Mars Hydro FC-3000 Shines Down On Babygirl’s Sour Livers In DWC: Sponsored Grow

Hopefully she doesn't revolt against me and hermie on me!

Much the opposite I would think. I still see a few pretty large ones blocking light to bud-sites. You opened her up really nice. Check out my last few entries in my Jack Herer journal .. around 2 weeks into flower I basically strip her. They love it, always. Gives a sense of how much you can take off without her minding at all.
Quick update … wont bore ya’ll with the numbers but basically ppms up, ph up, water down 2 more quarts. But what the hell is THIS?!

Calcium deficiency.
No freaking way! really??? I’ve already upped her calcium some / if I up it much more those ppms are gonna hit 1300 or so!

I know it's not lockout because I RELIGIOUSLY keep the ph between 5.0 and 6.0 if at all possible
She’s down almost a full gallon(in TWO DAYS) … ya’ll think I should add a gallon in with just a good does of calmag?
You can foliar feed her some cal-mag, that way it won't mess with your ppm's
She’s down almost a full gallon(in TWO DAYS) … ya’ll think I should add a gallon in with just a good does of calmag?
I'm no hydro person but I know a calcium deficiency when I see one. Could you be locking out Ca with high amounts of some other nute? Phosphorus (P) locks out Ca at high numbers, which is why folks running bloom boosters can see Ca deficiencies.

Also, I'm no hydro person but I have never seen anyone pH at 5.0 in DWC before, though it seems to have been working fine!
You can foliar feed her some cal-mag, that way it won't mess with your ppm's
Stick with the dosage on the bottle? (2 tsp/gallon)

I'm no hydro person but I know a calcium deficiency when I see one.
Oh hon, its not that I dont believe YOU - its just that she hasnt had a problem thus far so I was wondering if it was something else :)

Could you be locking out Ca with high amounts of some other nute? Phosphorus (P) locks out Ca at high numbers, which is why folks running bloom boosters can see Ca deficiencies.
Doubt it because she still on the same nutes she’s been on for weeks … havent switched to the bloom formula yet cus she technically doesnt have flowers yet.

Also, I'm no hydro person but I have never seen anyone pH at 5.0 in DWC before, though it seems to have been working fine!
Yeah, I always aim to start the pH at 5.0 because I know it usually swings a full point over 24 hours and this way I’m guaranteed she’s got all the butes available from one end of the ph spectrum to the other :)
Soubt it because she still on the same nutes she’s been on for weeks … havent switched to the bloom formula yet cus she technically doesnt have flowers yet.
As plants go into flower their requirements change, and the can change before we see what's happening above board. Your cal-mag is 4-0-0 so boosting it will raise you nitrogen, which needs to be taken into account when bumping that. There are other brands lower in N (and some that are 0-0-0).

Does your flowering nute have more Ca in it than your veg?
As plants go into flower their requirements change, and the can change before we see what's happening above board. Your cal-mag is 4-0-0 so boosting it will raise you nitrogen, which needs to be taken into account when bumping that. There are other brands lower in N (and some that are 0-0-0).
I didnt know that. I thought since N wasnt listed on the calmag bottle thatt N would be zero (I’m still learning!)
Does your flowering nute have more Ca in it than your veg?
Not sure, I’ll have to check in the morning.
Botanicare says 1 tsp/gallon twice a week max. (Cal-Mag Plus)
@Carcass - see the link @InTheShed just posted above. The brand I use says 1 tsp/gallon for SOIL, but for Hydro and deficiencies it says 2 tap/gallon.
The brand I use says 1 tsp/gallon for SOIL, but for Hydro and deficiencies it says 2 tap/gallon.
I read that-I don't think they're talking about foliar feeding- soil or hydro don't make any difference if you're spraying it on the leaves and not adding it to the res or watering it in to the soil.
I read that-I don't think they're talking about foliar feeding- soil or hydro don't make any difference if you're spraying it on the leaves and not adding it to the res or watering it in to the soil.
Got ya - I see what you mean :) … how much should I spray her down? How often?
1tsp/gallon, no more than twice a week...although, I'm just going by what Botanicare says, but they should know.
Concentrate on the undersides of the leaves, that's where the stomata are, and they're what absorbs stuff ... :)
1tsp/gallon, no more than twice a week...although, I'm just going by what Botanicare says, but they should know.
Concentrate on the undersides of the leaves, that's where the stomata are, and they're what absorbs stuff ... :)
Thanks @Carcass :) ... I certainly wouldn't have know to spray the undersides of the leaves!
I certainly wouldn't have know to spray the undersides of the leaves!
That also makes it a pain in the ass to do, since most spray bottles don't spray upside down- if you elevate the plant, like on a ladder or something.
It's a lot easier to spray under the leaves when the plant is at eye level, or a little higher .
I’m going back to the low pH - setting the mix at 5.0
Plants in DWC can take up nutrients very fast snd uptake of some micronutrients is enhanced at pH below 5.5
You could be looking at an excess which is antagonizing uptake of others.
I’m thinking maybe Manganese or Zinc.

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