sugar Plum. I have like 8 of them rooting in the cloner to gift afew friend that want to try their hand growing with the new laws here. I really think these peoples should really start with a auto flowering plant myself but none have ordered seeds. I'm seriously thinking of buying a 20 regular seeds grab bag from Short Stuff Seeds and producing some seeds for next year. Auto flowering, 'a plant anyone can grow outdoors' as a label. But here's one I hope get huge. She's going in 4 cubic ft of soil tomorrow.;

Ok I did say I have afew starting to come out. Tonight I threw a Purple Train Wreck outside. She's been flushed thoughly with some clearx and then ALOT of tap water for the last 7 days. I figure couldn't hurt for a colder night or two till harvest. Here's the whole 9 yards;

I did cut a smaller bud. She's got 4 'main buds'. This is a secondary one. She stinks.




Well I babbled enough. Guess I need to go flush acouple more out. I should have one coming out each night for the next week.
Well Memorial Day,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That tells me it's getting close to Miss J's Birthday. And that means a trip up to Washington to the one armed bandits, And the firework booths next door! I do plan on a monster firework display this year. 100's of mortars. My neighbor down the street tryied to steal my thunder last year. He failed.... But I KNOW he's up to try again this year. OH WELL. Fool don't know what 4th of July means to me. Looking like Alaska#1 should be here for it. Sure hope he does, I sure can use another person with a propane torch lighting wicks of fireworks. NE Portland is going to comp any city fireworks display.
Well done for a minute. Hope everyone's have a great season. And all gardens are green. If up in Portland,,,,,, come see the best Fourth of July. Bring your own shrooms....... JK ??????????????? Keepem Green
Gratz Brotha Shit man I wish I had money and time to come up for the 4th sounds like your gonna have my kinda fun :thumb:
Congrats Woody.
Thanks thanks. Bout time I had some decent weeds. I had a lot of 'mid's' left over from last fall. But we're going to have a trickle of good weed till fall now. I always run out anyways. I have acouple peoples besides the ones I have their cards on my wall that I provide for. They have their medical cards it's just I'm not their grower. I generally give them herbs at 5$ a gram. That makes me run out alittle faster. Well I'm sure hoping for a banner year this fall. This is my start up line up;




and one more;

These are just a few. I also my acouple auto's I threw out there. One is from a grab bag from Budda Seed's mix pack.

I'm going to keep this short. Hope all's doing great out there and Keepem Green
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