Our Ongoing Grows

Well my friend not sure what that is but I'm going to look right now,,,,,,,,, Dude the look like the same family that's or sure. I see they make eats too I see. Makings of a munch out. Damn I know ya'll got that fine white salt water fish that cook up like surgeon and ya can chuck up a lot of roots that cook tender. These are called Thailand Giants. But they sure look close from some margins.
Well I'm off to start my auto's...... Seeds came today. Not that these first 4 I started are really in my first grow for seed, but never know might try throwing one of these into fem's into male flower. The auto#2 yield is about 2 oz's. I could've worked with that one. But I do have afew to work with. A lot of these are pheno's they are experimenting with, which is plus for me. Never know hat you might find right? Well that's about it from here,,, cept I still have a Purp's in full flower. And she don't look like she's going to slow down. Even tho he's in full flower,,, I have to have a clone. Well tonight I have o pre-wet my soils. My mentor drilled into my head that the first soil drench is the most important one. Those baby roots need to do their magic in the first couple weeks. That's the most important time in their lives. Any restrictive conditions might hurt the yield. Later I'll try on gallon containers. These first ones are going in 3 gallon 'smart pot's'. Knock off's but comp. in design. Well off to the rodeo,,,,,,,,,,,,, Keepem Green
Isn't a lot new here. Cept keyboards doing a lot of skipping. Guess she's got her share of crap fallen between the keys. But all's great. I had acouple girls out back that yelled for a dose of fert's over the recipe I had in my dirt. Not that they are hurt,,, just show need of alittle greener upper. A nice thing we had was alittle rain. That's always nice for plants in veg. Cleans off the dust and bugs that might have accumulated on the leaves over time. We all love a shower. I do have that Purp's out there. Man she's confused. She started flowering shit way before the 4th. Hell Alaska was here and she had just really started in full flower. Well she hasn't slowed yet.
I have had a problem as of late but I think I have the cure. My last set of clones was thrown in the trash due to high temps'. That damping off and the sluggish brownish roots that peter out in growth once started. Well should've listened to a friend and bought the 'better' unit in cloners. Temp's really have a lot to do with it. Temp's in my garage change 20 degrees throughout the year. Well outside of the cloner temp's hit 82,,, inside,, they are still rather 'warm' to the touch. About 86-90 inside a black EZ-Clone. Well Miss J got tired of the last Bitiching I did and bought me I think the fix. Called TurboKloner. I seen his unit,,,, well cloner, and it's alittle bigger than I care for. But it impressed me,,,,,,,,,Sounds funny. But this unit has a small fan that exchanges the air inside the cloner.. I had the smallest setup, a 16 unit one and upgraded to a 24. Hey that's more than I need. But I can really see the need for the larger units. To easy to 'crowd' your work on these areo cloners. And they do warm with warmer temp's. These are what he told me to get from jump street. He's got them stacked in a closet 3 units high. Still a lot more work than I care for. But I can see he was right about the summer swelter.............
Hydroponics Cloning Machines - TurboKlone.com - Join the Revolution
OK let me see what I might have on camera tonight. I did take acouple pic's everynight. It's just 99% don't make the cut............
This girl I've been talking about a lot,,,, and she'll be the first clone I pop in the turbo. Long story bout her,,,, she was vegged then flowered and cut back at 3' to reveg again. Well end of June she started flowering again. She's just confused but she keeps flowering???? I best get a cutting;


I also got a pick of two little ones I'm going to flower up now;

They should be in full flower in 3-4 weeks and then days will be short enough to throw them back out to finish acouple weeks early. It's a Blue Dream and a Super Skunk. Also started my last Dela Haze which I truly love. The Bud's have it all,,,, smell, taste, and look of the sticky-icky type.
I also grabbed a shot of my Hashplant;

and one more to round them out,,,,, kind of on the larger size this one. I hope she goes 2' taller by harvest time. Sugar plum;

Well I got 4 seed cracked with 2 above ground already on the auto's. I'm starting two more every couple days till I figure out what I'm going to do. I think of these first 4, which were selected from seeds that looked as different as possible, I might take to biggest baldest and try to flip her to become a male. If she acts stupid and won't conform,,,, I get some regular seed for the female pollen. But I will produce seeds. Pretty sure I have close to 5 stores wanting product... Not to mention people I 'brang into the fold'....
Well one more drink and I'm outta here. Hope all's gardens are doing great,,,, and Keepem Green
Also started my last Dela Haze which I truly love. The Bud's have it all,,,, smell, taste, and look of the sticky-icky type.

Hello NCW. Good update. Agree...DH has become a favorite of mine too & besides indoors it does well outdoors down here. Their Jacky White might be worth a look for you. Grew them side by side twice outside. I liked them both. Input I got favored the JW. Grew its Belladonna inside but not up there imo w/ DH or JW. Paradise does seem to have quite a few sativa dom. strains.
Thanks for the compliments all. Miss J does a lot of the upkeep too. For as little of square footage out back is soil, we sure spend a lot of time in a garden.
Hey Brightlight, I do love the smell that girl puts out. Funny Miss J's son complained last time I grew a Dela Haze that it effected his sinuses. You know how weed seems to effect people different over the strangest things,,, like being tired etc. So I tested him with the last batch I grew. This Dela Haze is one of the most complex smelling herb I've grown since Godbud, now that's a crazy plant. Well this Dela Haze has so much going on with terpenes I can see it might effect them, and did do the same thing to him again. To me it's like tearing up candy. I love to get alittle on my fingertips and rub it into my mustache for a whiff later. Someone should make mustache out of a girl like this. Sad thing is I just threw her in flower without a clone of her. Yea I can still cut a clone but really I need to start working with these auto's.
Speaking of auto's;

One of the first 4 damped off. I started acouple more. Out of these 5, I hope, I will find the one that flashes the most vigor to see what happens when I turn her male and get alittle female pollen to play in the future with. If I get viable pollen I'll find afew good mothers in my next set of auto's which will be a much larger selection to work with. I'm thinking of ordering another 50 regular or nonfem seed if this girl don't act right.
I did get my new cloner today.

I love it. It's got a great spray pattern that rocks. Fully loaded it weighs less than the ezcloner. Got a rocking manifold with 6 jets over the 4 on the ezcloner. Cost alittle more but, afew bucks is better than brown sluggish roots. Hold 24 clones and for 15 bucks I got the dome. Who knows I might need it someday with something else. But it has a exhaust fan that will help when temp's get up there;

Speaking of smells. Took acouple sample buds off the Hashplant. She's a good 10 weeks in. One, this one, is turning gold as ya can see but her sister is still throwing out flowers. This one has been flushing for the last week and coming out tomorrow I think. If all goes to the plan. She's a DNA genetic girl. Her sister is one wicked looking girl. But this one just started putting out a great smell.


and last;

You know all I been cutting for the last week has been afew little Lee Roy plants. I don't know why I grew a lot of these in single cola format. Little small dense nuggets on her. But the weed,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a solid 8.5 on my scale. I grew 8 plants I started flowering when about 5" and got a average of a oz per plant. I wanted something with a massive, once again Godbud comes to mind, center cola. These have a 4-5 gram main bud. Weed tastes hashy with great legs in the high department. But this Hashplant Haze should tip scales at
4 Oz's and her sister easy 5 Oz's
Well I'm done for the night. Well I lied still got afew girls to water. Oh I did throw my small Blue Dream, Skunk and the Dela Haze into the flower room. It's pretty empty in there. Oh I do have one that's starting to look pretty, strain called Cotton Candy Cane. Name sounds like she should hurt your teeth on her. Thanks all and Keepem Green
Sweet Buds Nice new Cloner Winner Winner Chicken Dinner :thumb:
check out the pics I just posted on omm's off topic thread
I am really confused by the new cloner... Mayve I've smoked too much for being 7-8ishpm, but wth is with the fan on the bottom? Is that for cooling the res? Seems a little overboard for such a small res.... Maybe I just don't understand warm climates?
I just clued into the strain. Man sorry, I've been so stoned!

Hashplant haze. it's funny cause it's got that lemon green of pure hashplant, and those red red pistils from haze. Ugg this looks like it might be a favorite on my end. I'm adding this one to my shopping list.... hmmm or I could just get hash plant.... AND HAZE!
About the cloner there RFC iffin ya don't mind for short but temps play a lot with getting clones to really grow out with nice bright white roots. I usually run my cloner in the garage or spare room depending on temps but temps been way up there from us. You get above 82 and better at the root zone seems to slow my shit down and makes algae and rotts infest easier. It sure looks like over kill and I know half the year it will be for sure but least now I can drop the reservoir temp's with a flip of the switch. I don't need the dome to clone with but 18$, I'll get it just incase some plant needs extra humidity for a time but is a small like 1 1/2 gallon res she sits on. The little Ezcloner I been using has a 2+ gal res. There is a little one way valve that lets this fan blow cool air across the water as it falls back like a swamp cooler or cooling tower. And exhausts the heat. Hey when temps are back respectable,, I'll unplug the little PC fan she's got. Cool units, wish I opted for it before the first cloner.
Hydroponics Cloning Machines - TurboKlone.com - Join the Revolution
Now who knows I could've reused bad gel or something, but first guess is temps. I want to run it in the flower room closet. But till I cut a whole in the ceiling, temps will be a issue in there. Abient temps are 80 in there and even a T-5 in a closed closet generates alittle heat. Even the black color add's alittle to temp's. Hopefully this works out any problems. Hey no one ever need say anything about sorry stoned here. Least I aint, less it's to cover my ass when I put my foot in my mouth. Not that that ever happened????????
Speaking about that Hashplant Haze, I looked and from the seed bank I work with they don't carry them anymore. Not saying others don't have them in stock and afew other breeders might bred the strain and name the same. How many White Widows are out there. But I have two totally different pheno's that's for sure. The one I'll call #1, turned golden red brown and looks cuttable now, atleast 1-2 weeks before #2 will come in, About 70 days now and just starting to show alittle reddish colors to the tric's.I haven't even sampled her yet Brightlight. But I'm chomping at the bit. I even have cut up a small bud, from them pic's, so she'll speed up in the drying process. Now if the old Lady don't find it and smoke it. Honey'' was it any good though, and she woodn't remember what she smoked but she's stoned........................
Now the Hashplant #1

Typical bud structure that one. Nice musky smell and a good coating of trichomes.
But her sister.......... She spiny, Looks like a cactus with them things growing out her.


I did get one other strain I got going. Cotton Candy Cane,,,, whew CCC from now on. She was a freebie and no clones been cut. I've got to make space for the auto's I'm going to play with. I want to have atleast 20 mothers to choice 2-3 out of for seed. Besides I just threw those 3 girls in and will have to deal with them. You grow a auto I myself feel one should take full advantage of the extra hours of daylight one can give them. I'm thinking 20/4 On/Off with the lights. Hey I can veg flower sprout do everything in the same room. Cooooool Here's the CCC

Well off to do something. Probably going to set Hashplant#1 out back for Miss J to wake and get to work......... Keepem Green everyone
Yea CHH she throwing up totem poles least I've heard that use to compare and rightly so. But the flowers are kind of poky. I ended up taking Hashplant Haze #1 out for cutting in the morning. Sure going to be a easy trim job for sure. I did sample so quick dried and she has that hashy taste The Dela had a 100 times the smell and she was like fruity, sweet, syrupy smell and taste. The Hashplant more earthy musky smell and tastes abit like perfume does. I happen to get afew more pic's of her tonight;


and one last;

These will be the last of her seeing I don't have any clones going. Really I'm going to be devoting almost all my space on these Auto's. The smoke from the last two auto's I grew out was pretty good. I got the feeling I'll have acouple real gems in this bag of seed.
And so right about having it when you need it. Right now my cloner runs empty and I'd sure need the fan because we are breaking the 100 degree mark a lot lately and another day or two this coming week should be up there real close to that. 103 day.
Well off to see the wizard. Hope all's doing great out there and Keepem Green
wow at least you like autos I haven't found one I like yet and it makes me hesitant to try more
CCH it's not that I've found a 'great' one yet, the quality is respectable, I'm just thinking of the ease and grow time involved and the place of growth. The weed I got off the last 2 auto's was pretty tasty and respectable but I've had a lot better in regular strains, but I got got high hopes to find one that rocks and nail the shemale into reversing again? Well I'll find out soon.. I plan on growing the first few just to smoke with. But if I see a stand out,,,,,, I am going to flip it for the pollen to usage in the next grow. I'm going to start shopping for afew regular seed to get female pollen from. I just really feel I should be looking thru genetically pure stock for a pregnant female,,,, Well a sperm donater ???

But a fast update here. I have the long and short of it. Between a LA CONNIE and Miss Sugar Plum;

Also got acouple shots of the Purp's. She been flowering for the last month and a half. Should I let her grow??????????????? TIME will tell;


Also got a Rocklock going. Broad big plant;

Also wanted to throw a pic up of the Cheese Variant I have;

Ok one last plant pic,
It's the shorty called La Connie.

And I have a last pic. The cloner I just received man she's in two pieces??????????????? I haven't figured out that one yet,,,,,,, cept she leaks. Company is great... They sent a replacement within a day,,,,, but hell,,,,,,,,, she leaked as bad. I just wanna thank the efforts,,,,, I don't have need of a third manifold do I?? and guess I'll just cure the problems. Can't blame the vendor just the engineer huh? And really I love the weight and the spray patterns thrown out by this unit. I mean she really sprays all cuttings easily. I speak highly of this unit. Keepem Green
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